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    Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
    Aaah making up theories..I like that

    Whats the point that conencts with both the Asgard and the wraith? Cloning
    Theory 1 : The Asgard played a role in the "construction" of the wraith. Helping the Ancients out with their cloning experience and/or equipment they could have been responsible for the creation of the wraith. So this Asgard feels the need to correct that mistake.
    Theory 2 : If there really is some kind of genetic database of all Asgards one problem would remain. The cloning-process of the Asgard has its flaws. That of the Wraith on the other hand seems to function quite well. Perhaps that Asgard wants the wraith out of the way,scavenging their superior cloning tech allowing him to resurrect his people.
    And aside from the cloning thing :
    Theory 3 : The Asgard is no Asgard at all. We have seen that a bunch full of replicators survived the last battle. With the anti-wraith program intact that would explain his need to destroy them. If replicators can build human bodys...why not an Asgard.
    But thats just fantasizing. Looking foward to what REALLY is behind all this
    Welcome Constanza and Karhedron!

    Yes, this is a great place to come and bounce around your theories.

    @Karhedron and Risem: I really like theory 3. But:

    I'm not sure about theory 2. The Asgard could steal the Wraith cloning technology without killing off the Wraith. If we assume that there is another cloning facility, or that part of the facility Todd was going to use in his grand scheme survived after his Hiveship crashed into it, what is to stop the Asgard from just going there to take what they need? I suppose it could be guarded, but I would think that they could get in with the help of the SGA folks if they asked nicely.

    That brings us back to theory 3. I like the idea that it is a replicator masquerading as an Asgard. I may change my mind about it once I see the episode with Fran, though. Or I may like the idea even better after I see it! However, they are not really a "new" enemy, are they?

    I really do think that there is something fishy about the guy trying to wipe out the Wraith. He is not what he appears to be and I'm betting that there is more to the weapon he is activating than he has told Rodney and Daniel. I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

    I'm glad that we will get to see Todd in action as a commander! He has had to keep his claws sheathed around the team and his fellow Wraith for a long time now, and it will be grand to see what he can *really* do when he cuts loose!
    Sparrow hawk



      Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
      Welcome Constanza and Karhedron!

      Yes, this is a great place to come and bounce around your theories.

      @Karhedron and Risem: I really like theory 3. But:

      I'm not sure about theory 2. The Asgard could steal the Wraith cloning technology without killing off the Wraith. If we assume that there is another cloning facility, or that part of the facility Todd was going to use in his grand scheme survived after his Hiveship crashed into it, what is to stop the Asgard from just going there to take what they need? I suppose it could be guarded, but I would think that they could get in with the help of the SGA folks if they asked nicely.

      That brings us back to theory 3. I like the idea that it is a replicator masquerading as an Asgard. I may change my mind about it once I see the episode with Fran, though. Or I may like the idea even better after I see it! However, they are not really a "new" enemy, are they?

      I really do think that there is something fishy about the guy trying to wipe out the Wraith. He is not what he appears to be and I'm betting that there is more to the weapon he is activating than he has told Rodney and Daniel. I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

      I'm glad that we will get to see Todd in action as a commander! He has had to keep his claws sheathed around the team and his fellow Wraith for a long time now, and it will be grand to see what he can *really* do when he cuts loose!
      Hmm you got some good points here ...

      Okay theory 2 : I do not think that one Asgard could steal this technology. The wraith have proven to effectively counter Asgard beam-tech in the past. So fighting your way through would be unavoidable. But you are right. If that would be the case then the Asgard would probably just ask the Tauri for help aquiring the clone-tech.

      Theory 3 : A device capable of destroying an entire race? The only thing i remember being THAT powerful is that ancient-thing they used on Dakara to kill the milkyway-replicators. And i guess such a kind of weapon would not only kill the wraith. If adjusted to biological lifeforms it would leave the replicators intact but kill anything else. And if Todd knows...whom would the Tauri trust more? A wraith or an Asgard? Explaining Todds actions.
      And it would be quite logical for the replicators to appear as an Asgard. They had multiple opportunities to get their hands (or should i say codestrings) on info about them. Invading computersystems and multiple minds of the Tauri.
      Their plan to defeat the wraith in open combat did fail. So they adapted. Their plan to destroy the wraiths foodsource failed..bringing ALL races out there against them. The next logical step would be disguising as someone the Tauri would not kill on sight. And since they learned about the Asgards being our friends....what better hull to hide in.
      About that "new" thing..sometimes this word is just used to build up some expectations. The PG-Replicators were also refered to as "new"..

      Hmm but all that theories just lead to one point : GOT to watch that episode on Dakara again. Baal I´m coming!
      Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
      Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
      You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

      The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


        Welcome Constanza
        Welcome Karhedron- don’t worry about grammar and the such. As you will find out, your English as a second language will probably be better than mine and it my only language
        @sparrow-hawk- thanks! I use artrage for my “paintings”
        @JenK- chapter 4 was better than then previous 3!! I found myself chuckling and smiling through it all. Such talent! I cant wait to read the next chapter!
        Wraithie- “CH/Todd is 6'4". Lorne and Teyla? Well...they aren't!” LOL

        The whole thing with the asgard, I’m a little confused since I have only seen a few random episodes from SG1. But I like the theories!!

        So, today I had my first real art class in over.. well, alot of years. somehow i managed to actually draw something that resembled an apple. We had to go around the room and introduce ourselves and what we wanted/liked to draw/paint etc. Somehow I managed to say something intelligent when all I could think of was “Im here so I can draw me some hot, sexy, green men!”


          Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post

          Good to see you back, JenKM1216! Did you get my message? I was getting a tad concerned! *Hugs!* about the kiddies and the husband. I just get ignored by my dog.
          Message? I'm not sure I did get it, seeing as I don't remember it for the life of me...

          Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
          BTW... Has anyone got a nice face shot of an angry Todd that DID NOT come from Common Ground?
          I'm not sure if this is angry enough, but I got this from Spoils of War. I remember thinking he was about to go completely Wraith on Lorne and Teyla.



            Originally posted by masterling View Post
            @JenK- chapter 4 was better than then previous 3!! I found myself chuckling and smiling through it all. Such talent! I cant wait to read the next chapter!

            So, today I had my first real art class in over.. well, alot of years. somehow i managed to actually draw something that resembled an apple. We had to go around the room and introduce ourselves and what we wanted/liked to draw/paint etc. Somehow I managed to say something intelligent when all I could think of was “Im here so I can draw me some hot, sexy, green men!”
            Thank you so much! I'm at my best when I'm inserting humor into stories. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun with chapter four, and I wrote it about three times faster than the others as a result. Thank you for the compliment about my writing being a talent. I love to write--it is my passion. I really want to be a professional writer, and I've been using fandom, Harry Potter and now SGA, as practice. And it's a fun hobby!

            “Im here so I can draw me some hot, sexy, green men!”



              @ masterling
              Once your into it for awhile you start thinking in a foreign language. Makes it so much easier to really post your thoughts. Without the struggling for words

              Hey. Drawing an apple that looks like an apple is worth something. I got really NO talent regarding drawing .whatsoever.
              But i´d make a pretty good Unas-artist. Painting lines and circles on cave-walls.THAT i could do..maybe. Apples are way out of my league
              Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
              Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
              You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

              The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                oh, yeah - and I sem-ranted on JM's blog, too.

       is too sucky to have my imaginary men destroyed, too...

                *grumble, grumble*

                I ranted on Andee F.'s blog--I don't like JM's blog too much. But hopefully, they'll get the message. I feel exactly the same.

                wwii/ wraith cake
                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                  Oh, Okay. I'm with you now. Maybe it's in refernce to this being the Asgard's first official contact with the Wraith? Sorry to meet you, now I'm going to kill you all!

                  We all do, and we all know how you feel. I was all set to buy seasons 1-4 in a few days. Now I may not buy them at all. Those jerks just have no concept of how much money happy fans are willing to spend! The morons are sitting on a gold mine with their thumbs up their a**es!

                  Wraith Cake,
                  I made a siggie for MCH, and she's having a devil of a time getting it uploaded, as apprently her comp has issues. I'll get it there for her. She's also voted for Todd, so we're good there, too. Thanks for the offer to help!

                  LOVE the ring! I may have to try that...or just send you the funds to make me one!
                  No problem--I would make it like a wraith ring (if possible exactly like one) but I wouldn't call it that. Maybe I could call it the happy hand ring eh? eh?

                  wwii/ wraith cake
                  "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                    Originally posted by JenKM1216 View Post
                    I'm not sure if this is angry enough, but I got this from Spoils of War. I remember thinking he was about to go completely Wraith on Lorne and Teyla.

                    Oh, that picture just cries out to be made into a sig -- that nice off-center headshot of snarly Todd and that glorious expanse of black. I am sorely tempted to try my hand at it again -- if I can think of a good quote to put in there. Hmmmm........
                    Sparrow hawk



                      Originally posted by masterling View Post
                      ok wraithie
                      **tryn and stay positive**
                      lets see
                      full fridge of beer, wine, ice cream: positive
                      No work tomorrow: positive
                      First day of dart class: positive
                      Weathers going to be good: positive
                      Have common ground on DVD: positive
                      thinking of toddies matted hair: positive
                      thinking of toddies and his matted hair being written as "big bad must die" -well S***, here come a giant pile of negativity crushing down.
                      You know, this is soooooo poopie! Darn, I want to send all of our responses to someone and let them know! How many people are on this forum??? Let's all Blog JM tonight? Whaddaya say??

                      wwii/wraith cake
                      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                        Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                        I like your wraith ring, the colours. Think you'll be tempted to make it hinged so you can wear it out and about?
                        I don't know, that's a good question.

                        ...thoughts, thinking....

                        wwii/ wraith cake
                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                          You know, this is soooooo poopie! Darn, I want to send all of our responses to someone and let them know! How many people are on this forum??? Let's all Blog JM tonight? Whaddaya say??

                          wwii/wraith cake
                          No doubt he's already got a piece of other peoples minds, probably spending ages going through all the other emails he's getting! But it certainly woulnd't hurt.
                          It would be an interesting experience for me, coz I'm a bit of a mousy person.

                          Ps. what programs does everyone use for their siggies?. The one I got doesn't seem very user friendly.


                            Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                            [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="2"]Yeah. I'm trying not to worry about Todd. I know he doesn't turn evil. Desperate times require desperate measures, and it's time for Todd to do what he must! (Oops! I feel another siggie!) Anyway...I just realized that I messed up one of my siggies, so I've fixed it now. I can't believe I posted it with a mis-spelling! Not like me....

                            This is a really nice siggy. Can you make it into a wallie--I want to print it and post it at work?? I hope that's not too much trouble.

                            wwii/ wraith cake
                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                              Finally,after some struggling with registration e-mails not arriving and bothering the site-admin (mental note: got to capture me some scientist for computer maintenance) here i am.
                              Just hope there is some place left in your club for a german wraith worshipper.
                              Although it has been some time since i actually had to write in english, I hope you understand my posts. And if you find some slips in the grammar just rearrange the sentences till it makes sense .. before feeding on me
                              Welcome, welcome and join the chat chat.

                              wwii/ wraith cake
                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                                Welcome, welcome and join the chat chat.

                                wwii/ wraith cake
                                Thanks and i´ll try.But regarding sig-pictures i dont have much to contribute. (same as the apple-thing mentioned above)
                                Me trying to create one would possibly end up in a computer freeze or something like that. And if did manage to get something done...i guess the comp would decide to go bluescreen nontheless.

                       PG i could really contribute in wraith war efforts. Some art from me..even an ancient KI would commit suicide
                                Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
                                Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
                                You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

                                The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid

