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Wraith Defenders Club

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    ohhh xepherah.... i have a smilie here for vous!!!
    follow ze link

    I'm not dead. Yet.


      Originally posted by susanne View Post
      ohhh xepherah.... i have a smilie here for vous!!!
      follow ze link
      Hey ! Thanks a lot! And please do sent Myn my regards and thanks for this job!!!!


        of course i will myn will be glad you like it

        I'm not dead. Yet.


          k guys i've had another idea for pt 6 and thought id post it up for you all to see

          Pt 6
          Michael was alone in the cell deep in thought. How do they always get in these situations? Was Sara ok? Had Alice…no he wouldn’t think about that. He would try to escape. Michael looked around the cell, wraith guards at the entrance… no other way out but there. He sighed and decided to wait until Alice returned. And then he would make a break for freedom. While Michael was planning their escape Sara was still wrapped in the cocoon. She was trying again to break free and had managed to get enough leverage to reach down to the hand carved dagger she had stolen from one of the bodies Michael had used. Well waste not want not. She pierced the thin film wrapped around her and made a larger hole for more room; slowly she began hacking at the more dense material. After half an hour she cut the last little bit and suddenly fell out of her prison, the thin film still around her. She used the dagger again to cut it off. Boy compared to the cocoon this place was freezing. But now the question was where was Michael? And how would she get him out with a small knife? She hadn’t noticed the footsteps til they were close. Gripped with fear she ran to the first door and slit open the console, yanking on the wires she waited, the door slid open just enough for her to squeeze through. She closed the doors quickly and heard the footsteps walk by. Looking behind her to see where she gotten to this time she slowly made objects out, it was dark but her eyes adjusted, and then widened. A wraith armory? The wraith have armories? Ah well. She picked out a large stunner and a mini stunner. Stowing the mini stunner in her belt and tucking the large stunner under her arm she cautiously started her search. It didn’t take long to assume where Alice had stuck him, shooting the guards more than necessary she approached the cell and Michael looked up, his jaw dropped at the sight of her handling a stunner and smirking. “We getting out or what?” Michael ran to the front of the cell and grinned, “anytime you want.” Sara dropped the heavy stunner and walked over to the console, she slit it open and pulled on the strings like last time. The doors opened a little, creating an archway. Michael ducked down and walked out. Smiling he walked over to Sara and hugged her. He felt so guilty that he thought he would never see her again. Taking her arm they ran off trying to locate an exit. Alice had already been alerted to their escape and was watching them delightfully, amused as they tried to run from the wraith guards she had sent after them. She knew they would have tried to head for the dart bay and had it sealed with extra security. Instead Michael ran to another armory and pulled out an egg like thing. “This is a bomb.” He explained to Sara. As he packed 3 or 4 into his and her pockets. And keeping one out for use. Carefully he made his way to the dart bay, Sara followed watching his back. He told her to stay put as they moved into a corridor near to the bay. He silently walked off leaving Sara to watch herself. She stayed alert and wary in case they got company again. Michael ran back quickly and grabbed hold of her tightly, shielding her from the blast that echoed around the ship, Sara saw flames erupt around the corner and stared wide eyed as an alarm began blaring. Michael lightly picked her up, it was faster to carry her and he raced around the corner, smoke and flames obscured everything but he just ran through the wrecked doors plan ‘steal a dart’ had never failed before. But as they saw the guards, dozens of guards Michael thought that his time was up. As well as Sara’s. He put her down and stared round at the faces. But as he looked at her he saw she was smirking. Peering behind her back, he saw she had removed a bomb and was just about to activate it “ hi boys…bye boys.” She pushed the top down and it started beeping. She threw it into the middle of them and Michael covered her again, taking the brunt of the explosion. He would be ok; it had been mere hours before that he had fed. As they both stood straight they looked around in awe. “Plan steal a dart never fails” Sara laughed as she picked out Michaels new dart. She picked one of the undamaged ones and he fired it up, again sweeping her into it he pushed it to the max in order to get as far away from the hive as possible. So. Alice wanted them dead too… he should have had her killed.

          I'm not dead. Yet.


            Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
            Thank you so very much...I am really pleased! I owe you one.... BIG KISS 4 YOU!
            you are welcome Xepherah if there is any more pictures you or anybody else would like me to post i will be more then happy to get them


              Originally posted by wriathlord View Post
              you are welcome Xepherah if there is any more pictures you or anybody else would like me to post i will be more then happy to get them
              Well there are a few more. But it has no hurry. i still have a LOOOOOOOTTT of pictures to place at sathaelkindred. But i surely will get back to that.
              Thanks Wraithlord for your brotherhood!


                Originally posted by susanne View Post
                k guys i've had another idea for pt 6 and thought id post it up for you all to see

                Pt 6
                Michael was alone in the cell deep in thought. How do they always get in these situations? Was Sara ok? Had Alice…no he wouldn’t think about that. He would try to escape. Michael looked around the cell, wraith guards at the entrance… no other way out but there. He sighed and decided to wait until Alice returned. And then he would make a break for freedom. While Michael was planning their escape Sara was still wrapped in the cocoon. She was trying again to break free and had managed to get enough leverage to reach down to the hand carved dagger she had stolen from one of the bodies Michael had used. Well waste not want not. She pierced the thin film wrapped around her and made a larger hole for more room; slowly she began hacking at the more dense material. After half an hour she cut the last little bit and suddenly fell out of her prison, the thin film still around her. She used the dagger again to cut it off. Boy compared to the cocoon this place was freezing. But now the question was where was Michael? And how would she get him out with a small knife? She hadn’t noticed the footsteps til they were close. Gripped with fear she ran to the first door and slit open the console, yanking on the wires she waited, the door slid open just enough for her to squeeze through. She closed the doors quickly and heard the footsteps walk by. Looking behind her to see where she gotten to this time she slowly made objects out, it was dark but her eyes adjusted, and then widened. A wraith armory? The wraith have armories? Ah well. She picked out a large stunner and a mini stunner. Stowing the mini stunner in her belt and tucking the large stunner under her arm she cautiously started her search. It didn’t take long to assume where Alice had stuck him, shooting the guards more than necessary she approached the cell and Michael looked up, his jaw dropped at the sight of her handling a stunner and smirking. “We getting out or what?” Michael ran to the front of the cell and grinned, “anytime you want.” Sara dropped the heavy stunner and walked over to the console, she slit it open and pulled on the strings like last time. The doors opened a little, creating an archway. Michael ducked down and walked out. Smiling he walked over to Sara and hugged her. He felt so guilty that he thought he would never see her again. Taking her arm they ran off trying to locate an exit. Alice had already been alerted to their escape and was watching them delightfully, amused as they tried to run from the wraith guards she had sent after them. She knew they would have tried to head for the dart bay and had it sealed with extra security. Instead Michael ran to another armory and pulled out an egg like thing. “This is a bomb.” He explained to Sara. As he packed 3 or 4 into his and her pockets. And keeping one out for use. Carefully he made his way to the dart bay, Sara followed watching his back. He told her to stay put as they moved into a corridor near to the bay. He silently walked off leaving Sara to watch herself. She stayed alert and wary in case they got company again. Michael ran back quickly and grabbed hold of her tightly, shielding her from the blast that echoed around the ship, Sara saw flames erupt around the corner and stared wide eyed as an alarm began blaring. Michael lightly picked her up, it was faster to carry her and he raced around the corner, smoke and flames obscured everything but he just ran through the wrecked doors plan ‘steal a dart’ had never failed before. But as they saw the guards, dozens of guards Michael thought that his time was up. As well as Sara’s. He put her down and stared round at the faces. But as he looked at her he saw she was smirking. Peering behind her back, he saw she had removed a bomb and was just about to activate it “ hi boys…bye boys.” She pushed the top down and it started beeping. She threw it into the middle of them and Michael covered her again, taking the brunt of the explosion. He would be ok; it had been mere hours before that he had fed. As they both stood straight they looked around in awe. “Plan steal a dart never fails” Sara laughed as she picked out Michaels new dart. She picked one of the undamaged ones and he fired it up, again sweeping her into it he pushed it to the max in order to get as far away from the hive as possible. So. Alice wanted them dead too… he should have had her killed.
                Poor Michael for being hated this much by other Wraith, luckely Sara could forgive him for his clumsy actions...I wonder what happens next.


                  chapter 7 i tried to make it as interesting as possible, but its just a set up for chapter 8 so its bound to be lame
                  Michael was infuriated with himself. What in this galaxy had made him keep her alive? He should have shot her, he knew she was unstable mentally from the beginning. He swerved to avoid a hit from one of the 3 darts chasing him he couldn’t take a hit, not with his precious cargo dematerialized in his ship. He looked at the buffer, yes her signal was still strong. Suddenly the ship jolted and everything went dead, his wavering mind had cost him a hit! Luckily he was near enough to another planet that its gravity pulled him in, but would the impact kill Sara? He gripped the seat tightly preparing for the rough landing the ground was coming up fast when he felt the impact and everything went dark. Waking up, he felt stiff, he couldn’t keep this up without another feeding session, looking around he realized he was lying on a hill, he stars twinkled above him, so it was night here. He stood up and surveyed the wreckage of what had been his newest dart. He sighed a heavy sigh. Why the darts? Why couldn’t he keep a single dart for more than 2 days? Then it hit him like a punch in the gut, he felt queasy, ill. He had almost forgotten about Sara! Running down the hill he approached the wreckage, it was a mess. The power core was leaking and Sara’s life sign was fading, he had to get her out. Pressing a few buttons he covered his eyes as an almighty flash erupted and Sara materialized, her legs buckled and once again she collapsed onto the grass, he ran over and looked her up and down, nothing major, a few cuts from the knife, some small burns, and bruises. He smiled, she’d be fine. He heard several clicks of guns from behind him, rearing up and hissing he saw several guns pointing at him. “well lookie what we got ere boys, a wraith and a human, she a snack boyo?” Michael hissed violently when he saw a stunner blast go flying post him, Sara was awake and didn’t like what they were doing to her boyfriend. It hit one of the men at the back and the leader smirked “you be quiet there missy we just saved your hide.” At this Sara fired again and yelled “ you didn’t just save my hide and im NO MISSY!” the leader laughed “hear that boys? We didn’t just save her life!” with that he shot Michael until he didn’t move and moved the gun over to Sara, now you come with us and we’ll get you all fixed up, you never know when a person can be useful” he grinned evilly and Sara shuddered. Oh great. She looked over at Michael he was still breathing. She didn’t resist this time when two men disarmed her and grabbed her by the arms “don’t hurt the wraith, he is an experiment of mine.” The leader smirked “oh we wont, and by the way, the names caylen” he winked and walked off. In front as two others grabbed Michael. Sara was taken to an inn where she was handed a plate of food and a steaming mug. Caylen sat down opposite her, slowly he moved his eyes up and down before smiling “so tell us missy, if he was an experiment, what happened” Sara had to think fast. “well a few years ago a wraith came to my village and killed everyone but me. Since that day I have been trying to make them less aggressive, and change their feeding patterns. Caylen laughed “well you seem to be failing” at that the whole room burst into laughter but Sara just sat there drinking her steaming…something or other. “so Caylen, what did you do to my experiment?” caylen looked at her “what we do with all wraith that come here, stick em in the cage in the square.” He smiled. “say how would you and I like to have a biology lesson of our own?” Sara had really had enough of this man, she had gotten what she wanted. “perhaps later, I just need some fresh air. As she walked out and towards the town square, the building suddenly exploded. Wraith bombs. Gotta love them. As she approached the square she saw several boys taunting Michael and walked up to them “ boys, did you know that if he could reach far enough because of your lack of judgment, he would grab one of you in a second and suck the life from your veins.” All the boys screamed and ran away in fright as Sara approached he steel cage, Michael looked up at her with fading eyes.” I can’t go anywhere I need food.” He rasped. “ I know I know im going to get you some.” She took a pin from her pocket and picked the lock, swinging he door open she walked back off to find food as Michael sluggishly got to his feet. Five minutes later she had come back with two unconscious people, both men, Michael smiled at her resourcefulness and began feeding on the first. After several moments he stood up and stretched. Everyone was still running around screaming, trying to put out the fire at the tavern and he looked at Sara. “bomb?” she smiled, drinking in all the chaos “best way to cause a distraction, flammable liquid, easy access to the place, the fire won’t go out for hours. Smiling he took her hand. “I believe it is time I met up with my creations. We will be much safer. Agreed?” Sara sighed knowing e was right “you know I hate those things, but your right. Come on” with that they both walked off to the stargate and dialed a planet from Michael’s memory. Taking one last look at the chaos Sara smiled and entered the event horizon.

                  I'm not dead. Yet.


                    Originally posted by ChelApophis View Post
                    And now, among Wraithlord's beautiful wallpaper and susanne's talented writting and Xepherah , love you're pics , Lol!!!!!!!!( It would probably take me more time then it took you to do such perfect creations!!!) .........I'll bring my modest contribution to this great thread!

                    Hmmm, I assume you mean those paintings I´ve dropped at Shawn´s diary?
                    Yes, they took me a lot of work and patience. But the result may be there, I think.
                    Anyway....probably for you as a wraithlover I suggest you take a look at

                    I have started up a group there for wraith and here you can place artwork , fics , thoughts, photo´s, anything you like revolving wraith and their beloved ones. So also the more x-rated stuff is more then welcome.
                    Your poem and picture is so endearing by the way....


                      Hi all-----

                      Hihihi. I have made a little sketch of Shawn as a lover and a human female...Let me know what you all think...This one is especially too for Chel Apophis!!!
                      See attachment
                      Last edited by Xepherah; 30 June 2007, 06:14 AM.


                        ah jeez Xeph! that looks awesome... and serves to reinterate my Vampire theory.... no, i think i'm just too hung up on the Vampire doings in my own life... but that is down right erotic
                        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                          mmhmm im agreeing with lilith on this one, its awesome hehe

                          I'm not dead. Yet.


                            Thunkers Anonymous? it's been a while since I've thunked anyone, but whats the deal Sus?
                            I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                              huh? oh just a little club i started thats all its for people with really big obsessions

                              I'm not dead. Yet.


                                pt 8

                                Pt 8
                                She walked out of the stargate and immediately bumped into Michael who had stopped walking “oof, Michael why did you…” she peered over his shoulder and her jaw dropped, there were bodies everywhere… Michael’s creations were dead… he slowly walked forward staring at the bugs, bullet marks… he found a few dead soldiers and looked at the insignia on their shoulders Atlantis. There were a few genii among them. At least his creations had taken down some of them. He looked at Sara; she was looking down at the atlantians uniform with shock and distaste. They walked on to what should have been the small encampment. The whole place had been blown apart, his research…his creations… it was all gone. He stood numb by the light of the few small fires staring at the ruins; it couldn’t have been more than 12 hours since the attack. Sara stood beside him as a chill wind blew through the trees and Sara shivered. He looked angry…really angry. She thought to herself. “Michael?” she whispered. “Yes.” He muttered, anger obvious in his voice “we should move, this cant be more than a few hours old and we don’t want them to think im still alive.” Michael looked at her. Did she not understand? Did everything have to be about her? “Can you not see I am mourning my loss?” he said savagely, Sara didn’t flinch. But she silently fumed. Did he think taking his rage out on her would help the situation? “Well when you’re done mourning your precious creations ill be over on the hill.” She seethed and walked off. Michael watched her leave. She didn’t understand. He walked into the ruins and began picking up what was left of his research and equipment. Still angry. Angry at the genii at the lantians, angry at everything. Why couldn’t his life go right? His thoughts wandered to Sara, he shouldn’t have snapped at her. Meanwhile she had walked to he top of the hill and sat down staring at the unfamiliar stars. Were the cracks showing? After everything she had been through for him, everything she had sacrificed he still expected more, he never gave her any show of affection, she knew it was there but it was always research this and monsters that. Sometimes she thought he only kept her around to tidy up or help him, she had tried to get involved with his research but with all the running round and constant threats she had been pushed out, and now, it was like they were complete strangers. Drifting apart, she didn’t want to, she still loved him. But they had to stop the countless missions and adventures before they drifted too far. Staring at the sky she sighed, looking down she saw her own shadow…and someone else’s, with quick movement she flung the person over her shoulder and took heir sidearm pointing it at their face “you got 10 seconds to tell me why you were sneaking up on me.”

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

