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    Originally posted by leksa View Post
    I would think that too, unless they are tactically less important then the puddle jumper. Dart is one-person vehicle, Jumper is troop transporter. I do not know exactly which one has strongest weapons. But if the Dart does not have strong ones, then the Wraith will not bother with protecting them.
    A dart is also a troop transporter, we've seen them beam down squads of soldiers. In this way they are better than jumpers which have to land to let their troops out, a dart can do just a fly by and deposit soldiers.


      LS - about Infection:
      The shoot 'em up part I had no problem with - the Wraith warriors were sick, and eating people... they had to be stopped. It was only warriors you saw, no higher, faced Wraith. I actually liked this part - loved the flesh-eating zombie Wraith.

      I think Todd will be okay now - I suspect that he ends up helping them in the future...but maybe he will be a Wraith outcast because of it.

      My MAIN problem is that the Lanteans still have this knee-jerk 'let's kill 'em' attitude about the Wraith as a whole...there is just no talk about preserving the species, only exterminating them as the best solution, with the gene therapy as a back-up solution - not to save the species, but only the humans.

      There is some nice info about Wraith biology hundreds of thousands of years ago - I just have to go back and re-watch it (or see the transcript) to understand exactly what Todd was saying.

      Excellent cranky Todd moments in this - though not a lot of Todd in general. Still, his screen time was well-used, and loved his interaction with Rodney, Keller and Shep.

      It's good - it just didn't necessarily give me a warm and fuzzy feeling - not like BAMSR, and some of the other S4 eps, that's all.



        Since the Todd and Shep dynamic is one of my favorite parts of Atlantis, I wonder

        Why, exactly Shep felt so strongly that he did not owe Todd? There has got to be some explanation for the fact that Shep has been so dismissive of the bond that formed in Common Ground. I wonder if Shep is still secretly terrified of Todd and this is how he deals with that fear? A little PTSD?
        I always was a little put off by Shep's treatment of Todd, especially when he had him chained up in Atlantis for so long. He seemed not to remember the "brother" comment from Common Ground. I would have loved to see them as respecting each other a great deal more, but never fully trusting the other. I don't think it played out as well over the last couple of seasons as I had wished, although I am happy that, in the end, Shep did keep his part of the bargain. At least I hope he did, and they didn't just ship Todd off into Weir space heaven.


          Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
          Since the Todd and Shep dynamic is one of my favorite parts of Atlantis, I wonder

          Why, exactly Shep felt so strongly that he did not owe Todd? There has got to be some explanation for the fact that Shep has been so dismissive of the bond that formed in Common Ground. I wonder if Shep is still secretly terrified of Todd and this is how he deals with that fear? A little PTSD?
          I always was a little put off by Shep's treatment of Todd, especially when he had him chained up in Atlantis for so long. He seemed not to remember the "brother" comment from Common Ground. I would have loved to see them as respecting each other a great deal more, but never fully trusting the other. I don't think it played out as well over the last couple of seasons as I had wished, although I am happy that, in the end, Shep did keep his part of the bargain. At least I hope he did, and they didn't just ship Todd off into Weir space heaven.
          I think - in Infection -
          Sheppard is just really pissed that Todd set the Daedalus, full of people, on a collision course with the planet in The Lost Tribe. Up until then, he seemed to understand Todd's motivation, but he obviously was a bit put off by Todd's willingness to sacrifice the ship and its crew. Then...Todd had to go and raise his hand, probably calling to mind the pain that Sheppard endured at one time under it. I think Sheppard was just being pissy over it all - all bets were off. However - I posted this in the Infection thread, and will repost here:

          "[Sheppard] obviously had a change of heart somewhere along the line, and I wonder if it was Todd's super duper piloting skills that eventually won him over...ya know, one pilot admiring the skills of another, especially under such desperate conditions. Perhaps, too, Sheppard saw a little of himself in Todd if seeing the individual, and not just the Wraith. Sheppard has, on more then one occasion, saved everyone's behind in a desperate situation using his skills as a pilot - he understood the effort Todd was making, the skill he was showing, and doing so while weak and terminally ill.

          I loved Todd's concentration in this scene, you just get the feeling that his mind was totally tied into the ship - perhaps visualizing what had to be done in order for it to actually take place...the depth of his concentration in such a weakened state, the sheer determination to control the ship...that just had to make a real impression on Sheppard. I know it made one on me.



            Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
            I'm not so worried about this episode. Vegas is the one I'm afraid to watch until others can tell me if my worst fears about it are correct or not.
            Which is totally irrational because it's an Alternate Universe episode.

            Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
            Hmmm...maybe he was able to hack into it. But then this is the same episodes in which Shep flies the dart so the writer might just be consistently inconsistent. LOL
            Not necessarily about that.

            Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
            But you have to have the gene to operate the puddle jumpers. Wouldn't a wraith dart operate on the same principle?
            Why would it? Nobody has ever stated that. Rodney and Beckett had no problem jumping into a Dart in Outsiders either, so I seriously doubt that's the principle for Darts.

            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

            I wish I got to know you better.


              Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
              Both Ancient and Wraith ship technology require a specific gene/DNA to make them operational. It was developed during the war to keep the other side from being able to operate an opponent's ship. That's been my understanding of how the technology was created and how it functions anyway.

              GS thought that the Wraith only used such a security device in their larger ships. I was suggesting that if the smaller puddle jumper of the Ancients required the operator to have the Ancient gene, then the smaller Wraith dart probably required the the operator to also have the Wraith gene.

              I can't see why the Wraith would only use this security principle on the larger Hive and crusier ships. IMHO they wouldn't want the Ancients to be able to operate ANY of their ships. Just my 2 cents. Did I miss something?
              You probably did miss something, now that I think about it.

              When a Wraith Dart flies into a Hive, they get inspected on landing, immediately, therefore it should be almost impossible for a Wraith Hive to get invaded by using a Dart, and so the Wraith gene isn't necessary to operate such a small ship.

              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

              I wish I got to know you better.


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                I think - in Infection -
                Sheppard is just really pissed that Todd set the Daedalus, full of people, on a collision course with the planet in The Lost Tribe. Up until then, he seemed to understand Todd's motivation, but he obviously was a bit put off by Todd's willingness to sacrifice the ship and its crew. Then...Todd had to go and raise his hand, probably calling to mind the pain that Sheppard endured at one time under it. I think Sheppard was just being pissy over it all - all bets were off. However - I posted this in the Infection thread, and will repost here:

                "[Sheppard] obviously had a change of heart somewhere along the line, and I wonder if it was Todd's super duper piloting skills that eventually won him over...ya know, one pilot admiring the skills of another, especially under such desperate conditions. Perhaps, too, Sheppard saw a little of himself in Todd if seeing the individual, and not just the Wraith. Sheppard has, on more then one occasion, saved everyone's behind in a desperate situation using his skills as a pilot - he understood the effort Todd was making, the skill he was showing, and doing so while weak and terminally ill.

                I loved Todd's concentration in this scene, you just get the feeling that his mind was totally tied into the ship - perhaps visualizing what had to be done in order for it to actually take place...the depth of his concentration in such a weakened state, the sheer determination to control the ship...that just had to make a real impression on Sheppard. I know it made one on me.

                O.K. I'm taking a break from shoveling snow... again. The squirrels were right (thick fur and big bushy tails), we're having a cold, snowy winter.

                I agree with das and Lythisrose
                Shep is pissed off about Todd's willingness to sacrifice the Daedelus -- he says as much in one of their encounters. And Shep is also a bit afraid of Todd, but I think there is more to it than that. I think Shep doth protest too much. I wonder if maybe, deep down, he does like and respect Todd, but he just can't allow himself those feelings. After all, Todd is supposed to be the enemy.

                And Todd really is a damn good pilot; I just loved watching his intensity as he fought to get the ship under control! I'm not sure that was the turning point for Shep, but the whole pilot-to-pilot dynamic may have given him a new way of dealing with his feelings aobut Todd: it's o.k. to respect an enemy pilot for his skills, especially when he just used them to save you.

                I think I figured out what bugged me so much about Shep in this episode.
                It wasn't just his wanton disregard for Todd's well-being, though that bothered me a lot.
                He gets this "sucking lemons" look on his face when he is face with issues he doesn't want to deal with. My ex-husband used to get that same look when he had to do something he didn't want to be bothered with!
                But I found Keller's comment about Shep very interesting:
                "He saves people, too. He just uses a different set of tools."
                She has a very interesting perspective on things. I liked her a lot in this episode, probably because the writers did a better job with her dialogue. And I like seeing her interact with Todd!

                And wasn't this supposed to be the episode where Todd was talking to a MALP? Didn't we see that in some behind-the-scenes picture on JM's blog? Or do I have my episodes confused. Again.
                Sparrow hawk



                  I'll check the thread again later, when I'm downstairs, it's cold in the room here.

                  In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                  I wish I got to know you better.


                    Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                    Which is totally irrational because it's an Alternate Universe episode.
                    Yes - alt. universe, but Mallozzi said that it will have implications in the real universe. So, we still may have a few things to be worried about...



                      Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                      Which is totally irrational because it's an Alternate Universe episode.

                      Perhaps so to you, but I don't really want to see one of my favorite character's in a negative light no matter what universe he's in. It's a matter of personal taste, not logic. Nuff said.
                      Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                        Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
                        Both Ancient and Wraith ship technology require a specific gene/DNA to make them operational. It was developed during the war to keep the other side from being able to operate an opponent's ship. That's been my understanding of how the technology was created and how it functions anyway.

                        GS thought that the Wraith only used such a security device in their larger ships. I was suggesting that if the smaller puddle jumper of the Ancients required the operator to have the Ancient gene, then the smaller Wraith dart probably required the the operator to also have the Wraith gene.

                        I can't see why the Wraith would only use this security principle on the larger Hive and cruiser ships. IMHO they wouldn't want the Ancients to be able to operate ANY of their ships. Just my 2 cents. Did I miss something?
                        No I don't think your wrong. O think both the Ancients and Wraith would have security measures. The Wraith I think if they see a good idea will incorporate it into their ship. Hence to me it is feasible that a Wraith or like Teyla (if their Wraith DNA is strong enough) can operate a Wraith ship.

                        Looking at Shep flying a hive.

                        Shepherd 2 options

                        1) Writer inconsistency or
                        2) He was fed on and given the gift of life by Todd in Common Ground. But before that
                        he was attacked by Ellie she had taken Becket's retrovirus with unfortunate results for her. In her attack she cut Shepherd.and infected him with a small amount of retrovirus in his bloodstream.

                        The cure
                        Spoiler For Infection

                        The cure was Shepherd went to a nest of the Iratus bug,and got what Becket needs to cure him.

                        Mastering mentioned from Infection about Todd "hopefully after he finds a bug, an "intact" Todd." -with feeding slit?

                        Also the Iratus bug was used by the Wraith during a serious illness. So could be that Becket cure left something Shep blood that enable him to fly a hive.

                        Becket and McKay flying a dart, it would make sense for the hive and darts to have security protocols, but the writer have written that they all did fly a dart so that's that.

                        I not sure about the above comments, I need more information, but I just love kicking ideas around.

                        One other comment, we all bring our personal experiences when assessing what we see around us. One of the strengths of good Scfi programmers is that the Producers can explore current events in a new setting and explore both side of an event. Like Star Trek Enterprise in their Mirror Universe episode.

                        The strength of Gateworld is that fans can bring their ideas and query's here and swap ideas. By in large we all accept we have feels and views and hardly anyone falls out. (Been on another site and it was not a pleasant experience-not like here on Gateworld).

                        I certainly think that Infection is going to create alot of fan comment.

                        Last edited by MCH; 06 December 2008, 05:43 AM.
                        Thanks to DS for my siggy


                          Like I said, no need to overreact pre-episode when it's just an episode done for fun, to get something different in Atlantis.

                          I honestly think it's
                          only Wraith-on-Earth in Vegas, and Wraith-to-Earth for EatG.

                          So with that thought in mind, no reason for panic...

                          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                          I wish I got to know you better.


                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            Yes - alt. universe, but Mallozzi said that it will have implications in the real universe. So, we still may have a few things to be worried about...

                            This alt. universe story could provide a real twist to the last SGA *sob* episode, that takes place in the real universe.

                            Can't remember who said it about a MALP, but I theought
                            Spoilers For Enemy At The Gate
                            it was in Enemy at the Gate that's where as far as I'm aware that Todd and the MALP incident took place. The photo have Todd talking to the MALP. As the MALP belongs to Earth then he's probadely talking to Atlantis, after he has recovered from his illness in Infections.

                            Think I'm right

                            Thanks to DS for my siggy


                              Originally posted by GoSpiky View Post
                              Like I said, no need to overreact pre-episode when it's just an episode done for fun, to get something different in Atlantis.

                              I honestly think it's
                              only Wraith-on-Earth in Vegas, and Wraith-to-Earth for EatG.

                              So with that thought in mind, no reason for panic...
                              That make sense GoSpiky.

                              It's just that fans have invested and committed alot of feelings, time and LOVE into this series. I know things go wrong for characters, and I know it's just a TV series but I do find I get worked up when as far as I'm concerned TPTB have in my eyes "messed up again" and then I want to

                              Last edited by MCH; 06 December 2008, 11:40 AM.
                              Thanks to DS for my siggy



                                *Gives MCH a massage*

                                Oh, I dropped you a little line on the CT/Michael thread. I have them too!

                                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                                I wish I got to know you better.

