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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
    Now, correct me if I'm wrong: the wraith can taste (Condemned), but it has become more of a delicacy to be able to do this, because wraith don't have the luxury to eat?

    Yup they can taste as Shawn (hope I got that name right) but he was eating by month, not by hand.
    So my what I was wondering was can they taste with their hand when eating? So could you taste food if you ate by hand.

    Thanks to DS for my siggy


      Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
      No doubt! (I like it because it's both an ornament and a weapon! I'm hoping "Inquisition" will have some serious payback for Shep. Although I have to say I don't think anyone will be particularly concerned about his treatment of the Wraith. They'll be more concerned about his cooperation with Todd than his clear violation of the Geneva Convention in his treatment of Steve, Bob and company.

      Leather...oil...ball............................................................ ................................................................................ ..............................guh, what? You say somethin'?

      One thing I love about rugby is that, when it's raining out and the ball gets slippery, the announcers say stuff like, "oh, they're playing with a greasy ball!" It always makes me giggle...the 8-year old that I am.


      I wish Tyler would stop back in...I have a couple questions for him. MATURE questions, not silly fangirl stuff...believe it or not.



        On First Contact & The Lost Tribe:

        Here is how the SCI FI Channel describes these episodes:

        "Stargate SG-1's Dr. Daniel Jackson travels to Atlantis when his research suggests that a rebellious Ancient scientist named Janus may have hidden a secret lab somewhere within the city. Hoping to find it, and possibly a significant portion of his unauthorized research, Jackson enlists Dr. McKay's help. An obscure log entry leads them to a cloaked lab where they unwittingly activate a signal on a distant planet. Hours later, the city is paid a visit by a group of mysterious aliens.

        "Meanwhile Woolsey, along with Dr. Keller and Ronon, have joined Colonel Caldwell on board the Daedalus, leaving Sheppard in charge of Atlantis. They welcome Todd and his delegation to the ship to discuss testing Keller's gene therapy on live Wraith subjects. But events take a turn for the worse when Todd, suspecting them of betrayal, takes control of the Daedalus."

        "Dr. Daniel Jackson and Dr. Rodney McKay have been forced to reactivate the Attero device, a machine designed thousands of years ago to annihilate the Wraith. In doing so, they discover the reason the device was ultimately abandoned by its Ancient creator -- while destroying Wraith ships that attempt to travel through hyperspace, the weapon inadvertently causes active Stargates to self-destruct.

        "Meanwhile, Todd and his troops continue to hold Woolsey, Keller, Ronon and the Daedalus crew captive, convinced that they are behind the resurrection of this deadly technology. Fearing that if Todd succeeds in destroying the device, Jackson and McKay will most certainly be killed in the process, Sheppard calls on some old allies to help him rescue his friends."


        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
          On First Contact & The Lost Tribe:

          Yeah, I read that just now from the link on the home page. I'm still so excited for 'The Queen' that the pictures and now this from FC/TLT is making me positively dizzy with anticipation. I don't know how I'm going to stand the wait.



            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
            On First Contact & The Lost Tribe:

            todd, ronon and daniel in the same episode(s)... I may not live to see episode 5x12.

            todd suspects betrayal about the therapy? see, I kept saying he shouldn't trust the lanteans and their treatments. a smart one, he is. it's kind of an odd reason to steal the ship though. it doesn't sound as if he's aware of the attero device yet in "first contact".


              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
              Now wasn't Todd slouching in BMSR? When he's Chatting with Rodney about the Replicators it looks like he's slouching. I'll post a pic:

              More Todd Slouching

              And more Todd Slouching

              Steve Forward Slouch

              Steve Forward Slouching again

              Queen needs to pull out remote

              Wherez the popcorn and beer?

              Wraith who slouch, personally I think it could be one of two things
              1) The Wraith Coats the are too stiff to allow comfortable sitting.
              2) Have we every seen a wraith without his coat/shirt off? Could the skin on the chest, under the coat be more hard like an insect shell, it would be more comfortale for a Wraith to stand if he could bend like we do when sitting down. Even if they are chairs on a hive ship think Michael room.

              Anyway thanks WK for posting the nice Wraith pictures. Goes nicely with my very late supper of pizza and red wine, fresh out of popcorn and beer.

              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                2) Have we every seen a wraith without his coat/shirt off? Could the skin on the chest, under the coat be more hard like an insect shell, it would be more comfortale for a Wraith to stand if he could bend like we do when sitting down. MCH
                Ok, can we please stop talking about what's underneath their It....distracts me to no end. Must step away for awhile. I think I'll go grocery shopping. That'll be a good penance for me. ugh.



                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  I posted this on JM's blog - thought I'd share here...

                  Just the other day my comic shop guy suggested the Elric Saga (Michael Moorcock) to me…I read it over, and with a description like this I find it very tempting. Regarding Elric:

                  “It is the color of a bleached skull, his flesh; and the long hair which flows below his shoulders is milk-white. From the tapering, beautiful head stare two slanting eyes, crimson and moody, and from the loose sleeves of his yellow gown emerge two slender hands, also the color of bone. “

                  And this part of the synopsis, which seems so Todd-like:

                  “He also harbors an inner desire to perhaps sway his fellow Melniboné’s from some of their more unwholesome practices. Because of these opinions, his subjects find his motives to be almost unfathomable. Their opinion being that Melniboné is Melniboné. They have always ruled the world, and any tactic or pleasure they desire is to be sought out and used. Morality is something that concerns lesser beings but does not have any bearing, or add weight to any decision they may make. Elric also sees that the past glory of Melniboné is fading, complacency and stagnation have set into his culture and empire.”

                  And finally this, about Elric's swords, that hints of ‘Wraith’:

                  “They are known by the names StormBringer and MournBlade. They have the ability to give the wielder unparalleled strength. They are also sentient and require feeding to appease them. This feeding is in the form of souls taken during battle. Many of Elric’s enemies plead not to be killed by his fearsome blade, StormBringer, as their souls are sent straight to hell for eternity. Although Elric is able to overcome his genetic weaknesses, and for the first time in his life he no longer needs to ingest his sorceress potions to sustain his life, this strength is gained at the price of a symbiotic relationship with his blade. Many is the time he will regret unsheathing it, as StormBringer has a taste for friend and foe alike.”

                  A brooding, morally-conflicted albino who ‘feeds’ on human souls through his sword …yeah…I am EXTREMELY tempted to read it…however, the story is a bit more fantasy-filled than I care for. I like fantasy to a point - too much of it and I get lost. Some of you may know this character (I think he was used in D&D role-playing), but I've never heard of this series before. Since I'm not a fan of reading, I doubt I'll ever tackle it, but it does sound like something some of you may enjoy.

                  Elric of Melnibone Sagas of which there are about 14 books. By Michael Moorcock a british author who lives in Texas now. Read a few of his novels abit heavy going doom laden at least the Elric ones I have read. But some of the artwork is fantastic.

                  And now you mention it the Wraith looks are similar to Elric pale skin and the white hair, and he lived of the souls that sword StormBringer took. Cos you really brought back some memories back for me.
                  I read them while I was a boarding school, quietly at night with my torch such books where not considered the right reading for a young tender soul in their care. The nuns bless them did God but not Elric of Melnibone or StarTrek either for that matter

                  Thanks to DS for my siggy


                    Originally Posted by MCH
                    2) Have we every seen a wraith without his coat/shirt off? Could the skin on the chest, under the coat be more hard like an insect shell, it would be more comfortable for a Wraith to stand if he could bend like we do when sitting down. MCH[/quote]

                    Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                    Ok, can we please stop talking about what's underneath their It....distracts me to no end. Must step away for awhile. I think I'll go grocery shopping. That'll be a good penance for me. ugh.


                    I only asked if anyone thought if the skin of the Wraith hidden under their coats was like stiff like say an insects shell. After all they are part bug part human. They may have characterises from both human and insect.

                    Why what did you think I meant? If they skin is more insect like under their clothes it could be why they stand more than sitting down.

                    Honestly I ask a perfectly innocent question MFW, and you say your going grocery shopping!!!!!

                    Thanks to DS for my siggy


                      Don't get me wrong, I love the wraith and all, but...

                      Does it seem to y'all that the makeup artists are doing a halfway job with them? Maybe it is just me, but I just nitpick things like this all of the time. It seems as if their noses are uneven at time and their eyes seem crossed. Also, they are putting waaaay too many skin features (blotches, veins) on the faces. I know that it helps to make the alien skin look realistic, but too much makes it looks cartoonish. The yellow eyes also look cartoonish. They are a tad bit too yellow. Most of the male wraith have those weird supeer high cheekbones that jut out as well. It would be understandable if one or two had them, but I see most of them with it. Shouldn't the actors' lips be painted as well. At least tinged green. An alien with green skin should have a little green coloring on the lips. If they are professional makeup artists, why can't they make the skin look "realistic" and not second rate?

                      Just my two cents. Don't take it as a flame.


                        Originally posted by MCH View Post
                        Originally Posted by MCH
                        2) Have we every seen a wraith without his coat/shirt off? Could the skin on the chest, under the coat be more hard like an insect shell, it would be more comfortable for a Wraith to stand if he could bend like we do when sitting down. MCH

                        I only asked if anyone thought if the skin of the Wraith hidden under their coats was like stiff like say an insects shell. After all they are part bug part human. They may have characterises from both human and insect.

                        Why what did you think I meant? If they skin is more insect like under their clothes it could be why they stand more than sitting down.

                        Honestly I ask a perfectly innocent question MFW, and you say your going grocery shopping!!!!!

                        Sorry, MCH, I hope you didn't take my message the wrong way. If you saw the earlier posts from today we were having fun talking about Wraith garb and features and of course things got a little carried away talking about Wraith bods, so that's why I was saying I needed to go and cool my jets. lol I wasn't flaming you or anything. I actually thought it was funny that you were talking about Wraith abdomen after we were attempting to get back on a less fangirl track.

                        Last edited by MyFavoriteWraith; 25 August 2008, 05:18 PM. Reason: fixing quotes


                          Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post
                          Don't get me wrong, I love the wraith and all, but...

                          Does it seem to y'all that the makeup artists are doing a halfway job with them? Maybe it is just me, but I just nitpick things like this all of the time. It seems as if their noses are uneven at time and their eyes seem crossed. Also, they are putting waaaay too many skin features (blotches, veins) on the faces. I know that it helps to make the alien skin look realistic, but too much makes it looks cartoonish. The yellow eyes also look cartoonish. They are a tad bit too yellow. Most of the male wraith have those weird supeer high cheekbones that jut out as well. It would be understandable if one or two had them, but I see most of them with it. Shouldn't the actors' lips be painted as well. At least tinged green. An alien with green skin should have a little green coloring on the lips. If they are professional makeup artists, why can't they make the skin look "realistic" and not second rate?

                          Just my two cents. Don't take it as a flame.
                          No, I know what you mean. Penny Todd in BAMSR seemed to have a hard time keeping his "green" on around his eyes and mouth. Todd's "star" over/under his eye seems to widen and then narrow from ep to ep. Sometimes the tattoos look like they're black, but most of the time they're a very dark green. And yeah, they do seem to be adding on a lot of veining and different shadings lately. We were discussing Todd's eye color earlier and I think they look better or worse depending on the lighting they're in.

                          Personally, I love their really thick brow and eyesocket ridges. To me the makeup does seem to be improving. And despite inconsistencies, I know how hard it must be to try and produce an identical look on someone time after time when their character is so drastically different looking from the actor! I would rather suffer the inconsistencies than have the Wraith in "masks".
                          (I used to work in makeup, costuming and props in theater and I know a lot of the challenges these guys/girls are up against. I'm amazed the Wraith makeup doesn't just slide off under those lights.)


                          EDIT: Does anyone know if there's a Behind the Scenes out yet on the process of making up and costuming the Wraith? I don't have in of the DVD sets yet (so far I only download eps) so I don't know what bonus features any of the seasons may have on them. Or if there are any floating out there from some television magazine program.
                          Last edited by MyFavoriteWraith; 25 August 2008, 05:23 PM.


                            Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post
                            Don't get me wrong, I love the wraith and all, but...

                            Does it seem to y'all that the makeup artists are doing a halfway job with them? Maybe it is just me, but I just nitpick things like this all of the time. It seems as if their noses are uneven at time and their eyes seem crossed. Also, they are putting waaaay too many skin features (blotches, veins) on the faces. I know that it helps to make the alien skin look realistic, but too much makes it looks cartoonish. The yellow eyes also look cartoonish. They are a tad bit too yellow. Most of the male wraith have those weird supeer high cheekbones that jut out as well. It would be understandable if one or two had them, but I see most of them with it. Shouldn't the actors' lips be painted as well. At least tinged green. An alien with green skin should have a little green coloring on the lips. If they are professional makeup artists, why can't they make the skin look "realistic" and not second rate?

                            Just my two cents. Don't take it as a flame.
                            I halfway agree. I've only had a big issue with one make up flaw so far... this:


                            you can see where the make up ends and it's faded in several places. if it was that bad, why not just re-apply it and refilm the scenes? todd's star is also on the wrong side in that episode in a few scenes (because the film was flipped apparently). overall, I think the make up/prosthetic department does a good job though. I can't remember whose interview it's in, I think rachel luttrell's, but it says that wraith make up is delicate and the person wearing it has to be very careful as to not mess it up. it takes 4 - 5 hours to put on.

                            my other complaint is the rather pink lips on some wraith... they do stand out just a bit.
                            Last edited by naamiaiset; 25 August 2008, 05:56 PM.


                              An example, for me, of a good day on the set for Wraith makeup:

                              Naamiaiset, I totally agree with yours. Thanks for finding it. I remembered that one where you could see Chris' natural skin tone on his neck but I couldn't remember what ep it was.

                              Last edited by MyFavoriteWraith; 22 December 2008, 07:28 PM.


                                anyone remember cody laudan when we were trying to figure out wraith actors? he plays the first wraith that attacks larrin in "travelers". he finally added me on facebook and james bamford has a profile also.

                                for anyone who wanted a picture of cody:

