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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk
    It looks just like Todd! Well, almost...
    ALMOST. The hair, at least.

    I wonder what Todd's hair says about him as a Wraith. He's not as vain as others, perhaps? Or is it just a texture thing? I wonder what made them decide to give some Wraith silky-smooth Steve hair, and others matted/dreaded hair like Bob, and still others something in between, like Todd. Is any thought put into it? Or is it just the preference of the makeup department, and perhaps the actor? I'd like to think there is SOME thought behind it. Todd's CG situation could certainly account for the use of the particular wig he got in that one. But his hair hasn't improved since he's gained his freedom! Gives him a sort of a rock star look, I suppose...

    Yes, it was very educational!
    I bet it was! At least we didn't get into the whole 'do you think they're green ALL over' discussion...with speculation on if they're natural albinos, or not...

    Yeah. When we get to that level, we should just all be locked up in the looney bin.

    But have we ever considered that, in some species of insect, mating is a terminal event for the poor male? The female mates with and then eats ("feeds on") the male. And I can't help remembering how hungry the Queen was after making those soldier Wraith in Spoils of War and wanting to feed on Todd.
    Yup. Which has made us wonder where the queen may have gotten male genetic material for the cloning, if it was needed. Poor Todd...his last moments spent as a sex slave. LOL.

    In all seriousness though, I wouldn't be surprised if Queens do feed on males after breeding - like a praying mantis (I still say Wraith remind me of the mantis). So, breeding may be the greatest privilege, but one that results in certain death.

    See, the thing with Todd in SoW is that it made NO real sense for the queen to feed upon someone with his knowledge and abilities, not when you have all these stupid masked drone walking around...drones who are surely meatier than the likes of Todd. So, why feed on him if he can be of value? She was a very stupid queen when you think about it. No vision, so unlike Todd who can see other ways of doing things. Makes me wonder if he's learned this from his association with Lanteans, or if it's just the way he is, or what.

    Something I'd like to see regarding the Wraith is how they create their enviroments. For instance, if they can produce webbing, etc...(which is indicated in The Defiant One when he cocoons his live meal)...then why don't they do this when kept in the cell, out of their normal enviroment. THAT would have been coolness! To see Steve or Todd (both kept in the cell the longest) begin to transform the cell into something more suitable for their needs...perhaps webbing it up a bit and making it gooey. I don't think they themselves produce the membranes and umbilicals, but certainly that spider web-like substance that Greg wrapped the kid in...that seems to come from them.

    Hmmmm...wonder if JM has any answers....

    Last edited by dasNdanger; 12 March 2008, 08:03 PM.


      Ha We are still talking about Wraith reproduction very interesting subject Remember in Allies when Radic was talking about the info the hive ship sent over. Radic said it was like an encyclopedia and Sheppard said when I got my first encyclopedia I looked under the letter S. Radic then said well Wraith sexually is very interesting. Well we seem to have a bit of an encyclopedia going on here Ha Ha.

      Maybe Queens or Keepers do go into a mating cycle kind of the pon far thing and send out pheromones and the strongest males like the one in the Defiant One or maybe the Bobs. If this the case maybe this happens say every 25 years or more since the Wraith live long lives. Do they lay eggs? Do they have live birth?

      There was a scene in one of the episode of SG1 where Hathor need genetic material from O'Neill I don't really remember the episode. It had to do with how the gould were reproduced. Has anyone seen that episode? Maybe you guys might get a better idea what I'm talking about. Maybe the Wraith are "made" that way. Just a thought

      It would be interesting to see more of their hive based lives. I don't think those answers won't be in season five. hopefully there will be a season six.



        Just one short note: If Chris Heyerdahl reads these posts he probably gets a kick out of it with all the Wraith/Todd worshipping going around here He's getting a little fan base to. He also seems to have a sense of humor from what I gleaned from his interview.



          You know, the whole "wraith reproduction" thing has always reminded me of a clip from a cartoon on late-night Cartoon Network... Let's see if I can find it....

          Hmmm.... This should work.

          My computer skills are pretty craptastic as of late.


            Originally posted by dolfynnchick View Post
            You know, the whole "wraith reproduction" thing has always reminded me of a clip from a cartoon on late-night Cartoon Network... Let's see if I can find it....

            Hmmm.... This should work.

            My computer skills are pretty craptastic as of late.
            That's very funny Smufs and Wraiths well some Wraiths are a shade of blue. Oh and one other thing since we are still on the subject of Wraith reproduction on season one DVD there is a little commentary called "Wraithal Discrimination: It's not easy being Green. there is a part where they talk about a special pronger in their pronger place I won't go any farther just use your imagation. Oh did you know Wier wanted to do Steve



              Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
              That's very funny Smufs and Wraiths well some Wraiths are a shade of blue. Oh and one other thing since we are still on the subject of Wraith reproduction on season one DVD there is a little commentary called "Wraithal Discrimination: It's not easy being Green. there is a part where they talk about a special pronger in their pronger place I won't go any farther just use your imagation. Oh did you know Wier wanted to do Steve

              Children! Shield your eyes, for here I shalt quote the question commentary of the Great Peter DeLuise...

              LOL Yeah, that's my favorite extra ever! The part where Peter DeLuise goes, "Wraith males are great because they have incredible staying power. And they have a special 'prong' in their 'prong region' that drives women wild at the height of extacey."

              I'm quite aware of my inability to spell the word extacey...


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                Something I'd like to see regarding the Wraith is how they create their enviroments. For instance, if they can produce webbing, etc...(which is indicated in The Defiant One when he cocoons his live meal)...then why don't they do this when kept in the cell, out of their normal enviroment. THAT would have been coolness! To see Steve or Todd (both kept in the cell the longest) begin to transform the cell into something more suitable for their needs...perhaps webbing it up a bit and making it gooey. I don't think they themselves produce the membranes and umbilicals, but certainly that spider web-like substance that Greg wrapped the kid in...that seems to come from them.

                Hmmmm...wonder if JM has any answers....

                We did not see too much of Steve in Atlantis (the Steve/Shepard dialogs were great, don't get me wrong) so we don't know half the stuff that happned. We will never know if Steve tried to web the cell and got shot for it
                Maybe they just told Todd, don't you dare to make cross stuff in this cell...



                  Originally posted by dolfynnchick View Post
                  Children! Shield your eyes, for here I shalt quote the question commentary of the Great Peter DeLuise...

                  LOL Yeah, that's my favorite extra ever! The part where Peter DeLuise goes, "Wraith males are great because they have incredible staying power. And they have a special 'prong' in their 'prong region' that drives women wild at the height of extacey."

                  I'm quite aware of my inability to spell the word extacey...
                  Yup! that's the extra im talkin' about And yes Steve is gorgeous in a wraithy kind of way. Well I think. Boy! if other gaters view this thread they would think we here at WDC were nuts, crazy. loony. We are just wraith crazy over here HaHa



                    Originally posted by dolfynnchick View Post
                    HEY DEGIL!!!! Yeah, I'm everywhere! I guess I can post a few of my cutesy fanarts... Let me see if I can figure out the spoiler tags first though so that I don't kill the page layout....

                    I'll post a few of my favorites. I hope this works....


                    All I'll say is, it's a dang good thing wraith aren't real, because i'd probably be in a lot of trouble with those....

                    Oh, and sorry for the crap quality. I don't have a scanner; these are done with a refrigerator, some magnets, and a digital camera.
                    Hey dolfnnchick how are you?? I didn't know you were a member here. Welcome!! Love your wraith pictures. They are always so good.


                      @dolfnnchick sweet wraithy pictures. Oh and by the way welcome to the WDC this is a fun place to be.



                        Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                        Boy! if other gaters view this thread they would think we here at WDC were nuts, crazy. loony. We are just wraith crazy over here HaHa

                        Just reading this thread before I have to go and do some work - very funny, I shall have to go and make you all some skinny black 'T' shirts with 'Wraith Worshiper' on in big white text!

                        Tune In, Turn On, Burn Out .......


                          @ Meganpurple HELLOOOOOOO ALSO
                          Welcome here

                          @ Dolfyn... And Peters word are right I think... I think Wraith have Sex

                          But what I want to know is... What "Eat" Michael now? I mean he is no Wraith and Human??? He look like a Zombie.... What he "Eat"??? Human Food???


                            Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
                            @ Meganpurple HELLOOOOOOO ALSO
                            Welcome here

                            @ Dolfyn... And Peters word are right I think... I think Wraith have Sex

                            But what I want to know is... What "Eat" Michael now? I mean he is no Wraith and Human??? He look like a Zombie.... What he "Eat"??? Human Food???
                            Hello Degilwen, How are you?? I have been a member here alittle while. I think Michael said that he eats whatever humans do if I remember him right. It was brought up in the last episode. He looks alittle different this time. He always does everytime he is on the show. LOL


                              Originally posted by Ashimjara View Post
                              Just reading this thread before I have to go and do some work - very funny, I shall have to go and make you all some skinny black 'T' shirts with 'Wraith Worshiper' on in big white text!
                              That would be alright with me!!rotfl. I want one. haha


                                Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                                @dolfnnchick sweet wraithy pictures. Oh and by the way welcome to the WDC this is a fun place to be.

                                Yes welcome to you!!

