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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post

    Edit: The left side of the painting is busy, but the right side is kind of void. Maybe you could put something there? Todd's footprints in the sand? An orbiting Hive ship (Kar's idea)? A landed dart with a figure beside it or Todd's footprint leading away from it? The remnants of a former occupying civilization (Kar's idea)? Just thoughts.

    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


      Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
      Does anyone know if there is a Wraith font that you can down load? I know there is a Stargate font I all ready have it but, I would love to have the Wraith font in ttp for pc. I love how the Wraith hieroglyphics look.


      Wouldn't that be awesome!!!
      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


        Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
        Come to think of it, wouldn't it have been better to have I don't know, separate threads for separate Wraith things?

        Like there's one for the tattoos, already?

        A separate folder for all things Wraith would have been nice. With threads like tattoos, clothes, feeding habits, reproduction, mannerism, etc?
        I love this , you enjoy categories. Your two consistent comments "Queens Anyone?" and "How 'bout some categories/different threads?"

        LOL WK
        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
          Welcome Wraith~Girl. Of course they do not get enough credit. What would a show be without the "bad" guys. Would be rather boring to watch,wouldn't it?

          Wraithie added almost anything I had to contribute. Didn't want to log into GW again at that time.
          Just one thing to add : I really like your painting. Unique look and very well done.

          And that was a one time thing. We just wanted to share it with the people in here since it was the place we met and the WDC is more than just the "Wraith". It has always been a place about the people posting in here. If you got a problem with specific people use the ignore-function.
          You already stated that you don't want to read 10 pages of "silliness".
          Love ya Kar. Here Here.
          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Be nice, folks.

            I've been guilty of OT myself - like Karhedron said, sometimes you just want to share with the people you 'know'. I posted about the fire near my sister's house, and that was as OT as can be, yet no one complained. Sometimes we are going to go OT - but I have yet to see pages and pages of it - a post or two, yeah - but we are usually really good about staying ON topic. If we DO go OT in a post, we should probably get into the habit of warning that it's off-topic, and putting it in spoiler tags.

            For the most part, however...our posts are very Wraith-centric. But sometimes it's Wraith art, sometimes it's Wraith gushing, and sometimes it's serious discussion. Personally, I prefer the serious discussion when I have the time for it, but I like the lighter things, too...especially all of the wonderful art - even if I don't always comment on it, I DO appreciate it and enjoy it (T64 - that is a lovely picture!! Aloways impressed by your use of color).

            Anyway - gotta run, will be back on later.

            I think we've always been a very welcoming and accepting group by in large, unless someone wants to flash in and *blast* the wraith just to be a troll. Even then, I think overall people are gracious. At the end of the day, we're people who meet in the park and have a "virtual" on-line book club chat everyday. People get really passionate about this sort of thing. They get silly, hurt, snippy, creative, act live Divas and are plain o' kind hearted. This group is evolving which is what groups of people do. They do become closer consciously or not and conflicts are apart of that adjustment. I don't know I don't really care either way.

            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by Risem View Post
              I personally think we should create more threads for our one group. For example a "WDC: Offtopic" thread or the "WDC: wraith reproduction theories"thread...I could go on.

              I think it would be easier for all of us, and maybe let our current tensions ease.
              What do people think?
              That's a good idea.

              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                Well...about creating more threads....

                I dunno. This site is SOOOOO slow to load pages (I'm on dial-up at home, high-speed in the office - and even on high-speed it's slow) - I don't like to open more threads than I absolutely have to. I don't mind the ebb and flo of the conversation here...doesn't really bug me that much. But anyone IS free to start any sort of thread they wish to. If anything, maybe we need a WDC art/humor thread...because our art sometimes does take over the thread for pages and pages. But I prefer the main anything-Wraith-goes thread here because it keeps it ALIVE. Specific threads will eventually die - they all do.

                That's true too.

                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                  I think we've always been a very welcoming and accepting group by in large, unless someone wants to flash in and *blast* the wraith just to be a troll. Even then, I think overall people are gracious. At the end of the day, we're people who meet in the park and have a "virtual" on-line book club chat everyday. People get really passionate about this sort of thing. They get silly, hurt, snippy, creative, act live Divas and are plain o' kind hearted. This group is evolving which is what groups of people do. They do become closer consciously or not and conflicts are apart of that adjustment. I don't know I don't really care either way.

                  I'm thinking.
                  that we are a group of entertainers and, artist and we have our own little hang out kind of like a virtual Greenwich Village

                  This is the thread where we give the Wraith the support that they need



                    Originally posted by Icarium View Post
                    I second that. I noticed that about every 200 pages there's lots of tension between people in that thread. I didn't notice that in other threads. Let's really try to be nice to each Keeping OT stuff in spoilers tag would also be polite. And let's remember that some remarks should be PMed if they really need to be said
                    *hopes her appeal doesn't sound pathetic*
                    No not at all you are right, sometimes accidents happen that's all.
                    This is OT:

                    In my daily life I'm considered a very agreeable person, however I am not a conflict avoider. I am good at walking the balance in conversation. Maybe my temperament is closer to Todd's, never really gets angry, but can (not in a "I've stuffed and stuffed and now I will explode sort of way but in "Are you guys CRAZY? I'm getting out of here" sort of way.

                    Last edited by Wraith Cake; 12 June 2008, 05:57 PM.
                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                      I'm thinking.
                      that we are a group of entertainers and, artist and we have our own little hang out kind of like a virtual Greenwich Village

                      This is the thread where we give the Wraith the support that they need

                      Ya. I like the sound of that (sound of purring).

                      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                        Ok I found the actor who is going to play Rhys in 'Broken Ties". His name is Tyler McClendon and his slated to play more Wraiths in season five.




                          I was thinking recently of Todd and how it sounds like he is purring right after he has fed on Sheppard in Common Ground. I love this part, because he has this really expressive face and he looks like he is refusing to feel ashamed, but it seems that he may be struggling with it. He's also struggling with despair, at the same time he's trying to commiserate with Sheppard by saying "no one gets out of here" while he looks around his cell. All these emotions flit across his face, anger at what Shep says "nice life you got in you think Kolea is going to let you live after he kills me" Todd growls, (I suppose thinking it's another insult against what he is) then he thinks about what Shep says about escaping. These are some of the screen caps.


                          Todd Purring I

                          Ahhh lovely lovely wraith.

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            JM blog has some new wraith pictures and some info on 'Broken Ties' here is the link hope I don't get into hot water for this. But, here goes.




                              JM blog has some new wraith pictures and some info on 'Broken Ties' the info is in the season five broken ties speculation and spoilers thread. I don't know how to link the thread to WDC



                                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                                Like your siggy Naamiaiset, particularly the one of Todd and the hair brush.

                                Traveler 64 like the picture of Todd, the orange and the red make the planet look very bleak and bare. Not sure with all the reed and orange wheather the gate colour is wrong.
                                But I love it.

                                Thanks! As for the gate==I actually tried a different color for the gate, but it didn't stand out, also I sort think of the gate blue.

                                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                                That's pretty much what I thought. However, I guess, at the same time, I thought "well this could mean that they are exotic in the 'otherness' sort of way'". It's interesting, I guess because there seems to be nothing more commonly strange/beautiful/grotesque than insects. But bug people? that look like us, talk like us, bleed like us to the point where many of us may find them...Hawwwwt.... just doesn't sound that believable. Did I say they were Hawwwwt?

                                You said Hawwww. Snort...

                                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                                Sadly alas, I think it has been me who has scared the worshippers back to the hive.

                                And wow, I love your e-painting. I'll put on my art hat and give you some feed back if this helps. Okay, here goes...looking now...actually I think I could say much. I'll send you a PM.

                                Thanks! Uh oh.... art hat coming up!

                                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                                Okay, I've just tried to send it to you in PM but it wouldn't work so I'll have to send it to you here in spoilers

                                Okay, so here's the feedback. I promise I won't give it to you every time, but please let me know if this helps.

                                Three areas: the direction of the lighting/shadows, the consistency of the colours and the thickness of the strokes.

                                It is a beautiful composition--well done, lots of mood
                                The direction of the lighting/shadows: you have these beautiful monochromatic colours and you have bold contrasts between the mountains (bg), the magenta desert floor (mg) and the pale fuchsia cliff/ledge the wraith is on (fg). When you have a light source coming from one direction this needs to be reflected in "gradation" from the direction of the that source going from stronger to fainter.
                                The magenta (mg) would have a slight change in colour from lighter to mid
                                The mountains(bg) would have tips of light and stronger contrasts of light and dark
                                There would also be a stronger contrast between the ledge colour and the (mg) mountain floor colour.

                                The wraith shadow should be dimmer and off to his right in a diagonal direction.

                                Consistency of the colours:
                                The thing to remember about colour is that it has to work with the medium and the subject. Often art students will say, "well, this is how it looks in the photograph, therefore I will paint it how I see it in the photo." Unfortunately, this often does not translate well. There are two reasons for this. The mind: whenever a mind observes a photo psychologically we automatically assume that what we are seeing is "really" no matter how bizarre the subject matter because hey "it's a photo it has to be real". When you take exactly the same subject matter and reproduce with using paint or pencils or whatever, the mind registers the picture as "art"--what I am seeing "HAS" to be credible. In other words you have less, "credibility" with reproducing realistic work when you use other media.
                                The second reason is that photography is a medium in it's own right. How the subject is handled, illuminated ect. will respond differently to different media.

                                All of this to say: the bright blue colour in the centre top of your painting where you have the wraith ship coming out, draws the attention abruptly. This attention is not the focal point--the wraith's gaberdine, then the mountains, then the mountain floor show the line of interest. Tone down the colour, perhaps sampling it from the far right sky.

                                Consistency of stroke: remember when you are developing a composition the individual parts do not matter as much as how the whole composition works together. You can see this in film where even though you may have a few actors that cannot act their way out of a paper bag, their style fits with the entire film so the film is a success.
                                Your line thickness ought not to draw attention to itself as "line" but rather as a stroke of light shown because of the sun in the sky.

                                I hope this helps. I am a grade 12 Art and English High School teacher. And I cannot resist the opportunity when someone asks me to comment. It is beautiful composition--well done, lots of mood (you want to enhance the feelings of the wraith by creating the stronger shadows around him--lonely on a mountain top greatful for the company) by touching up a few things. Again, I wanted to emphasize the powerful mood. As is, I would give you an 80-83%. Let me know if this helps. I won't comment on every piece of art you post, but since you asked I thought I would.

                                Thank you SO MUCH!!! That is the first time anyone (except a billion years ago when I went to an Art School in Europe as a kid) has truly critiqued (and I use the word critique in its best sense) one of my paintings. I am truly grateful. As you probably suspect by now, I don't paint 'intellectually' by rather 'by instinct', almost as if the function of the painting becomes its own little world and completely absorbs me. In this one I felt something was not quite... well... there. That's why I asked for comments and you've been very generous. I won't make it a habit. Besides, this is just for fun.

                                I'm going to work some more tonight and tomorrow and see if I can do some improvements. Unfortunately, I am not proficient enough in epainting to be able to do some of the finer techniques of real paint and brush and canvas, like the gradation of colors, etc. It can be done, but that's after a lot of practice. And I'm quite new at this. (I know... excuses, excuses!)

                                And hey! 80%.

                                Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                                Hi Traveler,

                                I like the painting! I agree with Risem that the gate should have a sharper outline to make it fit better with the crisp detail of the darts. I think the "black" that was mentioned in an earlier critique referred to the lower edge of the black mountain range. I think I would like it better if that heavy red and deep fuschia stroke that comes over into the black near Todd ended lower down and the black continued in a smoother line. I'm not crazy about the heavy brush strokes in such a small image. But that is just my preference. I really like the contrast between the spray-painty sky and the sharper lines of the closer images. And I really like the way you did Todd!

                                Thank you for your compliments and comment. There were some problems here with the size and pixels, etc. And I'm still working on the techniques of epainting.

                                So... before someone feeds on me because this is not about painting but about Wraith, I'll slink away and see if I can do some more work on the painting.
                                HONOR. A story.


