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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

    Fun story - the other day I had on a black shirt, and long (to my ankles) black skirt - full skirt, not a straight, tight one. Over that I was wearing my leather jacket that comes down just below my butt. It's a combo I've worn for years, not something I purposely put together to look Wraithy. I mean - a skirt and leather jacket - that's all it was. But as I walked towards my husband, he said, "You look like Todd in that outfit" - LOL! Just made my day! Of course, I'm like a foot and a half shorter than Todd...but still...

    *giggles* That would make my day too, but, alas none of my friends like atlantis!
    I too wear loads of black. You could say a little wraithy.


      Originally posted by Degilwen
      Hello at all... Ohh to have flu is not nice.... and fever is bad
      Do Wraith have flu?? I made my thinks about Steve and the Keeper.... Is it the same person or they are different??? I think too that the "Steve" Wraith who fight with Teyla is not James or??? I´m confused?????
      Steve and the Keeper are both James, as I'm sure you know. But...I'm under the impression that they are different characters. Most everything is the same on the two - except the chin whiskers - Steve's are further apart - with a soul patch - and the Keeper's whiskers are very close together. Also, the Keeper's hair is parted down the center, but Steve's isn't. So, I'm thinking they are supposed to be different characters.



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        And, even though I am old...erm...oldER ...I have very few white hairs, this rate, I'll be 90 years old before I'm totally grey.
        May we ask how young Das is? You've mentioned your being older a few times now, but never by silly insignificant number!

        But as I walked towards my husband, he said, "You look like Todd in that outfit" - LOL! Just made my day! Of course, I'm like a foot and a half shorter than Todd...but still...
        *g* I seriously hope it's only Todd that I like, then. *Snort*

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
          Hello at all... Ohh to have flu is not nice.... and fever is bad
          Do Wraith have flu?? I made my thinks about Steve and the Keeper.... Is it the same person or they are different??? I think too that the "Steve" Wraith who fight with Teyla is not James or??? I´m confused?????
          I don't think the Wraith can get the flu... They don't really die of natural cause, remember? Only starvation, probably. As a natural one, I mean.

          I hope you'll be better soon! Rewatch some Todd-ness, or Mikey eps?

          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

          I wish I got to know you better.


            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
            I don't think the Wraith can get the flu... They don't really die of natural cause, remember? Only starvation, probably. As a natural one, I mean.
            I agree. It's likely they have a highly advanced immune system so they never catch colds, flu or have any kind of disease. I wonder what would happen if a Wraith got a lot of dust or some fluff up his nose. Would he sneeze and would it sound very Gothic? (Am now trying to imagine a Gothic sounding sneeze. )


              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
              I agree. It's likely they have a highly advanced immune system so they never catch colds, flu or have any kind of disease. I wonder what would happen if a Wraith got a lot of dust or some fluff up his nose. Would he sneeze and would it sound very Gothic? (Am now trying to imagine a Gothic sounding sneeze. )
              *g* There's some silly people around here... In a good way!

              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

              I wish I got to know you better.


                Originally posted by GoSpikey
                May we ask how young Das is? You've mentioned your being older a few times now, but never by silly insignificant number!
                Probably too old to be playing HERE! I'm...older than...40. Let's just leave it at that. (Mentally, I'm about 16... lol. )

                All my life I have preferred discussing fictional characters, etc. I just find there is so much MORE you can say, so much more you can analyze, with fictional characters. And fictional characters are way more complex than anyone I know, so - just a great mental exercise to pick them apart (you should hear my thoughts and feelings about Sheppard!! )

                My friends? They gossip about each another. To me, that's boring and spiteful. I just accept real people as they are, good and bad - they are who they are and that's cool. Instead, I use my 'gossip' energies to dissect people who really don't exist, so no hurt feelings or strained friendships. It might not make sense to anyone but me, but it's still better - and more fun - talking about fictional characters than the real people I know.



                  Originally posted by ciannwn
                  I agree. It's likely they have a highly advanced immune system so they never catch colds, flu or have any kind of disease. I wonder what would happen if a Wraith got a lot of dust or some fluff up his nose. Would he sneeze and would it sound very Gothic? (Am now trying to imagine a Gothic sounding sneeze. )
                  It would be hilarious if they sneezed like little girlies...a dainty little 'choo!'

                  Oh, we could discuss what a Wraith sneeze is like...or a Wraith fart...if they fart...but...but...

                  I'd rather talk about Steve.

                  Just watched the feeding scene in PtW again, really feel bad for Steve. He was so happy to be allowed to feed, and so...not sure what...but I'd say frustrated...when he could not. Still, he didn't lash out in his frustration. Can you imagine what it must have been like for him...hungry - probably not starving like Todd was in CG, but still - hungry. A meal is put before him, and he just can't eat it.

                  Think of it this way....YOU are hungry. Let's say, you skipped lunch, and it's now 7 pm, and your stomach is twisting with hunger. Your friend invites you over for a meal, and you jump at the opportunity. You smile at the thought of eating for the first time in hours, almost tasting the food in your mouth before you even arrive at your friend's house. Once inside, you sit patiently at the table, still imagining what sort of food will be placed before you. Finally, your friend comes out with a plate of food - it looks okay, nothing special - but it's still FOOD! And you are SO HUNGRY! You grab your fork, and dig into the food, ONLY to discover it's all made of plastic - a big, fun joke on you.

                  THAT was just pure evil on the Lanteans part. To do that to Steve...totally cruel and inhumane. I think I'm starting to hate the



                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Probably too old to be playing HERE! I'm...older than...40. Let's just leave it at that. (Mentally, I'm about 16... lol. )

                    All my life I have preferred discussing fictional characters, etc. I just find there is so much MORE you can say, so much more you can analyze, with fictional characters. And fictional characters are way more complex than anyone I know, so - just a great mental exercise to pick them apart (you should hear my thoughts and feelings about Sheppard!! )

                    My friends? They gossip about each another. To me, that's boring and spiteful. I just accept real people as they are, good and bad - they are who they are and that's cool. Instead, I use my 'gossip' energies to dissect people who really don't exist, so no hurt feelings or strained friendships. It might not make sense to anyone but me, but it's still better - and more fun - talking about fictional characters than the real people I know.

                    Urgh. Yeah, gossiping about real people isn't nice. I had a job somewhere for 2 weeks once, and always as one of the girls turned her back, the others would start talking about her. Urgh. Not the greatest experience. No wonder I don't work atm. :d

                    Feel like dissecting Shep?

                    I read something somewhere, and yeah, kinda agree. In this ep he goes all 'you're preggers and didn't tell me?!?' on Teyla, and in the same ep he flirts with Larrin... Can he make up his mind? Like Teyla, or flirting... Geesh. I don't think many people would like having an actual relationship with him cos he just can't leave the ladies alone...

                    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                    I wish I got to know you better.


                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      It would be hilarious if they sneezed like little girlies...a dainty little 'choo!'


                      Oh, we could discuss what a Wraith sneeze is like...or a Wraith fart...if they fart...but...but...

                      I'd rather talk about Steve.
                      You know, you can combine those two... A farting Steve is something we can discuss over here...

                      *Doesn't remember Poisoning the Well*

                      *Watches Das's shoe flying towards her*


                      Hey! Watch out where you toss those things, would ya! *Mutters*

                      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                      I wish I got to know you better.


                        Here you are talking about farts! *shakes head*

                        Considering their uhhh, feeding hand is called a handgina. I just got a really odd thought. LMAO.

                        Stop looking at me like that! *hides*

                        Also, a wraith sneeze would be adorable. Joe Mallozzi should SO include it in the episode with the Atlantis toilet scene. *giggles*


                          Originally posted by Risem View Post
                          Here you are talking about farts! *shakes head*

                          Considering their uhhh, feeding hand is called a handgina. I just got a really odd thought. LMAO.

                          Stop looking at me like that! *hides*

                          Also, a wraith sneeze would be adorable. Joe Mallozzi should SO include it in the episode with the Atlantis toilet scene. *giggles*

                          What kind of an idiot named it that?

                          *Hodes too, although she didn't name it*

                          I'm surprised they didn't offer Todd a bath and a hairdresser after Common Ground, lol!

                          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                          I wish I got to know you better.


                            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post

                            What kind of an idiot named it that?

                            *Hodes too, although she didn't name it*

                            I'm surprised they didn't offer Todd a bath and a hairdresser after Common Ground, lol!
                            Yeah, I think some of the crew called it that or at least the fans. Haha.

                            Yeah, poor Todd. Just stuck in that cell. It's not like he could even ask to go to the toilet and secretly give his hair a tidy up. The guards would be like "wtf? The wraith needs the loo?"

                            Also, I don't know if this has been thought about before...would the wraith like heavy metal? Or music at all if they heard some of the earth variety. I think it hard to think of a wraith singing or playing an instrument. Though Steve on lead guitar would be SO hot. *swoons*
                            Classic heavy metal? Kiss? (*giggles*), brutal black metal?
                            Would they like tribal music?

                            I personally think they'd love Industrial Gothic metal, maybe some other genres.


                              ^ Certainly no other genre would even come close to working for them. XD

                              Originally posted by Alien_Bug_Person View Post
                     going to sell my first born to buy contact lenses.
                              Well, they're not quite that expensive.

                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              Probably too old to be playing HERE! I'm...older than...40. Let's just leave it at that. (Mentally, I'm about 16... lol. )

                              All my life I have preferred discussing fictional characters, etc. I just find there is so much MORE you can say, so much more you can analyze, with fictional characters. And fictional characters are way more complex than anyone I know, so - just a great mental exercise to pick them apart (you should hear my thoughts and feelings about Sheppard!! )

                              My friends? They gossip about each another. To me, that's boring and spiteful. I just accept real people as they are, good and bad - they are who they are and that's cool. Instead, I use my 'gossip' energies to dissect people who really don't exist, so no hurt feelings or strained friendships. It might not make sense to anyone but me, but it's still better - and more fun - talking about fictional characters than the real people I know.

                              Eh, you're never too old to play here.

                              And I agree with you. I'd much rather pull apart fictional characters than people I know (or famous people I don't - now that's something I really don't get at all). And fiction serves as a mirror to real life in a way that makes it more useful often to approach questions through it than head on.

                              And ugh, why did they get that idiot grandfather clock right outside my dorm room working again? Bloody ding-ding-dong at 2 in the morning.

                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              It would be hilarious if they sneezed like little girlies...a dainty little 'choo!'

                              Oh, we could discuss what a Wraith sneeze is like...or a Wraith fart...if they fart...but...but...

                              I'd rather talk about Steve.

                              Just watched the feeding scene in PtW again, really feel bad for Steve. He was so happy to be allowed to feed, and so...not sure what...but I'd say frustrated...when he could not. Still, he didn't lash out in his frustration. Can you imagine what it must have been like for him...hungry - probably not starving like Todd was in CG, but still - hungry. A meal is put before him, and he just can't eat it.
                              Steve certainly wasn't the type to lash out in frustration - cool, calm, collected, I think the reaction we did get from him was as much as we could have expected. Sure, there was that one wonderful outburst at the beginning of the episode, but I don't think that was the sort of weakness we were going to see more than once.

                              Also, I think he may have been expecting some sort of trick. He never would have believed they would actually feed him, and even the way he did put his hand to that guy's chest seemed a bit tentative to me.

                              [edit] Never mind, that really wasn't tentative after all. XD Maybe he just was already starting to feel like death immediately after attempting to feed?

                              Still, it was a pretty horrible thing for the Lanteans to do... but not at all out of line with their normal treatment of Wraith prisoners. Certainly nothing compared to Michael.
                              Last edited by Inanna; 29 January 2008, 08:29 AM.

                              L I V E J O U R N A L
                              because I tend to disappear


                                @ das thanks but I think this guy is not James >

                                Wraith don´t make this > they make this >

                                Ha I think Wraith love Heavy metal

                                Steve as Lead guitar
                                the Defiant guy on drums
                                the Scientist is keyboarder
                                the google guy on bass guitarr
                                Todd and Michael sings

                                Songs? I think this: "I Was Made For Loving You"

                                Oh here is Todd:

