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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    Here's the only Wraith question I asked Mullie - I'm in a bit of a mood lately, so...take it for what it is:

    2. First, a comment: Common Ground is my all-time favorite SGA ep because it showed that Wraith and human can work together, and that - perhaps - you can’t always judge a book by its minty-green cover. It gave many of us hope that we would see something positive come of this Wraith, as well as see growth is Sheppard’s character because of it. In S4 there were signs of this happening, of Sheppard coming to some kind of mutual understanding about Wraith, and with Todd in particular. It promised to be a great relationship. But as S5 has progressed - all positive development between these two has been undone, and Sheppard has become this dark, narrow-minded jerk who kills out of spite and hate. There was a little redemption for him at the very end of Infection, but now? He justifies killing Todd because Todd stirs up the pot a little? This ‘death threat’ scene in EatG totally ruined both Sheppard, and the episode, for me. I know I’m just one person, but I am one person who has grown very weary of Sheppard’s bloodlust, and his inability to see that he’s no better than the enemy he hates so much.

    So, my question: Why take a relationship that promised to have a positive effect on both human and Wraith, one that many besides myself hoped would be something different from the status quo - a real turning point in human/Wraith relationships and in the basic understanding of each other’s kind - and allow it to stagnate in a mire of distrust and death threats? Were you aware of how much of a moron Sheppard would sound like for condemning Todd to death - after he’s helped save countless human lives and the Pegasus as a whole time and again - simply because he’s stirred things up a little in the process? Or, in your mind, is there just no hope for Wraith, ever, and so Todd - like all the rest - is simply destined to be just another bad guy who needs to be eliminated?

    Too harsh??

    No. To gentle!
    How about that you include some of my arguments for the message of the SGA?
    I believe that might have an effect, because they never thought that they'll make humans look bad.


      In Rising they did have different hands, but that was just one icky smelly glove or something, so they got rid of it.

      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
        I admit that the storyline of Todd is way too convenient, if you take my meaning -- Millions of Wraith in the galaxy and they keep stumbling upon the same one over and over?

        I thought I'd put in my two cents here, that Wraith are awesome because they are completely dominant over the Pegasus galaxy, they can live for an extremely long time, they are smart (Not the Wraith minions who keep running into bullets mind you, but scientists like Todd for example.), cunning, and their technology isn't too bad at all!
        You know, I did thought about this after watching that Inquisition episode again. And if you go with the notion that the Atlantis team are the bunch of the terrorist (this ending of the show actually confirms this standing) then Todd is basically the only one who is willing to negotiate with the terrorists. That's why the team ends up bumping into him.


          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          But I don't want Todd to be a 'villain' - I want him to be an ally, of sorts. I think that vote is a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' thing - vote yes, and Todd will be the villain to be killed in the movie, vote no and Todd's already dead.

          I didn't look at the questions this way - but I really hope they won't portray Todd as a villain in the movie.

          Originally posted by leksa View Post
          When we're talking about the Wraith look, does anyone have idea why did those tiny black blood vessels appeared in their faces in late 3th season?
          I mean, it cannot be because of starving, Todd was starving in Common Ground and yet he did not have those.
          Any ideas?
          Probably has to do with the person doing the makeup and TPTB may have changed their mind again on the looks, to try and make them more unattractive or uglier! How knows!

          Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post

          I went over to Joe's blog and read the rest of his unused episodes. You know, as much as I've b*tched about him, he actually does have really good ideas. I'd rather have seen episodes like this rather than Identity, Irresponsible, Harmony (hell, I could go on and on). And whoever came up with the Replicators - boot to the head!

          When I first heard about the Replicators in SGA I thought know, they brought that from SG1 - like couldn't they find another enemy instead of this again.

          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
          I'm preparing some questions for Paul Mullie, and they about all seem to be Todd related, how odd...

          Do I dare to ask him all this?

          I don't know if I'm gonna be able to find more questions... Do you think they're ridiculous?

          It's turning into a dumping of Todd questions, lol! But since Mullie is the other half of Mallozzi, and Joe won't answer some questions... We can try to turn to Mullie?

          And thanks for looking that ship thing up for me!
          Sounds good - hope he answers

          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Here's the only Wraith question I asked Mullie - I'm in a bit of a mood lately, so...take it for what it is:

          2. First, a comment: Common Ground is my all-time favorite SGA ep because it showed that Wraith and human can work together, and that - perhaps - you can’t always judge a book by its minty-green cover. It gave many of us hope that we would see something positive come of this Wraith, as well as see growth is Sheppard’s character because of it. In S4 there were signs of this happening, of Sheppard coming to some kind of mutual understanding about Wraith, and with Todd in particular. It promised to be a great relationship. But as S5 has progressed - all positive development between these two has been undone, and Sheppard has become this dark, narrow-minded jerk who kills out of spite and hate. There was a little redemption for him at the very end of Infection, but now? He justifies killing Todd because Todd stirs up the pot a little? This ‘death threat’ scene in EatG totally ruined both Sheppard, and the episode, for me. I know I’m just one person, but I am one person who has grown very weary of Sheppard’s bloodlust, and his inability to see that he’s no better than the enemy he hates so much.

          So, my question: Why take a relationship that promised to have a positive effect on both human and Wraith, one that many besides myself hoped would be something different from the status quo - a real turning point in human/Wraith relationships and in the basic understanding of each other’s kind - and allow it to stagnate in a mire of distrust and death threats? Were you aware of how much of a moron Sheppard would sound like for condemning Todd to death - after he’s helped save countless human lives and the Pegasus as a whole time and again - simply because he’s stirred things up a little in the process? Or, in your mind, is there just no hope for Wraith, ever, and so Todd - like all the rest - is simply destined to be just another bad guy who needs to be eliminated?

          Too harsh??

          Harsh - maybe, but may not - he's got to realize that there will be fans out there that he has ticked off with Sheppards attitude. And Sheppard really does need an attitiude adjustment - if my son behaved like this I'd tell him so and change his attitude.

          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
          Hmm, parts of that does sound harsh, you're getting slightly bitter again, aren't you?

          I'll put my thoughts in a tag. Or should I say ramblings?

          I do know what you mean. I definitely don't like what Sheppard's been doing regarding Todd lately, either. I can see that he doesn't really know what to do with Todd, trust him, or not. They've met each other so many times now, and each time Todd comes to him, it's with something that improves things for the humans, on one side, but he always has his own agenda next to that, too, and Sheppard is tired of that part of Todd. So tired of finding out what he really came for, or what he got out of the situation. He doesn't like Todd-surprises.

          He hates it that he can't just read him already, to see what his intentions are, not really with the Wraith, because if Todd was heading them, or advances his fleet to the point of having the strongest ships to take care of the rest of the Wraith, that might be good, especially if the guy proves trustworthy at the end, but he's so afraid of what he's learning with regards of Atlantis, of Earth... Sheppard has a huge responsibility on Atlantis, he has to protect not only the City, but also Earth, all the humans, and that's why he can't afford to mess things up with Todd. Let him go one too many times, and he could attack them, kill them all.

          Not that Todd would attack them, why would he hurt Sheppard? But he's afraid he will, that all the investments have been for nothing, and have only aided Todd at the end.

          Not that I think threatening Todd that many times is really a good thing. Far from it. Neither should they try to make Todd just this fantastic character that will come to their aid in a time of need, because he's far from that, too.

          They should be cautious around him, though not to the point of being utterly stupid each time they see him.

          John is just waiting to say 'I told you so', but I don't know if he's a big enough boy at that point to admit perhaps their treatment of Todd might have something to do with it.

          Or something like that.

          So, do I dare to put my questions up on the blog?
          Yeah you should - it would be interesting to see if he answers all the questions, though.

          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
          I added:

          14. In The Seed, we've learned that Wraith ships are grown from injecting humans with an organism that grows out of them. Is the same done with Wraith, sometimes? How does one give a ship a designation? Are the floors grown by the organism, too? The machinery, other equipment, the hyperdrive… Where does the ship get the bony structure from? In short, how does one build a Wraith ship?

          This is an interesting point about the ship - we do really need more info in regards to this.

          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
          I gots another one! Opinions? Oh, and help me chose between two formulations!

          TK1, S&R, Infection:

          16. We have seen that Michael no longer needed to feed on humans in order to sustain himself in The Kindred Part 1. In Search And Rescue, the team stumbles across his research in that matter, the about same research they later show to Todd to see if there's a possibility for a different future for the Wraith Nation. However, Todd tries the research out on himself, and finds out that it's not exactly safe yet. The only way to get himself healed of his disease is a

          - 'date' with one of his ancestors' Queens.
          - painful trip to one of his Aunties.

          May we assume that Michael had to do the exact same thing to get himself better, too, that he knew of the same treatment of last resort, or did he not have the same problem because he was no longer a full Wraith?

          Maybe it was because
          Michael was already more human and the treatment that he worked out worked better, but because Todd was still fully wraith, the side effect was totally unforseen and something that they couldn't anticipate. They should have done control tests and waited to see the outcomes, and maybe modifiy the gene therapy as sypmtons arrose. I just really think Todd would not have given it to his whole crew so quickly, he is a long lived person, so time would not have been a problem for him and he could have taken as long as he like in testing the new gene therepy slowly. IMO

          Well thats my two cents worht!
          I came, I saw, I conquered!
          We are unique! Created unique!


            Originally posted by leksa View Post
            No. To gentle!
            How about that you include some of my arguments for the message of the SGA?
            I believe that might have an effect, because they never thought that they'll make humans look bad.
            Feel free to tell him yourself!!


            It's better if he hears from different voices, than just mine - over and over again...



              Originally posted by leksa View Post
              You know, I did thought about this after watching that Inquisition episode again. And if you go with the notion that the Atlantis team are the bunch of the terrorist (this ending of the show actually confirms this standing) then Todd is basically the only one who is willing to negotiate with the terrorists. That's why the team ends up bumping into him.
              Didn't think of this way - the Atlantis team are terrorists - mmmm! Well I suppose to the ruling powers that would be because they are upsetting the status quo!
              I came, I saw, I conquered!
              We are unique! Created unique!


                Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                In fact Todd is kind of an underling because Teyla Queen is still oficially in charge in the alliance and only left Todd to do her bidding. As Todd had to pretend they had a queen to get into the allience, I assume other hives had one too, who were then under the Primery's comand.

                As Todd said, an underling ruled out to see a wraithqueen, you are correct there. However, I just expressed my dissapointment that there was no queen leading the ubber hive as I would have loved to see another one beofre SGA ends. But the writers ruled that out with Todd's line
                Ahhh, that's the reason. I apologize.
                You see, I'm a bit annoyed with the Queen's because they are made to look like a mammals while the males are not!!!


                  Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                  Hmm, EatG and SoW related:

                  Todd happened to have picked up more than those 3 ZPMs from Asuras, right? As seen in EatG.

                  Okay, since he was probably not long after betrayed by his crewman, where did he hide said ZPMs? He might have not had the time to go off his ship to stash them away off world, but had they been on the ship, the invading Wraith might have found them, as they did with the 3 ZPMs Tommy carried in. Who later betrayed them, and definitely knew of those 3. But shouldn't he have been aware that there came more from the materializers than those 3? At least another 3.

                  Perhaps we shouldn't point that out...
                  Ahh, you know, it would be all easier if they just admit that the Wraiths are magical!


                    Seven, which one do you like more:

                    - 'date' with one of his ancestors' Queens.
                    - painful trip to one of his Aunties.

                    Lol. I can't pick. Silly tired mind!

                    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                    I wish I got to know you better.


                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      Feel free to tell him yourself!!


                      It's better if he hears from different voices, than just mine - over and over again...

                      Thanks. I was just about to ask you for the link.


                        Hmm, I wouldn't call the Atlantis expedition terrorists. If you give them that name, you can call every side in the galaxy that name...

                        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                        I wish I got to know you better.


                          Originally posted by leksa View Post
                          Ahhh, that's the reason. I apologize.
                          You see, I'm a bit annoyed with the Queen's because they are made to look like a mammals while the males are not!!!
                          Well personally I think they are mammals, because I think they were engineered by the ancients in an experiement, they appear too human to be insect based. TPTB just wanted to throw us off because of the BIG fan base for wraith and they are soooo jealous because all these lovely adorable girls are throwing themselves at the wriath and they can't get in on the act!
                          I came, I saw, I conquered!
                          We are unique! Created unique!


                            Originally posted by leksa View Post
                            Ahhh, that's the reason. I apologize.
                            You see, I'm a bit annoyed with the Queen's because they are made to look like a mammals while the males are not!!!
                            no problem at all - just a case of misscommunication - should have made myself clearer

                            not sure how mamallian the queens look under all the garment tough



                              Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                              Seven, which one do you like more:

                              - 'date' with one of his ancestors' Queens.
                              - painful trip to one of his Aunties.

                              Lol. I can't pick. Silly tired mind!
                              You didn't really ask me but I like the first one.
                              I'm probably just slow tonight, but wouldn't the 2nd one be more like cousins (really distant ones) than aunties?? ???
                              Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                                Originally posted by leksa View Post
                                Ahh, you know, it would be all easier if they just admit that the Wraiths are magical!
                                Can they be Elfs?

                                And Starry, maybe that depends on how old he is?

                                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                                I wish I got to know you better.

