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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by arelyss View Post
    there is another "stormbringer" or "doombringer" white-haired soul-sucking char in a game called Lineage II - The Kamael. ( sry, don't know how to multi-quote)
    I wonder if they have copyright approval. Moorcock is always fighting the illegal use of his characters. Elric appeared in the original D&D game, but they had to pull the character because they did not have approval to use him.

    He is a VERY compelling character - almost too perfect in every way so that it's hard to improve upon him, so people choose just to copy him without permission, which isn't fair to his creator.



      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      I wonder if they have copyright approval. Moorcock is always fighting the illegal use of his characters. Elric appeared in the original D&D game, but they had to pull the character because they did not have approval to use him.

      He is a VERY compelling character - almost too perfect in every way so that it's hard to improve upon him, so people choose just to copy him without permission, which isn't fair to his creator.

      well i don't care if The Kamael was copyrighted or not- just enjoyed playing a beautiful perfect character. don't know who's the Moorcock guy you're talking about, sorry.
      the white-haired soul-sucking male/female belong to no one. i've read about similar beings in ancient japanese legends - btw, the guy that created The Kamael is japanese.


        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        Don't worry - I think most of us have a certain level of geekyness - we probably wouldn;t be here if we didn;t! Agree re Morlocks btw, but havn't come across the authors you mention - will now go and Google 'em!
        Hamilton is possibly the finest Brit SF writer out there today, followed closely by Reynolds. Bear is American and credited with the first account of nanotechnology (GEEEEK! ) in Blood Music. He is also a Hugo and Nebula award winner several times over.

        *clears throat* Now if you were to ask me about fantasy novelists I will laugh scornfully and say 'generic twaddle mostly' unless you speak of George R R Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire saga) who is a GOD. Oh, and Tolkien, of course, who single-handedly wrote the character responsible for my miserable man record. Damn you, Aragorn... *shakes fist* I really like Garth Nix too... man can write.


          Originally posted by Isolde View Post
          Is that the deeply s*it remake of the original, with Guy Pearce, you speak of? The Morlocks are not like that in either the book or the proper film; they are much, much scarier in the 1960 version. A far better film too.

          Science fiction is far more original than you think, at least it is if you're into the hard stuff like Alistair Reynolds, Greg Bear, Peter Hamilton to name a few. *shuffles nervously due to exposure of geek nature*
          Oh, I agree with you the remake of "Time Machine" with Pearce was total waste of time. The original movie and the acting was far better then the remake. I was pretty disappointed in the remake It did even resemble the original book by H. G. Wells. Wells wrote the book in the late 1900's. However there was a wraithy looking character in the film.

          I was referring to SF not being original in the endless remakes of every TV or Movie that is put out. Yes, there is original SF out there. But the movie industry is in the business of making money. Enjoy your geekiness



            Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
            However there was a wraithy looking character in the film.
            Indeed... I saw that. A bizarre thing that didn't happen in the book, but who cares about that, eh?

            Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
            I was referring to SF not being original in the endless remakes of every TV or Movie that is put out. Yes, there is original SF out there. But the movie industry is in the business of making money. Enjoy your geekiness

            The movie industry is in business of supplying mindless cr*p for the most part, with an occasional excursion into something worth watching or, here's a thought, pays any attention at all to the original material.

            Am I bitter? Maybe...

            Generally, weirdness and geekiness are reason for celebration, not hibernation.


              Originally posted by Isolde View Post
              Hamilton is possibly the finest Brit SF writer out there today, followed closely by Reynolds. Bear is American and credited with the first account of nanotechnology (GEEEEK! ) in Blood Music. He is also a Hugo and Nebula award winner several times over.

              *clears throat* Now if you were to ask me about fantasy novelists I will laugh scornfully and say 'generic twaddle mostly' unless you speak of George R R Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire saga) who is a GOD. Oh, and Tolkien, of course, who single-handedly wrote the character responsible for my miserable man record. Damn you, Aragorn... *shakes fist* I really like Garth Nix too... man can write.
              Sheesh! I been out of the loop for waaaaay too long - I have some catching up to do! That's what happens when you edit popular romatic fiction for a living and can't bear the thought of reading when you get home!

              Thanks for the pointers and if I ever get the time to read them I will !

              Now Aragorn... he could be worth having a miserable man record for!
              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                Where did the original idea of the Wraith came from? I could go and watch the DVD of read a bunch of blogs but, who has the time. My though whoever created the Wraith could have been a Elric fan



                  Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                  Sheesh! I been out of the loop for waaaaay too long - I have some catching up to do! That's what happens when you edit popular romatic fiction for a living and can't bear the thought of reading when you get home!
                  I have to say, I have never read or heard of any of the books that have been mentioned thus far. Concidering all theses recomendations, I may need to start hunting them down

                  Now Aragorn... he could be worth having a miserable man record for!
                  I'd happily settle for Borimer personally
                  If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                    Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                    I have to say, I have never read or heard of any of the books that have been mentioned thus far. Concidering all theses recomendations, I may need to start hunting them down

                    I'd happily settle for Borimer personally
                    My heart belongs to Legolas!! (Another tall, pale male...what can I say! )
                    Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                      Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
                      My heart belongs to Legolas!! (Another tall, pale male...what can I say! )
                      Legolas is a sissy. Haldir is the real elf for me


                        Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
                        My heart belongs to Legolas!! (Another tall, pale male...what can I say! )
                        Yep, most definitely a pattern here, ladies!
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                          I have to say, I have never read or heard of any of the books that have been mentioned thus far. Concidering all theses recomendations, I may need to start hunting them down
                          Pity you don't live closer, you could check out my library. I must have a thousand or so SF and Fantasy books knocking about. Sadly, most are in boxes and I'm still desperately attempting to get hold of a copy of 'City' by Smicek (is that how his name is spelt?), which is probably out of print. Damn fine book.

                          Other authors of SF that should be read:

                          David Brin (The Uplift War - a series)
                          Philip K. Dick
                          Anything by Blish, Clarke or Asimov
                          Jack Vance
                          Michael Marshall Smith (brilliant modern SF, and a Brit)
                          Robert Reed
                          Kim Stanley Robinson
                          Heinlein (although Stranger in a Strange Land is the seminal piece)
                          Frank Herbert
                          Julian May
                          James Tiptree Jnr.
                          Frederik Pohl

                          and more...


                            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                            Yep, most definitely a pattern here, ladies!
                            Oh, and don't forget Haldar (sp) in LOTR he was the elf warrior. He was tall and pale. Yes, there is definitely a pattern going on.



                              Originally posted by WraithCat View Post
                              Legolas is a sissy. Haldir is the real elf for me
                              How could you? Legolas is a sweetie.

                              That scene when the Fellowship is captured... mmhmmm.... surrounded by elves. Yum.


                                Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                                Pity you don't live closer, you could check out my library. I must have a thousand or so SF and Fantasy books knocking about. Sadly, most are in boxes and I'm still desperately attempting to get hold of a copy of 'City' by Smicek (is that how his name is spelt?), which is probably out of print. Damn fine book.

                                Other authors of SF that should be read:

                                David Brin (The Uplift War - a series)
                                Philip K. Dick
                                Anything by Blish, Clarke or Asimov
                                Jack Vance
                                Michael Marshall Smith (brilliant modern SF, and a Brit)
                                Robert Reed
                                Kim Stanley Robinson
                                Heinlein (although Stranger in a Strange Land is the seminal piece)Frank HerbertJulian May
                                James Tiptree Jnr.
                                Frederik Pohl

                                and more...
                                Highlighted ones are favs of mine - so I;m not that out of touch after all!!!
                                Stranger In A Stranger Land was de rigeur when I was in my 20s - you just didnlt know you;d been born if you hadnlt read that - Herbert's Dune series was also expected reading for any self respecting SF geek!

                                Have you ever read Stephen Donaldson's Thomas Covenant Chronicles?
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

