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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Tananda View Post
    @ QueenMalka: when will there be the next edition of Playwraith?
    "Soon, I think I found out where the centerfold photos finally went"

    *dirty look at LtC. Larruz*

    "Apparently some people lost their proof copies and borrowed mine for their own personal collection. But I found the negatives so, we don't have to try to get Greg back into the bubble bath for a re-shoot. Hopefully in the coming week the new issue of PLAYWRAITH will be out and maybe one of our other new magazines." -Queen Malka


      Originally posted by QueenMalka View Post
      "Soon, I think I found out where the centerfold photos finally went"

      *dirty look at LtC. Larruz*

      "Apparently some people lost their proof copies and borrowed mine for their own personal collection. But I found the negatives so, we don't have to try to get Greg back into the bubble bath for a re-shoot. Hopefully in the coming week the new issue of PLAYWRAITH will be out and maybe one of our other new magazines." -Queen Malka
      I never have any trouble getting Greg into a bubble bath any time I want!!!
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        I never have any trouble getting Greg into a bubble bath any time I want!!!
        Yes, but you makes promises, TP. Being a lady forbids me to talk about what kind.

        Now playing: Massive Attack - Exchange
        via FoxyTunes


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          I never have any trouble getting Greg into a bubble bath any time I want!!!
          But was there a camera involved? And the images being published?


            Originally posted by Isolde View Post
            Yes, but you makes promises, TP. Being a lady forbids me to talk about what kind.

            Now playing: Massive Attack - Exchange
            via FoxyTunes
            I never promise the boys anything I'm not prepared to deliver!
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Originally posted by QueenMalka View Post
              But was there a camera involved? And the images being published?
              Hey! I may be happy to indulge the boys, but even TP has to keep SOME things private!!!
              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                I never promise the boys anything I'm not prepared to deliver!
                And I can't fault you for that at all. It is something I try to apply myself.

                Now playing: Lacuna Coil - Shallow Life
                via FoxyTunes


                  Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                  OK... What I actually said was that clones could be programmed to behave in any manner he wanted to, IF he wanted to. It is not a huge leap of the SF geek imagination to see that if you have that level of sophistication then programming is a possibility. Your Carson theory don't hold water because he engineered him with a fail safe (i.e. death by degradation), so why couldn't he select for more useful traits in the original psyche such as greater compliance?
                  The fail safe on Carson wasn't so hard to do as it is the same problem our scientists already see with cloning (and in the SciFi realm it's the same problem the Asgard had). All Michael did was speed up the process, that doesn't mean he understood how to fix it or manipulate a clone's mind.

                  Because I know someone is going to bring it up, I'll do it first: I'd like to comment on Michael implanting in his creatures' DNA a command stopping them from hurting him. As bugs are less complicated then humans and they are aliens to boot, I can buy that a bit. No "sentient" beings have genetic memories but we do know that vertebrates have somatic genetic memory and that immune systems are capable of learning to recognize pathogens and keep the memory imprinted, which is the basis of the success of everyday vaccinations. So maybe this works for Michael with those Iratus bug creations of his; but, I never bought that genetic memory was in graded in Carson's DNA because it's true that if Michael was able to implant commands than he should have implanted a passion for the work so that Carson would do as he asked more easily. That's what I would do. I tend to think that since wraith have the ability to make humans "see" things and we've seen that Wraith Queens can make us do things against one's will, so what Michael did was he implanted a mental command without it having to do anything with Carson's DNA. Or the sly guy that Michael was is he took control of Carson's limbs through a mental backdoor as they spent so much time working together.. like a queen making a human bow to her Michael overtime was able to learn how to mentally control Carson when needed.

                  Just my two cents.

                  * * * * * * * * *
                  "You are more like Wraith than you know."
                  "I'm not sure I like the sound of that."
                  "There is much about Wraith that you do not know, Sheppard."
                  - John Sheppard and Todd, "Common Ground"

                  "We all agree the Ancients were pretty screwed up. All the ones I met were arrogant and condescending and not for good reason. Now they made giant mistakes and never fixed them." - John Sheppard


                    Originally posted by WraithQueenH View Post
                    The fail safe on Carson wasn't so hard to do as it is the same problem our scientists already see with cloning (and in the SciFi realm it's the same problem the Asgard had). All Michael did was speed up the process, that doesn't mean he understood how to fix it or manipulate a clone's mind.
                    Having the ability to create a clone that advanced i.e. Carson means there's some pretty amazing tech going on, and how do you suppose he got all those memories that belong to the real Beckett? We haven't been able to get past the first hurdles so the 'photocopy' effect is a bit redundant, if you ask me.

                    While I appreciate what you say about somatic memory, I was thinking more along the lines of electrical energy, which is what thought patterns are, and how they could be transferred to a nice blank mind. And as this is Science Fiction, you can imagine any number of possibilities, though I always try to keep at least a hint of the science bit in anything I write so do an enormous amount of research. So, anyway, no genetic memories for me.

                    Originally posted by WraithQueenH View Post
                    Or the sly guy that Michael was is he took control of Carson's limbs through a mental backdoor as they spent so much time working together.. like a queen making a human bow to her Michael overtime was able to learn how to mentally control Carson when needed.
                    A la shades of 'Being John Malkovitch'? The thought of a little trapdoor in the back of Carson's head tickles me for some reason. Heh...

                    Anyhoo, I thought it was the medicine or lack of a regular supply that kept our good Doctor from straying from his master's control?


                      A portrait of Rhys if my connection lasts long enough for me to post it.



                        Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                        A portrait of Rhys if my connection lasts long enough for me to post it.

                        Thank you! Just what I needed.


                          Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                          Thank you! Just what I needed.
                          And thank you for your comment.


                            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                            A portrait of Rhys if my connection lasts long enough for me to post it.

                            Wow! Now that really IS good! It's amazing how clear that picture is - and having a plain background focuses on just on him... like we need any excuse to focus all our attention on Rhys!
                            Thanks for sharing - you're getting good at these, Ciannwn! *hug*
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              Wow! Now that really IS good! It's amazing how clear that picture is - and having a plain background focuses on just on him... like we need any excuse to focus all our attention on Rhys!
                              Thanks for sharing - you're getting good at these, Ciannwn! *hug*
                              Thank you. I experimented with the Sunburst lighting effect for it. I've been trying to do something similar with a pic of Aurelian but the original pic isn't all that clear so I'm not having much luck so far.


                                I have been trying to locate a wraith thread in the fan fiction section of this site and can't seem to find it. I am beginning to think I imagined it. Anyway. I wanted to share another wraith fan fic site that I got from Katzarai. It's Someone may have already posted it. The story line includes most of the SGA team, Todd and Michael. I haven't read it yet, but I know we are always looking for more wraith stories. Perhaps the gal who wrote this is on GW, don't know.

                                Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                                "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                                Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory

