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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Elentari View Post
    *wipes tears from eyes*

    Interesting idea! Just for the fun of it let's say the Wraith do invade Earth...which fashion house would they likely invade first?

    I think the Queens would head straight over to Christian Dior and fight over gowns and the faced males would have a difficult time choosing between Calvin Klein and Armani.

    Those male wraith faced wraith dressed in Armani - mmm if they look as good as Brendan Fraser does from George of the Jungle, well I think they will be hot!
    I came, I saw, I conquered!
    We are unique! Created unique!


      Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
      Those male wraith faced wraith dressed in Armani - mmm if they look as good as Brendan Fraser does from George of the Jungle, well I think they will be hot!
      OOOHHHHH YEAH...that's what I'm talking about, Sevenofnine!!! Take a totally hot Wraith and pour him into one of those perfectly fitted gorgeously masculine tuxes...*drools*



        Originally posted by masterling View Post
        I know im a little late in the debate but I wanted to put my thoughts in regarding the Wraith and art. I agree with a lot of what has been said and may be repeating some of it. I do feel that they do have a culture and its unfortunate that TPTB have only chosen to show us a very narrow image of the wraith and their society. They have only given us the “they are the enemy, they are ‘evil’, they are there for the lantians to kill.” I agree with the thought that maybe there may be “art” that can not be seen by the human eye. Back in “Seteda” we saw Riddick/Neo wearing the equivalent to sunglasses. When he was in the dark chasing after Ronan we got to see things from his prospective, in infra-red. I take from this that all Wraith see in this fashion, so imagine how beautiful those dark, organic hives must look to them. Also he is the only Wraith we have ever seen with this particular style. Now is he special and must wear the “shades” in the natural day light to protect his eyes because of heightened senses? Or is this a personal statement. I like to think of it as his identity, that said, it makes me wonder how the rest of the Wraith deal with natural day light. And worse, dose this mean that when Todd is in the hands of the lantians, does the lighting bother him? I imagine it does but of course he wont let on to this.
        When it comes to the tattoos, I also think this is in part an individual identity. I have yet to see 2 identical ones. Some are similar but not enough to identify them as belonging to a particular group/hive. And as far as an indicator of rank, we have seen commanders with out facial tattoos like Todd’s. This leads me to think they are chosen by the individual wraith but may correspond to something important to them. Such has coming of age, taking command, winning a battle etc.
        I always got the impression those were night vision goggles, hence an advantage over Ronon who was essentially fighting blind. If their eyes were more accustomed to infrared vision, they wouldn't need those goggle to see this way, do you know what I mean? It is an aid. However, they should be able to see better at night simply because their pupils have evolved with slits rather than circular irises. So, in other words, I often found it redundant that the wraith in Seteda was wearing night vision goggles. Again, I thought it was another attempt on the part of the creators to demonstrate how "unfair" the wraith really are, but of course to demonstrate how "macho" Ronon was, because he could still kill 'em even fightin' blind.

        I think the first time night vision goggles were introduced to the media gorged audiences (us) was with the serial killer in Silence of the Lambs. The character of Buffalo Bill chased down Jodi Foster who was an FBI agent in the dungeons (basement) of his house. She had to rely on sound and raw courage to get herself out alive. He, of course had the advantage. But she remembered not to forget her blind side as she had forgotten in practice. When he came up from behind her, she shot him dead because she relied on her sense of hearing.

        I think the writers were making a fleeting allusion to this. So, in other words, the wraith are serial killers. Therefore, it wasn't just a jump that the Vegas wraith was portrayed thus in the episode Vegas.

        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
          I always got the impression those were night vision goggles, hence an advantage over Ronon who was essentially fighting blind. If their eyes were more accustomed to infrared vision, they wouldn't need those goggle to see this way, do you know what I mean? It is an aid.
          The Wraith concerned took the goggles off when he got inside the building.

          This is what he sees in the dark without them.

          Here's another Wraith in the corridor. He's looking up to see Ronon jumping on him.

          This is what he sees. Looks a bit different from human vision.



            Here's the list of Wraith and actors. The one with the goggles was played by two actors. Cody Laudon did the appearance with the goggles and James Bamford did the fight without the them.



              WK, as Cannin said he took off the googles/glasses once he entered the dark room. So thats why i think that the day light may be a bit unconfortable for them IMO. i dont thinks its something that TPTB even considered.


                Originally posted by masterling View Post
                I know im a little late in the debate but I wanted to put my thoughts in regarding the Wraith and art. I agree with a lot of what has been said and may be repeating some of it. I do feel that they do have a culture and its unfortunate that TPTB have only chosen to show us a very narrow image of the wraith and their society. They have only given us the “they are the enemy, they are ‘evil’, they are there for the lantians to kill.” I agree with the thought that maybe there may be “art” that can not be seen by the human eye. Back in “Seteda” we saw Riddick/Neo wearing the equivalent to sunglasses. When he was in the dark chasing after Ronan we got to see things from his prospective, in infra-red. I take from this that all Wraith see in this fashion, so imagine how beautiful those dark, organic hives must look to them. Also he is the only Wraith we have ever seen with this particular style. Now is he special and must wear the “shades” in the natural day light to protect his eyes because of heightened senses? Or is this a personal statement. I like to think of it as his identity, that said, it makes me wonder how the rest of the Wraith deal with natural day light. And worse, dose this mean that when Todd is in the hands of the lantians, does the lighting bother him? I imagine it does but of course he wont let on to this.
                If we go back to what Rob Cooper said, about production designer James Robbins wanting to give Wraith culture (I posted his comments here:, then I think it's say to say that the Wraith with the 'sunglasses' was wearing them because HE thought they were cool. To me, it gave the impression that this was a very young Wraith - a 'teenager' - as it were. I can't help but feel that that was the soul purpose of the sunglasses - to leave the viewer with the impression that this Wraith was a youth, still learning to hunt.

                I don't think that daylight hurts their eyes, but I think that - with their infrared night vision - they hunt better in the night. I'm guessing that they have normal vision in normal light, though they may still be able to see heat signatures and such.

                But, if they don't have normal vision like us, it might help explain their ability to be emotionally disconnected from humans - they don't see a complete image - they may not clearly see facial expressions and the like - they only see the heat that a human body radiates, and that heat = nourishment. Although, this would also make it difficult to see details in their own world, such as their written word, and such things as the fine details of their tattoos, which brings me to:

                When it comes to the tattoos, I also think this is in part an individual identity. I have yet to see 2 identical ones. Some are similar but not enough to identify them as belonging to a particular group/hive. And as far as an indicator of rank, we have seen commanders with out facial tattoos like Todd’s. This leads me to think they are chosen by the individual wraith but may correspond to something important to them. Such has coming of age, taking command, winning a battle etc.
                Yes - I think the tattoos definitely mean something to the individual. The fact that some tattoos are very ornate, almost 'flowery', suggests they truly have an eye for beauty. I've seen some very detailed tats that are downright evil or demonic in appearance, but Wraith tattoos are nothing like that - they are quite the opposite.

                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                I always got the impression those were night vision goggles, hence an advantage over Ronon who was essentially fighting blind. ...I think the first time night vision goggles were introduced to the media gorged audiences (us) was with the serial killer in Silence of the Lambs. The character of Buffalo Bill chased down Jodi Foster who was an FBI agent in the dungeons (basement) of his house. She had to rely on sound and raw courage to get herself out alive. He, of course had the advantage. But she remembered not to forget her blind side as she had forgotten in practice. When he came up from behind her, she shot him dead because she relied on her sense of hearing.

                I think the writers were making a fleeting allusion to this. So, in other words, the wraith are serial killers. Therefore, it wasn't just a jump that the Vegas wraith was portrayed thus in the episode Vegas.

                Well, I think ciannwn cleared this up - they definitely were not night vision goggles, and I figure they were probably just sunglasses that that particular young Wraith liked to sport.

                The writers have never suggested that Wraith are serial killers. Again, Rob Cooper compared them to sharks, 'more intelligent feeding machines.'

                I'd like to just say something here...

                It really does not matter what the writers tried to do to make the Wraith seem 'evil', again and again the show established that Wraith kill in order to survive. They don't do it just for funsies (though they do find enjoyment in it, just as we find enjoyment in our food).

                Wraith behave just like humans do with our food animals - we kill animals to eat (Wraith cullings), we removed infected animals from the herd (Wraith killing off Hoffan-infected humans), and we even practice to improve our hunting and fishing skills, or sometimes do it just for sport (Wraith hunters). Never have the Wraith been compared to serial killers, mass murderers, or Nazis - but instead they have been portrayed as a ravenous insect-humanoid species that kills out of an instinctive need to feed, and survive. Even Todd - for as much self-control as he shows - still is driven by this 'need to feed'.

                So, the writers can try to turn the audience against Wraith, but - obviously - since they have also established WHY Wraith kill and shown that they do so not out of evil intent, but out of a biological need, then - really - they KNOW they have created a sympathetic 'villain'.

                This is how I see it - if people want to hate the Wraith, they can look at some of the things they do and point their finger, and declare, 'See! Wraith are evil!'

                But I - and others who can see things from the Wraith POV - can see those same exact things and we can declare, 'See! Wraith are not evil!'

                I think that is the whole point of the WDC. We know what the Wraith are, we know what they do, but we ACCEPT it as part of their survival. We WANT Wraith to live, and so if feeding on humans is the only way they can do so, we don't condemn them for it. Nor do we try to compare it to human conduct, since in all the history of mankind there has never been a human being that - biologically from birth - needed only human flesh to survive.



                  Originally posted by masterling View Post
                  WK, as Cannin said he took off the googles/glasses once he entered the dark room. So thats why i think that the day light may be a bit unconfortable for them IMO. i dont thinks its something that TPTB even considered.
                  The reason for the goggles was explained in the Ask Bambam thread. The goggles were just intended to make this Wraith stand out. When it came to the fight in the dark room, however, they were removed for safety's sake.

                  We've never had any 'in story' explanation, though.


                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    I don't think that daylight hurts their eyes, but I think that - with their infrared night vision - they hunt better in the night. I'm guessing that they have normal vision in normal light, though they may still be able to see heat signatures and such.
                    We jokingly refer to those slits on the face as viper pits.


                    The Crotalinae, or crotalines, are a subfamily of venomous vipers found in Asia and the Americas. They are distinguished by the presence of a heat-sensing pit organ located between the eye and the nostril on either side of the head.

                    Here's an article about how it works.



                      does anyone know how to construct a time dialation device i want to place one around this thread so it wont grow so fast when im not looking

                      or maybe i could use my alternate dimensions portal thingie to kidnap carter and have her build one instead btw our trip to the stargate reality was a success when ive finished off my dissertation (sometime after easter most likely) i will try to post the first chapter or two though it would be useful if any of you who are interested tell me which atlantis crew members/wraith that you would like to have your conciousness accidentally transferred into as well as any crazy antics you would want to get up to
                      i already have a couple ideas like das in either keller or shep and wraithcake in steve but if you have any objections to appearing in my fic pls let me know

                      also i feel the need to announce that i now have the first five seasons of stargate sg-1 (or i will when they arrive tmorrow) and that i now understand why ebay is so addictive
                      Quietly, so as not to alarm anyone, she began to go insane


                        Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                        We jokingly refer to those slits on the face as viper pits.


                        The Crotalinae, or crotalines, are a subfamily of venomous vipers found in Asia and the Americas. They are distinguished by the presence of a heat-sensing pit organ located between the eye and the nostril on either side of the head.

                        Here's an article about how it works.

                        yes, I think that's how the creators envisioned the slits - as an extra sensory organ (Cooper, in effect, compared them to shark nostrils that sense smell, but are not used for breathing). I like to call them extra nostrils because it sounds funny...but I call them sensory (or viper) pits when I want them to sound sexy.



                          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                          The Wraith concerned took the goggles off when he got inside the building.


                          This is what he sees in the dark without them.


                          Here's another Wraith in the corridor. He's looking up to see Ronon jumping on him.


                          This is what he sees. Looks a bit different from human vision.

                          Looks like you might be right. However, what was nagging me was the feeling I was left with that the wraith had some sort of advantage over Ronon in the Dark, when I first saw Seteda. Now it would seem strange that the wraith would need to wear goggles to begin with, because they can see in day light without the need of protective vision. However, it is only when he takes off the goggles in the dark, it looks like there is some sort of enhancement on his eyes to begin with. I mean who knows, with slit pupils the wraith should be able to see in the dark just fine, it is a rather unusual situation;

                          coming into the dark

                          Weird glowy eyes

                          more weird glowy eyes

                          I don't even know if the episode was meant to be scrutinized to the extent we are scrutinizing it. Because as I go back and look at the screencaps there is a vision of what the goggled wraith sees before he takes his goggles off (everything looks normal),

                          Then the second wraith who does not wear goggles looks at his motion detector wrist band and sees everything normal, then looks at Ronon coming at him and sees everything in neon. Who knows.

                          It would be neat if they could see like that though.

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Originally posted by masterling View Post
                            WK, as Cannin said he took off the googles/glasses once he entered the dark room. So thats why i think that the day light may be a bit unconfortable for them IMO. i dont thinks its something that TPTB even considered.
                            I agree, there's some weird stuff in that episode. I posted a reply to C. so take a look at some of those pictures. I would be neat if they could see like this, but I don't think there is any sort of consistency. I always got the impression these runners were "enhanced" somehow to demonstrate how unfair the wraith are.

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                              I don't even know if the episode was meant to be scrutinized to the extent we are scrutinizing it. Because as I go back and look at the screencaps there is a vision of what the goggled wraith sees before he takes his goggles off (everything looks normal),

                              Then the second wraith who does not wear goggles looks at his motion detector wrist band and sees everything normal, then looks at Ronon coming at him and sees everything in neon. Who knows.

                              It would be neat if they could see like that though.

                              Maybe they can turn it on and off at will?

                              I think you're right about TPTB not meaning the episode to be scrutinised like this. They just didn't take us Wraith fans into account at the time.


                                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                                I agree, there's some weird stuff in that episode. I posted a reply to C. so take a look at some of those pictures. I would be neat if they could see like this, but I don't think there is any sort of consistency. I always got the impression these runners were "enhanced" somehow to demonstrate how unfair the wraith are.

                                Since the writers have said that they think hunting is both used as sport, AND to train young Wraith, I doubt the latter are enhanced (though they do have tools, like the tracking device, to help them). If hunters were enhanced, wouldn't they have been harder to kill in <i>Tracker</i>? If anyone was enhanced in that ep, it was Keller!!

                                And even if they were enhanced - how is that unfair? Human hunters use high-powered rifles, camo gear, animal scent, and traps to kill their prey. In fact, by comparison, Wraith hunters are at a serious disadvantage when it comes to facing their prey. Isn't it their prey - the runners - who build the traps, use camouflage, and have the advanced weapons?

                                Nah...the only thing Wraith hunters have going for them is a burning hunger that needs to be sated. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if their commanders force them to go hungry before the hunt, just so they are driven harder to succeed in the kill. Poor, hungry fellas...


