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    Originally posted by wriathlord View Post
    i found this on a site called syfyportal its from
    SciFi Channel's Digital Media Tour and it said the wraith are going to get a serious upgrade in season 4 and some new costumes for them include a new wraith queen costume and also has a pic of the new costumes
    the first one on the left is ronons new gear and the one in the back is teylas new costume, the one at the front is what some of the travellers will be wearing and then the second one on the right is the new queens costume which looks gorgeous and the last one is a new wraith soldier costume

    Ohw! How lovely! That Queens costume just looks like Xepherah´s gothic top! We Wraith do like human males and females in leather and gothic styles.
    Love the leather! Thank you Wraithlord for posting this. It is carressing my eyes!
    Any new pictures on me? Shawn the Wraith? Need some more for the livejournal I frequently write in. If you are willing so that is...Would be marvelous and in that case I thank you in advance!


      Originally posted by wriathlord View Post
      i found this on a site called syfyportal its from
      SciFi Channel's Digital Media Tour and it said the wraith are going to get a serious upgrade in season 4 and some new costumes for them include a new wraith queen costume and also has a pic of the new costumes
      Those new Wraith costumes are wonderful.

      Wanders off wondering how one goes about upgrading a Wraith. Maybe it's better not to ask.


        Originally posted by wriathlord View Post
        i found this on a site called syfyportal its from
        SciFi Channel's Digital Media Tour and it said the wraith are going to get a serious upgrade in season 4 and some new costumes for them include a new wraith queen costume and also has a pic of the new costumes
        the first one on the left is ronons new gear and the one in the back is teylas new costume, the one at the front is what some of the travellers will be wearing and then the second one on the right is the new queens costume which looks gorgeous and the last one is a new wraith soldier costume
        Yes wriathlord - I agree with the others - THANK YOU for posting this!! Now - I just need to see James or Chris IN the new outfits as I'm sure you'd like to see Andee in hers! This is good news that our wraith will continue to be if we can wait until season 4!!
        Atlantis Girl

        Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

        please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


          i want the queens costume but yeah majorly cool upgrade! thanks wraithlord and thank you costume designers!!!

          I'm not dead. Yet.


            your welcome everyone
            originally posted by laura the Asgard
            I'm sure you'd like to see Andee in hers!
            yeah i can't wait to see her and hopefully she will be in more episodes
            also i found a bigger version of the pic


              i wonder what it is with wraith and leather lol they seem to like it a whole lot and... what am i complaining about? 0.o i love them in leather

              I'm not dead. Yet.


                Anonymous #2 writes: “ 2) Will it ever be explained why the Wraith cannot feed on Ronon? 3) Ever considered a story where the Wraith gene is triggered in Teyla and she becomes a Wraith Queen for a day?”

                Answers: 2) It’s not that the wraith wasn’t able to feed. It was surprised by his defiance and, thus, figured he would make a great runner. 3) Something like that.
                This is from JM blog. Sooo....Ronon is not immune to Wraith feeding.
                LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                My fan fiction


                  oooh that would mean ronon may get wraithed in the near future... (if only a little )

                  I'm not dead. Yet.


                    Can anyone tell me if he has a name and where he came from?
                    He seems still pretty young to me. From which episode is he? Click image to magnify...
                    Attached Files


                      LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                      Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                      My fan fiction


                        Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                        yep thats the one great ep.

                        I'm not dead. Yet.


                          Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                          Hohkay...Haven´t seen that one yet. Season three that is if I am correct.
                          Isn´t broadcasted in this country yet. And it is out on here september 26th this year...Bummer...But yes. We´re a patient race, now are we not?


                            very patient to wait months on end to find out the new season

                            I'm not dead. Yet.


                              Originally posted by susanne View Post
                              i wonder what it is with wraith and leather lol they seem to like it a whole lot and... what am i complaining about? 0.o i love them in leather
                              well i think it has to do with a shortage of sheep and i don't really see a wraith picking cotton.... but there do seem to be plenty of cows in Pegasus

                              and i want the Queen's dress too... Oo i have an outfit design that may look good on a Queen, and if not, then it will look spectacular on Teyla
                              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                                Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                                well i think it has to do with a shortage of sheep and i don't really see a wraith picking cotton.... but there do seem to be plenty of cows in Pegasus

                                and i want the Queen's dress too... Oo i have an outfit design that may look good on a Queen, and if not, then it will look spectacular on Teyla
                                urg are they ever going to kill her off? lol and hmmm i can see it now....

                                farmer bob: alright farmer steve?
                                farmer steve: fine farmer bob! hows the cotton crop?
                                farmer bob: there'll be no cotton crop if these damn humans dont get a move on

                                dont ask what im on cause i dont know myself

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

