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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
    Keep these coming!! I always thought that Shawn came back and personally fed on the magistrate, and drooled the entire time! (The drooling has made him one of my favorite Wraith's of all...Wraith: *drools*..."But I am more civilized than that..." LOLOL!!! PERFECT!!!!

    Originally posted by BlueJay
    Talking about healing, i'm sure this would have been brought up but i'm new so forgive me, when a wraith is shot do they have to dig out the bullets with those sharp nails of theirs before they can heal? or do they just heal over and the bullets just rattle around inside of them.

    Grab that Wraith and shake 'im like a MARACA!! Cha-cha-cha!

    Originally posted by Shanthaia
    Other topic: I have never seen wraith in combat to dig out the bullets or the bullets just popping out again on their own accord so I think they stay in the wraith's body. I suppose that there is simply no time in battle to dig them out of their flesh but eventually they need to be removed. After all a bullet is a foreign object in the body and would get in the way of organs and so on. Probably the wraith who had an accounter with the people from Atlantis and lived sit sogether on their hive/cruiser and reopen each others wounds to get the projectiles out to allow proper healing.
    It would be interesting to see if they do extract the bullets later - probably without anything to kill the pain, either. I think Wraith are tough old buggers...can take the pain.

    Their bodies may also 'absorb' the bullets - much like they absorb human life force. The bullets just dissolve inside of them, and their bodies absorb the elements (metals, etc) into their system. But I prefer the idea of a bunch of Wraith sitting around, digging out bullets and talking about their triumphs, and tragedies, on the feeding ground.

    Originally posted by Risem
    Sickness would be a lot harder to heal. Unless the wraith injects their own anti-bodies into the human. And that would only heal what the wraith may have come into contact with. I would think the wraith would be able to heal moderate wounds on a human. But alas we still no very little about the feeding process. *giggles* Maybe the feeding enzyme promotes the bodies self healing abilities and speeds it up....
    Okay - you just made my head spin! You have some good ideas, though...especially about the dehydration of human bodies. Still...not sure what all the Wraith absorb - we know they can 'taste' human emotions, so it's not just the physical body they absorb, but maybe even the emotions of a person. Which brings me to a question...

    Do the Wraith have real emotions. Sure, they have ANGER (Iratus bug translates as 'angry bug') - and maybe fear...but what about other emotions? We've seen Todd laugh. We've seen them smile - so they do know humor and pleasure. But what about the more subtle emotions and they worry? Do they have real 'joy'? Do they have hope? And if they have all these emotions, do they purposely suppress them, perhaps because their insectoid mentality can't fully handle human emotions? Yeah - I'd like to know more about how they handle, or deal with, emotions. They all seem so reserved, self-controlled (until they are angry or hungry).

    Originally posted by Ashimjara
    Hi WDC - thought you may be interested in this:

    Last night whilst relaxing in my bath after a hard days work I turned to page 27 of the March issue of SFX Magazine. There were a couple of SGA related letters here, the first concerning a fan who wanted Weir back, the second letter sent in by a reader 'Felipe', was rather scathing about season four and the " uh... yawn ...Replicators" (I have to agree with him about them - not as exciting as the Borg now are they?)

    Anyway to continue, SFX magazine replies to his letter with "We'll agree with you on that one - the Pegasus Replicators are rubbish. Forget saving Elizabeth Weir, where's the Save the Wraith campaign?! Bring back the Wraith! SFX"

    I'm with SFX, we want to see more in-depth Wraith episodes !
    I totally AGREE! Shouldn't we start some sort of Save the Wraith campaign somewhere where it'll have a real impact? Not sure where or how (what about those other fan campaigns on the site - how do they work?)

    Anyway - I think we really need to keep talking up the Wraith - particularly Todd - and see what happens. Hopefully it'll mean that TPTB will continue to develop and feature the Wraith until they become something MORE than mere cannon fodder in the PG.

    See what Todd has started? Forget Atlantis, he's even stirring up things HERE!

    naughty boy.



      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

      Okay - you just made my head spin! You have some good ideas, though...especially about the dehydration of human bodies. Still...not sure what all the Wraith absorb - we know they can 'taste' human emotions, so it's not just the physical body they absorb, but maybe even the emotions of a person. Which brings me to a question...

      Do the Wraith have real emotions. Sure, they have ANGER (Iratus bug translates as 'angry bug') - and maybe fear...but what about other emotions? We've seen Todd laugh. We've seen them smile - so they do know humor and pleasure. But what about the more subtle emotions and they worry? Do they have real 'joy'? Do they have hope? And if they have all these emotions, do they purposely suppress them, perhaps because their insectoid mentality can't fully handle human emotions? Yeah - I'd like to know more about how they handle, or deal with, emotions. They all seem so reserved, self-controlled (until they are angry or hungry).
      Yeah, there's also the "spiritual/psychic" feeding aspect as well. Maybe they make a connection to their victims as they feed? They've already proven to have superior mental skills, AKA Mind vibes. *giggles*

      And yes, I think they do experience the full range of human emotions, but obviously some are suppressed as they're a sign of weakness. They're a very aggressive race to anger and it's associated emotions would come up trumps with them. But they have also shown a loads of other emotions. They're just as complex as humans in that respect.


        Originally posted by Risem View Post
        Sickness would be a lot harder to heal. Unless the wraith injects their own anti-bodies into the human. And that would only heal what the wraith may have come into contact with.
        I would think the wraith would be able to heal moderate wounds on a human. But alas we still no very little about the feeding process. *giggles*
        Maybe the feeding enzyme promotes the bodies self healing abilities and speeds it up.
        I would have also thought that "the gift of life" also includes fluids and ATP (Cellular energy), these will help with the bodies healing.
        I've often thought that's why the humans age when fed upon. The wraith first injects the enzyme we know about to strengthen the body and keep the heart beating for the longest time possible. They may then inject another cocktail of enzymes into the blood stream that forces all ATP and bodily fluids (inc lymph etc) into the victims blood. That makes it easy for the wraith to drain. I'd have though that the wraith DO drain blood. Rather like vampires, just cooler, haha. Then the victim kinda looks old because they're severely dehydrated relatively quickly, hence the gaunt look.
        Once a large percentage of the body has been drained the heart begins to shut down, then it would be impossible for the wraith to feed as nothing is moving the blood around the body. I think other people have also said that they must somehow be able to drain the melanin out of the hair, that can't really be done biologically but heh (who knows?), it's science fiction.

        Has this already been touched upon? I haven't seen many other theories.
        Sorry it's kinda long.

        Oooh, mini brain wave, about how and why the wraith absorb human DNA. When feeding they could somehow feed on the humans mitochondria and use them in their own bodies? These mitochondria have their own DNA which would pass to the wraith. But I'm not sure if the MtDNA contains the full human genome. Again, whatever, I'm not an expert.
        I highly doubt that immunsytem components can be passed on safely from a wraith to a human in an attempt to cure a disease. I don't know how exactly the immun system of a wraith works but as they are part human maybe there are similarities. In humans the t cells (important to mediate immunsrespons ,that does not involve antibodies, like activating macrophages) are built in the tymus where they learn how to recognice the bodies own cells (process kills over 95% of the t cells which undergo it). The cells left are very specific and leave only the bodies own structures alone. If the wraith have anything similar it would wreak havoc in a human body. And that's just one of the many diffrent immune system cell types.

        To be honest the feeding process leaves me completly baffled in terms of the cellular/ molecular biology level. (topics of my study course).

        As the feeding process results in dried up husks I suppose liquid draining is part of it. And why not ATP absorption as well? It is possible but ATP is just an energy carrier molecule and has not very much to do with the aging process, though you are certainly dead when you loose too much ATP.
        ATP is a highly polar substance (phosphate = charged) which does not cross the cell membrane easily (lipids = uncharged). Maybe the feeding process tears the cell membrans to shreds to get the cell content into the blood but to reverse such a process? - Not very likely. But destroying the cells would also explain how the iratus bug gets to the DNA which is in the nucleus. (true there is DNA in the mitochondria as well but it just codes for 13 proteins, 22 tRNAs and 2rRNAs, that is really not much information. If anybody is really interested:

        Sorry if I spoil some theories with that info



          Name "Tytti" is pronounced:

          T - like 'Todd'
          Y - like 'ü' in german
          T - like 'Todd'
          T - like 'Todd'
          I - like 'if'

          So, correctly pronounced it should not sound like 'tit' at all. But it might be hard for english speakers to pronounce, after all...

          Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
          Heehee. Shawn...

          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Do the Wraith have real emotions. Sure, they have ANGER (Iratus bug translates as 'angry bug') - and maybe fear...but what about other emotions? We've seen Todd laugh. We've seen them smile - so they do know humor and pleasure. But what about the more subtle emotions and they worry? Do they have real 'joy'? Do they have hope? And if they have all these emotions, do they purposely suppress them, perhaps because their insectoid mentality can't fully handle human emotions? Yeah - I'd like to know more about how they handle, or deal with, emotions. They all seem so reserved, self-controlled (until they are angry or hungry).
          I think, based on what we have seen in Instinct that they have emotions like humans do.
          Todd seems to be quite emotional wraith too. Heyerdahl explained Todd's emotions towards Sheppard in interview, and it seems that he have very complex emotions. I remember also Todd saying something about how good it is to see the stars. That suggests that they have sense of beauty too. And the clothes they wear... Especially queens wear very beautiful and not so practical clothes.
          I have some Wraith DNA in my genetic make-up, that makes me want to use trench coat.


          "Jaffat tulloo... Helmat paukkuu..."


            Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
            Talking about healing, i'm sure this would have been brought up but i'm new so forgive me, when a wraith is shot do they have to dig out the bullets with those sharp nails of theirs before they can heal? or do they just heal over and the bullets just rattle around inside of them.
            I don't think wraith bodies heal over bullets. it wouldn't make much sense to only to be cut open again to remove them and have to heal a second time. it seems like unneccesary strain. when they regenerate, healing would probably start at the deepest point of the injury, which would be behind the bullet, therefore pushing the bullet out as the tissue regrows. that's my guess.

            I agree about shawn. I love it when the cruiser shows up at the end (I'm assuming shawn is in it), and the magistrate knows he's the main course.
            Last edited by naamiaiset; 28 February 2008, 07:54 AM.


              Just a quick hi - to test a new sig banner (in spoiler tag - it's too big to show, I think) - I don't have photoshop - but paint shop - and it's really hard to get things the way I like 'em. But it'll do - I just thought the lyrics to Korn's Evolution fit Steve perfectly...(Not to mention what the character does to me... )

              Last edited by dasNdanger; 28 February 2008, 09:48 AM.


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                Just a quick hi - to test a new avatar (in spoiler tag - it's too big to show, I think) - I don't have photoshop - but paint shop - and it's really hard to get things the way I like 'em. But it'll do - I just thought the lyrics to Korn's Evolution fit Steve perfectly...(Not to mention what the character does to me... )

                I like it, good job. those lyrics suit steve perfect.


                  Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                  I highly doubt that immunsytem components can be passed on safely from a wraith to a human in an attempt to cure a disease. I don't know how exactly the immun system of a wraith works but as they are part human maybe there are similarities. In humans the t cells (important to mediate immunsrespons ,that does not involve antibodies, like activating macrophages) are built in the tymus where they learn how to recognice the bodies own cells (process kills over 95% of the t cells which undergo it). The cells left are very specific and leave only the bodies own structures alone. If the wraith have anything similar it would wreak havoc in a human body. And that's just one of the many diffrent immune system cell types.

                  To be honest the feeding process leaves me completly baffled in terms of the cellular/ molecular biology level. (topics of my study course).

                  As the feeding process results in dried up husks I suppose liquid draining is part of it. And why not ATP absorption as well? It is possible but ATP is just an energy carrier molecule and has not very much to do with the aging process, though you are certainly dead when you loose too much ATP.
                  ATP is a highly polar substance (phosphate = charged) which does not cross the cell membrane easily (lipids = uncharged). Maybe the feeding process tears the cell membrans to shreds to get the cell content into the blood but to reverse such a process? - Not very likely. But destroying the cells would also explain how the iratus bug gets to the DNA which is in the nucleus. (true there is DNA in the mitochondria as well but it just codes for 13 proteins, 22 tRNAs and 2rRNAs, that is really not much information. If anybody is really interested:

                  Sorry if I spoil some theories with that info
                  Don't be sorry at all. You obviously pay attention in class. *giggles*
                  And yeah, I wasn't sure about the mitochondria holding the entire genome. Thanks for clearing that up, the wiki article had everything but the info I needed.

                  And about the ATP, I kinda brushed over how it could be done with the "cocktail of enzymes" part; it's sci-fi. Any thing's possible haha. And yeah, ATP isn't to do with aging, but on the show they say that fed upon people haven't actually aged, it just appears that way.

                  Yeah, maybe one of the enzymes begins to breakdown cell membranes on specific cells; you wouldn't want to do this to the heart or vascular system.

                  Also, it's good to see someone else here to studies biology! (Though I quit last year.)


                    Originally posted by Risem View Post
                    Don't be sorry at all. You obviously pay attention in class. *giggles*
                    And yeah, I wasn't sure about the mitochondria holding the entire genome. Thanks for clearing that up, the wiki article had everything but the info I needed.

                    And about the ATP, I kinda brushed over how it could be done with the "cocktail of enzymes" part; it's sci-fi. Any thing's possible haha. And yeah, ATP isn't to do with aging, but on the show they say that fed upon people haven't actually aged, it just appears that way.

                    Yeah, maybe one of the enzymes begins to breakdown cell membranes on specific cells; you wouldn't want to do this to the heart or vascular system.

                    Also, it's good to see someone else here to studies biology! (Though I quit last year.)
                    Wraith biochemistry and physiology! I LOVE this thread!
                    Sparrow hawk



                      Hi everyone, Some people think Todd hacked into Atlantis computers to get info. Well so what, Rodney does that all the time when Shep and team are on those hive ships. So I made a pic of Todd/Penny at a computer with thoughts on his mind. You know a "little Wraith humour." I will put it into the spoiler tag.




                        Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                        Hi everyone, Some people think Todd hacked into Atlantis computers to get info. Well so what, Rodney does that all the time when Shep and team are on those hive ships. So I made a pic of Todd/Penny at a computer with thoughts on his mind. You know a "little Wraith humour." I will put it into the spoiler tag.


                        OMG, Todd wouldn't ....or would he

                        Nice picture by the way. Is it draw by hand or computer?



                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Just a quick hi - to test a new avatar (in spoiler tag - it's too big to show, I think) - I don't have photoshop - but paint shop - and it's really hard to get things the way I like 'em. But it'll do - I just thought the lyrics to Korn's Evolution fit Steve perfectly...(Not to mention what the character does to me... )

                          I like that too and I agree with the other poster how the words refleck Steve's thoughts. I don't know about an avatar the image maybe to scrunched to read the words, but maybe a sig.



                            *Watched Common Ground and McKay and Mrs. Miller earlier on, now puts on Michael in Vengeance...*


                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.


                              Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                              OMG, Todd wouldn't ....or would he

                              Nice picture by the way. Is it draw by hand or computer?
                              I would love to say that I drew this, but alast it was a computer. I can't draw worth a lick. I envy/ admire people who can draw. I's more admire than envy.



                                Originally posted by LiquidSky
                                I like that too and I agree with the other poster how the words refleck Steve's thoughts. I don't know about an avatar the image maybe to scrunched to read the words, but maybe a sig.

                                Oh. duh. Ignore what I said - I MEANT 'signature' - but was at the same time changing my avatar on another site, so had 'avatar' on the brain.

                                Never mind me.

                                Oh, love Todd's naughty thoughts!! He SO needs to suck some of that extra meat off'a Rodney!

                                Hee...Spikey - I'm watching Common Ground now - but had an interruption int he office, so gonna replay it 'cause I've missed most of it already.


