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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
    So its easier to play footsie and not get caught?

    You naught little girls you.
    Originally posted by Isolde View Post
    *trips over a Wraith and Worshipper* Ah hem... mist problem, solved. As is the clothing issue, apparently.
    Originally posted by Shaded Mazoku View Post
    Maybe they just like to party and can't be bothered turning off the fog machines?


      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
      I don't recall Rodney reporting what the actual temperature was. Some people feel cold when others don't unless the temperature really is very low.
      I remember Rodney said so in a chapter he was captured by the wraith scientist Erik and he was with Ronon in a cocoon. He said it was rather cold there, in the ship I mean, but not in the cocoons

      And... what is TPTB? :O

      Originally posted by Carrion Kitten View Post
      Different people are comfortable at different temperatures.... []... I am inclined to think that the temperature on Wraith hiveships is moderately cool - warm enough that Neera isn't in danger of freezing, but cool enough that many people (Rodney, for instance) might find it uncomfortable..
      I am a person who finds only 15º C annoying coz it's already cold for me. I do not know what is to live in a Northern country as in England for example, but you are right about "Wraith hiveships is moderately cool" and you gave a good explanation of that.

      Originally posted by Isolde View Post
      *snaps fingers* Dang, that's what Worshippers are for. Insulation! Which means each of us get at least two of our own Wraith to keep warm.
      I would go with just one and that way I'll pay attention to only that one at a time... and then, yes.. . I am going with another wraith then ^^ But I am so badly alone now that with only a wraith I'd be extremely happy!!

      You said:

      Originally posted by Isolde View Post
      I have just had a thought. What if Wraith don't have sweat glands, like us, so need a cooler environment to function? What if their internal body temp is higher than humans?
      I think that if their internal temperature is higher than ours, in that case yes, they would need to have the Hive ship a bit cold.

      AAAHHHH DAMN, wait a bit.... I live in a region of a country that is extremely hot at the North as where I live (Argentina is really cold at South but not here in the North)... I woudlnt like at all to have to hug to someone that has higher temperature than me, that will definitely suffocate me!! Here I am already with air conditioner now, coz Spring is hot enough for us to turn it on, it's so hot ... 30º C XDD So, I prefer to think that the Wraiths have their body temperature just a bit cooler than ours, but not higher and neither cold as reptiles


        As the question of What do the Wraith do if they are in a very hot planet? I agree with Dianamuca said and I think they also take off their clothes as any human would do.
        Originally posted by Dianamuca View Post
        They take off their clothes, as any human, as Greg did.
        And something more.... I believe that they might also take a bath, I always imagine them having baths, I dunno why, maybe coz they are many in a Hive Ship that I imagine them taking bath in small groups or something like that ^^

        AHHHHHHHHHH, WHY THE HELL we never saw a Wraith taking bath? DAMN ;p


          I have no problem imagining Wraith having a communal bath culture. In many cultures, baths are important social gathering places.

          And of course, it's just a pleasant thought.
          Some centuries, it just doesn't pay to get out of hibernation...

          Fanfiction * Into the Hive - A Wraith-centric ficlet collection * Hive Ebonstar - A collection of Wraith headcanons and character references


            Originally posted by Luna Fantasma - Wraith Lover View Post
            As the question of What do the Wraith do if they are in a very hot planet? I agree with Dianamuca said and I think they also take off their clothes as any human would do.

            And something more.... I believe that they might also take a bath, I always imagine them having baths, I dunno why, maybe coz they are many in a Hive Ship that I imagine them taking bath in small groups or something like that ^^

            AHHHHHHHHHH, WHY THE HELL we never saw a Wraith taking bath? DAMN ;p
            Yes, also Spike the wraith in vegas did it, and in his intimacy he was shirtless, and he only wear the jacket because he should hide his green skin from the humans, if not he would do like Greg.
            I think they like cold places like caves or hives, seems silly but for that they can wear all that black leather to keep them warm and look so sexy and elegant.

            I can imagine them, under a cascade of warm water to keep nice their hairs from dirty, or because the sweat, I aw few wraith with the face all wet.... oh well, as Shaded Mazoku said, communal baths, like romans did, or like now in the sauna.


              I also bet Wraith don't really have the human shyness about their bodies. It just doesn't make sense to me that a species that are connected mentally would be worried about seeing each other naked, which in my mind makes the communal bathing idea even more likely.

              If this is to be believed, Wraith skin is probably rather different from humans, and if their skin is damage resistant, it seems to me it might be temperature resistant, too, so the Wraith might not actually notice temperature much unless they get into the extremes. So cool to normal winter temperature might not be a big deal, but I doubt even Wraith would enjoy, say, Siberia in the winter.
              Last edited by Shaded Mazoku; 24 October 2011, 12:09 AM. Reason: I can't grammar today XD
              Some centuries, it just doesn't pay to get out of hibernation...

              Fanfiction * Into the Hive - A Wraith-centric ficlet collection * Hive Ebonstar - A collection of Wraith headcanons and character references


                Originally posted by Luna Fantasma - Wraith Lover View Post
                AHHHHHHHHHH, WHY THE HELL we never saw a Wraith taking bath? DAMN ;p
                I have no idea, but I think that one of you amazing artists could whip up a gorgeous piccie for us all to look at. The Sexier Side of Wraith could do with a piece of art like that.

                @ SM: I always thought their skin looked waxier (lights and makeup obviously), and insects have a shiny element due to chitin. However, chitin isn't likely to be a major constituent of Wraith skin as it is too inflexible, and does not allow for growth. Hence why insects shed their skins to reach maturity, or go through a larval stage. Though that does raise interesting possibilities with regard to childhood, even though we have the evidence of Ellia.


                  I agree that chitin is unlikely to be a main trait of Wraith skin. I suppose they might have it in places we normally have keratine, at least for things like nails. There are softer compounds of chitin, so they might use it for hair, too, and I suspect the drones' masks may be chitin. Chitin is also known to help expedite healing wounds, so there may be some trace amounts of it in their skin.

                  Then again, for creatures that are arguably insectoid in nature, Wraith tend to break the rules of nature a lot. (Though considering that one of the definitions for a bug is an insect with piercing, sucking mouth parts, you could argue that Wraith are bugs. )
                  Some centuries, it just doesn't pay to get out of hibernation...

                  Fanfiction * Into the Hive - A Wraith-centric ficlet collection * Hive Ebonstar - A collection of Wraith headcanons and character references


                    Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                    How interesting. Toying with NaNoWriMo meself this year, in the hope it will make me pull my finger from the proverbial and get-the-hell-on-with-it. Ah sweet procrastination, you are my friend, and so is oven cleaner.
                    Nope - folks, she's not TOYING with the idea at all, she out and out dragged me into doing it along with her, so if she backs out now I'm going to kick her A---


                    So... I'm trusting all you wraith-loving folks to help me boot her up the rear end, it's been way too long since some of us have put fingers to keyboard, and I think I have to include Izzy in that category, whether in worship of the Wraith, or other projects matter's not... so... How about we all do NaNo this year, see what new 'Wraith' story lines we can come up with between us. Wouldn't that open up new discussions in the wilderness after 2 years without the show!?

                    Sheeesh - has it really been 2 years... Blow me! You mean I've been writing this darned VS of mine for over two years? Ha! No wonder Mikey's being mean to me!

                    On a serious note - guys, gals... chill out, please? I've just been reading back about five or six pages from the end and it seems this little Hive of ours has 'spoded into conflict. Love you all and hate to see people confused and hurt and bent out of shape. I ran away, I'll admit, because of issues arising over Wraith vs Michael loyalty, still unresolved I have to confess that too... but that doesn't mean I don't have a soft spot for this place still, (and lurk occasionally, when I can remember my password), even if I did feel like a pariah for said loyalty... but folks, I'll say quickly here that this was my problem... wasn't that anyone drove me off, and I don't think that anyone here would ever intentionally drive anyone away, so... *shrug* People like what they like, avoid what they don't - it's human nature I'm afraid. We don't need to go treading on eggshells over everyone's feelings though, we need open and honest debate, discussion....

                    So... anybody?


                      @ CT: Thanks for the boot up the rear re NaNo, love. I haz gone and joined the damn site. Satisfied? Now all I need to do is get a synopsis under my belt and all is well! <--- Prolly the most difficult part of the novel if you ask me.


                        If anyone wants to be NaNo friends, I'm Shaded Mazoku over there, too. No Wraithy-ness from me this NaNo, I fear, as I'm writing original fantasy this year. I have plenty of Wraith-centric fic ideas for after NaNo, though. I'm have a ton of Wraith plotbunnies trying to latch on and suck my life out.
                        Some centuries, it just doesn't pay to get out of hibernation...

                        Fanfiction * Into the Hive - A Wraith-centric ficlet collection * Hive Ebonstar - A collection of Wraith headcanons and character references


                          Umm I been thinking, which could be the best pet for a wraith? (not a human as a pet lol)
                          Last edited by Dianamuca; 24 October 2011, 04:51 AM.


                            Originally posted by Dianamuca View Post
                            Umm I been thinking, which could be the best pet for a wraith? (not a human as a pet lol)
                            An Iratus, without a doubt.


                              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                              So what fan reasons for the mist have you come across?
                              In a fic I will some day finish I went for mist. I decided that Wraith usually absorb water from their victims and don't drink it as we do. That means they'd have to be very effective and not lose too much water, that in turn meaning that they (as iratus bug) like to hang in cold and very moist environment. After all water is lost just by breathing dry air in and breathing more moist air out. So it makes sense that hives are very moist, relative moisture kept artificially at 100 %, and in some, slightly colder places the moisture forms mist we see.

                              That reasoning was something I used to by some more time to Vegas-Todd, not explain mists in hives, but it kind of went and evolved by its own

                              Originally posted by Shaded Mazoku View Post
                              I have no problem imagining Wraith having a communal bath culture. In many cultures, baths are important social gathering places.

                              And of course, it's just a pleasant thought.


                                Originally posted by Luna Fantasma - Wraith Lover View Post
                                AHHHHHHHHHH, WHY THE HELL we never saw a Wraith taking bath? DAMN ;p
                                Well Tania did take a swim from her Cruiser a couple of times
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