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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by mercy moon View Post
    not been around for a few days so had missed this - brilliant. pure genius!
    Thank you.

    And thanks to everyone else too.


      Cool photo Ciannwn. But I prefer Wraithy teeth.

      Here is my wallie with Steve and my new Eddie`s sig. You can see how beautiful teeth has Eddie.



        Originally posted by Bajka20 View Post
        Cool photo Ciannwn. But I prefer Wraithy teeth.
        Same here but I got to use those behind the scenes pics of Boris and Archimedes.

        Originally posted by Bajka20 View Post
        Here is my wallie with Steve and my new Eddie`s sig. You can see how beautiful teeth has Eddie.
        Very nice.


          Originally posted by Bajka20 View Post
          Cool photo Ciannwn. But I prefer Wraithy teeth.

          Here is my wallie with Steve and my new Eddie`s sig. You can see how beautiful teeth has Eddie.
          Nice. Wraith teeth remind me of amethyst crystals.


            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
            It would be the perfect dieting aid - you couldn't overdo it on the mince pies with that lot in your mouth...
            But I bet you could shred the meat off the turkey in no time

            Originally posted by Leeta View Post
            LMAO! You both made me have to spit my coffee out.
            Same here, though it was tea

            Originally posted by orbofnight View Post

            That makes me think of how strange it is that the retrovirus can also affect hair color and tooth shape...
            Yeah. I never figured how much the virus was also genetics. Or rather, the other way round? Clones are supposed to retain their memories (are they?) and the retrovirus caused total memory loss - does that mean then that memory is tied to the iratus genes that the virus destroyed? *confused* I'm probably missing out on the obvious answer...I should re-watch...seriously. Anyway.

            I want wraithy teeth!!! How satisfying it would be to snarl at someone with such a set lol
            "We become our memories and what we believe. We become the terminal creeds we speak. Our words limit the animals we would become...soaring through words from memories and visions. We are all incomplete...imperfect. Lost limbs and lost visions stand with the same phantoms."
            Gerald Vizenor, Bearheart


              Originally posted by Leeta View Post
              Me too. They all look so gorgeous in the pictures. I ended up putting that Bob photo as the background for my playstation 3 menu. I can look at Bob in 40 inches before I play a game. hehe...!
              Why didn't I think of that! I need to pimp my PS3

              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
              Wondering what to buy your Wraith for Xmas? Order now to guarantee delivery in time.

              Aww, so sweet

              Originally posted by Bajka20 View Post
              Here is my wallie with Steve and my new Eddie`s sig. You can see how beautiful teeth has Eddie.

              Great work Bajka Please have some mental greens since I can't green you yet


                Originally posted by KyshaMalini View Post
                @Leksa: I saw you post somewhere about wanting to uses Atlantis' sensors for your work, can I ask what it is you do?
                I'm astrophysicist, and I study cold stars. Our Sun is one of them. In the episode with the whales (I forgot the title) Atlantis sensors are capable to see the development of the internal forces that lead to prediction of when the large CME will hit the planet. At the moment astrophysicists that study Sun try to do same thing for the Sun, and the best prediction they can get is barely better than flipping the coin. We still developing the tools to be able to guess what's going on inside the Sun; Atlantis sensors do that automatically.
                Also the Atlantis long range sensors are truly cool. Somehow they are not bond by the speed of light, since they can detect, in the real time, an object that is countless light years away (detection of the approaching Wraith ships). Such a tool is priceless if one study stars or any other celestial object, because we can see only past when we look up at the sky. Even the Sunlight is old, it takes 8 minutes for it to reach us. For the light of the Proxima Centauri (closest star to the Sun) to reach us it takes 4 year of travel. Not to mention unbelievable resolution those long-range sensors have. They are able to detect exact number of the approaching ships that fly in very close formation. Remember, those ships are small, they are size of the cities. Even our best telescope can resolve only around 50 km on the Sun, the closest, the brightest star. Long range sensors would be capable to see with such resolution distant stars. Right now, we cannot see the surface of any other star, but Sun. Our telescopes do not have enough resolution.


                  Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                  I agree with everything you say. All I meant is that the producers of SGU were cashing in on the BSG market. BSG is actually my favourite TV show. It is a mixture of excellent character development, gripping plot and the most beautiful soundtrack I've heard on a sci-fi show (and of course much more). SGU pales in comparison. As for STV, they pulled off the ship lost in space thing perfectly (Star Trek Voyager is my favourite Star Trek series )
                  Apparently we have the same opinion .

                  Originally posted by Leeta View Post
                  I wanted to add that I tried watching some SGU and it was a little boring for me. I'm not sure if it was because it felt too 'emo' to me or I miss seeing the wraith. I don't really care about any of the characters. I also thought of Voyager when I heard that SGU was about a lost ship.
                  I tried to watch it too, but honestly for me to watch it there are several pre-requists necessary: A mother of the snow storm outside, me alone in the house the whole week, lack of any other dvd's, or tv option, all housework done, all possible bathing done, no new books around me... I think you got the picture. At the end I cannot say I would never ever watch SGU

                  Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                  This a statement of utter disrespect to the fans. What are we to them? Just a baa-ing flock of dumb sheep they can shear to get their profits? We're the fans, we have the power to like or dislike any show we want to. And if the fans have decided to let SGU down, it probably has reason.

                  BSG was brilliant, and just different to other shows, SGU didn't get my interest. So if TPTB intended SGU to be appealing to BSG fans to gain a new target group they failed, at least for me.
                  To be honest, it's not surprising that MGM has now new owners. This kind of attitude illustrates lack of the business sense. They are suppose to make an entertainment for the AUDIENCE, if they do not give an AUDIENCE decent products the AUDIENCE will go and watch something else. So they are in the way right, they are going down because they do not have fans and old SG fans left them...

                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  As everyone keeps pointing out, the annoyed SGA fans were more or less told to get lost originally. The new viewers who were supposed to replace them never materialised, though.
                  What did they expect? There is no all bunch of the new fans, most of us here are SciFi fans, people who watched and re-watched all SciFi shows. And honestly when they announced the "lost ship" story they should be aware that most of us will compare them to the ST Voyager. SG had originality with their initial approach, the fact that they tied it up to the Earth now. SGA went away from that model, and to be honest, I was a tad disappointed with it, but I did kept watching it. SGU is even worse, they completely lost the original tweak of connection with the Earth now and here. The show requires too much suspended believe. Hell, they have the constant contact with the Earth and they are in the midst of the highly technological ship and there is nothing visible on the Earth? It would be better if they managed to make them lost in "time" in the future as well. At least, then all thing might get interesting, to see how bunch of incompetent Earthlings gets along in the space. However, that's also already seen, in Farscape we have an Earth scientist lost in highly technological environment, trying to get home. Ah, the SGU seems more like a soap opera than SciFi show.


                    Thank you girls.


                      Most of the ancient human cultures have that believe. It's nothing new.
                      However, as scientist, I have to point out the fact that this view of the Chi (or Prana) is incompatible with the fact that all human need is a certain protein to stop Wraith on feeding on them. The existence of this protein indicates that there is a certain chemical released in the human body that basically function as the "outside digestive system" digesting the human on the go and delivering the nutrition to the Wraith body directly. This points out at the pure biological system and background of the feeding of the Wraith. The whole thing got muddled in the Common Ground when the writers had to have some kind of way to restore Sheppard into his original age. They sacrificed common sense and science and made everything mystical in order to have an actor in the exactly same shape as he "entered" that show.
                      As I mentioned several times, Wraith are not really developed as the true living organism. They are developed as a tool for the writers to make certain points. We can guess and speculate, and try to make some sense from the contradictory informations about the Wraith that was given to us during the show, but that does not change the fact that true development of the Wraith as the alien specie is never done.

                      Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                      It seems to me the ancient Chinese (and Japanese and Indian, to a degree) have a lot of belief systems based on the movement and channeling of life energy around the body.

                      Much of it is based in science, even if it is as yet not fully understood, and I have been a grateful beneficiary of the effects of acupuncture
                      But it could also "explain" Wraith - and explain them as having an important function within the Universe, not just as "monsters".

                      I wonder... my therapist has told me that I;m one of the 10% of people who respond highly positively to the Chi movement that acupuncture induces... it would be an intersting experiment to see if all Wraith Worshippers fall within that 10% and if sensitivity to Chi movement makes one attracted to Wraith


                        Random Wraithy lighting ideas: search for "rattan lighting" in Google...



                          Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                          Random Wraithy lighting ideas: search for "rattan lighting" in Google...


                          YES YES YES!!! I have been trying to get my hands on the rattan balls already, but with Christmas coming up the local shops charge horrendous prices for them. - If they have them. But the structure of them is wonderfully organic. *sigh*
                          And the lamp in the middle rocks. That papery stuff inside should be reddish and it would look even greater
                          "We become our memories and what we believe. We become the terminal creeds we speak. Our words limit the animals we would become...soaring through words from memories and visions. We are all incomplete...imperfect. Lost limbs and lost visions stand with the same phantoms."
                          Gerald Vizenor, Bearheart


                            Originally posted by hunter_wraith_1980 View Post
                            YES YES YES!!! I have been trying to get my hands on the rattan balls already, but with Christmas coming up the local shops charge horrendous prices for them. - If they have them. But the structure of them is wonderfully organic. *sigh*
                            And the lamp in the middle rocks. That papery stuff inside should be reddish and it would look even greater
                            Yes, the rattan ball light strings are pricey in stores around here too. Sears wants $50 US dollars for them. There are some cheaper ones on ebay from Thailand like this (and they have red ones):


                            I did find a cheap and beautiful lighted grapevine twig ball like this at a local craft store today and bought one:



                              These outdoor lights also have a bit of a Wraithy feel to them. I so want a lamp that looks like a replica Wraith stun bomb.



                                Originally posted by leksa View Post
                                Most of the ancient human cultures have that believe. It's nothing new.
                                However, as scientist, I have to point out the fact that this view of the Chi (or Prana) is incompatible with the fact that all human need is a certain protein to stop Wraith on feeding on them. The existence of this protein indicates that there is a certain chemical released in the human body that basically function as the "outside digestive system" digesting the human on the go and delivering the nutrition to the Wraith body directly. This points out at the pure biological system and background of the feeding of the Wraith. The whole thing got muddled in the Common Ground when the writers had to have some kind of way to restore Sheppard into his original age. They sacrificed common sense and science and made everything mystical in order to have an actor in the exactly same shape as he "entered" that show.
                                As I mentioned several times, Wraith are not really developed as the true living organism. They are developed as a tool for the writers to make certain points. We can guess and speculate, and try to make some sense from the contradictory informations about the Wraith that was given to us during the show, but that does not change the fact that true development of the Wraith as the alien specie is never done.
                                I agree with you absolutely, Leksa - I don't think there's very many of us here in the WDC who would disagree - the science in SGA is gobble-de-gook at best, at worst it;s just plain confusing and wrong!

                                However, for most wraith fans, to leave it at that is too frustrating. To just accept that wraith development is never done would mean that forums like the WDC would die because there would be nothing to talk about!
                                So most of us speculate and theorise and pick up on others' ideas and run with them - some of us even write fanfics incorporating either our pet theories or play with lots of different theories in different stories.
                                Throwing theories around and bouncing ideas off of each other is part of the fun of the WDC - and gives us a chance to do what TPTB never had the courage to do: develop the wraith as a viable species with a history and a culture and, most importantly, a future.

                                I like the protein idea you mentioned - I'm not as familiar with "hard" science as I am with metaphysics and philosophy or "mysticism", so I;d be really interested to hear more details of what you think about this aspect, as you only briefly touched upon it.
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

