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    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
    icarium, you gave me an idea.


    so that's how he got todd to cooperate.
    As always, Naami, brilliant! I have a special folder on my comp for your work! LOL

    I have a new submission in the Todd wallie catagory. It's 1024 x 625.

    I hope ya'll like it.

    Ish feeling hopeful, and it's scary.


      WAIT A MINUTE!!!!!

      GoSpikey writes: “The scientist from “The Gift,” is that someone we’ll ever actually see, or was he just a one time mention kinda Wraith?”

      Answer: We may see him again.
      "see" and "again" ?!?

      Should I go ask him this? (Slightly altered quote from 'Fair Game')

      O'NEILL: Wait! Right there! Is that a head nod? A nod is usually down then back up. You kinda just went down. So we've seen the scientist before?

      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
        wraith/human relationships? I really doubt it. I can't see humans in general overcoming the fear and hatred of wraith, or wraith... interacting (wrong word, but it's all I can think of right now) with humans when they consider us nothing more than "cattle". plus, if some wraith don't
        accept the new feeding alternative if it happens

        that'll just continue the cycle of predator/prey making it even more unlikely. and todd and teyla is the last thing I want to see happen...
        I dunno, it is after all conjecture at this point. However, someone asked on JM's blog about the influence of fan desires on the writing and JM said (to paraphrase) it's all about the fans; everything written is to please the fans. I'm not sure that's always a good thing. Nevertheless, I could also cogently argue my point with what we've already seen so far, but I'm also willing to wager a bet. I bet that, by the end of season...let's say hmmmmm season seven, if, that is, SGA lasts as long as SG1, we will definitely see a tentative romance between the wraith "as is" not morphed or made into a human compatible hybrid and a human. There may be off-spring and these off-spring will be "natural" half-human, half-wraiths. They too may appear on future episodes of another StarGate franchise. There. That's may bet. I don't know what to wager at this point, any "virtual" suggestions anyone?????

        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Originally posted by Icarium View Post
          Thanks naamiaiset for your comments and great new sigs What texture do you use that it looks like and old 'material'?
          I think it is possible. There are Wraith worshippers who don't hate Wraith and I think Todd doesn't think of humans as cattle. There may be other Wraith thinking that way. The problem is whether Wraith are capable of romantic/emotional involvment at all. When I think of human/Wraith relationships Vampire Hunter D comes to my mind, the way the vampire had to resist drinking his human lover's blood. If a Wraith would be truly in love, there wouldn't be much risk for human partner, there's always gift of life

          Exactamundo. Yessss, yesss I concur sssss.

          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            FINALLY dled SexyBack

            *Plays it on repeat*

            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

            I wish I got to know you better.


              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
              I dunno, it is after all conjecture at this point. However, someone asked on JM's blog about the influence of fan desires on the writing and JM said (to paraphrase) it's all about the fans; everything written is to please the fans.
              seen the S4/S5 complaint threads lately?

              I'm not sure that's always a good thing. Nevertheless, I could also cogently argue my point with what we've already seen so far, but I'm also willing to wager a bet. I bet that, by the end of season...let's say hmmmmm season seven, if, that is, SGA lasts as long as SG1, we will definitely see a tentative romance between the wraith "as is" not morphed or made into a human compatible hybrid and a human. There may be off-spring and these off-spring will be "natural" half-human, half-wraiths. They too may appear on future episodes of another StarGate franchise. There. That's may bet. I don't know what to wager at this point, any "virtual" suggestions anyone?????

              a half-human half-wraith child would pretty much be michael... that's a whole other issue. the writers have barely scratched the surface on wraith, I don't think they'll jump into wraith/human romance. then again, who knows.

              Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
              WAIT A MINUTE!!!!!

              "see" and "again" ?!?

              Should I go ask him this? (Slightly altered quote from 'Fair Game')

              again? that really only leaves two candidates (todd, michael) and we do see them.
              Last edited by naamiaiset; 31 May 2008, 02:26 PM.


                todd's view is unique though (from what we've seen so far), and it could be possible when you look at it how you said. still, if you're someone who had your world/family destroyed by wraith, would you really completely trust/love one? I think for most humans that would be very difficult (not counting worshippers). it would take a lot of adjusting on both sides.

                Originally posted by Icarium View Post

                I don't think that Todd is unique in viewing people as something more than animals. Not that we have anything to prove it, but there happens some cooperation from time to time. Or maybe I just want to believe that
                With non-worshippers, it would have to be some poor soap opera A Wraith sees a beautiful girl, falls in love and decides to save her from death. Then Beauty and the Beast. Then they are rejected by both humans and Wraith - Romeo and Juliet. OK, I don't want to see THAT

                People, people--I love debates such as these--I wanted to weigh in here if I may. Remember to not confuse clichés with the natural development of plot and the needed development of the characters within those narratives. Of course people want to avoid clichés--it destroys our desired suspension of disbelief. I do not mean to be patronizing here, but not everyone is familiar with what is called "the willing suspension of disbelief", so I'll briefly explain: whenever you watch a film, read a book, play an RPG video game or any type of RPG for that matter, listen to a story read to you or hear another episode of The Twilight Zone and Dark Shadows on late night Sunday radio your enjoyment comes from your willingness to believe the story is real--even though, reality check, you know you are simply experiencing a story. The more one relates to the characters in a story, the more the story engages the reader through a "credible" and exciting plot, the more we become absorbed in the show and are willing to put our disbelief that all we're doing is experiencing a story on hold: really great horror stories do this because they stay with us for days. Obviously SGA has done this quite well, because it has managed to peak the interest of non-sci fi fans. So, with that said, the issue isn't that a wraith on human romance is unlikely or potentially cliché, the point is how well will it be written and will it gratify us (not always positively), but we will experience some type of catharsis. I have to say, although I have made issue with some of Joe M's blog entries before, the one thing I will say is that I do trust his production judgement and have admired respect for him in his ability to write and write well. I honestly and truly believe we will not see any chomp chomp romance between a wraith and a human--we want to be that human remember, so we need to relate to the story well.
                Another issue with cliches is that it is one of those tenuous concepts. Ever wonder why you hated reading Lord of the Flies, or To Kill A MockingBird in High School, or any other mandatory reading for school, because for the most part kids do not have the background knowledge to appreciate the weighty literature they're reading. That is why they have to study it school. For my students I liken it to experiencing coffee for the first time. If you've never had coffee before and I give you a cup, you may or may not like it depending on many things. If I lined up several cups of coffee from different brands, classifications, qualities ect., and asked you (my students) to have a sip from each cup, you would definitely be able to tell the difference between what is "good" coffee and what is "bad" coffee, even though you may have never had coffee before. This exercise is broadening your background knowledge. This is exactly the case with literature: when you do not have the experience it is difficult to spot a cliché--it simply is. Do you think JM is constantly reading and has a book club for nothing else to do? Absolutely not, (though at one point in his life this may have been the reason) he reads because he is a diligent worker. He is paid to read and read and read and read. The more you read the better you read the better you write the better you become at avoiding "clichés". He is a writer by trade ergo he is reader by necessity.

                This is all to say wraith/human cliché romance--not gonna happen.
                Now to debate as to whether the wraith see us as cattle I'm telling you no. I'm not saying this because I'm talking out of my a...ear, I'm telling you this because this is a common literary trope or a narrative trope here, because we're dealing with screen plays. This is the whole conundrum, more than that this is the whole point of their presence: they are conditioned to believe humans are so and so, but their experience, intellect, CONSCIENCE tells them otherwise. This is the paradox, the wraith are suppose to mirror the human condition. This IS the stuff of good writing. It's not predictable, it's compelling. So, as I have just made mention, I wager a bet. There will be a sort of tentative romance between a wraith and human, perhaps not out and out sexual, but there will be touching scenes there will be a "real" connection made. There has already been one, Elia/her father; Sheppard/Todd. Common Ground honestly was a beautiful thing.

                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  Also, someone said earlier that a human would have a hard time having a relationship with a wraith because of all the damage they have done to the human population in the Pegasus galaxy. Of course, the romance we'll see is between a Lantean (an Earther) and a Wraith, not the peeps with the baggage in the PG.

                  "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                    seen the S4/S5 complaint threads lately?

                    a half-human half-wraith child would pretty much be michael... that's a whole other issue. the writers have barely scratched the surface on wraith, I don't think they'll jump into wraith/human romance. then again, who knows.

                    again? that really only leaves two candidates (todd, michael) and we do see them.
                    This won't happen for several season, first the SGA writers have to "make marriage" before we see "the baby in the baby carriage". Because I'm not a regular on his posts and he tends to answer the regulars the most, if you ask him this question exactly, and IF he answers you (that's a big IF because he may not want to give hints at this point)I can predict the type of answer he'll give you. Okay this is the question: Given that we are seeing more alliances between the Wraith and the Lanteans will there be "stronger bonds" develop between these two camps and eventual "off-spring" either diplomatic (think Data and The Borg or 7 of 9) or natural/biological (think of Warf on STNGen or Boomer's baby on BSG)

                    He will either not answer you (because that is a bombshell) or he will say "anything is possible"

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Yet, there's people like what was her name? Neera? Ready to serve any way they can...

                      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                      I wish I got to know you better.


                        Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                        As always, Naami, brilliant! I have a special folder on my comp for your work! LOL

                        I have a new submission in the Todd wallie catagory. It's 1024 x 625.

                        I hope ya'll like it.

                        Ish feeling hopeful, and it's scary.
                        Love your spoiler

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                          Yet, there's people like what was her name? Neera? Ready to serve any way they can...
                          who says neera didn't have some kind of relationship going? edward did give her that look before he left. I think das called her his girlfriend.


                            Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                            who says neera didn't have some kind of relationship going? edward did give her that look before he left. I think das called her his girlfriend.
                            I totally know what look you are referring to. At first I wasn't sure who Neera was and had to think back to Edward, but I the look was clear and absolutely obvious. Then Sheppard went on to say about Neera "She's pretty"
                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              from jm's blog:
                              Das writes: “Speaking of Todd - and your answer regarding writing for the fans - well…the fans want MORE Todd! So, if we can’t hope to see more of him in S5 (besides the 3) - what about S6, if there is one?”

                              Answer: Right now, season 6 seems a long way off. A lot can happen between now and then. No one is safe.
                              I swear mallozzi enjoys torturing us...



                                Love your Michael siggys, like the black and white pictures, the texture of the pictures and the words are right on target for Michael.

                                Yes\ I can see your siggy now it very funny.
                                Ok making a complete fool of myself.
                                I presume that
                                "i iz in ur deppartmunt storez.....eatin ur toothbru....lifs" Does not mean something like I am in a department stores and I have brought a toothbrush?

                                Wraith Cake
                                So, wraith human romance, most likely and I say, probably most definitely. Don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that Todd wants to make Tayla his queen, even if it is just for show? This is forpl...I mean forshadowing.
                                I'm not sure about human and wraith romance. The taking of human life by the Wraith has damaged any chance of a romance -Trust issues. Even if a male Wraith fell in love with a Wraithworshipper or a non Wraith Worshipper.

                                Next if a wraith did fall in love with a human and his queen would not tolerate this happening he have to leave his hive - no more access to the hive mind. Could a wraith survivial without access to his follow wraith? He be on his own, I know that Todd and Michael did but they are very strong willed.

                                Where would they live if he had to live away from the hive probadely on a planet on their own with no other humans. I can't see any humans tolerating their next door neighbour as a Wraith. There'd be a witch hunt for both of them

                                Lastly would they be hunted down by other Wraith who may see such a romance as a weakness?

                                Last edited by MCH; 31 May 2008, 04:18 PM. Reason: Spelling
                                Thanks to DS for my siggy

