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    Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
    I know she is being played by another actress.
    I thought she looked like a bee just from the angle of the camera. It's just my perspective. I think she does look quite beautiful though and would be a good add on for another character arc

    a queen arc would've been nice, but I think it's too late now. an episode spoiler mentioned a "primary queen", but that probably just refers to the queen being a main character in the episode. I'm still wondering what andee meant in her blog:

    Now to address something a little more serious, RUMOUR or REAL....another actress is playing a Wraith Queen in Season 5. This is REAL........all I can say is there is a very good reason for this. Keep tuned into the show to find out why............( its pretty cool ) I've said too much already.........Yikes!


      Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
      I'm still wondering what andee meant in her blog:
      My imagination is now running riot. What if the Wraith were dangerously short of Queens? Is it possible that they were inspired by Michael making hybrids so they've found a way to turn human women into Queens? I've been wondering how Teyla would pass as a Queen when she doesn't have the height and build of the standard model we've seen so far. Maybe something like this would explain it.

      I've now got a strange vision of a future Pegasus galaxy where various retroviruses have been perfected. The population consists of -

      1: Wraith eating normal food. Some of them started out as humans.
      2: Humans. Some of them started out as Wraith who didn't lose their memories in the process of turning human.
      3: Hybrids. These are made up of humans and Wraith who opted for an in between state.

      Everyone changes species whenever they feel like it.


        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        @ MCH - the thing about the hair brush:
        Who wielded it? Todd himself? TEYLA??! KENNY??!!!! I mean, if they just show Todd on the screen with his hair all tidy, I think people will be disappointed. We have to know HOW it got tidied up.

        I could see something like this: After Todd teaches Teyla how to sit like a queen, he says something like, "Very well, we are done here. We must go now." And Teyla looks at his hair, and gives him this motherly 'you're NOT going out of the hive looking like THAT' kinda look...and then the next scene is Todd all gussied up, with Teyla standing proudly behind him, hairbrush in hand. It would be hilarious if they SHOWED Teyla brushing his hair, and Todd being all, "Ouch, ouch, OUCH!' and squirmy about it!! LOLOL! Now - that would be priceless. But I know it won't be like that, though I'd love for it to be EXACTLY like that!

        I LOL'd. Well done.

        It says I can't give you green. *gives you imaginary green instead*


          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Oh, I think Todd purrs a lot - we know he does it, and just because they haven't shown him doing it again, it doesn't mean he's not doing it 'off camera' (i.e. in our imaginations). I think Todd would definitely purr whenever he feels good, and a nice - and gentle - hairbrushing certainly feels good!

          But one thing you missed...whoever will rub Todd's feet? I'm sure they must get sore and tired with all the standing he does. So, someone must make him take off his boots and lie down, and then give him a nice foot massage. I give that job to...Spikey.

          GoSpikey is doing his hands, to be fair what about MFW?-that's if you can get her out of the gutter


          But after being pamper by us Todd would be a purrrr..fect looking Wraith. Problem is by the time he got back to his hive after all his adventures he go back to looking like his usual self----
          ***THUD and yes that hurt.***
          ***Goes to find icepack and Todd to hold the icepack to injuried head***
          Last edited by MCH; 31 August 2008, 02:39 AM.
          Thanks to DS for my siggy


            Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
            *mfw in the gutter*
            Hmmm, I wonder if Todd purrs when you brush his hair for him?
            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            although that one picture of Todd on the bridge, holding his *thud!*
            Hmmm, GoSpikey and me, then MCH, mfw and das? The gutter begins to be quite crowded.

            Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
            Speaking of Todd looking different does he look a little older or, is it me. Some of the this season pictures he looks different in most of them.
            The one where
            queen-Teyla has a knife on his throat?
            When seeing it, I thought that he looks older in this one than in all other season 5 pics, but I assume it's just the position and lighting.

            Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
            I got a question about the hive queen in "The Queen" Do you think she looks
            a little more insect like that the other queens?

            I have also posted this question over in the "The Queen" thread
            It was exactly my thoughts when I first saw this pic. I find that she looks like an ant. It is partly caused by the position of the mouth (is she speaking, maybe?), but there's something special around the eyes, the forehead and the cheeks. It might just be the photo; we'll see in the episode how she turns out.

            Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
            Luck girl that would be kind of fun to see CH in wraith makup and having a chat with all his creepy appearance.
            Woooh, I second that. It must be weird for Chris too, because he probably "forgets" his makeup, so he just fells like himself during the conversation, but the person he's speaking with gives him those disturbed looks...

            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
            My imagination is now running riot. What if the Wraith were dangerously short of Queens? Is it possible that they were inspired by Michael making hybrids so they've found a way to turn human women into Queens? I've been wondering how Teyla would pass as a Queen when she doesn't have the height and build of the standard model we've seen so far. Maybe something like this would explain it.
            I've now got a strange vision of a future Pegasus galaxy where various retroviruses have been perfected. The population consists of -
            1: Wraith eating normal food. Some of them started out as humans.
            2: Humans. Some of them started out as Wraith who didn't lose their memories in the process of turning human.
            3: Hybrids. These are made up of humans and Wraith who opted for an in between state.
            Everyone changes species whenever they feel like it.
            Ha ha ha, you do imagine the headaches?

            "See this wraith queen? She was born human but turned into a hybrid by Michael, then she was cured when Atlantis defeated him, but she met that wraith turned human who spoke with such heat about how wonderful the life of a queen in a hive is that she decided to become one herself."
            My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
            Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


              Originally posted by MCH View Post
              GoSpikey is doing his hands, to be fair what about MFW?-that's if you can get her out of the gutter


              But after being pamper by us Todd would be a purrrr..fect looking Wraith. Problem is by the time he got back to his hive after all his adventures he go back to looking like his usual self----
              ***THUD and yes that hurt.***
              ***Goes to find icepack and Todd to hold the icepack to injuried head***
              Actually I do a pretty wickded pedicure, so that's fine with me! I've got the perfect shade of nail laquer: dark olive green with a little shimmer.



                Wasn't there a discussion a while ago, about what the Wraith would do with culled pregnant women? Don't they take the children somewhere, maybe to be trained as worshippers/slaves, or something?

                Maybe some of those children wanna be Wraiths, like Ellia was human raised, and wanted to be human, so now, with there being almost no more Queens, they're turned into Queens?

                I do find it strange that someone as important as to be the Primary, the Queen that leads an entire faction, would be an ex-human, though. You'd think you got the Andee!Queens up in that position, and that the other ones, the 'fake ones', were put on individual Hives to rule there.

                Was Ellia supposed to be Child!Andee?

                If the Wraith do have a new way of ensuring they have Queens,
                then maybe that's how Teyla will turn into a Queen? By a vaccine that Todd brings along? Maybe it was distributed among every Hive, and they were instructed to/or left the choice to go find a Queen for their Hive among the Worshippers, or other people?

                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                I wish I got to know you better.


                  Messed around with photoshop and made myself a new wallpaper. Nab if you want but I'm not so good at these.
                  It turned out too dark when I changed it to JPEG from PDF. *sad face*



                    It seems that in the handing out of chores to take care of our lovely Todd, no one thought of me. Okay. Since that's how you're going to be...
                    since I've already 'Groped the Green', now I guess I'll just have to be the one to buff his butt!



                      Originally posted by Risem View Post
                      Messed around with photoshop and made myself a new wallpaper. Nab if you want but I'm not so good at these.
                      It turned out too dark when I changed it to JPEG from PDF. *sad face*

                      it isn't too dark on my screen, I think it's just right. very nice!


                        Originally posted by Risem View Post
                        Messed around with photoshop and made myself a new wallpaper. Nab if you want but I'm not so good at these.
                        It turned out too dark when I changed it to JPEG from PDF. *sad face*

                        Where did you get the pic on the far right of the screen? I don't remember seeing it anywhere?

                        Ee Gad! I forget to tell you how wonderful it is! Ohhhh! I am such a dunce sometimes!



                          Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                          Where did you get the pic on the far right of the screen? I don't remember seeing it anywhere?

                          look on pages 593 and 594 at the pictures for "the queen" and "first contact".


                            Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                            look on pages 593 and 594 at the pictures for "the queen" and "first contact".
                            Thanks a bunch, Naami! That pic was on 594. I'd missed it before.
                            My mind has been on other things, closer and more important to home. Time schedules don't look like they're going to be what I, and Mine, would like them to be. Little pressures build up to big ones, and things get said that shouldn't. Then, every once in a while, things that should get said don't, either. much as I love SGA and our precious Todd...well, sometimes being bipolar just doesn't help matters any! That verse I posted a couple of days ago pretty much sums up where my head and heart have been. (Realizing I'm holding the door open for someone to be nasty but is wondering if more than three people read it.)



                              Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                              It seems that in the handing out of chores to take care of our lovely Todd, no one thought of me. Okay. Since that's how you're going to be...
                              since I've already 'Groped the Green', now I guess I'll just have to be the one to buff his butt!

                              Hee hee! Now that's an interesting job. You're not alone, Wraithie! I didn't get an assignment either -- and I give a mean foot massage, too.

                              @Risem: That wallpaper is spectacular! I agree with naami. The color is perfect as it is and I love those deep blues and greens.

                              I have tried to avoid spoilers this season but couldn't resist reading what everyone here is saying about The Queen. There is a thought that keeps popping into my head about that episode:
                              The plot makes me think of a Wraith version of "My Fair Lady" and in my mind I keep seeing Todd as Professor Henry Higgins trying to get Teyla to say "The Wraith in space have elegance and grace."
                              Sparrow hawk



                                Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                                Way, way, way OT: I was in a mood today, so I wrote something. You know, one of those things that just spills out.

                                The Heart breaks...yet there is life in the body.
                                The Spirit breaks...yet there is life in the body.
                                The Mind breaks...yet there is life in the body.
                                The Body beaks down...slowly...painfully, reminding one of what it once was to be healthy and whole.
                                When will come true Death, that which heals all wounds, all sickness, all ending them?
                                The want, the desire for that Sweet Release tempts one to hasten to embrace It.
                                Why, then, when that Blessed Darkness comes creeping, does the thing that was once human, but is no more, fight so hard, bargain so desperately for one pitiful day more in the muddy light?
                                Because in the midst of the gray is the tiniest, but most powerful, of Life's sparks...Hope.

                                Wraithie, I forgot to mention that I read your verse. It is beautiful and very moving.
                                Sparrow hawk


