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    guess whats back? back again i found time to write more of the sam and gabrial fic!!!!!!

    previous chapter
    Chapter 9

    Negotiations and compromises

    The message had been sent and now there was nothing to do but wait as the lantians thought the offer over.
    Gabriel had kindly offered her his room for some sleep but she couldn’t, things were interesting around here. However it wasn’t long before they received a reply from Atlantis. Sam was brought back to read it. “Well it seems they are inviting us down. They ask that the queen come and you too Gabriel.” Gabriel nodded standing silently. After his outburst confessing his feelings he was now giving her a stony silence. Only talking to her when necessary. Sam looked up at him “so how are we arriving?” Gabriel took his time to answer “ we will be taking a dart.” Having tried to initiate conversation and failed again Sam gave up. The lack of conversation was killing her. “Then lets go.”

    It had been over an hour since dr wier had sent the message to the hive ship. Her brain begged her to go to sleep but she couldn’t. Sitting in her office she tried to look busy but ended up playing solitaire. Finally a technician arrived at the door and she looked up “dr wier we picked up a dart heading inbound. Where should they unload their cargo?” Elizabeth thought about it… where could they land? “The east pier.” She muttered. The technician jogged out of her office to deliver this information when Rodney knocked on the door. “Enter” she said looking up. “Oh Rodney I thought you were…” “ I was I just finished. It seems it is indeed the real Samantha carter.” Elizabeth raised her eyebrow “are you sure? I don’t want an imitation Rodney…” “ Absolutely, the voice matches her tones and pitch perfectly, also I’ve been reviewing the tape, she moves and gestures exactly like Sam and she knew dead on I would review the tape. They either recorded it earlier then killed her or more likely she’s still alive” Elizabeth brightened at this, she had been wary of putting her crew through another incident like the allied attacks. Suddenly another technician appeared. “Dr wier… they’ve landed. From what we can tell they have Samantha carter with them” Elizabeth jumped to her feet and smoothed out her uniform, it was time to do what she did best…negotiations.

    Sam had barely touched down on the east pier when a group of soldiers greeted them. Gabriel lowered down and whispered in her ear “they have guns” “I know they have guns, its standard procedure. They wont shoot unless necessary.” Gabriel gave a slight nod and straightened up again as the leader approached Sam. “Samantha” he nodded. Sam nodded back and muttered “major Lorne” “so these are the guests?” “Yes major they are. Where is dr wier?” “ She will be joining us shortly, were here to escort you to the debriefing room” “lead on major.” The group strode off under the brightening sky towards the towering structure of Atlantis.

    new chapter
    Ch 10


    They had walked through Atlantis for a little over 5 minutes before arriving in the control room; Sam was greeted by a very tired dr wier. “Good morning Samantha.” “Sorry for the very early visit doctor. Gabriel and aleera meet dr wier.”

    Both wraith stood still watching them talk, dr wier found it unnerving but muttered a hasty welcome, she could tell none of the gate technicians were actually working but rather listening into the conversation, however her train of thought was interrupted as two people blatantly arguing strode into the control room. “Sheppard they’re wraith and as wraith….” “Rodney wraith are people too! Just because that have the ability to kill you doesn’t mean… That….” Sheppard’s voice trailed off as they both realized that the guests had arrived earlier than expected, McKay gave a small squeak and dived behind Sheppard trying to use him as cover, Sam gave a small laugh and looked at dr wier, he facial expressions hadn’t changed but she could tell Elizabeth was fuming with the two men. “How nice of you two to join us” Elizabeth was using her dangerous voice, it wasn’t a good thing…. “Uh yeah sorry dr wier we got caught up” “I can see that. John you already know Gabriel.” Both locked eyes and gave a small nod, almost icily but Sam had moved past that, she could tell they both respected each other greatly for what Sheppard had called ‘the jail break’ “and this is the hive queen Samantha spoke about” john and Rodney looked at the imposing figure of the queen, unusually dressed in what could only be described as an elaborate version of her soldiers uniforms, however hers had hints of fine fabric and just a little more revealing. Both Men stammered a welcome, inwardly Sam smirked, McKay was going to wet himself if he spent any more time in the company of the wraith perhaps it was time to step in, and so she strode forward. “Dr wier thank you for trusting me with this, but I believe now that our new guests have seen the city we could talk more…tomorrow.” Dr wier considered it for a while before slowly nodding. “yes I see no problems with this, however…its just a small thing but rather important, our guests will need escorts.” At this the queen raised an eyebrow and finally spoke, a soft but cutting tone “why would we need escorts? You allowed us here it is only fair we should get free roam” Sam cursed, crap crap crap…. she had to intervene. “Well you see some of these people have lost companions and friends to other more…. Volatile wraith and for your own protection and safety we must give you an escort” everyone stared at the string of lies she had just wrenched from her vocabulary, even Sam inwardly was shocked, Sheppard was having an effect on her, it was either Sheppard or Gabriel. She could tell the queen was thinking it over…finally she nodded “it is acceptable.” Sam sighed in relief. But quickly composed herself. “Sheppard, would you kindly help me escort Gabriel and aleera to their rooms?” “Certainly major carter” the four people strode off to find acceptable rooms leaving McKay and Elizabeth in the control room Rodney silently sidled up to her and muttered “you know there’s going to be hell on for this right?” dr wier nodded in response “there would have been hell on if Samantha hadn’t intervened.” McKay nodded and whispered, “Who knew she could spin a good lie?” dr wier barely made more than a grunt in response before walking off to her own room, in desperate need of sleep. ((the next chapter will include teyla I promise ))


    I'm not dead. Yet.


      Originally posted by susanne View Post
      guess whats back? back again i found time to write more of the sam and gabrial fic!!!!!!
      Thank you susanne! Great Work! This is just what we need to help get us through the dry spell before Atantis comes on again. Does anyone know if it will premiere at the same time for all of us (I'm in the US - Minnesota)? It's more fun if we can all chat about it at the same time!
      Atlantis Girl

      Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

      please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


        your welcome laura, its been ages since ive had time to update but i did it, and now that i have plenty more time and if the evil writers block doesnt attack i may have daily updates

        I'm not dead. Yet.


          new chapter!!! im getting back into the rhythm

          Chapter 11
          Concerns and suspicions
          People were suspicious of the wraiths motives, their hive still lingered above the planet, while the wraith had infiltrated on words of peace, and Sam had heard rumors about their supposed ulterior motives, some seemed unlikely even ridiculous. But still Gabriel was avoiding her, it had been two days since he had held a leisurely conversation with her, choosing to spend time in McKay’s lab, at this Sam gave a snort, McKay always looked like he was going to wet himself when the wraith were nearby, especially since the queen had ordered Gabriel to show McKay exactly how a wraith ship worked so they could try building one. The queen however stuck to weir’s office, choosing to spend her time going over plans and such, from what she had heard off dr wier the wraith were quite co-operative with everything, even teyla had let her guard down, teyla…she could help Sam with her ‘problem’ right? And so soon enough she found herself nervously knocking on teylas door nervous about what to say, how could she express this? It wasn’t often the scientist was lost for words, sure she’d had boyfriends and partners but Gabriel was from another species, totally different. Almost immediately the door opened to reveal teyla. “Col. Carter?” “Um teyla hi, if this is a bad time I could always…” teyla looked puzzled for a moment “ no of course not something is obviously troubling you, please come in” Sam walked into the room adorned with unknown fabrics and comfortable looking pillows “well yes there is …a problem, something im sure you could help with.” Sam muttered as she looked around. Teyla sat down on the bed and motioned for Sam to sit also “explain to me col. Carter how I could help you and I’ll try my best”
          A few hours later Sam had all she needed to know to make Gabriel talk to her again, teyla was of course sworn to secrecy about the entire thing, as she happily left teylas room and rounded the corner someone spoke in almost a whisper but it was enough to make Sam stop. “so…. you have the hots for Gabriel” she turned quickly her face flushed red, but the figure was hiding in the shadows. Sam knew immediately the person of whom the voice belonged had caught snatches of her confession…. “Its irrational to think a wraith would ever trade species, besides it’s a wraith, they all deserve to die.” Sam walked forward to try and get a better look but there was no need as the figure gracefully exited the shadows and came into view “now col. Carter how much you want to bet this could be all over the base in under a day?”

          oooh so who caught her? why are they blackmailing her? all will be revealed in the next chapter
          Last edited by susanne; 16 July 2007, 06:08 AM.

          I'm not dead. Yet.


            love the new chapters susanne keep up the good work with the fic and can't wait to read the next one also i really like your sig


              thanks wraithlord the person probably wont surprise anyone tho the chapter is all ready and i will post tomorrow, sooner if you'd all like

              I'm not dead. Yet.


                ok so i cant wait to reveal the cunning little monster

                Chapter 12
                Favours and secrecy

                “Well col.?” Sam looked indignant how dare he how dare he! “You know people would be so interested to find out you want Gabriel badly, and I’d really be happy to give them the information” Sam was staring coldly at the man in front of her, the manipulating little man, the cogs of her mind were in overdrive…. If anyone found out… her reputation would be shot to pieces, her name laughed at…she wasn’t ready to confess to everyone, wasn’t ready to put up with the stares and whisperings. Sighing she admitted defeat. “Name your price…bates” at this bates smirked and pretended to think about it “I want you to use the schematics and information they foolishly gave us to build a weapon that will shoot down their ship” Sam gawped at him, it would take months! On top of all the things she needed to do. “Unless of course you want me to tell everyone…” he had her, he had her in a tight spot. “Fine sergeant I’ll build the damn gun” bates smirked and went to walk away but stopped “oh I forgot to mention if you don’t do it in less than one month I’ll still tell everyone” he walked back around the corridor laughing and disappeared, Sam resignedly walked back to her room, the chat with teyla almost forgotten, no one could known what she was doing or they’d ask questions, questions she’d have to answer. Sitting down at her desk she began analyzing the data and constructing a rough cannon, by her calculations she only had a week in which to plan this thing, and there were more problems, she would have to steal some parts from McKay, right under the nose of Gabriel. Could she face him again after this? She didn’t know but pushed the thoughts out of her mind and settled down for a late night.
                The next morning people commented on how tired she looked, of course Sam was bloody tired she’d just done an all nighter, and will probably be for another week to come. She turned to the only thing she had left, the mug and began drinking more coffee than McKay did. She had seemed off to Gabriel, not her usual self, he couldn’t tell what was wrong with her but she seemed to be working nights, her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, perhaps she had been crying? But over what? He decided against seeking help for now but soon the niggling feeling something was wrong just wouldn’t go away. Until he snapped, Gabriel went to see Sheppard. “I don’t understand it. She isn’t like this” “I know Gabriel were all worried about her too.” “I’ve only known her for a few weeks now but this seems…oddly out of character for her” “she hasn’t said anything to me about it, has she talked to you?” “No. She hasn’t.” Sheppard thought for a while before continuing hesitantly “do you know if she has any one she’s eyeing?” Gabriel looked sternly at Sheppard “no…” “Well has anyone said anything to her? You know like major?” Gabriel shifted uncomfortably in his seat “ I did…tell her that I liked her…” Sheppard got up and looked at Gabriel “then that’s it that’s why she’s acting so oddly” Gabriel got up and looked at Sheppard “so…what should I do?” “Easy, romantic meal for two just you and her and tell her again what you think” Gabriel looked doubtful but nodded “and if it fails?” “It never fails, don’t worry”


                I'm not dead. Yet.


                  and now the moment you've all been waiting for...well since i mentioned it in the last chapter at least i always include a little romance in the drama and this is no different i entitle it....'pant problems and R- rated novels' MWAHAHAHA *cough* anyway enjoy and tell me what you think >.>
                  Chapter 13
                  Pant problems and R-rated novels
                  Everything was ready; he would spring a surprise on her and find out once and for all if she truly loved him or if things were only one way. The food was ready and all he had to do was wait for her to arrive, earlier he had contacted her and asked her to come to his room, said it was urgent just like Sheppard had said. And now here he was, waiting for her. Just then there was a knock at the door and he approached it, he held his breath as he opened the door and it caught in his throat, Samantha was on the threshold out of breath and looking at Gabriel “w-what’s the emergency?” Gabriel’s mouth twisted into a smirk and he pulled her inside “the emergence Samantha is what is called a… date?” Sam looked around shocked, the table was set, the meal was steaming and candles lighted everything in the room. Gabriel led her over to a chair and made her sit down, she realized she was stammering and quickly halted the reflex. “Who…who…” Gabriel sat opposite her and smiled “Sheppard was kind enough to enlighten me on your culture” Samantha laughed, only Sheppard could come up with something so corny as a candle lit dinner “next time gab. Tell him to lay off the romance novels” Gabriel cocked his head slightly “romance novels Samantha?” Sam turned red realizing of course Gabriel knew nothing about them “well…. romance novels are books, fiction about characters who fall in love, I have one or two I could show you later” Gabriel nodded “that would be nice” and so the date continued with much talking and not a lot of eating, finally when the food went cold Sam admitted defeat. “Didn’t I promise to show you a romance novel?” Gabriel sat up interested “yes you did. I would love to see one.” With that they both stood up and walked out of his room heading for Sam’s, she opened the door and entered, Gabriel was a little apprehensive at first but an encouraging nod from Sam was all he needed to walk further in. she strode over to a desk and plucked from it a red and gold coloured book. Striding back over she handed it to him “this is one of my favorites, its called separated lovers by dick shernky” Gabriel studied the cover, amongst the red and gold colours was a picture or painting of two people kissing he looked at Samantha wearily “Samantha…” she looked up at him and laughed, he seemed to be going bright red “here ill read it with you if you want.” She flopped down on the bed watching his mouth go but nothing coming out finally he managed to say something “what about your rest period Samantha?” Sam snorted she had never expected technical words to escape his mouth “I can go without sleep for a little while.” She motioned for him to sit down; when he did she pushed him back and opened the book at the first page.
                  As they approached the middle of the book Sam began to feel something strange, a little…hot under the collar as she realized they were approaching the more R rated part of the book, just thinking about it made her shiver, suddenly Gabriel moved and pulled her closer, startled she whispered “what the…” but was stopped by Gabriel whispering in her ear “you are shivering Samantha im trying to warm you up” she blushed slightly and muttered “thank you before returning to the book, here it was the part that got most women on Atlantis hot under the collar, as they read it through she felt a slight disturbance as Gabriel moved his lower body away slightly she looked up at him, almost straining… “Problem?” she seemed almost hesitant to ask, Gabriel shook his head and it took a few moments for her to realize and curve the growing blush problem she was encountering, taking a risk she quickly muttered but all too audibly “if there’s a problem with your trousers maybe you should remove them?”

                  wow last night i came up with some great one liners

                  I'm not dead. Yet.


                    you know some seahorses have the male carry the young which could explain why this 'birthing wraith' is gonna be male.

                    that being said in quite a few fantasy world fiction birthing woman is often used as another term for midwife. it could be that the 'birthing wraith' is the hive queens personal physician who just happened to be standing in the wrong place.

                    queen: how long is this gonna take already
                    dr wraith: not long to go i'll just take a closer look make sure everythings alright down there..........................ah yes another bouncing baby boy now if you will just excuse me i need to go get this goop off

                    (dr wraith walks off muttering about how his clothes are ruined)

                    or he could be assigned to look after the eggs until they hatch which involves lots of goop though not sure how eggs and goop go together but theres probably a logical explanation for it

                    if not all of the hives have queens then that means there are more kings like the one from sateda doesnt it. i hope their better looking than the satedan king
                    Quietly, so as not to alarm anyone, she began to go insane


                      We will see Common Ground Wraith in Kindred I!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Nice theory, rien

                      Susane you have updated! I like the new chapters.

                      Laura, not all of us will watch at the same time Adrift. I wll have to wait one day more, as all people in Europe
                      LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                      Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                      My fan fiction


                        yes i have updated at last ill just post the next chapter, its not a serious chapter but rather amusing nontheless
                        Chapter 14
                        Morning horrors and machine mix-ups

                        How she had ended up like this she didn’t know but snuggled next to Gabriel the morning after, she didn’t care, not even about bates and his half assed almost finished cannon, god knows how he was going to get it out of her lab but she didn’t want to think about it, for now the wraith still asleep next to her was all her concerns, last night almost always made up for the horrible things bates had done, it was the best experience she had ever known, suddenly a muscled arm wrapped around her and pulled her closer “good morning Samantha” she yawned and muttered the greeting back, they lay there for a few minutes wrapped up in the blankets. “Samantha we had better get ready. It’s almost 9 am and you have to go to work” Sam yawned again “sure Gab. Sure…. and do me a favour while your near McKay?” “Of course Samantha anything” “scare him half to death for me” Gabriel chuckled then she felt the bed shift as he got up to get dressed, sighing she did the same and they both left the room talking.
                        A few hours passed as she looked around worriedly before putting the finishing touches to the cannon, as she admired her work she felt her stomach churn with hunger, lunchtime. Silently she left her lab and headed towards the mess hall following the chatter and laughter emanating from the room.
                        Her stomach filled and her caffeine intake to the max she made her way through the corridors, as she rounded a corner she heard a girly shriek then all of a sudden McKay came screaming terrified down the corridor and past Samantha, a few moments later and Gabriel slouched into view smirking slightly, Sam stopped and stirred her coffee “so…what did you say to make him scream like that?” Gabriel’s smirk widened some “ all I said was it was almost lunchtime and I needed a snack, don’t you agree dr McKay? He almost wet himself and ran screaming about sucking the life from his veins” Sam chortled at his genius “I wish I had that on camera” Gabriel stared at her “why?” this time Sam smiled “next week were having video night and it would have been a star.” Soon she waved goodbye to him and made for her lab, entering it she looked round rather bored then stopped, the coffee mug slipped from her hand and smashed all over the floor, the cannon was gone!


                        I'm not dead. Yet.


                          Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                          We will see Common Ground Wraith in Kindred I!!!!!!!!!!!
                          great news to hear

                          Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                          not all of us will watch at the same time Adrift. I wll have to wait one day more, as all people in Europe
                          well since Canada is airing season 4 in October i hope that means skyone will be airing it here in Ireland at the usual date

                          Originally Posted by rien
                          you know some seahorses have the male carry the young which could explain why this 'birthing wraith' is gonna be male.

                          that being said in quite a few fantasy world fiction birthing woman is often used as another term for midwife. it could be that the 'birthing wraith' is the hive queens personal physician who just happened to be standing in the wrong place.

                          queen: how long is this gonna take already
                          dr wraith: not long to go i'll just take a closer look make sure everythings alright down there..........................ah yes another bouncing baby boy now if you will just excuse me i need to go get this goop off

                          (dr wraith walks off muttering about how his clothes are ruined)

                          or he could be assigned to look after the eggs until they hatch which involves lots of goop though not sure how eggs and goop go together but theres probably a logical explanation for it

                          if not all of the hives have queens then that means there are more kings like the one from sateda doesnt it. i hope their better looking than the satedan king
                          interesting theory rien


                            enjoyed reading the new chapters susanne looking forward to reading the next one


                              thanks wraithlord, i have the next few chapters all written out so i dont have to worry about that for a while, also theres a lot more action in the next chapter. someones been telling porkies lol

                              I'm not dead. Yet.


                                Greetings everyone here

                                I just popped into to mention a charity do for Macmillion Cancer support- it is a Star Trek Klingon event in Milton Keynes in October 2007- full details are found at on the red bar marked banquet. It a non profit event with all funds going to MacMillan cancer nurses. I lost three grand parents to cancer and my uncle died this year so that is one reason for me to get involved with this event.

                                The other is I will be attending as Craig the Wraith Amvbassador to the Federation. So athough it is a Star Trek Klingon Banquet- Wraith are welcome. Athough it has been stated no feeding on federation or Klingon personnel or other star trek races is permitted aside from Jem Hadar- which taste good according to the Wraith Ambassador!! if you need help with Wraith costume I may be able to help.

                                If you wann a go check out the site address abouve and if you have any questions just email the Organizer Kehlan- the menu has already been

                                Wahoooo Gabriel is back so cool- they better not hurt or kill him- he is such a great Wraith. As to Teyla's pregancy- its bound to end up boring with the father - I would be fascinated if it was Michael or another Wraith - but I do not believe they have the courage to a make a good go of it- go on SGA writers go for it dont go for the easy human travellor optian let Teyla have a lovely Male Wraith GRRRRR wow!!!
                                Last edited by kaeyla; 19 July 2007, 11:02 AM.
                                We are angels of death in black leather
                                Your demons without wings, we glide
                                We are angels in black with a hunger
                                Not your sheep to change or guide.
                                We are angels in the blackness for ever

