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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
    Shepsicles? I'm not sure I wanna know...

    I have a teeny question. What's this FBI thing I keep seeing? In peoples sigs and locations? Just curious.
    FBI = Flanigan's Body Inspectors...
    Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


      Originally posted by majortrip
      Goodnight, all! Need some rest...
      Trippy that piccie is GUH!!!!! I nearly passed out when looking at that! I don't recognize it, so is it from season 2?
      Anyway thanksfor making my morning!!!

      Beanie, sorry you're still not too well! Get well soon! Only just over 2 weeks until you can see Sheppy on a nice big t.v. screen. I honestly think I'm going to need to be sedated soon, that's how excited I am!!!!


        Originally posted by Linzi
        Can NEVER get too much Sheppy wetness PM!
        I'm a little disappointed there's been no wetness this season so far, fingers crossed for later in the season, though I gather McKay
        will be getting very wet in Grace Under Pressure. Why couldn't it be Sheppy?
        I'm trying to stay positive on this one...
        McKay's going to need rescuing right? So who better than our Shep to turn up in a wet-suit looking all underwater-y gorgeous yum!!

        I can but wish and hope!!


          Oh yum...that pic is drool-worthy. I'd like to know what episode it's from to please. I'm going to have to prepare myself for that scene! *swoon*

          Well, I watched 'The Defiant One' again last night on Channel 5. I love that scene where he's crouching behind the rock eating a power bar, with his leg so beautifully positioned and the sparkly bug appears. He says something like "You want a bit of this?" and I'm thinking 'Oh yeah baby!' and I'm not thinking about the power bar!!


            Originally posted by Linzi
            Trippy that piccie is GUH!!!!! I nearly passed out when looking at that! I don't recognize it, so is it from season 2?
            Anyway thanksfor making my morning!!!

            Beanie, sorry you're still not too well! Get well soon! Only just over 2 weeks until you can see Sheppy on a nice big t.v. screen. I honestly think I'm going to need to be sedated soon, that's how excited I am!!!!
            In answer to yours and Eli's's from the ep 'The Lost Boys' is rather cute, isn't it?

            ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
            "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


              Yay! There are some new episode pics available here


                Originally posted by Elinor
                Oh yum...that pic is drool-worthy. I'd like to know what episode it's from to please. I'm going to have to prepare myself for that scene! *swoon*

                Well, I watched 'The Defiant One' again last night on Channel 5. I love that scene where he's crouching behind the rock eating a power bar, with his leg so beautifully positioned and the sparkly bug appears. He says something like "You want a bit of this?" and I'm thinking 'Oh yeah baby!' and I'm not thinking about the power bar!!

                I watched last night too Eli!!
                That bit with the power bar and glowy bugs and very nice leg position had me thinking the same as you !!!
                I NEVER get tired of that episode! I love the bit towards the end where
                Shep gets up from behind the rock, ask McKay if he's o.k.and does that little nod and confused expression!
                I seriously turn into a puddle of goo when I see that bit!

                Thanks for the info on where the piccie is from Beanie, I figured it was from The Lost Boys when
                Shep wakes up in the cell after being wraith stunned

                Can you imagine waking up with that face next to you in the morning? I'd never want to get out of bed.... runs away with her non pg thoughts in tow!


                  Thanks for the info about the pic Beanie! How you feeling today? A lot better I hope.

                  Linzi - looking at the new episode pics - now we know that it's 'The Long Goodbye' where the
                  appears! It looks like it's the same
                  arm that got whumped in 'The Defiant One'!


                    Originally posted by Elinor
                    Thanks for the info about the pic Beanie! How you feeling today? A lot better I hope.

                    Linzi - looking at the new episode pics - now we know that it's 'The Long Goodbye' where the
                    appears! It looks like it's the same
                    arm that got whumped in 'The Defiant One'!

                    It is the same
                    arm as in TDO Eli!, but that's not the screencap I saw in the sci fi special! It's really weird!

                    Hey, I'm not complaining though,if they did edit out that other scene, coz I'm seriously hoping The Long Goodbye is as good as it looks!!!!
                    The Michael shots looked interesting too,sadly no Sheppy pics though!
                    What about Epiphany though? I want to see episodic photography from that show!!!!!


                      I was out shopping today and flicked through the latest SFX mag. Hey...they actually love Stargate: 'Lantis...!! They usually hate anything I like. They seem to be given s2 episodes lots of 4/5 ratings and also 5/5..and what with the mention, in the previous issue, of Joe entrancing women and his
                      big penis walk (snicker!)
                      and all us lot emailing (well, I hope all you thunkers did!) them, we might just get an interview with Joe yet. Here's hoping!!

                      Last edited by Elinor; 01 October 2005, 08:02 AM.


                        Originally posted by Elinor
                        Yay! There are some new episode pics available here

                        Hi everyone,

                        How's it going? How are you feeling Beanie? Flu's going around here as well - I took 3 days off work this week myself!!!

                        Eli, thanks so much for that link... I love the Shep pics in the Long Goodbye... Also will be looking out for the latest SFX mag... Joe Flanigan and his BPW... hahaha, that's so funny...!

                        I finally got around to working on some HD caps of Aurora and Lost Boys.

                        Boy was it fun playing with photoshop with HD caps... as I said before, Joe's got an amazing face that I can so easily work with.

                        Here are some samples (I went a bit cap crazy with Aurora):

                        I'm not sure if this one is a spoiler - I cut out a lot from the pic but better be safe and post a link:

                        Aurora pic of Sheppy

                        Well, I don't want to clog the forum so that's all for me for now.

                        Take care,


                          WOW!! More wonderful, thunkable pics! As the saying goes "Sharing is Caring" so thanks everyone for putting up luscious JS/JF pics!
                          Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
                          and Captain Jack Harkness
                          Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
                          Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
                          Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
                          I live here.....Calling All Australians?
                          My other home...Stargate Down Under
                          My Life on LiveJournal


                            Originally posted by mcalex22

                            Also will be looking out for the latest SFX mag... Joe Flanigan and his BPW... hahaha, that's so funny...!
                            Lovely pics again Alex...ta for those!

                            BTW...that bit about Joe was in the previous SFX mag, not the latest one. I didn't explain that bit very well. D'oh!

                            It was funny tho'..and has me watching him in a different way ever since!!!


                              good morning all! wonderful piccies alex and thanks for the linky elinor

                              hope you are feeling better beanie!


                                Originally posted by Elinor
                                I was out shopping today and flicked through the latest SFX mag. Hey...they actually love Stargate: 'Lantis...!! They usually hate anything I like. They seem to be given s2 episodes lots of 4/5 ratings and also 5/5..and what with the mention, in the previous issue, of Joe entrancing women and his
                                big penis walk (snicker!)
                                and all us lot emailing (well, I hope all you thunkers did!) them, we might just get an interview with Joe yet. Here's hoping!!

                                Thanx for the tidbits. Which eps got the 5/5 ratings. What did they say about them? Yes..I'm nosy. LOL
                                Anything about Joe..other than the BPW thing? Which..I've been aware of since Rising. Heeeee

                                Poor Joe. YAY us.

