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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Afternoon campers! How is everyone?

    Nice pice peeps...and heppy 3900, is everyone gonna celebrate my hundreds from now on? Me thinks we are in for a LOT of celebrating

    ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
    "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


      Originally posted by knocknashee
      Afternoon campers! How is everyone?

      Nice pice peeps...and heppy 3900, is everyone gonna celebrate my hundreds from now on? Me thinks we are in for a LOT of celebrating
      I'm all for celebrating Beanie! Can't believe your post count though, too much thunking me thinks (can there really be too much?)


        Originally posted by Linzi
        I'm all for celebrating Beanie! Can't believe your post count though, too much thunking me thinks (can there really be too much?)
        What's not to believe about it? And no, there's no such thing as too much thunking...


        A piccie, me thinks...oldie but goodie...

        ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
        "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


          When most people start to lose control, their core personality surfaces. I saw it when I lost my father and also my father-in-law. A take charge person, my father in law became even more controlling. In Conversion, we really got to see Shep's core personality. He's another take charge person, choleoric using Personality Plus. We saw it in the scene in
          Dr. Weir's office, where he wanted to go on the team. Also, the comment about being a liability. All the way to the point where he thought the only way out was to force someone to kill him.
          Also in Hot Zone, Shep hated having around while others did the work. So much that he pulled rank on Bates. I can't help wondering if his comment to Weir in her office
          "That's your answer to everything." about protocol may have referred back to that incident in "Hot Zone."

          His core personality, take charge and do something!


            Good morning, all!

            Thank you all for my green, from the bottom of my heart
            Sig by Camy


              Well goodnight. I have put this pic else where *Cough* but I thought I may as well put it here and after Conversion I kind of needed to see well puppy dog John so...enjoy.


                Good Morning fellow thunkers! I am currently sitting in the computer lab on campus...killing time before starts about 30 or so minutes to kill.

                Sure, Linzi, you can be a Whump Lab Instructor...I will add you to my list.

                I will post an updated list later today


                  HAPPY 3700 BEANIE!!!!

                  Let's Party!!!!!!



                    CONGRATULATIONS BEANIE ON 3700 POSTS

                    CONGRATULATIONS BEANIE ON 3700 POSTS


                      congrats beanie on 3700 posts


                        Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                        Okay...Here are the Lab Instructors and their labs that I have so well as a list of some other labs for Shepology 101 and a few other positions I have come up with

                        Me (Potions Mistress)--Dean of the Shepology Department, Head Professor of Shepology 101, Porn Lab Instructor (gun, stick, arm, etc.) and Boxer Lab Instructor

                        Beanie (knockashee)--Butt Lab Instructor

                        CeeKay Sheppard--Eye Lab Instructor

                        Majortrip--Manipulation Lab Instructor

                        Naeara--Weapon Lab Instructor

                        Alaskhah--Clone Lab Instructor

                        CKO--Wet Sheppyness Lab Instructor and Bondage Lab Instructor

                        Merentha--Belt Lab Instructor and Hair Lab Instructor

                        Open positions Lab Instructor postions include:

                        Whump lab
                        General Thunk lab
                        Shepsicle lab
                        Photoshopping/Captioning lab
                        Smile lab (includes lips, teeth, smirks, etc.)
                        Pants lab
                        Expressions lab (as in Facial)
                        Dirty lab (as in digging, etc.)
                        Shep Worshipping lab
                        Shirtless lab
                        Strut lab
                        Straddling lab
                        Fighting lab
                        Parody/Poetry/Limrick lab
                        Any others you thunkers think off (Be creative)

                        Other miscellaneous open positions include:

                        Assistant Professors (Lab instructors can be both Assistant Professors and lab instructors)
                        Lab Assistants
                        Shepology Majors (not instructors or anything, just 'students' in the class...this is for those who do not want to be professors or lab instructors...however they can be lab assistants if they choose too)

                        If you would like to be a Lab Instructor for two labs...that is Mer is...but only one lab instructor for each lab...the rest can be assistants if you like.
                        I don't know if anyone else has taken this lab: Taking Care of the LIPS lab! I am putting in the request to head this lab.


                          Well, the lips lab isn't really a lab...the lips go with the smile....if you don't mind be a lab instructor for the Smile Lab Which I am sure you do I will put your name down and update the list when I get back home

                 mistake...Naeara already has the Smile Lab..but I guess...I could make a lab that just focuses on the Lips...not smile, smirks, etc....but about the Kissable Lip Lab


                            Thanks for the congrats guys...

                            ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                            "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                              well, you deserve it everyone deserves to have a celebration....parties for all!!


                                Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                                well, you deserve it everyone deserves to have a celebration....parties for all!!

                                Have a Sheppie...

                                ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                                "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."

