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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Last edited by naamiaiset; 10 April 2008, 02:56 PM.


      Originally posted by Icarium View Post
      This is an old topic, if not very old... but by accident I found a very nice picture of Wraith finger jewellery and I thought that some people here would find it interesting

      It's from The Siege, spoiler tags for size.


      I wonder how they keep it on. It looks like there's a nail at the top--do they nail it to their finger? And are their nails naturally blue?. Steve's nails were white. I wonder if the male wraith paint their nails. I like looking at hands, so now I realize how much hand noticing I've done. The scientist in Allies has short (relatively short) nails and they're kind of pale blue or normal looking. I notice that Todd is allowed to keep his claw ring on while incarcerated in Atlantis and the wraith queen in Spoils of War has short nails. Elia's nails are normal looking (even though she is feeding on humans) and don't turn blue until she takes the serum left by Dr. Becket. So, I'm wondering if boys paint their nails. Hmmmm.

      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


        Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
        here you go.

        you know the warning labels that say "caution: hot"? I think todd (all wraith) need one.
        This is indeed a very VERY hot image of Todd. I need a fan, I'm over heating.

        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          I finally caught up reading the thread entries and I'd like to comment on some discussion of Wraith psychic abilities that took place while I was away.

          Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
          Wraith Worshipper commented this in reply to a post by das: I agree with you in that the males have the ability to make you see things that aren't there. So, perhaps they have a limited amount of psychic control, but if this were solely the case, Todd would not need to negotiate with the humans, Rodney would not have been able to persuade Todd to help him with the virus and Michael would not have needed to say to Ronin in No Man's Land "Because I'm trusting you." Then hand him a gun. I think there really is a trust factor when wraith and human work together, trust on both sides.
          I agree that the Wraith, both male and female, have some type of psychic ability that hasn't been well explained yet. They definitely can cause hallucinations (JM confirmed it in his blog recently) and they seem to use some type of coercion when they are interrogating prisoners. It reminds me a bit of a D&D COMMAND spell: the Wraith mentally push the prisoner to answer a question or respond to another simple order like "kneel", but the prisoner can resist. It comes down to a battle of wills.

          Now with that said, I watched Allies again last night and I think one of the reasons the Atlantians didn't pick up on the queen's trechery is 1/ they didn't know how the wraith were going to betray them, so they assumed they wouldn't and 2/ It seemed they started to assume that the arrogance of the queen and her scientist is typical for all wraith interaction. I believe at the meeting table with Wier and Sheppard, the queen was thinking she could psychically control all of them, but it might be too noticeable and jeopardize the mission.
          I'm not sure that the psychic command ability works on a group like the Wraith hallucination ability; they seem to focus it on a single person.

          As to why the Atlanteans failed to pick up on the Wraith betrayal, I think that they were so pleased that the Wraith were sharing the specs on the Hive ships that they became a bit too trusting and let down their guard. And their antivirus program missed the embedded virus (Trojan? worm?) in the data that was sent. Unfortunately, that betrayal tainted all of their later interactions with Michael and Todd.

          @das: I forgot to thank you for those little updates on what I missed while I was gone! I especially liked "tastes like chicken" and the thunkers.
          Last edited by Sparrow_hawk; 10 April 2008, 05:54 PM. Reason: additions & clarifications
          Sparrow hawk



            Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
            I wonder how they keep it on. It looks like there's a nail at the top--do they nail it to their finger? And are their nails naturally blue?. Steve's nails were white. I wonder if the male wraith paint their nails. I like looking at hands, so now I realize how much hand noticing I've done. The scientist in Allies has short (relatively short) nails and they're kind of pale blue or normal looking. I notice that Todd is allowed to keep his claw ring on while incarcerated in Atlantis and the wraith queen in Spoils of War has short nails. Elia's nails are normal looking (even though she is feeding on humans) and don't turn blue until she takes the serum left by Dr. Becket. So, I'm wondering if boys paint their nails. Hmmmm.

            paint them? why can I picture steve polishing his nails... I think nail color varies like their skin tone.


            the finger cover beckett takes off in the rising looks implanted. those though, have blades on the ends that could be used to cut... I looked at a few other ones (todd's, steve's, shawn's and bob's) and their's don't have the blades and just a curve. maybe one is a tool and one is jewelry? unless the writers changed the design.
            Last edited by naamiaiset; 10 April 2008, 07:12 PM.


              No Way For Wraiths to live they have to kill humans So try telling there vitems that its OK because we eat cow. SORRY YOU HAVE TO DIE BUT ITS OK WE EAT COWS.

              Sheperd would be ashamid of all of you. YOUR CLUB RIDECULOUS. We should replace all the wraith vitems club members.



                Originally posted by baal07 View Post
                No Way For Wraiths to live they have to kill humans So try telling there vitems that its OK because we eat cow. SORRY YOU HAVE TO DIE BUT ITS OK WE EAT COWS.

                Sheperd would be ashamid of all of you. YOUR CLUB RIDECULOUS. We should replace all the wraith vitems club members.

                Hi Baal07! Thanks for stopping by. From your post, can I assume that you won't be joining us?
                Sparrow hawk



                  Todd's finger-thingy has a sort of hook at the end - at least one's over his nail, and curves a bit.

                  Like I posted before, Todd doesn't have it in Common Ground, and in Miller's Crossing. NOt sure why it's missing in MC, unless he removed it, or it was removed by the Lanteans. He has it back in BAMSR, so...maybe it's a wardrobe oversight, or - after he saved Rodney's sister - it was returned to him as a show of good faith.

                  I think they serve several purposes. Perhaps some assist in feeding (making it easier to feed through clothing, for instance) - but this would only apply to those on the feeding hand. Others may be used to open cocoons, or they may even be used in Wraith tech - perhaps they are 'keys', or some sort of tool.

                  And lastly, they may be just to make them look purty. The Wraith are vain, and like to decorate themselves - even Todd, who's more down-to-earth than most Wraith - wears an earring, and has a facial marking. So maybe they just think it looks cool, like a buncha goth teenagers...



                    Originally posted by baal07 View Post
                    No Way For Wraiths to live they have to kill humans So try telling there vitems that its OK because we eat cow. SORRY YOU HAVE TO DIE BUT ITS OK WE EAT COWS.

                    Sheperd would be ashamid of all of you. YOUR CLUB RIDECULOUS. We should replace all the wraith vitems club members.

                    Just one little question.

                    The Wraith, we know, kill humans in order to sustain themselves...we are their ONLY source of food. They do not feed on humans because they are evil, but because it is their nature...HOWEVER...

                    Since you have started watching SGA - how many humans have Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon - and the rest - killed? They have certainly killed their fair share of Genii, and Sheppard - as a military man - certainly killed many other humans during war. So, what makes Wraith bad for killing humans in order to sustain themselves, while humans kill humans all the time, and usually for no good reason at all.

                    Until humans stop killing humans, no one can condemn the Wraith for doing the same.



                      Originally posted by baal07 View Post
                      No Way For Wraiths to live they have to kill humans So try telling there vitems that its OK because we eat cow. SORRY YOU HAVE TO DIE BUT ITS OK WE EAT COWS.

                      Sheperd would be ashamid of all of you. YOUR CLUB RIDECULOUS. We should replace all the wraith vitems club members.

                      And you have a name like Baal? You've got a worm inside! At least the Wraith aren't slaves to worms....

                      Now and Forever: NO APOLOGIES!
                      Last edited by Wraithworshipper; 23 April 2008, 09:31 PM.


                        Originally posted by baal07 View Post
                        No Way For Wraiths to live they have to kill humans So try telling there vitems that its OK because we eat cow. SORRY YOU HAVE TO DIE BUT ITS OK WE EAT COWS.

                        Sheperd would be ashamid of all of you. YOUR CLUB RIDECULOUS. We should replace all the wraith vitems club members.

                        Thanks so much for stopping by baal07 *sends his army of bug replicators after baal07*


                          Welcome to the Club, BlueJay

                          By a request of a member of the Wraith' Defenders Club I've asked the Moderator to move the thread to General Disscusion. She was kind enough to do it. I hope you all like it here.

                          Originally posted by Risem View Post
                          Yeah I was thinking the same thing for a while. Maybe he already has a few queen stashed away for that and she's just the token wraith queen kill. But one thing's for sure with Michael; he's messed up. Who knows, he might have killed them all and doomed his own hybrid wraith...
                          Maybe he had already other captured Queens. And this one is just killed for revenge, alhough somehow I can't see Michael acting like a crazy scientist without a rational thought.

                          BTW a wonderful sig, Risem

                          Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                          It's been mentioned here before that the Queens turned out to be immune to the whole Wraith to human experimental drug the Atlanteans developed. Maybe Michael had already determined that the Queens would be immune to his process as well? As for turning only the men...maybe he's going to need "pure" human females to do the breeding in the beginning?
                          Just a thought...

                          Was up late last night picking out all kinds of pics for playing with when the new tablet gets here!
                          Hmmm...could a Queen be immune to the Hoffan drug as to the retrovirus? They are resilient and tough creatures. It makes sense that if a Queen can resist to the Hoffan drug then her hybrid offsprings will be hard to be controlled by Michael. We know that the Wraith DNA is very resilient. Maybe Michael has decided that it is better not to try his luck with Wraith Queens as breeding females.

                          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                          Lookie! We moved!

                          I don't think I've ever been in this room, before!

                          Now the 'season 4' one is only gonna get hits on the 'anti' thread, lol!

                          I also had the impression Michael has no females. Teyla was maybe meant to be the only one. Also, the part where the crowd cheers on him (we don't mention the other thing here ), there weren't any females there, as far as my eyes could see.

                          And you'd also think that he could just take 'The Gift' from the Queen, and strengthen his own ability with that... Unless it really has to be a combination from two people with the Gift, like Teyla and Kanaan, and then it works. Maybe an indication that they don't reproduce the normal way? Or not. Or maybe the 'Gift' came from an experimenting female, and therein lies the uniqueness of it. Males don't have it normally, and then two breeding humans strengthen it to twice the female power...
                          Yea, we moved Do you like it here?

                          You know I've never thought about that - maybe 'The Gift' is in latent or weaker form in the human males and can only be use to its full extent only by the human females? We don't know whose Wraith genes the Wraith scentist that experimented on Teyla's ancestors use. Maybe he has used Queen's genes and that's why the other Wraith reacted so badly when his experiment was discovered?
                          LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                          Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                          My fan fiction


                            Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                            300 pages! We should have a party. Or maybe one of you graphically-gifted Wraithies should make a celebratory sig!

                            I agree with everyone that this is the right location for this thread.

                            Regarding Michael's killing of the queen now known as Ruby (on this thread at least): I think Michael might fear the mental powers of the Wraith Queens and is killing them to keep them from challenging his control of the galaxy. I'm not sure about whether or not Michael's treatment works on human females, but it probably does. However, since he seems to be going for physical strength and women are generally on average not as physically strong as men, he might not have used zombified women for his first-line troops.
                            That is a very likely explanation why Michael did kill the Queen and we didn't see female hybrids

                            And about the long nails of the Wraith. I suspect that it more fashion than a biology. More like the humans taste for long manucures
                            LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                            Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                            My fan fiction


                              Originally posted by baal07 View Post
                              No Way For Wraiths to live they have to kill humans So try telling there vitems that its OK because we eat cow. SORRY YOU HAVE TO DIE BUT ITS OK WE EAT COWS.

                              Sheperd would be ashamid of all of you. YOUR CLUB RIDECULOUS. We should replace all the wraith vitems club members.


                              Well, well, well....I love reading posts like this one in Wraith' Defenders Club. How old are you baal07? I suspect you are 7 years old, aren't you? That will explain your 'RIDECULOUS' manners

                              Why do you think it's ok to eat cows? Have you ever ask the cows so you are so well informed? Is it ok for the cows to be eaten?

                              You have to be ashemed, not we. You tresspassed upon our feeding grounds so prepare to be Wraithed next time you come here to spill your hatred.
                              LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                              Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                              My fan fiction


                                Actually this is the best place for wraith questions too

                                We just had the episode where Sheppard is captured by a faction of the Gennii and placed in a prison with a wraith in the cell next door to him.

                                They let the wraith feed off him a bit and he ages rapidly .

                                But the thing that interests me is that the wraith says "human there is a lot you don't know about the wraith" or very close to that. Later in the episode when they escape the Atlantis team sent to rescue him sees what looks like the wraith feeding again off Sheppard. They're about to shoot him when he calls them off.

                                The wraith restores him to youth... So indeed there is a lot we don't know about the wraith. From this episode it seems they can undo what they do.
                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

