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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Linzi
    Nice one Trish,but boy is Beanie gonna be mad with you!!!I'm scared for you!!(only kidding Beanie!!)
    Decoy dungeons are very handy...too bad you fell for it...

    ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
    "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


      Originally posted by Naughtrish
      Hey *I* didn't blow it up, it was him
      Stop trying to deny had to supply the C4...Shep's body cavities aren't enough to stash enough to do that much damage...

      ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
      "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


        Originally posted by knocknashee
        Decoy dungeons are very handy...too bad you fell for it...

        "Uh oh... looks like I'm in trouble... "
        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


          "I swear, it was Naughtrish's idea, not mine !"
          Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


            I'm just about to leave work [Yea!]. I JUST LURVE the pic of Straddling Shep! I JUST LURVE his arms! JUST LURVE the muscles. *sigh* *THUNK!*

            About THE BUTT -- I rewatched Conversion and found some buttworthy moments: when Shep is working out with Teyla; when Shep is in Weir's office and flips out; after he escapes and runs up the stairs.


              Originally posted by knocknashee
              Stop trying to deny had to supply the C4...Shep's body cavities aren't enough to stash enough to do that much damage...
              Don't get me started... or I'll have to talk about the wonderful drill he has, very handy for enlarging cavities


                Nice run of pics and caps all! LOL


                  Originally posted by knocknashee
                  A personal fave...

                  You know...there's something very Hugh Grant-like about him. Maybe even Cary Grant-like.

                  No, I take that back. He has a bit of Jimmy Stewart about him.

                  Siiiiigh, melt.


                    OK, the straddle lab is in session! For our first lesson we will analize how to straddle an examination table and still leave enough room for someone else to join you!
                    Please take thorough notes as this will be on the test.


                      You have to leave lots snuggle-cuddle room behind you. But of course, there's always that nice jump seat in front. Who wants to sit on the cushy towel?


                        Originally posted by deSaintphalle
                        You have to leave lots snuggle-cuddle room behind you.
                        Very good! But don't forget the front. It serves an important purpose all it's own. Can anyone tell me what that is?


                          Originally posted by Naughtrish
                          Don't get me started... or I'll have to talk about the wonderful drill he has, very handy for enlarging cavities
                          Okay...moving swiftly along...

                          ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                          "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                            Originally posted by deSaintphalle
                            You have to leave lots snuggle-cuddle room behind you. But of course, there's always that nice jump seat in front. Who wants to sit on the cushy towel?
                            Raises hand!


                              Originally posted by purpletoo1
                              Very good! But don't forget the front. It serves an important purpose all it's own. Can anyone tell me what that is?
                              That would be the cushy towel hanger?


                                Originally posted by Naughtrish
                                That would be the cushy towel hanger?
                                You skipped ahead, we discuss that later. For now we will focus on the specifics of the straddle directly in front of John.

                                Last edited by purpletoo1; 17 September 2005, 01:58 PM.

