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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    I've been lurking on these forums for a while so thought it time I signed up and joined the Wraith Defenders Club because I find them the most interesting aliens in the Stargate universe. I don't see them as evil just because they evolved to feed on humans. Yes, they do have cruel and violent aspects but they'd have got these from their human side, not the Iratus bugs.Their general attitude towards our own species is no different to the Atlantis personnel's attitude towards mice. (Remember the two fried lab mice in Duet? ) I hate the way that Wraith tend to be treated in the series. They were introduced as supposedly formidable aliens and then they were just captured, blown up, shot and/or victims of experiments on a regular basis.

    The best male Wraiths for me were Steve and his lookalikes from Seasons 1 and 2 although I do have a soft spot for the Wraith King (or whatever he was) in Sateda. I just loved the way he sent Ronon flying with one sweep of his arm - it was such a refreshing change after interminable scenes of Ronon killing Wraith in slow motion Matrix style. The marooned Wraith in The Defiant One took an entire episode to dispose of so why do most members of the species turn into useless wimps whenever Ronon appears on the scene?

    My favourite Wraith (for somewhat frivolous reasons) are -

    1) Steve - for sheer drop dead gorgeousness in 19th Century Gothic novel style. (It's a shame he dropped dead so soon in the series.) No matter what happened to him his hair was always immaculate. Did he have a comb with him and pass his time in the cell grooming? If he'd told me that my destiny was to be his lunch I'd have found it a far more appealing prospect than being run over by a bus.

    2) The scientist from Allies - drop dead gorgeous, elegant and intelligent otherwise he wouldn't have been a scientist. (Great combination of attributes in a humanoid male alien.) We didn't actually see him get killed but there's no way that he and his unique Wraith jacket could have survived events.

    3) The Queen from Allies - the Wraith version of Parisian chic. Would have made a great recurring female opponent but she got disposed of as usual.

    4) The pink haired commander from Condemned (who I gather has been given the unofficial name of Shawn) - drop dead gorgeous with great style and elegance (although I got the impression that he dribbled over the Magistrate at one point). Not only did he survive the story but he did it without getting shot, put in a cage/cell or being subjected to an experiment which makes him very special indeed. We'll never see him again but it's nice to know he's still out there somewhere. I hope he managed to keep the new chef alive so he can continue to enjoy the finer things in Wraith life.

    Favourite Wraith for less frivolous reasons.

    1) Steve - we learned that Wraith, too, can suffer distress and pain.

    2) The scientist. We learned that not all Wraith males are military style guards/officers.

    3) The Queen. We learned that Wraith are capable of coming up with complex, sneaky plans.

    4) The commander from Condemned. Interesting to see a Wraith interacting with a human who wasn't a member of the Atlantis expedition. We also learned that Wraith are capable of enjoying something a little more refined than chasing humans around. Does this mean they might be capable of producing some kind of art/poetry/music? Their elaborate clothing and/or hairstyles suggest some kind of artistic leanings.

    At the other end of my personal Wraith rating scale is Michael although I know he's very popular with many Atlantis fans. Where did he get his accent from in the episode, 'Michael'? I wouldn't have minded if it had been established that he'd had to learn to talk again and he'd been coached by an Atlantis team member with the same accent. As it was it just appeared from nowhere because none of the main human Atlantis characters talked/talks like that. I ended up with a bizarre mental image of a hive ship where everyone sounds like Trip Tucker. (Oh, well - there was a Jaffa warrior with a broad London accent. Maybe he came from the planet Walford.) Why hasn't Michael's hair grown again? Is this a side effect of the retrovirus? Yes, I feel sorry for him but I wish he hadn't been turned into a mad scientist breeding giant cockroaches which Ronon can dispose of with little effort. (As super warriors they are way inferior to the Sateda King who seemed to be disposing of Ronon with little effort.)

    Hmm although I am not very fond of Sateda´s king at all. I rather would have him then Ronon. He should have been quicker nailing Ronon down. Now he got blown to oblivion. Sateda´s King made a big mistake in underestimating the atlantis crew. Typical a MALE Mistake. I think a Queen would not be so easy to underestimate a certain adversary...


      Originally posted by Xepherah View Post

      I am so fed up that Atlantis isn´t shown here. I hear all the people talking about the blogs and what is coming up next on the series. And youtube is being dead in that too because of those stupid claims. It is perfectly marking this human world. It´s all about the God d a m n money!
      Makes me already more cranky then I already was. A Wraith...who isn´t allowed to see Wraith. It is highly obnoxious ....
      Well, I don't know what is the situation in Netherlands, but in my country the local TV chanells aired only the first three seasons of SG-1 and I have to watched Sg-1 in RTL2 - a German TV. That is a very quick way to improve your language skills)))) Stargate Atlantis was never aired here and thanks to the Intracom - a provider of sattelite TV - I watched the first two seasons on Sci-Fi. Unfortunatelly I have to watched the second half of Season 3 not by the traditional way because here no one had ever heard about the Canadian TV that aired it. Amazing!

      Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
      I do not know Female Wraith. Perhaps these Hives are led by maleleaders instead. Just as a temporary solution. A Hive without a queen. Somehow it simply scares the hell out of me...What would those Wraithmales think and feel about that. Guess there is a shortage of female Wraith none the less anyway. I feel sincerely so sorry for them! Where can I apply?
      The idea of Hives without queens is very strange. What they hope to do?? To live free?? Some kind of Wraith's emancipation?! The most stupid thing I saw from a Wraith was the act of the Wraith king in Sateda - he went down to fight hand to hand with Ronan. I was so amazed that I just stared in disbelief! Which Queen would ever do such a thing??

      After reading the spoilers I realized that a Hive with a Queen is not a rule. The CG Wraith has tried to convince 12 Hives to join the fight against Asurans. 5 of them refused because they don't have queens who to create new Wraith. 40% of the Hives don't have Queens!
      Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
      My fan fiction


        Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
        Well, I don't know what is the situation in Netherlands, but in my country the local TV chanells aired only the first three seasons of SG-1 and I have to watched Sg-1 in RTL2 - a German TV. That is a very quick way to improve your language skills)))) Stargate Atlantis was never aired here and thanks to the Intracom - a provider of sattelite TV - I watched the first two seasons on Sci-Fi. Unfortunatelly I have to watched the second half of Season 3 not by the traditional way because here no one had ever heard about the Canadian TV that aired it. Amazing!

        The idea of Hives without queens is very strange. What they hope to do?? To live free?? Some kind of Wraith's emancipation?! The most stupid thing I saw from a Wraith was the act of the Wraith king in Sateda - he went down to fight hand to hand with Ronan. I was so amazed that I just stared in disbelief! Which Queen would ever do such a thing??

        After reading the spoilers I realized that a Hive with a Queen is not a rule. The CG Wraith has tried to convince 12 Hives to join the fight against Asurans. 5 of them refused because they don't have queens who to create new Wraith. 40% of the Hives don't have Queens!
        Huh? Then how do they procreate???? I know Samael led a Hive by his own, but they still need females, now don´t they?


          Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
          Huh? Then how do they procreate???? I know Samael led a Hive by his own, but they still need females, now don´t they?
          I have no idea. I hope in Season 4 we will understand what has happened with the Queens of these 40% of the Hives. May be Wraith are at war not just because of lack of food but because of lack of females. The winning Hive gets the Queen?! LOL
          Yea, they need Queens for breeding the new Wraith, that's why these 5 Hives refused to join the battle. If they loose staff they can't create new without a Queen.
          And speaking of females, there are no other females exept the Queens and Keepers. Because if there are other females one of them would just be elected for a Queen.

          When you will write a new chapter of your story??
          Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club

          My fan fiction


            Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
            Huh? Then how do they procreate????
            There's only one logical way with information we have so far. Their society is based on beehives/termite nests. The Queens lay hundreds of eggs which hatch out into little creatures resembling Iratus bugs. ( I got the impression that Iratus bugs don't have a larval stage.)These eat and grow etc until they're big enough to spin cocoons and pupate into humanoid infants.

            Queen showing family photo album no. 1,999,775 to a friend. "That's Steve after he'd just hatched. Here's his cocoon - see how neat and tidy it was. I knew then that he'd grow up to care about grooming."

            I really, really, hope that yet to be revealed information about Wraith eliminates the above idea. Still, it could be worse. Drop dead gorgeous Steve could have started life as a maggot.


              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
              I've been lurking on these forums for a while so thought it time I signed up and joined the Wraith Defenders Club because I find them the most interesting aliens in the Stargate universe. I don't see them as evil just because they evolved to feed on humans. Yes, they do have cruel and violent aspects but they'd have got these from their human side, not the Iratus bugs.Their general attitude towards our own species is no different to the Atlantis personnel's attitude towards mice. (Remember the two fried lab mice in Duet? ) I hate the way that Wraith tend to be treated in the series. They were introduced as supposedly formidable aliens and then they were just captured, blown up, shot and/or victims of experiments on a regular basis.

              The best male Wraiths for me were Steve and his lookalikes from Seasons 1 and 2 although I do have a soft spot for the Wraith King (or whatever he was) in Sateda. I just loved the way he sent Ronon flying with one sweep of his arm - it was such a refreshing change after interminable scenes of Ronon killing Wraith in slow motion Matrix style. The marooned Wraith in The Defiant One took an entire episode to dispose of so why do most members of the species turn into useless wimps whenever Ronon appears on the scene?

              My favourite Wraith (for somewhat frivolous reasons) are -

              1) Steve - for sheer drop dead gorgeousness in 19th Century Gothic novel style. (It's a shame he dropped dead so soon in the series.) No matter what happened to him his hair was always immaculate. Did he have a comb with him and pass his time in the cell grooming? If he'd told me that my destiny was to be his lunch I'd have found it a far more appealing prospect than being run over by a bus.

              2) The scientist from Allies - drop dead gorgeous, elegant and intelligent otherwise he wouldn't have been a scientist. (Great combination of attributes in a humanoid male alien.) We didn't actually see him get killed but there's no way that he and his unique Wraith jacket could have survived events.

              3) The Queen from Allies - the Wraith version of Parisian chic. Would have made a great recurring female opponent but she got disposed of as usual.

              4) The pink haired commander from Condemned (who I gather has been given the unofficial name of Shawn) - drop dead gorgeous with great style and elegance (although I got the impression that he dribbled over the Magistrate at one point). Not only did he survive the story but he did it without getting shot, put in a cage/cell or being subjected to an experiment which makes him very special indeed. We'll never see him again but it's nice to know he's still out there somewhere. I hope he managed to keep the new chef alive so he can continue to enjoy the finer things in Wraith life.

              Favourite Wraith for less frivolous reasons.

              1) Steve - we learned that Wraith, too, can suffer distress and pain.

              2) The scientist. We learned that not all Wraith males are military style guards/officers.

              3) The Queen. We learned that Wraith are capable of coming up with complex, sneaky plans.

              4) The commander from Condemned. Interesting to see a Wraith interacting with a human who wasn't a member of the Atlantis expedition. We also learned that Wraith are capable of enjoying something a little more refined than chasing humans around. Does this mean they might be capable of producing some kind of art/poetry/music? Their elaborate clothing and/or hairstyles suggest some kind of artistic leanings.

              At the other end of my personal Wraith rating scale is Michael although I know he's very popular with many Atlantis fans. Where did he get his accent from in the episode, 'Michael'? I wouldn't have minded if it had been established that he'd had to learn to talk again and he'd been coached by an Atlantis team member with the same accent. As it was it just appeared from nowhere because none of the main human Atlantis characters talked/talks like that. I ended up with a bizarre mental image of a hive ship where everyone sounds like Trip Tucker. (Oh, well - there was a Jaffa warrior with a broad London accent. Maybe he came from the planet Walford.) Why hasn't Michael's hair grown again? Is this a side effect of the retrovirus? Yes, I feel sorry for him but I wish he hadn't been turned into a mad scientist breeding giant cockroaches which Ronon can dispose of with little effort. (As super warriors they are way inferior to the Sateda King who seemed to be disposing of Ronon with little effort.)
              Your post has to be longest first post that I've ever seen , but I like it !


                Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
                No Chel I´m not dead... Be still you all!! Hybernation is an art. But my bad mood when waking up isn´t!!!!!
                Uf! that's a big weight off my chest! Nice to see you again ! I won't even ask you when are you going to write a new chapter to your story because: ( I'm afraid that you'll go into hybernation again )! ( And that would be a terrible loss to us all)


                  Originally posted by wriathlord View Post
                  did anyone see this on the news section on the gateworld home page
                  it has plot details on the second part of the mid season 2 parter
                  'Be All My Sins Remember'd' and there is going to be wraith in it
                  i certainly cant wait to see this episode
                  Great! More eps. with Gab! Can't wait for it! Hope we'll get more answers regarding the wraith!


                    Anonymous #5 writes: “Is there any plan on having a wraith queen appearing in season 4?”

                    Answer: Yup.
                    This is from JM blog. I wonder how she will look like? We have never seen a Queen with red hair. Only the Keeper. And what her dress will be? Or she will be the Queen of CG Wraith' Hive.
                    LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                    Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                    My fan fiction


                      Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                      This is from JM blog. I wonder how she will look like? We have never seen a Queen with red hair. Only the Keeper. And what her dress will be? Or she will be the Queen of CG Wraith' Hive.
                      Interesting indeed...Anyone who is up for sending a rapport after seeing the episodes of season 4?- Since some of us are not able to witness it, because of these stupid channels who aren´t broadcasting it down here. I think those of us who can´t watch it, are very curious how things are shown...It would be a pleasure to know so....


                        *sigh* FINALLY!!! lol i finally got around to the new chapter and i finally conceived most of the story

                        Chapter 8

                        Atlantis gets an unexpected call….

                        The atlantians had not realized Sam was missing until a few hours after the scientists had returned. Worried she was in trouble the sent the dedalus to take a look. Of course by then Sam had already left the planet with Gabriel.
                        They called it a tragic accident. That is until a few days later when a wraith hive appeared on the long-range sensors….
                        Dr. wier trotted into the control tower looking anxious. It was 1 am and she was being summoned for an emergency. Running up the stairs to chuck she met Sheppard and McKay both looking equally tired. “Chuck what going on? Why was I summoned?” the technician just shook his head in disbelief “ I think you’d better hear this for yourself ma’am” he quipped before pressing a few controls. The screen on the right flickered into life showing a dim room almost like…. A hive room. Suddenly Sam appeared on the screen. And waved slightly. “Greetings Atlantis no im not fooling it really is me and to prove it dr McKay will probably be analyzing my voice patterns to ensure this is not a hologram and tape recording.” McKay nodded “ I would” he said quietly. Sheppard shushed him as the recording continued. “ By now you will have tried to contact the planet via stargate and it has failed. That is because the incoming and out coming crystals as well as several others were fried during the attack. I was lucky enough Col. Sheppard to come across an old friend of yours.” She reached out away from the cameras view and pulled a wraith into the view line. Sheppard’s eyes widened as weir gazed at him “a friend of yours?” wier asked giving him ‘the look’ “Its Gabriel…. i cant believe it, he swore all debts were paid after I rescued him…” “Obviously not Col. or he wouldn’t have saved her” muttered wier irritably. McKay this time shushed her. “He introduced me to the hive queen and we struck a deal. She has offered us wraith knowledge and the promise that no wraith in her hive will feed on us if and only if we protect them. So im asking not just for my sake but for theirs too… consider the deal” the tape cut off and left all 3 people in thought. “Chuck is that it?” whispered dr wier. “ It is ma’am” Elizabeth glanced at the two men “my office. Now.” Sighing they followed her to the glass office and sat down “well?” she demanded. Sheppard was the first to answer “well if Gabriel got to her first id say im 90% certain she’s still alive.” At this McKay gave him a disgusted look “how can you say that? She’s on a hive full of wraith Col!” “Yes McKay I know but I spent a day or two with him remember? He keeps his word and obviously he gave his word to protect her.” “It’s a WRAITH Col! How can you be so sure? This is going to be that serum thing all over again! I guarantee they’ll double cross us again!” Elizabeth stood quietly thinking it over; the bickering was starting to irritate her again… “ Ok QUIET! Here’s what were going to do, we’ll ask that Gabriel and the queen to come down with Samantha carter, if they refuse or arrive without Samantha we will take it she is dead and they are fooling us understood?” “Yes ma’am” they both chorused.

                        I'm not dead. Yet.


                          oh and a little something to clear my head. lol a verreh wierd little poem of my own design

                          The wraith and john.

                          What is that streaming out of the sky? It’s a wraith dart.
                          What is that streaming from the sky? Big trouble
                          What is that streaming from the sky? Death to many people.

                          Where am I? On this cold dusty floor
                          Where am I? On a hive.
                          Where am I? A long way away.

                          A wraith approaches the cell. What will he do?
                          A wraith approaches the cell. His hand twitching eagerly.
                          A wraith approaches the cell. And chooses his prey.

                          Why is he in black? I do not know.
                          Why is he standing there looking? I do not know.
                          Why is he staring? I do not know.

                          He looks right at me. And I know fear.
                          He looks right at me. And looks into my soul.
                          He looks right at me. And I know I am doomed.

                          He approaches. With a glint in his eyes.
                          He approaches. And my knees begin to shake.
                          He approaches. And I know my fate is sealed.

                          He stops and stares. He knows who I am.
                          He stops and stares. He knows my comrades.
                          He stops and stares. He knows im john Sheppard.


                          I'm not dead. Yet.


                            Originally posted by susanne View Post
                            *sigh* FINALLY!!! lol i finally got around to the new chapter and i finally conceived most of the story

                            Chapter 8

                            Atlantis gets an unexpected call….

                            The atlantians had not realized Sam was missing until a few hours after the scientists had returned. Worried she was in trouble the sent the dedalus to take a look. Of course by then Sam had already left the planet with Gabriel.
                            They called it a tragic accident. That is until a few days later when a wraith hive appeared on the long-range sensors….
                            Dr. wier trotted into the control tower looking anxious. It was 1 am and she was being summoned for an emergency. Running up the stairs to chuck she met Sheppard and McKay both looking equally tired. “Chuck what going on? Why was I summoned?” the technician just shook his head in disbelief “ I think you’d better hear this for yourself ma’am” he quipped before pressing a few controls. The screen on the right flickered into life showing a dim room almost like…. A hive room. Suddenly Sam appeared on the screen. And waved slightly. “Greetings Atlantis no im not fooling it really is me and to prove it dr McKay will probably be analyzing my voice patterns to ensure this is not a hologram and tape recording.” McKay nodded “ I would” he said quietly. Sheppard shushed him as the recording continued. “ By now you will have tried to contact the planet via stargate and it has failed. That is because the incoming and out coming crystals as well as several others were fried during the attack. I was lucky enough Col. Sheppard to come across an old friend of yours.” She reached out away from the cameras view and pulled a wraith into the view line. Sheppard’s eyes widened as weir gazed at him “a friend of yours?” wier asked giving him ‘the look’ “Its Gabriel…. i cant believe it, he swore all debts were paid after I rescued him…” “Obviously not Col. or he wouldn’t have saved her” muttered wier irritably. McKay this time shushed her. “He introduced me to the hive queen and we struck a deal. She has offered us wraith knowledge and the promise that no wraith in her hive will feed on us if and only if we protect them. So im asking not just for my sake but for theirs too… consider the deal” the tape cut off and left all 3 people in thought. “Chuck is that it?” whispered dr wier. “ It is ma’am” Elizabeth glanced at the two men “my office. Now.” Sighing they followed her to the glass office and sat down “well?” she demanded. Sheppard was the first to answer “well if Gabriel got to her first id say im 90% certain she’s still alive.” At this McKay gave him a disgusted look “how can you say that? She’s on a hive full of wraith Col!” “Yes McKay I know but I spent a day or two with him remember? He keeps his word and obviously he gave his word to protect her.” “It’s a WRAITH Col! How can you be so sure? This is going to be that serum thing all over again! I guarantee they’ll double cross us again!” Elizabeth stood quietly thinking it over; the bickering was starting to irritate her again… “ Ok QUIET! Here’s what were going to do, we’ll ask that Gabriel and the queen to come down with Samantha carter, if they refuse or arrive without Samantha we will take it she is dead and they are fooling us understood?” “Yes ma’am” they both chorused.
                            Very interesting. When will you write the next chapter?
                            LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                            Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                            My fan fiction


                              writing it now as it happens lol and thanks i didnt know how to write it fromsams point of view so i switched to atlantis' point of view i think it was rather refreshing

                              I'm not dead. Yet.


                                Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                                This is from JM blog. I wonder how she will look like? We have never seen a Queen with red hair. Only the Keeper. And what her dress will be? Or she will be the Queen of CG Wraith' Hive.
                                that is great to hear first more episodes with wraith in them now another queen me too i wonder what she will look like to and what colour her hair will be and i hope she is the queen of Gabriel's hive
                                i think season 4 is going to be the best season ever

