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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
    I put that in a search on dA but it didn't find you

    Could you click on my dA link under my sig and send me a message so I can find you?
    Sure ^_^Right away!

    Michael signature by Draygon. Others by me - My Wraith Art


      Originally posted by Rekala View Post
      Sure ^_^Right away!
      Found you! Love your work!
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        Found you! Love your work!
        Thank you :'3 Yours is great too!

        Michael signature by Draygon. Others by me - My Wraith Art


          Originally posted by Rekala View Post
          Thank you :'3 Yours is great too!
          Thank you

          I think I have a long way to go.
          One day I hope to have the time to learn to use PhotoShop better so I can paint up my old pencil and marker drawings.
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
            Thank you

            I think I have a long way to go.
            One day I hope to have the time to learn to use PhotoShop better so I can paint up my old pencil and marker drawings.
            It's really not that difficult. It was super hard for me at first, but once I started getting used to it and learned all the tricks, it was super easy and I switched to digital all together. And now I find it much easier (: I don't do pencil work anymore. When you do decide to tackle PS, drop me a message. I'll be happy to help you out!
            Wow, we sorta went off-topic didn't we?

            Michael signature by Draygon. Others by me - My Wraith Art


              Originally posted by Rekala View Post
              It's really not that difficult. It was super hard for me at first, but once I started getting used to it and learned all the tricks, it was super easy and I switched to digital all together. And now I find it much easier (: I don't do pencil work anymore. When you do decide to tackle PS, drop me a message. I'll be happy to help you out!
              Wow, we sorta went off-topic didn't we?
              I started doing some stuff and I do like it, but I find it very time consuming (it's quicker to paint by hand!) and I don't have a lot of free time. But my grown up son has gone to work in Japan now, so I'll start having a bit more time from now on

              Thanks for the offer to help - that's really nice of you and I might just take you up on that some day soon!

              I have to go deal with dinner and stuff now, but it was great chatting - and hey, we're were talking about wraith art work! LOL But just in case...

              Wraith, wraith, wraith, Todd, wraith, Greg, wraith, Steve *sigh* wraith, wraith, wraith...

              TTYL, Rekala *hug*
              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                Wraith vision ponderings:

                Here is an interesting article on vision and other animals (keep in mind when selecting toys for your pets):

                Here is what different types of color blindness looks like:

                At the very least, I believe the wraith can see in full color in the visible light range and also have advanced infrared radiation vision, which are close together on the electromagnetic spectrum. They may or may not be able to see ultraviolet or other types of waves.


                *Regarding visible radiation (light), they have colorful hiveship interiors and graphic displays, as this holographic map and console buttons show. The hive lighting and displays include red, green, and blue: the color cone receptors that humans have and many other creatures lack to varying degrees. Colorblindness between red and green on those buttons would be disastrous!



                *Regarding infrared radiation vision, Ronon’s image as seen by Neo in darkness suggests infrared vision like thermography, their eyes possibly aided with the help of the pits on the sides of their faces that may act as infrared pits do for snakes, but more advanced:



                *Regarding other wavelengths, honeybees and butterflies see ultraviolet light as well as mixes of colors and pure colors. Stars and some nebulae give off X-rays. However, I can’t think of any evidence from the show that would prove or disprove ability to detect other wavelengths besides visible radiation (light) and infrared radiation.


                  Originally posted by Rekala View Post
                  Thanks I'm already having fun. Yay!

                  Here it is;
                  You can find it on my Deviantart account as well.
                  That one was drawn after a reference (: My next one isn't, so we'll see how that turns out
                  Brilliant Rekala! I love your style! Fantastic stuff!

                  And in the line of Sparty conversation... WATCH WATCH WATCH! To all those have haven't.

                  And my favourite Wraith: Steve Closely followed by Todd, Shawn and Eddie.


                    Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                    Wraith vision ponderings:

                    Here is an interesting article on vision and other animals (keep in mind when selecting toys for your pets):

                    Here is what different types of color blindness looks like:

                    At the very least, I believe the wraith can see in full color in the visible light range and also have advanced infrared radiation vision, which are close together on the electromagnetic spectrum. They may or may not be able to see ultraviolet or other types of waves.


                    *Regarding visible radiation (light), they have colorful hiveship interiors and graphic displays, as this holographic map and console buttons show. The hive lighting and displays include red, green, and blue: the color cone receptors that humans have and many other creatures lack to varying degrees. Colorblindness between red and green on those buttons would be disastrous!



                    *Regarding infrared radiation vision, Ronon’s image as seen by Neo in darkness suggests infrared vision like thermography, their eyes possibly aided with the help of the pits on the sides of their faces that may act as infrared pits do for snakes, but more advanced:



                    *Regarding other wavelengths, honeybees and butterflies see ultraviolet light as well as mixes of colors and pure colors. Stars and some nebulae give off X-rays. However, I can’t think of any evidence from the show that would prove or disprove ability to detect other wavelengths besides visible radiation (light) and infrared radiation
                    Colourblindness in humans is sex-linked, meaning that the gene is carried on the X chromosome. As males are heterozygous, in that regard, all men who have a defective gene on the X chromosome will be colourblind to one degree or another. For females, such as myself, colourblindness means having two defective X chromosomes. Colourblindness is recessive, but fairly harmless. Other sex-linked genetic conditions are not e.g. haemophilia, and Duchennes muscular dystrophy. The inheritance ratio is 1:4 generally, as with any genetic trait, but rise when the mother is homozygous for a condition i.e. colourblind - all her daughters must be carriers, and all her sons will be colourblind. Good stuff, huh?

                    Personally, with regard to Wraith sight, I believe they have a wider range than humans, otherwise there wouldn't have been all that glowing eye stuff. The hives are dimly lit, and the overt colouring could well point towards the ability to see ultraviolet, and may even have subtle markings we cannot detect unless we used the relevant equipment. Prolly not canon, but intereting none-the-less.


                      Originally posted by Bajka20 View Post
                      I love your artworks Rekala.

                      does anyone know where i can get a high resolution version of this pic? mine is no good
                      FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                        Originally posted by Rekala View Post
                        That's brilliant.

                        To Orb

                        I'll have to read those articles some other time. I took ibuprofen before I came here on Friday and ended up overdoing it. I'm still paying for it.


                          Some Wraithy music. (Well, I think it is, anyway. )



                            Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                            does anyone know where i can get a high resolution version of this pic? mine is no good
                            I don`t know. I want better copy too. I want to print this pic and hang on a wall in frame.

                            Cool music Ciannwn.


                              Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                              *Regarding infrared radiation vision, Ronon’s image as seen by Neo in darkness suggests infrared vision like thermography, their eyes possibly aided with the help of the pits on the sides of their faces that may act as infrared pits do for snakes, but more advanced:


                              But weren't he wearing these special kinds of infrared glasses there? I always thought they were the ones enabling him to see like that.
                              Like these:
                              Or maybe I mixed up the scenes..

                              Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                              Brilliant Rekala! I love your style! Fantastic stuff!
                              Thank you

                              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                              That's brilliant.

                              Michael signature by Draygon. Others by me - My Wraith Art


                                Originally posted by Bajka20 View Post
                                I don`t know. I want better copy too. I want to print this pic and hang on a wall in frame.
                                Yeah it would be nice to have that pic in better quality but haven't been able to find one. BTW where is that Eddie pic from? Is it a promo shot or something?

