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    Originally posted by Heqet View Post
    Vegas Mini-Rant
    I hated it. There's really no other way to say it. They reduced the proud, honorable, and beautiful warrior that is Todd to a delirious wreck, because that is what they apparently enjoy doing. I may never forgive that. Although, as mentioned above, I enjoyed the shirtless Wraith. A lot.
    Yes they did but...
    I don't know if you picked this up or not, but the whole set up of Todd behind glass (not bars), and spouting off hallucinations or is it clues? is directly taken from Silence of the Lambs which in turn is a remake of a very frightening movie called Man Hunter. This idea of the more dangerous/devious oracle behind glass who gives clues to a roaming maniac, yet both are incommunicado is fast becoming an old trope. So, I guess this is to say, Todd is the more dangerous of the two.

    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


      Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
      Hah! Cold shower indeed. I really do think that
      Todd was telepathically linked to Spike. "echoing" is a good way to describe it. I'm not sure how lucid Todd was so I think part of what he said out loud really was an echo of the other Wraith's thoughts.

      I was one of the people who mentioned that Spike was a soldier behind enemy lines trying to get home. But I hadn't really thought about the Wraith's need to be with others of their kind. He really was alone in the crowd of humans -- thinking back, that scene with him walking to the casino from his room in that sordid little motel really brought that out.
      The idea that Wraith do not like to be alone makes sense, given their hive culture. But humans can also be like that - I know I for one have often had the feeling of being alone, even when in a crowd of people - and that's my own species!
      I can only imagine how desperately cut off and alone Todd and Spike must have felt, so again, it would make sense that their minds would seek each other out and connect in whatever way they could.
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
        Yes they did but...
        I don't know if you picked this up or not, but the whole set up of Todd behind glass (not bars), and spouting off hallucinations or is it clues? is directly taken from Silence of the Lambs which in turn is a remake of a very frightening movie called Man Hunter. This idea of the more dangerous/devious oracle behind glass who gives clues to a roaming maniac, yet both are incommunicado is fast becoming an old trope. So, I guess this is to say, Todd is the more dangerous of the two.

        Which is why I think they will make Todd the big bad in the movie, and kill him. Honestly, I am done with this show after EatG...I really don't think I'll be able to handle whatever they do to Todd in the movie.



          Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
          Hah! Cold shower indeed. I really do think that
          Todd was telepathically linked to Spike. "echoing" is a good way to describe it. I'm not sure how lucid Todd was so I think part of what he said out loud really was an echo of the other Wraith's thoughts.

          I was one of the people who mentioned that Spike was a soldier behind enemy lines trying to get home. But I hadn't really thought about the Wraith's need to be with others of their kind. He really was alone in the crowd of humans -- thinking back, that scene with him walking to the casino from his room in that sordid little motel really brought that out.
          Imagine what it must of felt like for Spike, to have to mix and become like one of his food. I'd love to have known what his reaction when he first landed on Earth was like. When he saw how different Earth is to what he knows back in Pegasus, and how much he wanted to get back there. I don't think he was even someone important on the Hive, feels like he was just a Wraith wanting to go home.


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Some quick thoughts - rreally busy today...

            Sparrow_hawk - yeah, yeah, yeah...we all know that 'clean up after yesterday's party' is code for 'take a cold shower'.

            I DO think the writer (Cooper, right) did this for us, and - perhaps - for himself. Wright said that most of the Wraith design came from Cooper, so I think he wanted to finally make some of his ideas canon. He has the Wraith right - physically unusual and yet extremely attractive, driven to survive, strong, and highly intelligent and adaptable.

            I just wish the other writers did as much, though Alan M. has seriously tried, and has contributed much, too.

            Some thoughts about Spike...

            He is really a tragic soul. Someone pointed out that he was trapped behind enemy lines, doing everything in his power to be rescued. Perhaps he was even scared (is that the emotion he showed in the trailer? Fear? Anger? Desperation? A little of everything?).

            Were Todd and Spike mentally connected? If so, was he feeling Todd's insanity? Was Todd speaking for Spike when he was talking about being alone in the desert? So much that isn't exactly clear, so much we can read into it all.

            One thing that I took away from this is that Wraith do not like being alone. Perhaps they do not like the silence, or being left alone with their own thoughts. Again, so much that could be explored here if the writers and creators would stop thinking about them only as villains.

            And, from Wright's brief answers to my questions, I am truly under the impression that he does not like the Wraith at all. That may be a big part of the problem, and makes me wonder if they were Cooper's baby all along, and that they've had differences about how the characters should be handled. Obviously, Mr. Wright just does NOT get fans, nor what appeals to them. Too bad, he really should open his ears, and listen.

            And the Wraith jumping off the roof, then running away to the beat of the music, was TOTALLY badass! I really wish they had done this sort of thing from S1...but if they had, perhaps we wouldn't feel quite as sympathetic towards them as we do now. Maybe because they are the perpetual victim in the show helps us root for them. Or, maybe it's just their uberhawtness...who knows.

            Yeah - I loved what they gave us in this ep, but at the same time I feel horrible about the torture of AU Todd, and their indifference about it, and I feel so very sad for poor Spike who was only trying to get back home.

            During that poker game you wonder if he was fearful, being surrounded by humans who might figure out who he is. The fact that he fled the way he did just reminded me of an animal, fleeing for its life. He didn't stand and fight...he ran. It only makes me believe that he was truly afraid.

            Damn. Now I'm mad at the show again.

            I had a lot of the same impressions of Spike.
            I got more of a feeling of wariness rather than fear when he was in that poker game. But once he had "tipped his hand" he knew he was outnumbered and decide to cut his losses and get the hell out of Dodge! And it made for a great chase scene.
            I hope that Cooper has a big involvement in the movie. If he does, I think we will get good writing for the Wraith
            and maybe a little more skin.

            Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
            Totally forgot about the Brad Wright Q&A on Joe M's blog. I just ran over there and read it. Well, read 3/4 of it. Too disgusted to finish it. That guy reminds me of a couple of ex-bosses of mine. UGH! He never ceases to piss me off, no matter what comes out of his mouth. He is like the sterotypical Hollywood producer/exec. Arrogant *$&%^. He said he orignally wanted to be an actor. Unfortunately Hollywood is *filled* with failed actors and the most bitter ones seem to be running the industry now. I need to go find a punching bag now...


            EDIT: Wright is also an incredible prude. You want to know why there's no relationships or sex on Stargate - look to this man. I'm surprised he didn't insist on Teyla's pregnancy being an immaculate conception!
            I was pretty annoyed by the time I finished reading through JM's blog. People wanted to ask him questions, and I give Joe a lot of credit that he got him to agree to answer questions in the blog.

            I got the feeling that Brad Wright really didn't want to be bothered answering all of those questions. I understand that television is a business and maybe he is good at that. But he probably shouldn't be allowed out in public without a PR person around to keep him from alienating the fans. "Mainstream means a lot of people are watching" my a$$. I expect that his contribution to creating the Wraith was "we need some really strong bad guys that have been around as long as those other guys, who were they again? Oh, yeah. The Ancients."
            Sparrow hawk



              Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
              You wonder if their spine re tracks back into their bodies if they lay down much like a turtle retracks their heads.

              I get the impression
              that their appearance, especially with the spine, is reptilian more than anything. They probably lay on their backs, they may be able to flex their spines out, unsheath them so to speak.

              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                Which is why I think they will make Todd the big bad in the movie, and kill him. Honestly, I am done with this show after EatG...I really don't think I'll be able to handle whatever they do to Todd in the movie.

                Oh, please, don't make me even more depressed than I already am!
                We'll be needing sob buckets instead of drool buckets...
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                  Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
                  Imagine what it must of felt like for Spike, to have to mix and become like one of his food. I'd love to have known what his reaction when he first landed on Earth was like. When he saw how different Earth is to what he knows back in Pegasus, and how much he wanted to get back there. I don't think he was even someone important on the Hive, feels like he was just a Wraith wanting to go home.

                  "Most Wraith seek to be ruled. They fear being without a Queen."

                  Spike was alone, and scared.



                    Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                    I did wonder this when you mentioned their lack of nips. Why wuld the queens have breasts if they are not to be used for young, unless they are just a leftover of their lesser human side.
                    How young would you guess (in human years) that elia looked when her human father her in?

                    love all the caps!!
                    I need to have a closer look at the images of wraith with no nipples. It does seem to fall inline with what the writers are thinking, but I have looked at the episode a thousand times, especially the chest part , but it looked to me like he had nipples.

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      "Most Wraith seek to be ruled. They fear being without a Queen."

                      Spike was alone, and scared.

                      I felt so sad when I saw him remembering the battle, the way he was sat in the trailer (?).


                        Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                        I get the impression
                        that their appearance, especially with the spine, is reptilian more than anything. They probably lay on their backs, they may be able to flex their spines out, unsheath them so to speak.

                        I've always thought the writers made a big booboo with that one - they should've made it an Iratus lizard, not bug - the Wraith look is reptilian. Reptile= yellow, slit pupiled eyes, viper pits, four limbs, green skin
                        the spine poss being scales or similar
                        . Insect=compound eyes, rigid exoskeleton, six or more limbs...
                        The only bugginess is the hive and the Queen and lets face it that isn't crucial to the plot

                        Come on fellas, just admit it, you got it wrong! Wraith are reptiles not bugs!
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
                          I felt so sad when I saw him remembering the battle, the way he was sat in the trailer (?).
                          That scene really stunned me. Was not expecting that at all!
                          Our first real glimpse of a raw emotion from a Wraith!



                            Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                            I was reading some the posts about how the writer are trying to make the Wraith even more alien by
                            having a protruding spine and no nips ( aw now they won't be able to wear nip rings ). I was thinking of J M he is so trying to turn us off from the Wraith but, it's not working. I think the more tptb try to make the Wraith even more weird the more we love them

                            I need to see the pictures again because to me it does look like they have

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
                              I felt so sad when I saw him remembering the battle, the way he was sat in the trailer (?).

                              Yup, trailer...'cause it trails behind the truck. Or caravan, if you're a gypsy, or English.

                              Yeah...he was scared, desperate...just wanted to go back home. I hate how they create these great characters, make us sympathetic towards them, then continue to compare them to devils. Ugh. Maybe all Wraith fans everywhere can pool our money and buy the rights to their image and start making our own freakin' shows! lol.



                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                Yup, trailer...'cause it trails behind the truck. Or caravan, if you're a gypsy, or English.

                                Yeah...he was scared, desperate...just wanted to go back home. I hate how they create these great characters, make us sympathetic towards them, then continue to compare them to devils. Ugh. Maybe all Wraith fans everywhere can pool our money and buy the rights to their image and start making our own freakin' shows! lol.

                                Which I am

                                Lol, that would be an idea! But would we get anything done with hot Wraith everywhere?

