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    Originally posted by susanne View Post
    ok so i cant help myself LOL 4th chapter, they run into some trouble

    Chapter 4
    DIY stargate.

    The disturbing fact the wraith named Gabriel had not fed in several days seemed to unnerve her. They sat in silence for most of the day until dusk fell and Gabriel insisted she get some sleep, reluctantly she lay down on the ground under Gabriel’s cloak. He had kindly offered her it as protection against the dirty rocky floor. Sam dared not even sleep. She still didn’t trust him. He it seemed didn’t want to sleep either, instead he stood near the cave entrance looking out into the gloom. Finally dawn approached and Gabriel walked over, Sam heard his movements and sat up. “you didn’t sleep at all did you?” he scowled. Sam nodded “and neither did you.” “that is no concern, you will need concentration to fix the gate.” Sam nodded again but something still puzzled her. “so why do you want the gate fixing so badly? Why cant you just get on your dart and leave?” Gabriel returned to staring at the sun rising over a hill “your people shot down my dart in their escape, no one else picked me up. im as stranded as you are.” Sam digested all of this. “so why did you make us trek to this cave?” “because Samantha I know other wraith have crashed and survived. They will be hunting for food regardless of the broken stargate, they believe their hive will return for them, they are wrong.” “and your saving me because of the obligation?” at this Gabriel laughed. It was a low hoarse laugh. “no Samantha carter not just that. I know you are the only one on this planet who could fix the stargate and get everyone home.” Suddenly Sam sat up and handed him his dusty jacket back. “well better get to work eh?” with that they both marched out of the cave and back along the trail to the stargate. It wasn’t easy with stiff joints and not a wink of sleep since yesterday morning but she’d been in worse shape. Gabriel on the other hand didn’t seem perturbed by the lack of sleep and walked ahead at a leisurely pace. It was fast approaching midday again and the heat was making things worse, after another long, uneventful walk they arrived. Gabriel hung back watching Sam as she looked over the stargate. Pulling off a panel in the DHD she started checking the crystals. She finished her examination and approached Gabriel again “well I can fix it. But it’s going to take time. The reason no one has contacted us is because both the dialing in crystal and the dialing out crystal is fried.” “how long?” “about 4 hours give or take.” “ok get to work we have to be….” He stopped in mid sentence and looked around. “what? What is it?” Gabriel looked at her fear in his eyes for the first time. “they know were here…and they’re coming fast.”
    Good chapter. Who is coming - the other Wraith on the planet or a Hive in orbit?!
    Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
    My fan fiction


      Originally posted by susanne View Post
      ok so i cant help myself LOL 4th chapter, they run into some trouble

      Chapter 4
      DIY stargate.

      The disturbing fact the wraith named Gabriel had not fed in several days seemed to unnerve her. They sat in silence for most of the day until dusk fell and Gabriel insisted she get some sleep, reluctantly she lay down on the ground under Gabriel’s cloak. He had kindly offered her it as protection against the dirty rocky floor. Sam dared not even sleep. She still didn’t trust him. He it seemed didn’t want to sleep either, instead he stood near the cave entrance looking out into the gloom. Finally dawn approached and Gabriel walked over, Sam heard his movements and sat up. “you didn’t sleep at all did you?” he scowled. Sam nodded “and neither did you.” “that is no concern, you will need concentration to fix the gate.” Sam nodded again but something still puzzled her. “so why do you want the gate fixing so badly? Why cant you just get on your dart and leave?” Gabriel returned to staring at the sun rising over a hill “your people shot down my dart in their escape, no one else picked me up. im as stranded as you are.” Sam digested all of this. “so why did you make us trek to this cave?” “because Samantha I know other wraith have crashed and survived. They will be hunting for food regardless of the broken stargate, they believe their hive will return for them, they are wrong.” “and your saving me because of the obligation?” at this Gabriel laughed. It was a low hoarse laugh. “no Samantha carter not just that. I know you are the only one on this planet who could fix the stargate and get everyone home.” Suddenly Sam sat up and handed him his dusty jacket back. “well better get to work eh?” with that they both marched out of the cave and back along the trail to the stargate. It wasn’t easy with stiff joints and not a wink of sleep since yesterday morning but she’d been in worse shape. Gabriel on the other hand didn’t seem perturbed by the lack of sleep and walked ahead at a leisurely pace. It was fast approaching midday again and the heat was making things worse, after another long, uneventful walk they arrived. Gabriel hung back watching Sam as she looked over the stargate. Pulling off a panel in the DHD she started checking the crystals. She finished her examination and approached Gabriel again “well I can fix it. But it’s going to take time. The reason no one has contacted us is because both the dialing in crystal and the dialing out crystal is fried.” “how long?” “about 4 hours give or take.” “ok get to work we have to be….” He stopped in mid sentence and looked around. “what? What is it?” Gabriel looked at her fear in his eyes for the first time. “they know were here…and they’re coming fast.”
      brilliant susie hehe i was the first to read it suggesting we live in the same house lmfao


        Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
        Good chapter. Who is coming - the other Wraith on the planet or a Hive in orbit?!
        ah im not going to spoil anything but thanks and rach, stop gloating lol

        I'm not dead. Yet.


          lmfao what can i say my best mate is brilliant at writing fic's hehe


            i am not

            I'm not dead. Yet.


              you are too mate i always look forward to reading your fic's they are fun and good well done


                whatever rach

                I'm not dead. Yet.


                  im telling the truth susie mate i would never lie to you if i didn't like them i would say but i love them


                    ok following a long winded rant by sheppys_babe about people PM'ing her LOL (keep it up ) about the new chapter i have worked long and hard to please the fans i hope you guys like it

                    Chapter 5
                    Run for your life!
                    Gabriel grabbed her hand and pulled her away talking fast as they made for the bushes. “They’re getting closer, come on we have to hide you. They know im here” they were almost there when suddenly a wraith shot out of the trees near them and gave chase, Gabriel had no other choice but to change course running back to the trail. Sam was lagging behind. Exhaustion and mortal danger drained the energy until Gabriel scooped her up and ran faster. The wraith kept up the chase hissing Sam assumed to share her. They were now running past sparse trees and vegetation when Sam spotted it, her gun and luckily a few cartridges lay beneath a small bush she dived out of Gabriel’s grasp and tumbled to the floor with the other wraith closing in fast. Scrambling to her feet and sending dust up her trousers she ran to the bush and grabbed the gun. Gabriel had stopped and watched as she fumbled to insert a cartridge, he had no choice as the other wraith was almost ready to pounce, he ran headlong into the other wraith knocking them both to the floor and started wrestling. Meanwhile Sam had realized only one cartridge worked, filled with only a small amount of bullets every shot had to count. She raised the gun shakily at the fighting wraith. Trying to get a clear shot at the other wraith, it was vicious. Finally she had no choice and shot as soon as Gabriel moved. Finally the fight broke off as the other wraith fell to the ground, he whispered something to Gabriel before he died, the ringing in Sam’s ears meant she couldn’t hear anything for several seconds. Gabriel approached again and coaxed the shaking gun out of Sam’s hands, it was empty. with much hurried “they’re coming still Samantha” and “we have to keep going” they walked on slower than before the immediate danger now over with. “what did they wraith say to you?” they were now almost there, the day was cooling and dusk approached as a scarlet and gold tide. “what do you mean Samantha?” “he said something to you, im not stupid Gabriel.” “ well, you must understand that this is the nastiest word in the wraith dialogue” Sam winced, it must have been bad. “so what was it?” Gabriel sighed “he called me a traitor.” “why? You didn’t do anything wrong.” Gabriel walked slightly ahead and Sam jogged to keep up. “come on you can tell me.” “you honestly have no idea about our social structures Samantha carter” “so tell me!” “you wouldn’t understand” “try me.” “I shot a wraith above me, in my culture it is a treasonable offence.” “so that’s why he called you that.” Gabriel sighed “yes it also means that I will be punished when I return.” Sam looked at him, not with pity but with anger” I got you into trouble. I should help you get out.” “it is none of your concern” with that he stomped off further ahead, his head kept twisting around looking for any more trouble, it was nightfall when they arrived back at the cave, Sam sat down, tired cold and hungry but she knew Gabriel felt worse. “you know there is a way I could help you.” Gabriel looked up somber and forlorn “how?” “ it all depends” Sam said slyly “will the hive come looking for you or will we have to go looking for them….”

                    I'm not dead. Yet.


                      Originally posted by susanne View Post
                      ok following a long winded rant by sheppys_babe about people PM'ing her LOL (keep it up ) about the new chapter i have worked long and hard to please the fans i hope you guys like it

                      Chapter 5
                      Run for your life!
                      Gabriel grabbed her hand and pulled her away talking fast as they made for the bushes. “They’re getting closer, come on we have to hide you. They know im here” they were almost there when suddenly a wraith shot out of the trees near them and gave chase, Gabriel had no other choice but to change course running back to the trail. Sam was lagging behind. Exhaustion and mortal danger drained the energy until Gabriel scooped her up and ran faster. The wraith kept up the chase hissing Sam assumed to share her. They were now running past sparse trees and vegetation when Sam spotted it, her gun and luckily a few cartridges lay beneath a small bush she dived out of Gabriel’s grasp and tumbled to the floor with the other wraith closing in fast. Scrambling to her feet and sending dust up her trousers she ran to the bush and grabbed the gun. Gabriel had stopped and watched as she fumbled to insert a cartridge, he had no choice as the other wraith was almost ready to pounce, he ran headlong into the other wraith knocking them both to the floor and started wrestling. Meanwhile Sam had realized only one cartridge worked, filled with only a small amount of bullets every shot had to count. She raised the gun shakily at the fighting wraith. Trying to get a clear shot at the other wraith, it was vicious. Finally she had no choice and shot as soon as Gabriel moved. Finally the fight broke off as the other wraith fell to the ground, he whispered something to Gabriel before he died, the ringing in Sam’s ears meant she couldn’t hear anything for several seconds. Gabriel approached again and coaxed the shaking gun out of Sam’s hands, it was empty. with much hurried “they’re coming still Samantha” and “we have to keep going” they walked on slower than before the immediate danger now over with. “what did they wraith say to you?” they were now almost there, the day was cooling and dusk approached as a scarlet and gold tide. “what do you mean Samantha?” “he said something to you, im not stupid Gabriel.” “ well, you must understand that this is the nastiest word in the wraith dialogue” Sam winced, it must have been bad. “so what was it?” Gabriel sighed “he called me a traitor.” “why? You didn’t do anything wrong.” Gabriel walked slightly ahead and Sam jogged to keep up. “come on you can tell me.” “you honestly have no idea about our social structures Samantha carter” “so tell me!” “you wouldn’t understand” “try me.” “I shot a wraith above me, in my culture it is a treasonable offence.” “so that’s why he called you that.” Gabriel sighed “yes it also means that I will be punished when I return.” Sam looked at him, not with pity but with anger” I got you into trouble. I should help you get out.” “it is none of your concern” with that he stomped off further ahead, his head kept twisting around looking for any more trouble, it was nightfall when they arrived back at the cave, Sam sat down, tired cold and hungry but she knew Gabriel felt worse. “you know there is a way I could help you.” Gabriel looked up somber and forlorn “how?” “ it all depends” Sam said slyly “will the hive come looking for you or will we have to go looking for them….”
                      I like it. More? Soon???
                      LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                      Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                      My fan fiction


                        i will probably get bored very soon and begin the new chapter it will probably be ready for tommorrow. im glad you liked it

                        I'm not dead. Yet.


                          I have been away for far too long- there has been too much going on in the last few months but at least I managed to finish "The Hunger" before I vanished- unfortunarely not taken by the Wraith- now that sounds like fun being taken by a Wraith- that would put a smile on my face!!! Even now nearly two years I still have Steve as my favourite Wraith- how can one resist all that white hair glowing in the sunlight- wish we could have more of him - sigh!!
                          We are angels of death in black leather
                          Your demons without wings, we glide
                          We are angels in black with a hunger
                          Not your sheep to change or guide.
                          We are angels in the blackness for ever


                            welcome back kaeyla! yeah i always wondered what it felt like to be wept into a dart then be rescued by michael*dreams* lol

                            I'm not dead. Yet.


                              welcome back kaeyla great to have you back here also love the 2 new chapters susanne the fic gets better and better cant wait to read the next chapter


                                i told you it didnt take long im working on the newest one now mwahahaha and thanks wraithlord

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

