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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Forgive me, for I have sinned pantsed*.

    (*pantsed - to have one's pants pulled down)

    A favorite moment that could have been SO much more...

    VOICE: They called you Sheppard.

    SHEPPARD: Yeah. That's my name. Pleased to meet you.

    VOICE: You're in pain.

    SHEPPARD: Well, I just got pantsed by a Wraith, what do you think?

    VOICE: I would not know.

    SHEPPARD: Hopefully, you'll never have to find out. (He groans as he straightens up a little.) I didn't think anything could hurt that much.

    VOICE: You're still alive.

    SHEPPARD: Yeah, well ... I don't know how many times the darned thing took off my pants, but I'll tell you this: if Kolya's men hadn't have pulled that damned thing off, I'd be Adam in a fig leaf.




      Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
      LOL - it just gives a whole new meaning to everything when you change one word. I'd like to thank das for choosing the word "pants". It provided for many lovely visuals.

      Speaking of meaning, "non-plussed" was always one of those words that I originally thought was the opposite of what it was. It actuall means "to render utterly perplexed, puzzle completely" (the literal French "non plus" is "no more", if that helps). But I always thought it was the complete opposite, like "unfazed". Don't ask me why. I had some weird learning hiccups growing up.

      Well, it would make sense to mean "unfazed."

      Robert: So, do the Wraith feed on fear, or just life in general?
      Me: Just life in general. But they'd probably prefer that their victims be scared.
      Robert: So, it's like marinating them, then?


        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        Forgive me, for I have sinned pantsed*.

        (*pantsed - to have one's pants pulled down)

        A favorite moment that could have been SO much more...

        VOICE: They called you Sheppard.

        SHEPPARD: Yeah. That's my name. Pleased to meet you.

        VOICE: You're in pain.

        SHEPPARD: Well, I just got pantsed by a Wraith, what do you think?

        VOICE: I would not know.

        SHEPPARD: Hopefully, you'll never have to find out. (He groans as he straightens up a little.) I didn't think anything could hurt that much.

        VOICE: You're still alive.

        SHEPPARD: Yeah, well ... I don't know how many times the darned thing took off my pants, but I'll tell you this: if Kolya's men hadn't have pulled that damned thing off, I'd be Adam in a fig leaf.


        that is the final starw of the last page...


        thanks for all those hillariousy panty contributions






            *suffocates laughing*

            thanks, das



              Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
              *suffocates laughing*

              thanks, das

              Glad you enjoyed my silliness! I know I enjoyed everyone else's!!



                Das, I think you are officially GOD. *dies laughing at that picture*

                Robert: So, do the Wraith feed on fear, or just life in general?
                Me: Just life in general. But they'd probably prefer that their victims be scared.
                Robert: So, it's like marinating them, then?



                  warning....silliness overdose....hyperactivity iminant!

                  If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                    Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                    I have mascara running down my face now! WK, thank you for that. It's a beautiful poem and, yes, with multiple meanings.

                    Do you know that I've thought about moving to Canada at least once a day since I've moved back to the Midwest? When I lived in Seattle, I visited Vancouver, B.C. often and I truly believe it is the most beautiful place on Earth. I love love love it there. But with the way things are with my family right now there's no way I'm going anywhere for awhile, which is of course limiting my employment options, too.

                    It's so funny you mention the "control" thing. I've always been the one that tries to smooth things over, make everything ok in my family (again a youngest-child syndrome thingy) and I totally am aware that's what I'm trying to do now and I am so aware of the futility of it. But, ya know, if I don't try, I actually feel worse. *shrugs*

                    I do hope things look up, and yes I completely agree Vancouver is an incredibly beautiful city. I love BC. I would like to live there myself one day.

                    hang in there.

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      Forgive me, for I have sinned pantsed*.

                      (*pantsed - to have one's pants pulled down)

                      A favorite moment that could have been SO much more...

                      VOICE: They called you Sheppard.

                      SHEPPARD: Yeah. That's my name. Pleased to meet you.

                      VOICE: You're in pain.

                      SHEPPARD: Well, I just got pantsed by a Wraith, what do you think?

                      VOICE: I would not know.

                      SHEPPARD: Hopefully, you'll never have to find out. (He groans as he straightens up a little.) I didn't think anything could hurt that much.

                      VOICE: You're still alive.

                      SHEPPARD: Yeah, well ... I don't know how many times the darned thing took off my pants, but I'll tell you this: if Kolya's men hadn't have pulled that damned thing off, I'd be Adam in a fig leaf.



                      Oh my Who knew the Genii were so pervy!? lol

                      Yeah, wasn't sure everyone would understand "pantsed" as a verb since it seems to be American late 20th century colloquial, so I said "depantsed" instead, just to be clear.


                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        I'm bored...and slightly tipsy. See, I cleaned the house today, worked my ass off. I felt pretty good for a change, and the weather was mild - so I opened the windows and aired the place out, and cleaned. Dad took us out to dinner, and I ate a big burger (first beef I've had in ages), and had a couple glasses of wine. Needless to say, I feel better than I have felt in nearly two months!

                        And you know what that means?? THAT means that the WDC is gonna be turned into a Wraith 'pants' club for the evening. You know - when you take your favorite Wraith quotes, and exchange the word 'pants' for one word or phrase in the quote. I'll start with a few...

                        From The Queen:

                        TODD: Lower your pants.

                        KENNY: I assure you, I know nothing of pants.

                        TODD: Welcome to my pants.

                        JEAN-LUC: You did not expect us to conduct this meeting here, within weapons range of your pants?

                        TODD: We picked them up on our pants.

                        JEAN-LUC: That's impossible. The pants just exploded.

                        yeah... I AM bored...


                        Oh boy DAS is back, and er just full of pant ideas.....

                        Glad your feeling better. But just take care of yourself, reminder just take steady and don't over do it.

                        Thanks to DS for my siggy


                          Originally posted by MCH View Post
                          Oh boy DAS is back, and er just full of pant ideas.....

                          Glad your feeling better. But just take care of yourself, reminder just take steady and don't over do it.

                          So, does this mean that this thread is now officially PANTS?!?!?!?
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            Originally posted by Solla View Post
                            That's true. Also I agree with you remark from your following post that we have no information about CH' personal belief system.

                            The point is that I don’t consider any of them superior to the rest. We are intellectual equals, and what is more we are also capable of eating wraith, if this serves as a basic criterion for being a higher life form . And equals have no right to dictate who is worthy to live and develop. They can’t just appear at your door and take what they want.

                            Another strange moment is that the wraith are parasites with intelligence—which seems to be a contradiction. Intelligence give us the ability to choose right or wrong. It make us responsible for our actions and choices. We can claim that the only rules in the Universe are the ones we make, we can suppress our moral sense, that’s true, but there is no "on/off" switch for things like that.

                            I really don’t know what is «better». Of course, those actions have a different scale. But what if this wraith was feeding on a particular human, on someone who meant the world to me? It would be quite another story.
                            Also the life enegry of adult wraith is entirely taken from other sentient beings, that increases their life span and raises another interesting point: they are thiefs of the time we have been given to live.
                            Assuming that life is a precious thing and seeing how the wraith must take human life away — I find this is a horrible way to live and they are condemned to that since youth age.

                            I think they do deserve a better fate .

                            See the problem with your line of reasoning is that it makes sense, and rings a large degree of truth. I have mentioned what you have stated so beautifully above many times over in this forum. So, it is wonderfully refreshing to know that there are others who realize this about the wraith, and yet this does not diminish our love or our admiration for them.

                            What you have also said above is quite intimidating to posters who are not comfortable with more questions than there can ever be answers for. You have challenged stereotypical (and powerless) arguments which have been intended to defend the wraith, but in fact these arguments have only served to make the wraith more inaccessible, more predatory--more heinous.

                            You have acknowledge the paradox of their existence and their curse--this evokes pity, or IT SHOULD evoke pity (pathos) in the audience because the wraith really are no different from us. And in this light, their life sucking becomes a metaphor for individuals who feel victimized by their own insatiable compulsions.

                            So then the wraith become tragic heroes trapped by their arrogance, their culture and trapped by their desire. They are the beautiful losers.

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                              Here's mine! (Erm, I took a few liberties...sorry. I can never totally follow rules. It's not in my nature. )

                              The Last Man:

                              DEX (still aiming his pants at it): What the hell are you doing here?

                              TODD (also still aiming its pants): I suspect the same as you. Michael is using this facility to create more of his pants. I intend to destroy it.

                              DEX: By yourself?

                              TODD: There's something to be said for pants over brute force.

                              (A man's voice comes over the radio.)

                              VOICE (over radio): Ronon, come in.

                              (Ronon pulls a radio out of his pants and speaks into it.)

                              DEX: Go ahead.

                              VOICE (over radio): One of the guards must have got his pants off, because a cruiser just landed. We're about to be overrun.

                              TODD: As I was saying ...

                              (One of Ronon's team speaks behind him.)

                              MAN: We have to depants.

                              (Ronon never takes his eyes off Todd.)

                              DEX: Give me the pants.

                              (The man takes off his pants and puts it into Ronon's outstretched hand.)

                              DEX: Take the men back, meet up with Second Squad, and then head for the pants. Signal me when you get there.

                              (As the man hesitates, Ronon glances round at him.)

                              DEX: Go!

                              (As the man and his colleague head off, Ronon turns back to Todd.)

                              TODD: You intend to complete your pants.

                              DEX: You're damned right.

                              TODD: As do I.

                              (Finally, both of them lower their pants.)

                              TODD: I was going to write an elaborate programme designed to slowly create a fatal error in the primary pants, but I doubt there'll be time for that now.

                              DEX: I was just gonna blow it up.

                              (He turns and walks away. Todd sighs and follows him.)

                              TODD (a little exasperated): Naturally.

                              (They make their way along the corridors, covering each other's pants at junctions. A hybrid runs out of the darkness and takes a flying leap at Ronon, kicking his pants from his hand. A second one similarly depants Todd. The new allies back into a round chamber and go pants to pants with the hybrids. Ronon pulls out his pants and fights with his attacker, who has a pants, while Todd manages to get its own man down and depants him. Ronon forces his opponent down onto his knees and, standing behind him while pulling his pants back, holds his pants across his throat and then abruptly pushes his head forward into the pants. Swinging round immediately, he lashes out with his pants but stops just in time to prevent him from depantsing Todd. They both freeze in position, with the edge of Ronon's pants still against Todd's throat. For a moment, Ronon looks at Todd thoughtfully, then he shrugs slightly.)

                              DEX: Force of pants.

                              TODD: Indeed.

                              (It glances down. Ronon follows its gaze and sees that Todd is holding its own pants against Ronon's heart.)

                              (A little later, they make their way into the control room of the pants.)

                              TODD: This is it. If we detonate it here, the secondary explosions will certainly take out the entire pants.

                              (Ronon runs over to the main pants and opens up the bag containing several blocks of pants. He takes out the activation pants.)

                              DEX: All right. You know another way out of here?

                              TODD: Follow me.

                              (It leads him out of the door but Wraith pants fire towards them from further down the corridor.)

                              TODD: Fall back!

                              (They run back into the control pants. A hybrid calls out to his pants.)

                              HYBRID: In here!

                              (Ronon and Todd take cover behind the pants.)

                              TODD: I suggest you depants now while we still have a chance.

                              DEX: We'll wait for my people to clear. Period.

                              TODD: Very well.

                              (Several hybrids try to run into the control pants but Ronon and Todd depants each of them as they come into view.)

                              TODD: We can't hold them off forever.

                              DEX: Just keep firing.

                              (They depants a couple more pants, then a man's voice comes over the radio.)

                              VOICE (over radio): Ronon. We've reached the pants.

                              (Ronon snatches his pants out and activates it.)

                              DEX: All right. I want you to head back now. No questions asked. Is that understood?

                              VOICE (over radio): Understood.

                              (While he was talking, Todd has taken out another pants. Dropping the pants on the floor, Ronon depants another one. They duck down behind the pants and Todd turns to Ronon.)

                              TODD: Are we done?

                              (They look at each other for a moment, then Ronon flicks up the safety switch on the pants.)

                              DEX: Yeah.

                              (They smile at each other. As the sound of many approaching footsteps can be heard, Ronon grins and presses the pants. The pants explodes.)

                              This is like Mad Libs!

                              OK now I cleared up the mess I made with a buttered hot cross bun and removed the butter off the carpet , off me, off the laptop all i can say is Pant you DAS geekywraith and MFW, come to think of it any one else who's made ***pant*** comments while I been cleaning.

                              Butter definately does not go with a laptop. Will try to keep it on my hot cross bun or should I call that hot cross pants...


                              Quote from Das
                              Forgive me, for I have sinned *pantsed*.

                              (*pantsed - to have one's pants pulled down)
                              Das if you very very sorry .. no **depants** we may just forgive you..... but that did wake everybody up!!!!
                              Last edited by MCH; 28 February 2009, 10:57 AM.
                              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                                I am your pants...that is all you need to know...


                                TODD: John Sheppard, transmit the coordinates ...or I will depants Mr Woolsey before your eyes.


                                KENNY: We just dropped our pants.

                                TODD: I see that, yes. Why?

                                KENNY: I'm not sure. The computer seems to think it's due to battle damage.


                                CROCKETT: Humans continue to attack our pants, sir.

                                TUBBS: Target the area around the zipper and open fire.


                                TODD: Instead of criticising ... perhaps you could work at GETTING ME SOME MORE PANTS!


                                CRAZY!TODD: Pants tastes like life itself.


                                TODD: Let's not get caught up in unneccessary zippers.

                                WOOLSEY: I like zippers...


                                TODD: So all's well. Your homeworld was saved, you and your friends survived and all thanks to my pants.


                                Ah, yes...Todd's pants have saved the day!


