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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    You didn't offend me. I was just puzzled. After all, I'm old enough to be his mother. (CH's mother, that is, not Todd's.)
    Well, you look excellent for your age. I would never guess!


      Originally posted by leksa View Post
      The fact that the English is not my native language. Sometimes I tend to misinterpret the sentences in English, simply because the syntax is different than in my native language. Unfortunately, you cannot be exposed to my accent right now, otherwise you would give me, automatically, the English lesson. (I just got one from my boss. He's teaching me American slang!)

      Sorry if I offended you.
      LOL - I worked with this sweet young lady from Ukraine for awhile when I worked in cosmetics. She had a very thick accent, but she was a smart girl and had a good grasp of English despite only having been in the country 3 months. I enjoyed teaching her American slang as well. lol Although she already seemed to know most of the swear words, one day I was cleaning out all the clogged valves on the lotions, etc. I said "Ew, gross! Cosmetic boogers!" I kept yammering on about something but she grabbed my arm to stop me and said, most ernestly, "What is 'boooger'?" I tried so hard not to laugh because I didn't want to embarass her but the tears started welling up in my eyes and soon we were both ROTFL!



        Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
        LOL - I worked with this sweet young lady from Ukraine for awhile when I worked in cosmetics. She had a very thick accent, but she was a smart girl and had a good grasp of English despite only having been in the country 3 months. I enjoyed teaching her American slang as well. lol Although she already seemed to know most of the swear words, one day I was cleaning out all the clogged valves on the lotions, etc. I said "Ew, gross! Cosmetic boogers!" I kept yammering on about something but she grabbed my arm to stop me and said, most ernestly, "What is 'boooger'?" I tried so hard not to laugh because I didn't want to embarass her but the tears started welling up in my eyes and soon we were both ROTFL!


        In Scotland we call "boogers" "bogles"!!! Yeah, go figure!
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post

          In Scotland we call "boogers" "bogles"!!! Yeah, go figure!
          Seriously?! I just saw a wine at the store the other day from "Bogle Vinyards". I thought it might be a variation of the "bogey/boogie" man but this puts a whole new spin on it! LOL



            Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
            Seriously?! I just saw a wine at the store the other day from "Bogle Vinyards". I thought it might be a variation of the "bogey/boogie" man but this puts a whole new spin on it! LOL

            Yeah, us Scots have got a weird sense of humor - and an even weirder language!!!
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
              Seriously?! I just saw a wine at the store the other day from "Bogle Vinyards". I thought it might be a variation of the "bogey/boogie" man but this puts a whole new spin on it! LOL

              OK, and what is a booger?


                Originally posted by leksa View Post
                OK, and what is a booger?
                LOL - normally it refers to the dried mucus that comes from your nostrils. When I was speaking to my friend, I was cleaning out dried up lotion and serums out of their pumps. They quite resembled human boogers, so that's why I qualified by saying "cosmetic booger". It still required this explanation above, plus some mimicking hand gestures. LOL


                Edit: Again, I'm not laughing *at* you. If anything I'm laughing at myself for my way of describing American slang.


                  Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                  LOL - normally it refers to the dried mucus that comes from your nostrils. When I was speaking to my friend, I was cleaning out dried up lotion and serums out of their pumps. They quite resembled human boogers, so that's why I qualified by saying "cosmetic booger". It still required this explanation above, plus some mimicking hand gestures. LOL


                  Edit: Again, I'm not laughing *at* you. If anything I'm laughing at myself for my way of describing American slang.
                  Thanks for explanation.
                  Do not worry! I know. Sometimes can be really funny when foreigner asks about the slang.

                  I had my share of very embarrassing situations when I was asking about the slang.
                  The most embarrassing situation was when I heard certain slang in UK, "tea bagging" and decided to ask my boss (at the time) what's the meaning. I was blissfully unaware the expression is rude and thought it has to do something with a tea. Only when my boss went bright red, and other male colleagues started to avoid anyones looks I figured out there is something amiss!
                  However, my boss actually explained to me what that means, and after that everyone was extremely careful in using slang around me!


                    Originally posted by leksa View Post
                    Thanks for explanation.
                    Do not worry! I know. Sometimes can be really funny when foreigner asks about the slang.

                    I had my share of very embarrassing situations when I was asking about the slang.
                    The most embarrassing situation was when I heard certain slang in UK, "tea bagging" and decided to ask my boss (at the time) what's the meaning. I was blissfully unaware the expression is rude and thought it has to do something with a tea. Only when my boss went bright red, and other male colleagues started to avoid anyones looks I figured out there is something amiss!
                    However, my boss actually explained to me what that means, and after that everyone was extremely careful in using slang around me!
                    I am ROTFLMAO! Had to wait to stop giggles and wipe away tears so I could type again. Don't feel bad. My sister, who has been an American all her 42 years, didn't know what it was either. I just explained it to her and now she's walking around going "gross! that's sick! ewwwww!" LOL



                      Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                      Here is an interesting fanvid, scenes from Vegas.
                      It's mostly about Shep but has some good Wraith scenes and seems to parallel Shep's and the lost Wraith's (Spike?) fates.
                      Thanks for the link, that was put together very well (ie. we had lots of face time with our faviorite green bugs!) and the music....beautiful!!! i had to go look up the info and will now be adding them to my collection.


                        Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
                        Yeah I agree with you and all the others - this WDC is a friendly forum and I really enjoy reading and visiting this forum. Big green to everyone!
                        I know eh? It's nice to talk to "SANE" people!!! So whaaaat people disagree with me, think my point of view is far fetched, but I never Never NEVER feel attacked as a person over all on this thread, I did on Joe Mazzeltoff's blog though. But I have to say, that I got the impression that there were many sycophants who post on his blog. You know, the posters who are not polite because they're just polite encouraging people, but people who seem to want something. I must admit, I may be a little over judgmental, but there wasn't much of a community. Oh well, I guess it would be up to him to develop this.

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by masterling View Post
                          I agree that those here are very civil and polite. Its always nice to follow the decisions. When there are 2 side to a view, members discuses them, not yell at one another, or resort to name calling. Which I have seen on other threads. This is truly an enjoyable thread to be part of and everyone is open and welcoming to new members. I enjoy following along and challenging what I think. I usually don’t post my thoughts because I have a hard time writing what I mean. I prefer to just sit back and enjoy the process. Its amazing how much insight people here have. Now if only others were so open.

                          I think its both. I think that those of us that see more to the wraith than just the "villain" are probably very open minded people. I think we have a tendency to except others for who they are, no matter how different, and can find beauty in what most can not. Whether its because we actually take the time to truly see some one or something before judging or just that we are willing to recognize and accept the differences that make us who we are. Im willing to respect ones beliefs even if i don’t agree with them.

                          Yet I cant fathom why not everyone finds our big green bugs sexy!

                          *****wraithie hugs to all*****
                          You know I think that's very true. I also think that it is not easy to be open minded. It does require the "willingness" to have your views challenged. And ultimately I think that when you are feeling challenged by what someone has posted, and you take the time to think about why you feel "challenged" you learn a little more about yourself. You learn a little more about yourself and what you fear.

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                            Hey folks I've just watched Vegas and while I don;t disagree with any of the comments I've read here so far, may I offer my tuppence worth on what struck me most about the ep? Besides I've no one else to talk to about it and I need to get it off my chest!!!

                            Cool and appropriate music and half naked Wraith I think was a nod (of respect?not sure) to Wraith fans, as well as giving us back our real Wraith ie. can fall off a roof and get up and walk away, albeit stumbling a little at first (my reaction to that scene was "Oh yes, the Wraith are back!") and an acknowledgment of Wraith intelligence, adaptability ingenuity and even playfulness and certainly emotions - Spike was scared, lonely and just wanted to get home. Yes, OK he transmitted Earth coordinates, but how are his brothers going to come and rescue him if they don't know where he is? I think escape was his primary motive.
                            I think with Spike they were trying (albeit not consistently) to give Wraith fans something before it all ends.

                            With Todd... even the writers would've known the effect that scene would have on Todd fans, but perhaps that's exactly what they were trying to do - if it made us want to weep for Todd, perhaps it just might engender some feelings of sympathy in those who are not normally Wraith fans? I wonder if they were trying to get more people on side with the Wraith? And if so, why? What do they have in mind for Todd and Wraithkind in EatG and the movie?
                            I am actually more hopeful now for the Wraith than I was before I saw this ep for myself. In spite of being starved, delirious and poss even insane, Todd was still proud and defiant and beautiful. Todd is not done yet.

                            As for Sheppard, I even liked him better in this ep, too. He wasn't the mean and nasty one in this AU - Rodney was. Shepaprd was just trying to do his job and catch what he saw as a serial killer. Rodney was the one who wanted to exterminate Wraith and had no qualms at all about torturing and starving Todd. Grrr.

                            btw I definitely think they were trying to imply that Shep is gay, but perhaps I'm reading too much into that. Besides, my hubby keeps trying to make out that Todd is gay because he wears his earring in his left ear, but I don't believe that either!!!)

                            Anyway, nothing radical there I don't think. Thanks for listening folks, even though I'm several days behind you all.
                            Looking forward to what y'all have to say about EatG.
                            *big Wraithy hug*
                            Well completely you're right, Shepard was a little more tolerable in Vegas. Now that I think about it, I think one of the reason that I could not see any of the characters having "romantic chemistry" between them is because most of the characters remained fairly undeveloped. I actually started to like Shepard after that episode with Koleya cutting off his arm. It seemed there was a little bit more to his personality--now and how many episodes are there left?? Dumb time to start developing a character.

                            Also, Ronon he was interesting up until season three, or was if four? Then he just played the dumb comic relief. He just reinforces my opinion *unfortunately* that many good looking men, like women, rely so heavily on their physical appearance that they are dumb as posts and are about as deep as a box of black magic chocolates.

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by The Veldt View Post
                              OT social stuffs....hit me so hard I went away thinking about it for hours, had to come back and *gasps!* de-lurk :

                              Some people are not born with the immediate ability to be able to socialize and to communicate with other people. For these people, these skills must be learned. And for most these people, what they learn turns out to be correct in theory, but almost impossible to put into practice. These people tend to obsess easily, and delve headfirst into a subject that greatly interests them, sometimes to the detriment of a so-called social life. Many great scientists, artists, musicians, poets, anywhere that requires an intense interest and perhaps an obsessive eye for detail, these people have been. It would be a completely different world if there wasn't a small portion of society that thinks a little bit differently to the rest.

                              These people may also yearn for acknowledgment, affection, love... just most do not know how to express that they wish for these things, or know how to give these things in a way that most people are brought up to know is proper.

                              Do not be too quick to judge... not everyone is on the same brain length as the rest of the world, and not everyone lives only for their "social" life
                              Ahhh! Oh dear!! Nooooo! I think what is being meant is that EVERYONE has social awkwardness--this is part of being human. And you are right having social skills is a skill set that requires one to work to develop them. Some people are gifted in the social skills department--think of Obama. That man gushes charisma from every pore; it comes as natural to him as breathing. Thank goodness, he is also multi-talented and hopefully (seems very much is the case) ethical!!
                              What I think is being meant here is that there are people whose behaviour can tend to alienate people. And even when cautioned about the "alienating behaviour", these people will pursue the behaviour despite the risk of discipline by superiors, or being shunned by his or her peers. One of the reasons why I find McKay so utterly repugnant--other than the interesting dynamic he has with Shepard is because he is so arrogant he often alienates people.

                              Rodney did get better in the show, but for him to do this, he needed to "suffer" to see how much his arrogance hurt other people. For instance, he nearly lost his sister because of his pride and arrogance and he did lose his first girlfriend and most of his friends because of it. The only people who were willing to tolerate him were the ones who worked with him.

                              Think of Zelenka--quite eccentric, unusual in many respects. However, I think he is definitely a favourite character on the show, and why? Because he is Rodney's foil: he has the character strengths Rodney lacks, yet he is also a scientist/socially awkward/silly.

                              If Rodney were a real person, and there are many like him, his negative character traits dominates a personality so much, the person who relishes them is intolerable to be around. Not because he or she is socially awkward, but because he or she is too proud to change and too selfish to see how that behaviour hurts other people.

                              I have a girl friend I have known for years and years--she is so awesome!

                              She is very quick tempered and is not very patient with people. These are aspects to her character she will openly admit are weaknesses, we all have them. But I have known her for years and one of the things she does, because she is also devoutly religious and believes very much that her "negative" character qualities must not dominate her personality, she constantly tries to change.

                              She also told me that if she is quick to apologize after she has been irritable with someone, she realizes that people do not feel hurt by her. She feels terrible for days when she has hurt people, so if she is quick to take responsibility for her irritation she does not hurt anyone.

                              In her defense, I will say that she hates being easily irritated by people, she hates being such an easy trigger. Nonetheless, being impatient with people is a learned behaviour that takes years to change. She is open with her "flaws" yet she does not come across as weak or insecure--in fact she is the complete opposite.

                              People can have many character eccentricities--this is charming and absolutely necessary--this is what makes us unique individuals. What's being discussed here is "alienating behaviour". Alienating behaviour such as a lack of humility, and an abundance of arrogance and pride. These negative character traits are very difficult character traits to tolerate in people who refuse to "deal with" them.

                              Finally, I have often found that arrogance and pride are symptoms of other deeper problems--that cannot be wished away.

                              I hope this helps--don't think anymore about this--you are perfect, perfect, perfect the way you are!!!

                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                This and The Veldt's comments re socialization really hit a nerve with me.
                                Now this is why I feel so much at home here... I've always felt "on the outside looking in". It used to depress me when I was young but now I'm quite happy being a loner most of the time (I have my 2 significant others, that's enough for me!). But there's still this vestige that keeps creeping in telling me that I need to "belong"... so I guess that's what this forum is for!

                                Thanks for making this lone wolf feel like part of a pack!
                                But gals/guys!! I'm probably going to be in the minority here, I wasn't the outsider geek in high school--I was one of the popular girls. Actually, I'll rephrase this, I really enjoyed high school and loved socializing. I wasn't alienated at all. I think everyone feels "on the outside" from time to time, I think the extent to which one believes one's feelings, rather than acknowledging that feelings are feelings and reality is reality, will be the extent to which what you believe becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you are an outsider because you feel like one, rather than realizing that EVERYONE feels this way, you tend to become the image you have of yourself. It is very difficult to be this objective about your feelings, but it is the only salvation to self worth.

                                I had a friend in university who was working on her Ph.D. in English Lit. She confided in me once, many years ago, that many of her colleagues thought she was not very feminine and thought she was a "dike". I didn't know what a "dike" was at the time--she had to explain it to me.
                                Well, one of the things I asked her was: Do you know they feel this way? Has someone explicitly come out and said to you "Hey you dike lady--dike shman/shim"? She said no, she just gets the "feeling", but she can't point to anything specific, maybe hints or a few bits and pieces of words or phrases here and there.
                                I said to her, well there are two possibilities 1/ they think you are a dike or 2/ you think they think this. Since you cannot prove either conclusively without directly asking. There is a third possibility, that you fear you are not womanish enough--whatever that means.
                                She thought quite a bit about that, then said "ya, I think that's it. I do feel a little insecure--that because I am ambitious I am perceived as a little manish rather than feminine." That's when I said, "well what defines femininity?" She couldn't tell me specifically. I said "well, being womanly, means being a WOMAN. Meaning, you have woman parts: ovaries, boobage, no whiskers (to speak of--she laughed at that), so therefore you ARE womanish. Everything else is a matter of opinion. And you know what opinions are like..." I have often found my sanity in being logical about many things in my life, it has really prevented me from getting carried away with too many negative thoughts and feelings.

                                Everyone's a weirdo, there are some who just don't fight it. I don't fight it, I get the impression here you guys embrace it. Many people are so afraid of their eccentricities they "pretend" to be people they are not. This is when you really see a split between a person's private and public personality.

                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

