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    I got the latest Stargate Mag at Barnes and Noble today. Books-A-Million won't have it until tomorrow...maybe. I'll be going to Mom's on Sunday, and I'll see if it's big enough to fully accomodate the poster. I'm looking forward to Dr. Who and BSG tonight, but I sure wish it was Atlantis tonight instead! Ah, well. It's the last season of BSG, so I'd better enjoy it.

    I will have a bit of silly fic to post over the weekend, probably by Sunday evening.

    Everybody take care and have a great weekend. Be safe!



      Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
      was there too much todd/michael for your screen to handle?
      I think so! I did some saving on my pb account in the last few weeks, so there you have it!


      Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
      I had a thought (my first in a long time) about the upcoming Queen:
      Like many of you, I was wondering how the heck Todd is going to convince Teyla to pose as his Queen. Someone (sorry, I can't remember which of you suggested it) mentioned that the team may have been saved by Todd in the episodeS&R but seeing the sig with Rhys in it makes me wonder if Todd might be involved in getting Sheppard and Ronon out of their difficult situation in Broken Ties? JM did mention something about a Wraith battle in that episode in his blog.
      But I guess we'll have to wait until Season 5 to find out.
      Yes, I mentioned that they might owe him from S&R or a next ep so she'll almost have no choice in the matter. We've mostly seen Todd come to the Lanteans, and them agreeing to help him, so it would be nice to see it in the opposite direction. What would Todd do if they asked to get Sheppard out of trouble. Or someone else of the team.

      I must say that Todd's plan vaguely reminds me of the smelliness of Ford's plan in The Lost Boys/The Hive.

      Would he train her quickly in Wraith customs? How do you even greet each other, Queen to Queen? He can't seriously think that plan'll work, right?

      Will Todd and Teyla be mind linked? Since it appears she's going to give the wrong answers, it's a 'no'?

      Her 'disguise' will hopefully be one in the flesh, no way they're gonna paste some things on to her quickly, right? Virus it is?

      The Queen from the other Hive must really be demanding to see Todd's supposed Queen, immediately. If he's that desperate. Must be called on his bluff, or whatever that expression is.

      Icarium, the Todd/Teyla sig is very funny -- with the looks on both of their faces, either one of them could be saying it.
      It is!

      @Spikey -- Sorry your screen went boom. BTW, did you have a Buffy sig up the other day or did I imagine it? Off topic so I'll spoiler it
      I was just talking to a friend at work about the creepy Buffy episode with the smiling silent men that glide along -- it reminded me of some nightmares I've had! But it's still one of my favorites. Was your sig from that episode?
      Yeah, it's been down for a week or two-three now. I'm on the laptop downstairs, still. Silly thing almost can't handle GW and PB at the same time, especially when the sites are busy.

      And yup, the episode was "Hush", the gliding men were "The Gentlemen" and they are in my signature, on rotation.

      *Gets unlazy*

      Here it is:

      I had the idea after I saw them mention "Hush" on Joe M's board cos of the scariness of Whispers, everybody talked about what movies were scary for them? And yeah... There it was.

      Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
      You don't imagine it - I saw it too

      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        Originally posted by ;
        Anyway, I posted the first chapter of my Todd story, The Distant Journey, on FFN, so here is the link for those interested:

        Summary: Prequel to Common Ground. Todd finds his neat, orderly life as a powerful Wraith Commander turned upside down when he decides to take a human woman as his slave. No wonder he's never mated.
        Next Chapter pleaseeeeeeee, thank you for a great story, poor Todd I don't think he realise quite what he'd let himself in for. I think he may have met his match with Nia......Hee hee.
        You certainly have opened up a different view of Todd, if the writers of SGA had your perspective then it could explain why he copes with humans and is able to become allied with them. The way he deals with Nia reminds me alot abit of how he deals with Shep. Thanks once again.
        (I tried to post a review but couldn't my PC again)

        Thanks to DS for my siggy


          Originally posted by MCH View Post

          Next Chapter pleaseeeeeeee, thank you for a great story, poor Todd I don't think he realise quite what he'd let himself in for. I think he may have met his match with Nia......Hee hee.
          You certainly have opened up a different view of Todd, if the writers of SGA had your perspective then it could explain why he copes with humans and is able to become allied with them. The way he deals with Nia reminds me alot abit of how he deals with Shep. Thanks once again.
          (I tried to post a review but couldn't my PC again)

          I can't get that link to work. It says it's "Most likely out of date"

          I went all the way back to the original link, and that one worked.
          Last edited by Wraithworshipper; 25 April 2008, 02:18 PM.


            Originally posted by ;
            Originally Posted by KalaSathinee
            I've been on a bit of a Todd bender lately. My latest Art assignment was an abstraction...

            What do you guys think? My teacher probably won't get it. She's not exactly a Sci-Fi kind of person
            Your teacher may not get it but we did.
            Love the colours red and grey moody, and the Todd.

            Thank you for sharing KalaSathinee.

            Wraithworshipper, my PC crashed again when I got to your 1st wallie. But tomorrow is another day. So I got the wallie to look forward to.

            Lucky you getting the Stargate Mag issue 22 looks like it will be May here.

            Thanks to DS for my siggy


              Originally posted by JenKM1216 View Post
              Anyway, I posted the first chapter of my Todd story, The Distant Journey, on FFN,
              I read it and left you a review. nice job!


                OMG, My last post was 7 months ago O_o
                umm... ok.. i just want to tell, that i'm working *again* on my SGA doujinshi...
                I chose my medium (Photoshop, baby XDDD) um... yeah *tschakka* thats all for the moment.. wahh.. I'm going to bed now.. it's 0.22 *yawn*
                Oh! i'll get my tatto next thursday *wohoo* ^-^


                  Originally posted by MCH View Post
                  Your teacher may not get it but we did.
                  Love the colours red and grey moody, and the Todd.

                  Thank you for sharing KalaSathinee.

                  Wraithworshipper, my PC crashed again when I got to your 1st wallie. But tomorrow is another day. So I got the wallie to look forward to.

                  Lucky you getting the Stargate Mag issue 22 looks like it will be May here.

                  Sorry to hear that! Glad to hear that! Sorry to hear that!

                  I have more ideas for developing, but I'm kinda in the doldrums right now. Not really sure why. My recent creative frenzy probably did a bit of a burn job on my synapses. My brain isn't shutting down, even for REM. Oh, I really, really hate this part of being bi-polar! It's like my brain's a jumbled junk drawer all of a sudden. I can just see it now. I'm going to be at my friend's for Scifi Friday, and at some point she's going to scream at me, "Pick a damn direction! Any damn direction! Just stop spinning in circles 'cause you're making me dizzy!"


         friends for 33 yrs. She aught to be used to it by now.


                    Originally posted by KalaSathinee View Post
                    I've been on a bit of a Todd bender lately. My latest Art assignment was an abstraction, and this is what happened...

                    What do you guys think? My teacher probably won't get it. She's not exactly a Sci-Fi kind of person.
                    Beautiful Todd art work KalaSathinee: Love how you used textures and colors. You do a lot of art like this, do you have an account @ mydeviantart?.



                      Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post

                      BTW, unless I missed something, and that may be possible, I think you're referring to my wallie. Was it the "I am Rhys! wallpaper? If so, that was mine. If not, I missed something, darn it! (If my wallpaper...THANK YOU!)

                      Oh, your weather sounds wonderful! I'd wrap up in a blanket, and you'd never get me off the porch. I'd even sleep out in it! I just loooove sleeping out on the porch during a really nasty storm. The pup hates it, though, so I have to stay in so he can velcro himself to me.

                      Oop! You're right, it was your wallpaper! Sorry about that; I guess my brain had already shut down as I was typing. But I do like it.

                      The thunder is rolling as I type (the weathermen were right about the storms)and we are having quite a lovely bit of rain.

                      I've checked my local Borders as well as Barnes and Noble and they are not carrying Stargate Magazine -- so maybe it is a regional thing. Drat! I may have to break down and get a subscription to the magazine just so I can get that issue!

                      KalaSathinee I like the Todd picture. Is that oil pastels?
                      Sparrow hawk



                        Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                        More details on 'The Queen':


                        Todd and the Expedition have once again teamed up—this time with Teyla posing as Todd’s Queen. They rendezvous with another hive, one of their alliance, that has their own queen with whom Teyla is to negotiate. The commander welcoming Todd and Teyla aboard acts as his Queen’s primary aide and shows a great deal of protection for her and her hive. He has seen betrayals happen among even his allies, so he’s very suspicous of any and all who come from a hive not his own.

                        The rest of Teyla’s team stays on Todd’s hive ship, accompanied by Kenny. As soon as Todd and Teyla board the other hive, the commander takes the ship into hyperspace. This act surprises Todd, who says it is not part of the arrangement, but the commander suggests that this is standard procedure when it comes to treating someone that he doesn’t know. Sheppard, Ronon, and McKay lost track of Todd and Teyla once the hive went into hyperspace. Only once the ship drops out will they be able to track Todd’s subspace transmitter.

                        Todd stands close to Teyla, making sure that she doesn’t cause any more suspicion in this already tense situation. The commander brings Teyla word that a rival hive has just encroached on one of their feeding grounds and wishes for Teyla to give him orders as to what to do next. Each command Teyla gives as Queen is met with mounting suspicion, and sooner or later, things are going to go bad … very bad.

                        This makes me think
                        for a wraith Todd takes a lot of risks. This sounds like another one of his hare-brained schemes. Todd's thoughts: "Ah Ha! This human can control a wraith queen can I use this? ...dumdedum de dum I know...." Doesn't this make him sooooo accessible? In many ways this is very human. Great leaders take great risks, obviously for great gain.

                        I made a little thing thing on wraith thoughts. This is what I think he's thinking:


                        Todd's lovely thoughts.

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                          I just bought the Stargate Magazine...They will be in #22 May/June but I thought you would like a little preview.

                          Take Care:

                          Todd's hair looks like he's washed it since his escape from the Genii prison. (Which is a 'duhhh' statement) It's not all matted and chunky--this makes me think oooo!! as soon as he got aboard that dart in CG and got "home" he had a good scrub. Now his hair looks happy and fuzzy--still a bush of course, but a happy bush.

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Originally posted by KalaSathinee View Post
                            I've been on a bit of a Todd bender lately. My latest Art assignment was an abstraction, and this is what happened...

                            What do you guys think? My teacher probably won't get it. She's not exactly a Sci-Fi kind of person.
                            I disagree, I think if your teacher (I imagine your teacher is an art teacher) is worth his or her salt he/she would definitely appreciate this piece. You've created a really great atmosphere with the shadows and the colours.

                            I think I will use this image as a screen saver. Do you mind?

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Oh yea! I've got so many delicious posts to read. Stargate is developing an on-line video game--you guys probably know this. Well, I've signed up to do a beta test of it. Here's the website if any of you want to. I'm going to play a...guess what! A WRAITH!! None of you imagined that eh, eh??


                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                My neighbor has three white is a little boy, I ALMOST took him and named him Todd - but I already have 4 indoor cats, and another one would just be too much...

                                but...but he is sooooo adorable....



