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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    Well, simply put - I am a defender of Wraith as they are presented in the show. That's what this thread is primarily about. Discuss the characters as they have been presented in episodes, their interaction with humans, the 'facts' that have been revealed to us through the show, and then - as ciannwn mentioned - "speculate as much as we liked about things such as character motivations and what an author was intending to convey but...base our speculations around 'facts' which were presented in [the show]."

    This is how I feel - and I try to keep most of my speculation within the parameters of the show. I's the Wraith as they have been presented that I love! Not Wraith IF they were an Ancient experiment', or Wraith IF they were mammals, or Wraith IF they were like human overlords. No...I love the Wraith as the Iratus-descended, life-sucking, hive-dwelling creatures that they are - no excuses. What I mean by that is I know exactly what they are, and I make no excuses for them - I defend their right to feed and exist in their fictional universe as sentient creatures driven by natural instinct, not malicious intent.

    I think a lot of that has been lost. We have stopped discussing Steve's mistreatment at the hands of the Lanteans, and Bob's murder. We have stopped musing about Todd's cat and mouse games with Sheppard, and what he could really be up to. We have stopped discussing the justification for keeping the herds clean by culling out those that are Hoffan-diseased. We have stopped discussing Wraith social structure, ship design, culture and fashion, battle tactics, mind games, and everything else that we used to, and now basically complain about poor writing, bad science, and other annoyances, and then try to re-create the Wraith using our own image of them.

    I think it's due to the show coming to an end, and without new episodes to feed on, we all (myself included) tend to go off in wild directions. Now, I'm NOT talking about 'thunking' - that's a totally different beast where anything goes. However, there is the fan fiction. I know I joke about hating it, but I don't - I just hate putting forth the effort to READ it...which is totally different. I have read a couple, and they have been well-done, but I don't bring what I've read into this discussion. Fan fic does have its place. I don't mind when fan fic is mentioned - heck, I've even written drabbles myself, which - I suppose - could be considered a form of fan fiction. However...when fan fic ideas start to creep into the established Wraith mythos...then I lose interest in the discussion, especially when a fan fic idea is embraced as part of that established Wraith mythos, when it is not.

    So, basically...I miss the discussions of the past, when we speculated on such things as Steve's position in the hive, or the source of Greg's unusual strength, or how Todd came to be imprisoned in the first place. For me, those were the sorts of discussions that drew me in, and made me want to participate because I understood what was being discussed, and felt that I had something to add. But when the discussion is so far removed from how Wraith have been presented in the show, then it's really hard for me to get into it.

    Not sure if I've explained myself clearly here, but my comments are not directed towards any one individual (since I have been guilty myself of going off on tangents), but I just wanted to express my desire to keep the Wraith discussions centered around the characters as they have been presented in the show, and not try to recreate them into something from our own personal imaginations.

    I thought you don’t have to take part in the discussion if you don’t like it for whatever reason. Also nothing (and nobody ) prevents you from suggesting and developing a topic you find more interesting and worthy of attention. It’s hard to believe that people have stopped discussing all those things you were talking about because of Leksa’s criticism against science aspect or WK’s literary approach or my own ethical questions .

    When I found this thread I thought that if I find the wraith fascinating and object to their extermination it would be a sufficient reason to join and exchange some thoughts and impressions with others. I love hearing different opinions and have no intention to convert other people to my «belief» or prove they are heavily wrong (while I have all the answers in my pockets), but whenever you hear what sort of discussions and perspectives are only true and acceptable here or your own comments to other people’s writing are ignored, it makes you feel that you impose yourself on them and even annoy them with inappropriate questions/remarks (although I never meant to scorn/ judge anyone here or show belligerence - I asked because I really wanted to know why they think or feel the way they do). It's the small things that create an atmosphere and - sooner or later - kill your desire to continue sharing and responding to posts. Why on earth bother people?
    ~ Created by Draygon ~


      I think the defiant one's state of mind was due to both loneliness and cannibalism. We know that humans under such extreme situations go gaga so a Wraith would surely be inflicted as well - especially if the situation lasts 10000 years. I always felt pity for him. A species as dependend on others of its kind as the Wraith will surely suffer severely if cut off from their kind. I imagine it was terrible for him not to be able to have telepathical contact with others, not to feel their presence, the knowledge that he was truly alone for who knows how long.
      And if the feeding creates a telepathic bond and he was able to feel all the emotions and agony of his fellow Wraith as he killed them that must have driven him insane too.


        Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
        And if the feeding creates a telepathic bond and he was able to feel all the emotions and agony of his fellow Wraith as he killed them that must have driven him insane too.

        i forgot about this, good point.
        wraith would know what another wraith was thinking and feeling, it would depend on how mentally strong each individual was as to how much could be blocked out.


          Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
          So, do you want to know what my argument is, or are you just trying to convince me of the veracity of your own. WK
          Yes, I do know want to know what your argument is. That's why I asked the questions.

          The reasons why I quoted that long section from the transcript are as follows -

          1: I can't post a video of that scene on the GW forum.

          2: Some people don't own the SGA DVD's. They can't watch the scene again any time they feel like it.

          3: Even though that section is just printed text it reminds everyone of how Michael's explanation was presented on TV. We were shown a flashback of him performing his experiments and we also know that the end results of his experiments were running around the complex.

          Here is my personal interpretation of it all.

          1: Michael was telling the truth about human DNA sometimes getting into Iratus bug eggs. He was also telling the truth about the timing being crucial because the bugs can filter foreign genetic material out of their bodies.

          2: It doesn't provide 100% proof that Beckett's theory is right. It does, however, back it up and suggests that it's likely his theory is right. What it does do is explain why not all Iratus bugs which fed on humans passed human DNA on to their offspring. It's likely that passing any foreign genetic material on to offspring is a rare occurrence too. If foreign DNA getting into embryos can cause mutations the crucial timing explains why there are still Iratus bugs living in the wild.

          3: Pure speculation here. Wraith might believe that they evolved from Iratus bugs which fed on humans because Michael's immediate approach to creating a being even more formidable than a Wraith was feeding Iratus bugs on humans. He didn't want to create another Wraith, though, so he manipulated the human DNA in the bug embryos to get the result he wanted. What he ended up with was a bit like a giant cockroach which could walk upright.

          Now to that other question I asked in an earlier post.

          Originally posted by ciannwn
          How should we interpret certain things in the SGA episode 'Michael'? Should we all just accept that he was a Wraith who was turned into a human with Beckett's retrovirus? If not, why not?
          My own answer to my question is -

          1: We have to accept that Beckett's retrovirus turned Michael into something for a while.

          2: Not all Atlantis personnel characters regarded Michael as a real human even though he looked exactly like one before he started turning back into a Wraith.

          3: Whether he spent some time as a real human or not depends on the individual's definition of what a human is.
          Last edited by ciannwn; 19 April 2009, 08:53 AM.


            Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
            That perfectly explains Todd's occasional crankiness Greens for you
            In that context, imagine a Wraith Queen going through a couple of hundred years of menopause

            You want to suggest to her a course of HRT? Youi could take Todd along for protection. It does work HRT (i mean) I haven't wanted to kill anyone for ages!!!!

            Thanks to DS for my siggy


              Originally posted by Solla View Post
              I thought you don’t have to take part in the discussion if you don’t like it for whatever reason. Also nothing (and nobody ) prevents you from suggesting and developing a topic you find more interesting and worthy of attention.
              And this is true. However, there are some discussions that probably should be made threads of their own, especially those of a more scientific or technical or ethical nature, since these tend to go off the track a bit, and can dominate the thread for many pages, leaving little room for other discussion. Now - I'm not saying ALL scientific/tech/ethical discussions should be held elsewhere, but if you think a discussion may appeal to OTHERS (and not just Wraith fans), then these may be more easily accessed if they are made threads of their own.

              It’s hard to believe that people have stopped discussing all those things you were talking about
              Yes, several people have stopped engaging in the discussions for a VARIETY of reasons. Most because they are disheartened by the show's cancellation, and they just are not motivated to join in. But a few stopped because the discussions were getting a bit too heavy for them - the lightless of our past discussions had waned. I think a lot has to do with our disappointment over the show's cancellation, but also because some of our speculations (mine included) were a bit too much over the top for them.

              Bottom line is this - we want everyone to feel welcome - those who want to gush, those who want to get into deeper discussions about Wraith 'facts' as we know them, and those who want to wildly speculate. However, if a particular subject has the potential of overwhelming the thread, then - perhaps - it's best to make it a thread of its own.

              For instance - let's take the 'canon' discussion out of this thread...that discussion could be open to the entire forum, where we can hear differing viewpoints on how people view the show's 'canon', and whether or not 'canon' is an appropriate word to use when referring to tv shows and the like. We really do not need to get into it HERE. Here we should be discussing - and defending - Wraith as they have been presented in the show, along with all the speculation that depiction inspires.

              Other topics perhaps best given a thread of their own are subjects such as scientific inaccuracies (as they relate to Wraith) or whether or not Wraith were an Ancient experiment - both subjects that may be enjoyed by the forum as a whole in the Science and Tech forum. Sometimes we don't know that a subject is going to become so dominant in this thread, but when we see that starting to happen, then - perhaps - it's best to create a new thread for it so that others on the forum can have their input as well.

              I am only suggesting this because it's a practice I've seen done many times - one that I myself have done as well. I'll be commenting in a thread, and then I'll think to myself 'wow, this should be a subject of its own - I'm going to start a new thread about it!' It helps to keep a 'club' thread like this from becoming too much about one specific topic, while allowing people who are not in this 'club' a chance to comment on a subject they may otherwise never have seen.



                Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                Umm... I think I missed half those discussions... any chance we could go over them, or someone explain the main points?

                We'll just bring them up again!

                I would really love to get into such things today, but my internet connection is acting up - it will only stay connected if I'm on the phone with someone - so in order to post my previous comment, I had to call my husband at work. He said he'd leave the phone off the hook in the shop so I can stay connected!



                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  We'll just bring them up again!

                  I would really love to get into such things today, but my internet connection is acting up - it will only stay connected if I'm on the phone with someone - so in order to post my previous comment, I had to call my husband at work. He said he'd leave the phone off the hook in the shop so I can stay connected!


                  I haven't posted up here in forever. I missed this thread.


                    Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                    yes lets get back to this, while i do enjoy all the other discussions i never feel like i have anything to contribute.

                    ok newbies, do you have any thoughts on any of the above?
                    or oldies, any new thoughts having popped up?

                    on the 'defiant one' do you think that his extra strength and him being so hard to kill was linked to the fact that he ate his crew? Granted we don't know the size of the origional crew so it might not be a point but if it was a significant number do you think it possible that a wraith feeding on another wraith instead of a human would gain more of the 'life force' or a different type and this was why he seemed different?

                    If there were a wraith who stopped feeding on humans and only fed on other wraith, a large number over a period of time, what effect do you think this would have on them physically? since it's cannabalism?
                    Correct me if i'm wrong on this next point please, if a human eats a human but only a small amount they're fine, but, if it is large amounts over a long time doesn't the person go nuts or something?

                    Perhaps this also contributed to the defiant ones mental state, though i would say it was more him being alone for so long since they are a hive based species.

                    We saw that the 'spoils of war' queen was going to feed on Todd, but we don't know how often or excepted, it is for a wraith to feed on another. Perhaps after 'birthing' she needed more of a pick me up than can be gained from a human.
                    Perhaps feeding on their own too often has a negative effect on either their physical or mental state.
                    As a newbie, my take on Greg/the Defiant One is:

                    As far as the possible physical benefits of Wraith-on-Wraith cannibalism go, perhaps if he fed on his crew, then immediately went into hibernation, he might have retained extra energy. Then again, maybe some or all Wraith from 10,000 years ago could be genetically different--it's been put out there, here or elsewhere, that just because Wraith can live forever doesn't mean they are all old-timers like him, Todd, or the queen from Submersion (who was also extra strong and resilient,) and most of the Wraith we have seen are younger.

                    As far as the mental effects of cannibalism, humans can get kuru, a prion disease like mad cow disease, from eating human brain tissue, but cannibalism doesn't necessarily lead to insanity, for example if it is culturally accepted, like it was among the Aztecs, or if it is one's only means of survival (there are cases like this in recent history). It can be rationalized. I think the fact that the queen in Spoils of War was going to feed on Todd just shows that it can be accepted practice among Wraith in certain situations. My personal take on that was it was some kind of symbolic victory over an enemy Hive, as well as a literal one, but that was just my take on it...

                    Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                    I think the defiant one's state of mind was due to both loneliness and cannibalism. We know that humans under such extreme situations go gaga so a Wraith would surely be inflicted as well - especially if the situation lasts 10000 years. I always felt pity for him. A species as dependend on others of its kind as the Wraith will surely suffer severely if cut off from their kind. I imagine it was terrible for him not to be able to have telepathical contact with others, not to feel their presence, the knowledge that he was truly alone for who knows how long.
                    And if the feeding creates a telepathic bond and he was able to feel all the emotions and agony of his fellow Wraith as he killed them that must have driven him insane too.

                    I agree about the loneliness possibly driving him insane. If you lived in constant contact with a hive mind, even while sleeping/unconscious, and that went away and was gone for an extended period of time, it could affect you profoundly to lose that contact. Another possibility is that he was like that to begin with--I somehow doubt he would have been captaining a ship if that were the case though.
                    Sig by Dulcamara-lyrics by Don Schlitz


                      Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                      yes lets get back to this, while i do enjoy all the other discussions i never feel like i have anything to contribute.

                      ok newbies, do you have any thoughts on any of the above?
                      or oldies, any new thoughts having popped up?

                      on the 'defiant one' do you think that his extra strength and him being so hard to kill was linked to the fact that he ate his crew? Granted we don't know the size of the origional crew so it might not be a point but if it was a significant number do you think it possible that a wraith feeding on another wraith instead of a human would gain more of the 'life force' or a different type and this was why he seemed different?
                      Yes, I think it was directly due to feeding on creatures that were THOUSANDS of years old, with similar strength and healing abilities. That's a lot of life energy to survive on, and I suspect it was the very thing that made him so hard to kill.

                      If there were a wraith who stopped feeding on humans and only fed on other wraith, a large number over a period of time, what effect do you think this would have on them physically? since it's cannabalism?
                      Correct me if i'm wrong on this next point please, if a human eats a human but only a small amount they're fine, but, if it is large amounts over a long time doesn't the person go nuts or something?
                      I don't know that a person goes nuts BECAUSE they are eating humans, but I think the 'going nuts' part comes first, which then leads into cannabalism. This can be due to a mental illness, or from going mad due to starvation. Either way, psychologically I can't see where it's a healthy thing to do.

                      Perhaps this also contributed to the defiant ones mental state, though i would say it was more him being alone for so long since they are a hive based species.
                      This could very possibly be the case. He may have felt that feeding on one or two masked warriors was okay - something to hold him over until his rescue. But as rescue became less likely, and he had to start consuming intelligent, faced members of his crew, I suspect it took a certain mental toll on him, especially if they put up a fight.

                      We saw that the 'spoils of war' queen was going to feed on Todd, but we don't know how often or excepted, it is for a wraith to feed on another. Perhaps after 'birthing' she needed more of a pick me up than can be gained from a human.
                      Perhaps feeding on their own too often has a negative effect on either their physical or mental state.
                      The Wraith commander seemed a bit taken aback when she ordered Todd be brought to her for feeding. In fact, he seemed almost relieved that he had humans to present to her instead. Although we know Wraith feed upon one another, it seems that at least some are put off by it, as in the case of the Wraith commander in SoW. He had no objections to turning against Todd, and forcing him into servitude, but he did have qualms about presenting him as a meal, even to his queen.

                      Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                      To my knowledge, cannabilisum has a detrimental effect on a human's mental state (probably becasue you know deep down that your eating a fello human) and I don't see why that wouldn't be the case with wraith. However, there are many examples of insects regularly indulging in cannabilisum and they seem to be fine for it. This brings up the point of the human/insect internal conflict of wraith. Though in my mind, I don't think any sentiant species is going to be one hundred percent lucid after snacking on their chums.

                      That's just my opinion...
                      Exactly. THIS is just what I meant about Wraith being in conflict. They have the instinctive nature of an insect to feed on their own kind, but the human consciousness that doing so is somewhat unacceptable. Great example of how they are conflicted characters.

                      Now - just imagine the first Iratus/Wraith that partook in cannablism, and REALIZED it. What does that do to their heads?

                      With Wraith, I think it just hardened them. 'Show no mercy', not just to enemies, but to anyone or thing that means your survival, even if it's your best pal. Still, I don't think it would always be an easy decision, as the Wraith in The Defiant One seemed to convey. He did it because he had to, but it wasn't his first dietary choice.

                      Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                      I think the defiant one's state of mind was due to both loneliness and cannibalism. We know that humans under such extreme situations go gaga so a Wraith would surely be inflicted as well - especially if the situation lasts 10000 years. I always felt pity for him. A species as dependend on others of its kind as the Wraith will surely suffer severely if cut off from their kind. I imagine it was terrible for him not to be able to have telepathical contact with others, not to feel their presence, the knowledge that he was truly alone for who knows how long.
                      And if the feeding creates a telepathic bond and he was able to feel all the emotions and agony of his fellow Wraith as he killed them that must have driven him insane too.
                      The telepathic connection could be very disturbing. It's one thing to taste defiance from a human, but perhaps quite another to taste the surprise of betrayal from your hivemate. It makes you wonder if Wraith can feel 'guilt' over the things they do, especially against their own. I believe Todd has spoken of regret (correct me if I'm wrong), which suggests he is at least aware of the concept.

                      Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                      i forgot about this, good point.
                      wraith would know what another wraith was thinking and feeling, it would depend on how mentally strong each individual was as to how much could be blocked out.
                      This also makes me wonder if Wraith would sacrifice themselves willingly to a superior. I believe the masked warriors would...I don't seem them resisting a commander or queen's order. But faced Wraith are different...and with the telepathy, you just have to wonder if they knew that their commander was fixing to feed on them, or if he was able to keep his thoughts to himself.



                        Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                        I'm sure psychologists could have a field day with those questions. I'm not condemning people for indulging their fantasies in fanfic either because I wouldn't have a leg to stand on here. After all, Mary Sue Ciannwn inhabits a barking mad fantasy world elsewhere in this forum and none of my Wraith are inconvenienced by what's been presented about Wraith society in the show - one female to thousands of males which suggests that they are more like bugs than humans in many ways.
                        A psychologist would have a field day on any forum like Gate World, but who cares. So long as no harm come to people it just one of the many ways people share ideas and sometimes you manage to meet at conventions.

                        Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                        Why can't they just be evolved bugs? Why do so many people resist this idea and want them to be descended from genetically altered Ancients? Why do so many people want them to be mammals? Why do so many people want Queens to get pregnant and produce babies in the human fashion? Why do so many people want Wraith to have a caste of breeding females hidden away somewhere so Wraith males can be lovers, husbands and fathers just like human males?
                        As to your Wraith question. Why can't they evolute from bugs - why not indeed. I think that probably there was ancients who would have looked and examined the Iratus bug maybe to look at weather they regenerative power would be useful. But I tend to think that it is entirely possible that a section of Iratus bugs in response to a particular situation on there planet found human DNA useful to deal with that situation. I'm think of a species of bird Darwin brought back from the Galapagos Island. There was a species of one bird (can't remember which one-help me someone) but they where all slightly different, in body shape, bill and feet size, but very subtle some of them where. So to me I think it was possible they can from bugs who absorbed Human DNA.

                        Why do people give human attributes to the Wraith.Well why not? It just speculation abit of fun, we all bring our own life experiences to an situation. You can let your imagination run wild.
                        I done it myself, BUT deep down I know if I meet a real Wraith I'd run like hell the Wraith wouldn't see me for dust.-or aleast I try. Perhaps in making them more human or having human attributes we are defanging the Wraith, making them not so dangerous- More like the bad boy who lives in the community who local parents told their children to stay away from, "he's just trouble" he was glamorously dangerous to me and my friends!!

                        Anyway that my take on it and now I'm Todd-ling of the the gutter meeting my handsome Wraith for a couple of Wraithinis drinks then we'll take off for a ...... Need I say more????

                        Thanks to DS for my siggy


                          Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                          I haven't read them. I am familiar with the story in both novels however. The story is similar to A Canticle for Leibowitz, (post apocalyptic, and monastic) or Brian Moore's Black Robe (Jesuit priests converting Huron Indians in Canada). Science fiction and religion is quite interesting. Dune, by Frank Herbert also explores iconography with the prohibition of "human machines"-- forbidding the creation of machines in the likeness of the human mind. The wraith as a literary trope is present in many stories; they're either the fallen angels, space vampires, Vikings, the Nephilim etc. they are endlessly fascinating.

                          The parallels with these novels I see actually don't rely on the culture contact/missionary aspect of the story, but I can't discuss them without book spoilers. It's frustrating to want to discuss this in more depth and not be able to, but this isn't a book club, so I can't expect anyone to be able to join in.
                          Sig by Dulcamara-lyrics by Don Schlitz


                            Originally posted by Dulcamara View Post
                            As a newbie, my take on Greg/the Defiant One is:

                            As far as the possible physical benefits of Wraith-on-Wraith cannibalism go, perhaps if he fed on his crew, then immediately went into hibernation, he might have retained extra energy. Then again, maybe some or all Wraith from 10,000 years ago could be genetically different--it's been put out there, here or elsewhere, that just because Wraith can live forever doesn't mean they are all old-timers like him, Todd, or the queen from Submersion (who was also extra strong and resilient,) and most of the Wraith we have seen are younger.

                            As far as the mental effects of cannibalism, humans can get kuru, a prion disease like mad cow disease, from eating human brain tissue, but cannibalism doesn't necessarily lead to insanity, for example if it is culturally accepted, like it was among the Aztecs, or if it is one's only means of survival (there are cases like this in recent history). It can be rationalized. I think the fact that the queen in Spoils of War was going to feed on Todd just shows that it can be accepted practice among Wraith in certain situations. My personal take on that was it was some kind of symbolic victory over an enemy Hive, as well as a literal one, but that was just my take on it...
                            That is a good point, and I think it may be the case among some, if not all. Or, perhaps, it's only done during times of want. All the Wraith we have seen who have fed on other Wraith have done so during times of starvation, or since their feeding grounds have been depleted. Times are lean, and Wraith will do whatever they must to survive, even if it means feeding on their own. But I'm thinking during more prosperous times, the Queen in SoW would have had humans in storage somewhere, and they would have been her first choice for a meal, not one of her own kind.

                            I agree about the loneliness possibly driving him insane. If you lived in constant contact with a hive mind, even while sleeping/unconscious, and that went away and was gone for an extended period of time, it could affect you profoundly to lose that contact. Another possibility is that he was like that to begin with--I somehow doubt he would have been captaining a ship if that were the case though.

                            Actually, he may have been like this beforehand. Peter DeLuise, who wrote and directed the episode, said, "I got to try to envision what the Wraith were like 10,000 years ago. I tired to create a more barbaric version of the Wraith, because they are quite stoic, more cool-headed than I think they would have been in the past. I left it a little ambiguous, but I tried to impy that the guy have been there for 10,000 years. He had been there since the original attack on Atlantis."

                            James Lafazanos, who portrayed the Wraith ('Greg'), said, "He's supposed to be ancient, even beyond the age of most Wraith. So I felt that he was kind of like an old pirate, because he was the commander of a ship that crash landed on this planet and he was the only remaining one because he ate all the cargo and his crew. That tells you something about him!

                            "Peter DeLuise had a vision for sure, that this one Wraith was pretty much wild, a real bruite that had no code of ethics at all, not even amongst Wraith. He was smart, but just animalistic. I remember on the days we were out there in the Richmond desert, he was really pushing me, more than any other episode with any other Wraith character, to really show the buck-wild animal that Wraith can be. And I think it came across."

                            Now - the above comments have me thinking a LOT about Todd, but I will save it for another post because I don't want it to get lost in this one! Heck, I might even make a new thread about it...



                              Originally posted by Solla View Post
                              It’s a forum, where different and very unexpected perspectives and interpretations have a right to exist, what surprises me is that some of these "trends" are considered to be "unacceptable", "odd" or "heretical" for WDC and seemingly annoy some members. Maybe I am mistaken and exaggerating, I don’t know, but it’s hard to get rid of this feeling. It’s very discouraging .
                              I think that sometime people can be very rigid in their thinking and forget that in an forum such as The Wraith there is no right or wrong the TPTB have left us with alot of leeway where the Wraith are concerned we don't have the full picture from them about the Wraith, their beginnings, how they feed or what they take from the human body when they feed. Some of the threads I don't go near because of some posters who are very dogmatic in their views. Which is a shame.
                              On WDC I havn't come across anyone who is so dogmatic about an idea that they don't listen to you, we may not agree but by in large we are a polite bunch of posters. - You can't even threaten to Wraith someone here, as they probadely say "Oh yes please. Send the boys round"


                              I guess what I'm saying in a nutshell is no one has the final say on how a text should be interpreted. There are just too many voices out there.
                              That right there are too many voices out there, as a poster you either are a person who will be broadminded enough to respect others views or not.
                              Last edited by MCH; 19 April 2009, 02:40 PM.
                              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                                Why do people give human attributes to the Wraith.Well why not? It just speculation abit of fun, we all bring our own life experiences to an situation. You can let your imagination run wild.
                                I done it myself, BUT deep down I know if I meet a real Wraith I'd run like hell the Wraith wouldn't see me for dust.-or aleast I try. Perhaps in making them more human or having human attributes we are defanging the Wraith, making them not so dangerous- More like the bad boy who lives in the community who local parents told their children to stay away from, "he's just trouble" he was glamorously dangerous to me and my friends!!
                                Yes, it is human instinct to try to find patterns of humanity in other beings and objects. That is what makes villains fun. People want to understand them, but it is hard to sympathize someone who does something that is against the rules of society, so the villain's bad deeds are deemphasized to make them "cute" in a way. It kind of makes liking them more acceptable.

