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    Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
    Not just brushed, but brushed AND braided!
    I wonder who braided his hair. Sigh...
    HONOR. A story.



      Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
      So, our Todd in preparation for a Royal visit for the Queen took some time for him self.



      Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
      Thanks! You're fast! And the longer the better! The more Wraith they can cram in before the series ends, the happier I'll be.
      well, there's still a few more besides todd coming up.


        These pics are excellent!!

        Did you notice they altered the shape of Todd's brow - he now has 'worry' creases in his brow - never saw that before (before there was very little expression in his brow, they must have changed it to get more expression from him).

        And yes - his hair IS braided - if you can't see it, just lighten the picture - he has two thin 'braids' pulled back - he really did get himself fancied up!! You KNOW they did this for us - they gave him 'Steve' hair for a scene or two, just for us hair-fetish types! LOL!

        Adorable - best pics from this season I've seen of Todd yet. He looks wonderful! Love that one where he's standing on the bridge...niiiiiice! SO excited now!! Can't wait!!

        Oh...and still have the hots for, I'm kinda multigushing...

        gotta go - very tired. Just wanted to get a few words in about the pics first, though. Thank you SO much for posting them!!! I LOVE fancy-hair Todd!! The bug sure does clean up good!!



          LS - Too funny! LOLOL!

          (I'm typing in the dark - not easy - should be in bed before the wine wears off... )

          Anyway - love these pictures - I HOPE something funny is said about Todd's hair...somebody has to compliment him, or something! But we know it doesn't last long...seeing as how there's just one picture of his hair like that, and all the others he's back to his regular mad scientist He's one handsome bug, I gotta say...I wonder if I can trade Eddie for him...




            Advanced Telemetry:
            McCullogh Crowns The Queen

            Season 4 of Stargate: Atlantis introduced new field of depth into the growing series. Season-wide arcs were attempted in a way that few seasons of Stargate: SG-1 could compare. The show took on a darker hue, and new, bold stories were introduced.

            The many facets explored paved inroads for Teyla Emmagan, the resident Athosian and Wraith hybrid of Atlantis, as well as Todd, Sheppard's Wraith inmate from Common Ground. Stargate staff writer Alan McCullogh recently told The Official Stargate Magazine about some of the exciting turns for these characters. "We make a proposition to Todd later in season five," he revealed. "The episode I'm just finishing right now is called The Queen. We go to Todd with a gene therapy we've managed to develop using Michael's research, which we believe will make the Wraith able to process food and thus not have to feed on humans anymore."

            Getting the Wraith to switch from humans as their food source is something the Atlantis expedition has been pursuing for some time. "Todd" has sought ways to separate himself from his Wraith brethren, so he would be the logical Wraith to whom Atlantis would offer a taste test. "Of course, Todd, who's always got his own agenda, asks us to do something in return, which is what the episode becomes about. It becomes a very Teyla-focused story. Essentially Todd has joined an alliance of other hives, but the only way he can. He's had to fake his way in and lie and say that he had a queen on goes in an interesting direction after that."

            The story for The Queen was a culmination of a story McCullough pitched, and a story script coordinator Alex Levine, pitched the previous season. "He pitched a story where there was a Wraith summit and we tried to infiltrate it," said McCullogh. "We were trying to infiltrate a Wraith summit and we needed to go in undercover. Using that pitch, as well as some story elements that I pitched this year, we built the story."

            Teyla already has Wraith DNA, which may allow her to masquerade as a queen. "There are subtle arcs happening in season five," McCullogh told The Official Stargate Magazine. "And who knows? Maybe we'll come up with something in the back half of season five that tears it wide open. You never know and, all of a sudden, it will spin things off in a completely different direction."


              Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post

              Advanced Telemetry:
              McCullogh Crowns The Queen

              Season 4 of Stargate: Atlantis introduced new field of depth into the growing series. Season-wide arcs were attempted in a way that few seasons of Stargate: SG-1 could compare. The show took on a darker hue, and new, bold stories were introduced.

              The many facets explored paved inroads for Teyla Emmagan, the resident Athosian and Wraith hybrid of Atlantis, as well as Todd, Sheppard's Wraith inmate from Common Ground. Stargate staff writer Alan McCullogh recently told The Official Stargate Magazine about some of the exciting turns for these characters. "We make a proposition to Todd later in season five," he revealed. "The episode I'm just finishing right now is called The Queen. We go to Todd with a gene therapy we've managed to develop using Michael's research, which we believe will make the Wraith able to process food and thus not have to feed on humans anymore."

              Getting the Wraith to switch from humans as their food source is something the Atlantis expedition has been pursuing for some time. "Todd" has sought ways to separate himself from his Wraith brethren, so he would be the logical Wraith to whom Atlantis would offer a taste test. "Of course, Todd, who's always got his own agenda, asks us to do something in return, which is what the episode becomes about. It becomes a very Teyla-focused story. Essentially Todd has joined an alliance of other hives, but the only way he can. He's had to fake his way in and lie and say that he had a queen on goes in an interesting direction after that."

              The story for The Queen was a culmination of a story McCullough pitched, and a story script coordinator Alex Levine, pitched the previous season. "He pitched a story where there was a Wraith summit and we tried to infiltrate it," said McCullogh. "We were trying to infiltrate a Wraith summit and we needed to go in undercover. Using that pitch, as well as some story elements that I pitched this year, we built the story."

              Teyla already has Wraith DNA, which may allow her to masquerade as a queen. "There are subtle arcs happening in season five," McCullogh told The Official Stargate Magazine. "And who knows? Maybe we'll come up with something in the back half of season five that tears it wide open. You never know and, all of a sudden, it will spin things off in a completely different direction."
              I put this in the queen thread also.


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                These pics are excellent!!

                Did you notice they altered the shape of Todd's brow - he now has 'worry' creases in his brow - never saw that before (before there was very little expression in his brow, they must have changed it to get more expression from him).

                And yes - his hair IS braided - if you can't see it, just lighten the picture - he has two thin 'braids' pulled back - he really did get himself fancied up!! You KNOW they did this for us - they gave him 'Steve' hair for a scene or two, just for us hair-fetish types! LOL!

                Adorable - best pics from this season I've seen of Todd yet. He looks wonderful! Love that one where he's standing on the bridge...niiiiiice! SO excited now!! Can't wait!!

                Oh...and still have the hots for, I'm kinda multigushing...

                gotta go - very tired. Just wanted to get a few words in about the pics first, though. Thank you SO much for posting them!!! I LOVE fancy-hair Todd!! The bug sure does clean up good!!


                Is this the picture of Todd sitting in the chair? I don't know if I'm following you guys right, but it seems that you are seeing the queen way before we in Can are. But we get our episodes from the states, so I'm a little out to lunch right now. Can someone clarify??

                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                  Is this the picture of Todd sitting in the chair? I don't know if I'm following you guys right, but it seems that you are seeing the queen way before we in Can are. But we get our episodes from the states, so I'm a little out to lunch right now. Can someone clarify??

                  just drooling of freshly released pics, wk

                  naami posted them



                    Sorry guys I've been a little kitty mommied out--I feel like a human mother (OMG!). Anyway, thank you everyone for all your excellent amazing advice (Xepherah) especially Masterling who has responded to my pleas for help so awesomely. I don't know how to thank you all. I am writing on my husband's computer, so I don't have access to pictures of my babies but I will post them. You guys are amazing cat people. Thank you all.

                    Well, as I've been fretting about the felines I looked up purring. Apparently, you guys probably all know this, doctors aren't sure what causes cats to purr. They haven't found an organ that allows them to do this. Raccoons purr too. But purr, cats definitely do, I think all of them do. Some purr at different times (I think cheetahs only purr when they exhale or something).

                    I think it is so cool that the wraith purr--yet another mystery to their anatomy.

                    Big kitty kiss to you all

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      I always end up here all by myself... It's the hours I keep, I know. Hey, European Wraiths! Shouldn't you be awake, or something?

                      Oh, well... I don't have much to say anyway.
                      HONOR. A story.



                        Er, that should have said "interview with Rachel Lutrell" not Teyla. Sorry!

                        Warning: major spoilers!


                        Rachel Lutrell by Brian Cairns
                        ...This year Teyla gets more insight into the Wraith than she ever bargained for when she makes a disturbing transformation into the Queen herself! "That was a loaded episode," admits Lutrell, "When I found out I had to do that, I was very concerned because I am a mom, my little guy's with me all the time, and everybody was like 'Oh, you're going to terrify your son!' I had that in the back of my head that I was going to look like a monster. I like to believe my child is incredibly enlightened, but perhaps all babies are. They've got no palette of what a monster is or any of that, so yeah, I came into the trailer in stages. There's a mask that they put on you and it's latex and foam. It's got built into it various different forms of what the Wraith would have, such as higher cheekbones, a more pronounced brow, chin, and all that kind of stuff. They glue it on to your face first and after they have done that - which takes quite awhile, because they've got to lay it quite precisely around all of your features - I went into the trailer to see how he would be and he laughed. Mind you, I had spent the two weeks prior to that putting avocado on my face going, 'Look, crazy Mommy! Look, what is Mommy doing now?' I went into the trailer, he looked at me and went 'Heh, heh, heh' so I knew that it was going to be okay. But yeah, it takes about four-and-a-half to five hours to do that," adds Lutrell. "It's very uncomfortable because you're completely encased. It's kind of claustrophobic. The mask is put on and it completely transforms you. And then the make-up they use is mixed with the glue, they paint some of it on, and they airbrush the veins. So it's layer upon layer upon layer, and it's really quite a precise art, but they did a wonderful job. I certainly didn't recognize myself."

                        As rough as it was for Lutrell, it definitely raised some questions about Teyla, too. “There was a lot going on,” she agrees, “It was wonderful for me because I got to work with Chris Heyerdahl, who is such an amazing actor and a great guy as well. We talked about the scenes and he said, ‘It’s very interesting what’s going on with you – how much of Teyla is actually enjoying this, how much of her DNA speaks to this, and how much is she resisting that?’ There was a lot going on and that’s hinted at, at the end of that episode.” Teyla’s gamble will also thrust her into an unexpected position of responsibility and, at least in the near future, alter the Wraith status quo. “That was the last episode that I finished shooting, so I haven’t had a chance to bite into the next episodes and see how that will play through but it certainly will,” notes Lutrell. “Now that she’s embodied the Wraith Queen, it’s certainly heightened her connection to the Wraith and heightened the abilities that she already had. Not only that, but at the end of this particular episode, she’s now the leader of an alliance of Wraith and it’s very bizarre. It’s not a role that Teyla hopes to revisit, but it’s one she knows that if she has to, she would,” continues Lutrell. “She leaves it in the hands of Todd, but as it turns out, the Queen is the supreme ruler and she is the Queen, so who knows. It’s very interesting…”

                        EDIT: @Naamiaiset, I will post this in the Queen thread. Thanks for posting the other article!
                        Last edited by MyFavoriteWraith; 29 August 2008, 09:24 PM.


                          Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                          Er, that should have said "interview with Rachel Lutrell" not Teyla. Sorry!

                          Warning: major spoilers!


                          Rachel Lutrell by Brian Cairns
                          ...This year Teyla gets more insight into the Wraith than she ever bargained for when she makes a disturbing transformation into the Queen herself! "That was a loaded episode," admits Lutrell, "When I found out I had to do that, I was very concerned because I am a mom, my little guy's with me all the time, and everybody was like 'Oh, you're going to terrify your son!' I had that in the back of my head that I was going to look like a monster. I like to believe my child is incredibly enlightened, but perhaps all babies are. They've got no palette of what a monster is or any of that, so yeah, I came into the trailer in stages. There's a mask that they put on you and it's latex and foam. It's got built into it various different forms of what the Wraith would have, such as higher cheekbones, a more pronounced brow, chin, and all that kind of stuff. They glue it on to our face first and after they have done that - which takes quite awhile, because they've got to lay it quite precisely around all of your features - I went into the trailer to see how he would be and he laughed. Mind you, I had spent the two weeks prior to that putting avocado on my face going, 'Look, crazy Mommy! Look, what is Mommy doing now?' I went into the trailer, he looked at me and went 'Heh, heh, heh' so I knew that it was going to be okay. But yeah, it takes about four-and-a-half to five hours to do that," adds Lutrell. "It's very uncomfortable because you're completely encased. It's kind of claustrophobic. The mask is put on and it completely transforms you. And then the make-up they use is mixed with the glue, they paint some of it on, and they airbrush the veins. So it's layer upon layer upon layer, and it's really quite a precise art, but they did a wonderful job. I certainly didn't recognize myself."

                          As rough as it was for Lutrell, it definitely raised some questions about Teyla, too. “There was a lot going on,” she agrees, “It was wonderful for me because I got to work with Chris Heyerdahl, who is such an amazing actor and a great guy as well. We talked about the scenes and he said, ‘It’s very interesting what’s going on with you – how much of Teyla is actually enjoying this, how much of her DNA speaks to this, and how much is she resisting that?’ There was a lot going on and that’s hinted at, at the end of that episode.” Teyla’s gamble will also thrust her into an unexpected position of responsibility and, at least in the near future, alter the Wraith status quo. “That was the last episode that I finished shooting, so I haven’t had a chance to bite into the next episodes and see how that will play through but it certainly will,” notes Lutrell. “Now that she’s embodied the Wraith Queen, it’s certainly heightened her connection to the Wraith and heightened the abilities that she already had. Not only that, but at the end of this particular episode, she’s now the leader of an alliance of Wraith and it’s very bizarre. It’s not a role that Teyla hopes to revisit, but it’s one she knows that if she has to, she would,” continues Lutrell. “She leaves it in the hands of Todd, but as it turns out, the Queen is the supreme ruler and she is the Queen, so who knows. It’s very interesting…”

                          EDIT: @Naamiaiset, I will post this in the Queen thread. Thanks for posting the other article!
                          Well... putting 'major spoiler' at the start not only doesn't stop me from reading, it actually makes me read it

                          Thank you for the interview. This is great. I am really looking forward to it.
                          HONOR. A story.



                            Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                            Well... putting 'major spoiler' at the start not only doesn't stop me from reading, it actually makes me read it

                            Thank you for the interview. This is great. I am really looking forward to it.
                            Just want to make sure everyone is warned, just so I don't get flamed! But believe me, it's only made me more excited for the show. (If that's even possible!)



                              Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                              I always end up here all by myself... It's the hours I keep, I know. Hey, European Wraiths! Shouldn't you be awake, or something?

                              Oh, well... I don't have much to say anyway.
                              No, no. I'm here. I'm trying to find these newly release photos.

                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                                Just want to make sure everyone is warned, just so I don't get flamed! But believe me, it's only made me more excited for the show. (If that's even possible!)

                                Same here! Now, it's a bummer that I have to wait two weeks. For some reason I thought it would be next week, but then... it's that Star Treck marathon they've got on SciFi so... I didn't get my SGA fix tonight. Oh well... I'll watch CG again. But, I have to say, after seeing those magnificent photos of Todd, with braided and unbraided hair...

                                But also, I think the story has taken a great leap forward with Queen. I hope (keeping fingers crossed) that it won't disappoint. I know it will open more questions, but that is fun.
                                HONOR. A story.


