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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Wraith have gold or yellow eyes. Sometimes greenish-yellow, although that could just be due to oddly colored lighting and not their actual eye color. I'd go with gold for your Wraith Queen.


      thank you very much....

      ok, I need to know something...the queen is trying to brake someone, get them addicted the way they did with Ronon.

      So is this ok, or just gross?

      "“It will be, in time you will grow to need this, to need me, but not tonight, I don’t want to kill you. You humans are so fragile. Take him back to his cell, we will continue this once you have had some rest,” the two drones lifted him off his knees and dragged him away. As she watched him go she looked at her hand and absent mindedly licked it."

      I'm not to sure on Wraith etiquette, don't want to get it wrong


        Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
        thank you very much....

        ok, I need to know something...the queen is trying to brake someone, get them addicted the way they did with Ronon.

        So is this ok, or just gross?

        "“It will be, in time you will grow to need this, to need me, but not tonight, I don’t want to kill you. You humans are so fragile. Take him back to his cell, we will continue this once you have had some rest, (full stop)t(should be upper case)he two drones lifted him off his knees and dragged him away. As she watched him go she looked at her hand and absent mindedly licked it."

        I'm not to sure on Wraith etiquette, don't want to get it wrong
        It's fine, but you've missed a full stop, and I've highlighted it. Otherwise, be careful not to be too brutal, as despite everything, Wraith are capable of other emotions, including love. I suggest you read some of The Legacy series by Jo Graham, and Melissa Scott if you want to keep your story as canon as poss. They are the pro novels and represent our missing 6th season. Good luck.


          Originally posted by Isolde View Post
          It's fine, but you've missed a full stop, and I've highlighted it. Otherwise, be careful not to be too brutal, as despite everything, Wraith are capable of other emotions, including love. I suggest you read some of The Legacy series by Jo Graham, and Melissa Scott if you want to keep your story as canon as poss. They are the pro novels and represent our missing 6th season. Good luck.
          Thanks, I'm reading the first book in that series now actually.
          Thanks for your input, much appreciated.
          I'm actually looking at showing that softer side in this, that is why she is not killing him, but trying to bend him to her will.


            So ... When was I last in here?

            I've been practicing with Paint Tool SAI lately, and whenever I sketch I end up with Wraith, and suddenly I missed this thread. So I'm crawling back in here and hiding out until I forget again. My attention span is ... Well, remember that episode with Rodney on the enzyme overdose? Yeah.

            *goes to read a while backwards in the thread*
            Some centuries, it just doesn't pay to get out of hibernation...

            Fanfiction * Into the Hive - A Wraith-centric ficlet collection * Hive Ebonstar - A collection of Wraith headcanons and character references


              *waves* Good to see you here after so long. Even if the old thread is a bit empty.

              *shouts* Heelllooooo... heellooo... hellooo


                Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                *waves* Good to see you here after so long. Even if the old thread is a bit empty.

                *shouts* Heelllooooo... heellooo... hellooo
                And hello back, Isolde. So good to hear from you! The old thread is a bit empty but I still have it bookmarked and I always take a little peek. Have you written anything lately?
                Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                  *curls up in thread with tea* A bit empty is better than nothing! (And for a forum-phobe such as myself, better than a very fast moving thread, too.)

                  Or maybe it's not empty, just in hibernation? At least that's what my brain has been doing lately Still doing a lot of Wraith-related stuff, though, but most of it isn't structured enough to put online. Just background stuff for fics and such. I might like researching too much.

                  I did sketch some little Wraith kids, though.
                  Some centuries, it just doesn't pay to get out of hibernation...

                  Fanfiction * Into the Hive - A Wraith-centric ficlet collection * Hive Ebonstar - A collection of Wraith headcanons and character references


                    @ Jaded Wraith: Still writing my Legacy tie-in, which is what the siggy is all about. If you want to take a looksie, you'll find it at ff, and LJ, as usual. It'll be the last Wraith fic though, as I've decided it is not the way to go if I want to be taken seriously as a writer. However, with a bit of adjustment, and some wriggling, I might have the idea for a follow on that'll be original. Still working on a future plot.

                    @ SM: I read your Hive fics this morning, and they are great. I really, really enjoyed them. I hope you're writing some more?


                      Definitely writing more! I'm just working on a lot of fics right now, so it takes a while longer. Todd keeps sidetracking my plots He has his own agenda, as per usual.

                      So I'm waiting to have a bit more time to focus, or the next chapter will just be about silly things, like why taller Wraith dislike human chandeliers. (My stepfather is Wraith-sized. He keeps knocking his head into lamps. )
                      Some centuries, it just doesn't pay to get out of hibernation...

                      Fanfiction * Into the Hive - A Wraith-centric ficlet collection * Hive Ebonstar - A collection of Wraith headcanons and character references


                        Originally posted by Shaded Mazoku View Post
                        Definitely writing more! I'm just working on a lot of fics right now, so it takes a while longer. Todd keeps sidetracking my plots He has his own agenda, as per usual.

                        So I'm waiting to have a bit more time to focus, or the next chapter will just be about silly things, like why taller Wraith dislike human chandeliers. (My stepfather is Wraith-sized. He keeps knocking his head into lamps. )
                        Ah, the Commander. Always so delightfully Machiavellian. Such an adorable trait.

                        Tall Wraith with an aversion to light fitments? I see nothing wrong with that for a chapter at all, and it needs writting immediately. Crack fic is sometimes good for clearing the debris out of the way of the more serious stuff.


                          Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                          Ah, the Commander. Always so delightfully Machiavellian. Such an adorable trait.

                          Tall Wraith with an aversion to light fitments? I see nothing wrong with that for a chapter at all, and it needs writting immediately. Crack fic is sometimes good for clearing the debris out of the way of the more serious stuff.
                          He's by far my favourite character in the show and I love him, but he can be a right pain to write some times. Seriously, Todd. Don't anger the writer, or it won't be just Sheppard who gets injured in this fic.

                          Frost in my Into the Hive fics is 6'8". He hits his head on things a lot. Hanging lights is not his favourite thing. Door frames often get him, too, there's no 80" height standard in the Pegasus galaxy. And in one case, a hanging basket of alien rosemary. The flowering kind, most of which got stuck in his hair. Good thing he doesn't take himself too seriously.
                          Some centuries, it just doesn't pay to get out of hibernation...

                          Fanfiction * Into the Hive - A Wraith-centric ficlet collection * Hive Ebonstar - A collection of Wraith headcanons and character references


                            Originally posted by Shaded Mazoku View Post
                            He's by far my favourite character in the show and I love him, but he can be a right pain to write some times. Seriously, Todd. Don't anger the writer, or it won't be just Sheppard who gets injured in this fic.
                            He can have a tendency to muscle in on the action, 'tis true. I adore writing him, and consider him my muse for all characters just this side of good. He's a great antagonist as well as being the ultimate Hades archetype. Utterly delicious.

                            Originally posted by Shaded Mazoku View Post
                            Frost in my Into the Hive fics is 6'8". He hits his head on things a lot. Hanging lights is not his favourite thing. Door frames often get him, too, there's no 80" height standard in the Pegasus galaxy. And in one case, a hanging basket of alien rosemary. The flowering kind, most of which got stuck in his hair. Good thing he doesn't take himself too seriously.
                            This I would like to read. Seriously.


                              I have to confess the only fic I have ever written (no, it isn't uploaded anywhere, the net doesn't need any more bad fics ) had Todd as one of the main characters and finding his voice, his emotional layers, his intellect, his ambiguity and sharp wit was extremely difficult. And I failed. n

                              And Shep did get hurt in it but by someone else...
                              Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                              Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                                Todd can be an intimidating character to write in many ways. He's such a complex character, which often makes him difficult to get under the skin of, so to speak, but it's also one of the things that makes him so appealing.

                                Of course, Todd is a very old Wraith and I tend to get brain bluescreen whenever I try to comprehend that age. He's old enough that if he had lived on Earth, he could have had a pet sabre-toothed cat as a kid. So of course he's going to be an extremely complicated, fascinating character. I absolutely adore writing him, but sometimes, it's nice with someone without all that backing him up. I feel like I'm losing an argument with a fictional character more often than not.

                                My Wraith OCs are easier to write, which is why I often do write silly little stories with them. Also, I just like making Frost do silly things because he's this massive, intimidating guy, but in reality, he's also a young, over-eager Wraith and I like the contrast. And I like writing silly stuff sometimes. It makes a break from the more serious stuff. So the story about Frost and the rosemary is likely to be written eventually.

                                Seriously, Sheppard is forever getting hurt in my fics. Not because I don't like him; he's my second favourite after Todd, but he has a reckless streak. He'll go the distance to get his people safe, but he's far less careful with himself. Also, I needed him a little hurt for the plot's sake. The plot and my amusement
                                Some centuries, it just doesn't pay to get out of hibernation...

                                Fanfiction * Into the Hive - A Wraith-centric ficlet collection * Hive Ebonstar - A collection of Wraith headcanons and character references

