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Save Elizabeth Weir! SPOILERS FOR SEASON 4

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    Originally posted by Celcool View Post
    Thanks for clearing that up.
    Hopefully will no more, by the end of March then. I hate long waits.


      Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
      And they never learn
      I think they do on purpose in front of Elizabeth, they love teasing her that way so she reacts.
      Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
      at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

      R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


        A little OT before dinner, out of curiosity was it Torri who did the stunt at the end of First Strike or was it her stunt double?


          Originally posted by Celcool View Post
          I don't understand how they still can't have an idea of how many she'll be in, they'll start shooting next week. Hm, maybe she'll be injured in the first few eps and they haven't gotten around to write anything after that yet, they still might incorporate her more in the second part of the season if the writers are told to do it. There's definitely still hope. Good thing that the TPTB's interviews were uploaded too early, otherwise we wouldn't know about any of this and after we would find out, it would be already too late to do something about it.
          Actually there were rumors floating around back in December about Torri's recurring status. But the people who tried to get the word out early were ... I don't want to say ignored, but they were pretty much told that they were jumping the gun and to 'wait and see'. I just hope we haven't wasted time.

          Episodes are being written NOW. By the times season 4 starts airing, it will be too late to change anything because the scripts will have already been written.

          We need people to keep writing. Don't stop. Send emails.


            Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
            A little OT before dinner, out of curiosity was it Torri who did the stunt at the end of First Strike or was it her stunt double?
            I have no idea. But it looked cool and scary at the same time!


              Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
              Hopefully will no more, by the end of March then. I hate long waits.
              It's too long to wait but at least we might get something then. Can't wait for all the con reports about Torri!

              Originally posted by alyssa
              The most frustrating thing to me is what this character could be if they allowed her to.... There are those who say she's too cold, those who say she's too led by her emotions, etc.
              I don't see the two extremes in her, she does it just the right way. She manages to be "cold" (I would never describe her with this word, she's resolute, unwavering when she needs to be, her position accordingly) and attentive, compassionate as well. She's a woman after all, she can show emotions, it's no wonder she does, for all the time she's spent with those people, of course she got attached.

              They're wasting an opportunity with the chemistry between her and Flanigan. And her and David H for that matter. Those three are so strong.... take one of them away and you lose that amazing factor of the show.
              Last edited by Celcool; 19 February 2007, 10:03 AM.
              Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
              at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

              R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                Actually there were rumors floating around back in December about Torri's recurring status. But the people who tried to get the word out early were ... I don't want to say ignored, but they were pretty much told that they were jumping the gun and to 'wait and see'. I just hope we haven't wasted time.
                I remember that, yes, nobody, including me, didn't want to believe any of it. We rather closed our eyes to the fact. With BW's interview we finally got it confirmed.

                Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
                A little OT before dinner, out of curiosity was it Torri who did the stunt at the end of First Strike or was it her stunt double?
                It was her stunt double "flying". Martin Wood was talking about that scene and how they got it done.
                Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                  Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
                  A little OT before dinner, out of curiosity was it Torri who did the stunt at the end of First Strike or was it her stunt double?
                  I have no idea. I'm sure that scene will be asked about at VanCon, tho. I know she did her own stunts in TLG, so I would assume she'd have been up for the stunt work in FS. It looked like the type of wire work were they attach a harness than yoink you back, and I'm sure Jason's done that stunt so I don't see why Torri wouldn't be able to.

                  Originally posted by alyssa
                  The most frustrating thing to me is what this character could be if they allowed her to.... There are those who say she's too cold, those who say she's too led by her emotions, etc.
                  Which is why if things are going to be addressed, I'd like them explored thouroughly. We know she can be the hard-assed leader, and we know that she has a human side where things affect her, but imo we don't really get to see an inbetween, which is where inconsistancy seems to creep in.

                  I don't know if any of you have seen a little clip from BSG that's floating around the internet -- I'm sure it's on the Adama/Roslin thread -- but I could totally see Elizabeth being as amazing as Roslin is, given Torri's talent.
                  I was watching Torri's ep of Bliss yesterday and it occured to me that SGA doesn't seem to offer the oppurtunity for the actors to really 'show off.' Scratch that; TRW and ToR were great eps for Torri and David, respectively. But I think if they could show that with all the actors and maintain it throughout the season, not just in centric episodes, it would add a greater depth to the characters. Maybe that way, if a character acts supposedly OOC, people could have suppose it was down to something we hadn't seen yet but believe there was reason behind it, bc the characters wouldn't seem so one dimensional, they'd be more fleshed out.

                  They're wasting an opportunity with the chemistry between her and Flanigan. And her and David H for that matter. Those three are so strong.... take one of them away and you lose that amazing factor of the show.
                  I do wonder how much the dynamic will change next season. Weir, McKay and Shep are, imo, the holy trinity of Atlantis that glues it together. I've always thought those three were closer than Shep's team is. If Something Bad happens to Weir it could help towards developing the other two.

                  *clings to silver lining*

                  Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                  I remember that, yes, nobody, including me, didn't want to believe any of it. We rather closed our eyes to the fact. With BW's interview we finally got it confirmed.
                  Personally, it wasn't that I was sticking my head in the sand, just that I was waiting until I heard something more definate from a more reliable source.

                  And in no way do I regret that.

                  It was her stunt double "flying". Martin Wood was talking about that scene and how they got it done.
                  Coolies. You got a link? Me wants to read!


                    Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                    I think they do on purpose in front of Elizabeth, they love teasing her that way so she reacts.
                    You gotta love them
                    BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                      Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                      It was her stunt double "flying". Martin Wood was talking about that scene and how they got it done.
                      I did wonder, cheers. I’d known Torri did most of her stunts the other I know which she didn’t was Conversion + her double covered for her counterpart in Before I Sleep.
                      BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                        Is anyone going to the Vancouver con? Every time I’ve tried here in the UK it’s been cancelled . I think the last time was London Comic Con. I only saw Rachel Luttrell then. The only other I've ment is Joe Flanigan
                        BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                          You mean old!Weir? Bc that was Torri. Her double stood in when Torri was playing old!Weir so she had someone to act off. So in the shots where old!Weir's in bed and you can see Elizabeth's arm/hand, that's her double.

                          What stunt in Conversion? Where bug!Shep slams her against the pillar?

                          I'm not going to VanCon (don't care much for Creation Cons) but I know someone who is, so I'll be sure to link any relevant reports this way.


                            Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                            You mean old!Weir? Bc that was Torri. Her double stood in when Torri was playing old!Weir so she had someone to act off. So in the shots where old!Weir's in bed and you can see Elizabeth's arm/hand, that's her double.

                            What stunt in Conversion? Where bug!Shep slams her against the pillar?[/QUOTE]
                            Year sorry I ment that Weir .

                            Yeap, that was the scene so I heard.
                            BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                              Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                              I do wonder how much the dynamic will change next season. Weir, McKay and Shep are, imo, the holy trinity of Atlantis that glues it together. I've always thought those three were closer than Shep's team is. If Something Bad happens to Weir it could help towards developing the other two.
                              Lol, I like that. Have those three got a nickname BTW? Maybe we should make one up for them
                              BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                                Alyssa, I was one who spoke about Beckett's axing pre-announcement, after a friend of mine who attended the Serenity con heard Jewel discussing her talk with PM before JS realised she wasn't supposed to mention anything yet, and I got about the same "jumping the gun" reaction you did. I guess the only real vindication is that we were both right, even if that isn't much consolation.

