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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
    I would like give a big wraithy welcome Alauralen and Inanna to the WDC.

    Thanks! Glad to be here!

    Banner made by gypsy_morph AKA JenKM1216.


      If someone wants to go vote for the fantastic duo that John and Todd are, please go ahead!

      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        Hello fellow Wraith followers, lovers, worshipers etc etc. Just dropping in to say I Love Wraith!!!!


          Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
          WELCOME, INNANA! I'm kind of new, and I don't always know who is really new, or just been away for a long time.
          No, I'm not exactly new; my activity is just notoriously erratic. As you can probably tell from my join date.

          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
          Girl, you have NO IDEA how much I missed seeing that signature you around here!
          Well, I do remember the PM you sent me concerning it. XDD

          I'M SORRY!
          Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
          @Inanna I've been angry about Steve, Bob and Michael from the instance of each occurance. I've been waiting for Sheppard and the 'team' to pay for those crimes for quite some time.
          I, too, pity Michael more that hate him, and that is something for which Miachel, himelf, would hate us. He's never wanted pity. He's only wanted to be accepted somewhere by someone as a 'peer'. I hope that Michael's death will have some element of redemption in it. Redemption for him in the eyes of the others, but more than anything, redemption in Michael's eyes for the others and a measure of forgiveness for the wrongs they did to him.
          I'm not nearly as upset by the others. Well, except for Steve... but still, even that wasn't remotely as unethical as betraying someone who had just saved all of your lives.

          Carson's return gave me hope that Michael wouldn't... die suddenly and unexpectedly, since they now have an incentive to want him alive. But I can imagine he'd ever willingly accept captivity again.

          L I V E J O U R N A L
          because I tend to disappear


            How are all my fellow worshippers??? Its been a bit, lots to read up on. Way to much to post about but I have enjoyed the discussions. Wraith and Cats?? Yep, very similar. My kitties (and doggies) like to have their “bootie spanked”, I wonder it if the wraith enjoy that to? **gutter, must get out**
            Wraithie glad to see ya back.
            Traveler- I am tryn to get time to read your story, I cant wait.
            Hello and welcome to all new defenders.
            26 hrs left to S5!!!!!
            @das- if you get to HBII before me PM me and let me know if its worth it.



              Originally posted by GateRunner View Post
              Hello fellow Wraith followers, lovers, worshipers etc etc. Just dropping in to say I Love Wraith!!!!
              a very warm and wraithy welcome GateRunner



                Originally posted by GateRunner View Post
                Hello fellow Wraith followers, lovers, worshipers etc etc. Just dropping in to say I Love Wraith!!!!
                WELCOME to the WDC GateRunner. The Wraith are getting more popular every day. I think it has a lot to do with Todd because we see a different side to the Wraith.



                  Thanx for the welcomes. Always liked the Wraith, the space vampire lol from the first ep. Always look forward to Wraith dominated eps especially when their ones about Todd, Mikey and co.


                    Originally posted by GateRunner View Post
                    Thanx for the welcomes. Always liked the Wraith, the space vampire lol from the first ep. Always look forward to Wraith dominated eps especially when their ones about Todd, Mikey and co.
                    Season Five will have more Wraith episodes. I loved the Wraith ever since I saw Rising pt 2. When you watch one Wraith episode you can get hooked.



                      Hi The Veldt: haven't seen you for a while how are doing?

                      Hi das: Nice to have you back
                      Did you get my happy birthday wish PM? I don't know if you received it because the forum was having problems that day. I hope everything is going well in your life.



                        Originally posted by naamiaiset
                        the keepers/wraith are in the rising part I, not II.
                        Are you sure?I thought they were in pt 2. Maybe I am wrong but, I thought It was pt2. The DVD I have is like a movie where there is no pt1 and pt2



                          Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                          Are you sure?I thought they were in pt 2. Maybe I am wrong but, I thought It was pt2. The DVD I have is like a movie where there is no pt1 and pt2

                          nevermind, you're right. for some reason, I was thinking they're introduced in part I and killed in part II. I need to watch my "rising" DVD again I guess... I haven't in a while.
                          Last edited by naamiaiset; 10 July 2008, 07:23 PM.


                            Good evening all, and welcome GateRunner, Inanna and Alauralen. Alauralen I've met before, and I do miss her beta JenKM1216!

                            Anyway, unless ya'll have been lurking for awhile mine is a new name, but I'm a regular for a few months now. RL has been kicking my plentiful arse, but I'm still alive and starting to kick back. I hope you really come to enjoy the WDC and join in on all the fun we have going on in here. We have writers, artists, poets, satirists and creators of Wraith art I'm not sure there's actually a name for, as well as the run of the mill Wraith fanatics. We're all a bit odd in some fashion or another, but we all seem to find a common ground here in our love for the, oh so luscious, Wraith!

                            Again, welcome to our play ground!

                            AKA: Wraithie

                            Last edited by Wraithworshipper; 10 July 2008, 08:01 PM.


                              *feels sad by wraithies new siggy - but it is still great work!*



                                I'm going to start searching that alternate screen shot site for pics I don't have. Maybe I'll find something I can use for humor. I just have sooo much on my mind.

                                Time to start culling my stuff for things I can sell for cash and for the move to Germany.

                                PS: Lurkers have more fun if they JOIN! COME ON IN! I SEE YOU DOWN THERE!

                                Hiya kids! Hanging out at Chevrons!
                                Last edited by Wraithworshipper; 10 July 2008, 08:39 PM.

