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    Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
    Such a Naughty Queen video
    Thank you! The Queens are naughty girls I think some spanking is needed

    But when I first made it, I had Ruby and Michael in the beginning. And when Michael lip synced to the lyrics I burst into laughter. So I put them for later as at first I had in mind that we'd see the Queens and some other character reveling their secret desires
    And then I decided to put them all in alphabetically, but when Sheppard told Betty he wanted to be her nasty man I had a good laugh for about five minutes
    And that's about when I decided to cut out the humans and Michel, cause I felt that was a little out of place it would've been more comedic than I wanted too
    The Weir/Mina part was hot though
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      Originally posted by Hellraiser-89 View Post
      Maybe it will after this video I made?

      Edit: if you're one of those people who live in one of the 100's of countries that blocked this video(), you may watch it here:
      The part with Taina is rather... suggestive. *gutter mind*


        Originally posted by Carrion Kitten View Post
        The part with Taina is rather... suggestive. *gutter mind*
        Hehe that's the way I like it
        I remember we discussed Ruby's outfit earlier, and I think it was Orb who said she didn't even know what the bottom part f it looked like.
        Well I found this picture that someone made for a game (don't know what game, just found this on Google images)

        I also found this Spike picture that at least I haven't seen before

        Spike was

        Edit: A Queen wallpaper I just made
        Last edited by Hellraiser-89; 12 June 2011, 08:39 AM.
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          Originally posted by Leleth View Post
          [] … I really disliked Sally. Mostly because she killed T-1000! Poor poor Robert Patrick, my one true love...
          Hey! YEAH, You’re right! Sally killed T1000! OMG, you and I have the same concept of Robert Patrick being the eternal android T1000 ^^ I laughed a lot with your comment when I first read it

          Originally posted by Isolde View Post
          @ Luna: Todd because he is superbly male, and lethal with it. He is also intelligent, shrewd, thoughtful, passionate, powerful, and has gorgeous just-out-of-bed hair. He is sex on legs.
          Well, yeah I think the same about Todd, HE IS LETHAL, MY GOODNESS! I loved that word you used “lethal” as if he was a kinda weapon heheheh. I also imagine him as very passionate Wraith.

          Originally posted by Hellraiser-89 View Post
          Not to be picky, but Todd was only in Common Ground in season 3. He only appeared again in season 4. So if you've seen several episodes of Todd then you've seen either from season 4 or 5.
          I have only watched 2 episodes in which he appears but I watched it briefly, not the full episode because at that time, I recently started watching SGA and didn’t really know about the argument yet ^^

          Originally posted by Hellraiser-89 View Post

          Poor Terminator Sally is so badass she took out ONE Terminator on her own Those things are bloody hard to destroy in the movies

          ONE MORE who thinks that! Yeah, it’s like Sally killed one Terminator. XDDDD Heheheeh

          Originally posted by Dianamuca View Post
          Who likes Bob the wraith? Hehehe I made one thing, well two:

          Also in deviant art

          And why not? after all I'm the artist some benefit I should have!

          Also in DA
          I love all your drawings of the Wraiths Dianamuca, thanks to share them with us ^^


            Originally posted by Hellraiser-89 View Post
            Hehe that's the way I like it
            I remember we discussed Ruby's outfit earlier, and I think it was Orb who said she didn't even know what the bottom part f it looked like.
            Well I found this picture that someone made for a game (don't know what game, just found this on Google images)
            I think that game is SIMS 2 or 3 ^^ I have SIMS 2 but I havent played it for a loooong time. By the way, your signature of Queen Laura is awesome, she rocks! she is a total beauty!


              Originally posted by Isolde View Post
              Todd because he is superbly male, and lethal with it. He is also intelligent, shrewd, thoughtful, passionate, powerful, and has gorgeous just-out-of-bed hair. He is sex on legs.
              Oh, how I concur, wholeheartedly and unconditionally... *sigh*
              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                Originally posted by Hellraiser-89 View Post
                I remember we discussed Ruby's outfit earlier, and I think it was Orb who said she didn't even know what the bottom part f it looked like.
                Well I found this picture that someone made for a game (don't know what game, just found this on Google images)
                Thanks, HR. Do you have the pics of the other Queens from that artist? If not, check out nebulan's posts on this page:


                  Originally posted by Hellraiser-89 View Post
                  Hehe that's the way I like it
                  I remember we discussed Ruby's outfit earlier, and I think it was Orb who said she didn't even know what the bottom part f it looked like.
                  Well I found this picture that someone made for a game (don't know what game, just found this on Google images)

                  I also found this Spike picture that at least I haven't seen before

                  Edit: A Queen wallpaper I just made

                  That Ruby is a sim for the Sims 2! I've seen someone make Sally for Sims 2 also. I have that game. Here are my wraithy sims


                  Nice wallpaper btw!
                  The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                    Originally posted by Luna Fantasma - Wraith Lover View Post
                    I think that game is SIMS 2 or 3 ^^ I have SIMS 2 but I havent played it for a loooong time. By the way, your signature of Queen Laura is awesome, she rocks! she is a total beauty!
                    I haven't played a SIMS game in several years
                    Thank you! Yeah Laura is quiet beautiful.
                    Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                    Thanks, HR. Do you have the pics of the other Queens from that artist? If not, check out nebulan's posts on this page:
                    You're welcome. No I don,t but I enjoyed seeing those pictures Thanks Orb.
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                      Originally posted by Leeta View Post
                      That Ruby is a sim for the Sims 2! I've seen someone make Sally for Sims 2 also. I have that game. Here are my wraithy sims
                      They look cool! Someone should make an all Wraith SIMS game, I'd buy that
                      Originally posted by Leeta View Post
                      Nice wallpaper btw!
                      Thanks! I felt like putting some text over it but I wasn't sure about that. Wasn't sure what text I'd use as well so I skipped it completely.
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                        Originally posted by Leeta View Post
                        That Ruby is a sim for the Sims 2! I've seen someone make Sally for Sims 2 also. I have that game. Here are my wraithy sims

                        WOOOOOOOOOOOW! Great, you have your Wraiths on SIMS 2! Excellent You have them with the tattoos and dreadlocks, that's cool ^^


                          Hey everyone!
                          Just wanted to pop back in and say that I am sorry for dissapearing so suddently a while back! Some bad stuff happened, and some worse stuff is currently happening.. and I really don't have enough time to keep up with these forums anymore. At least not as things are now. It makes me a little sad, cause you're all such a great bunch and I've made so many really nice friends here in the WDC
                          I might pop back in in the future when things lighten up for me a little.
                          Until then, if you wanna talk to me about anything at all, you can reach me either on my MSN which is [email protected] (not for emails) or on my DA page at
                          You can also send me a PM, but I might be a tiny bit slow with replying! I'll hang around for a few days though..

                          Thank you all for being so fun and awesome
                          I hope to be active again here in the future!

                          Michael signature by Draygon. Others by me - My Wraith Art


                            @ Rekala - sorry to hear life's difficult for you at the moment. Lots of hugs and hope to see you back before too long.


                              Great page of Hive53 DS.

                              And nice wallie HR.

                              *Big hugs* Rekala. I hope everything will be ok.


                                Hope it all will work out for you, Rekala!
                                Originally posted by Bajka20 View Post
                                And nice wallie HR.
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