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    Re Wraith physical attractiveness...

    As always, Das tends to sum it up perfectly, but WraithCake also makes a fair point.

    The instant I saw Steve it was love at first sight - he is simply drop dead gorgeous ('scuse the pun!)
    Todd, on the other hand grew on me. When I first saw him in Common Ground I was attracted to his intelligence and personality, but didn't consider him a pretty Wraith like the others. But as I saw him more and more he became more and more physically attractive.

    I find the same process happens with humans - the more I get to know and like someone the more I start to think, "hey I never noticed how good looking they are before!"

    So, if that process is good enough for human males, it's sure good enough for Wraith males!

    We all have something that makes us beautiful - which is also why I don't have any problem with the idea that some Wraith may well find some humans attractive, too (if they were real, of course!)
    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


      Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
      Say Todd if he was human, would be a mature, handsome, wonderful 40-odd year old (It sounds really old that way! ), whereas the others, like Kenny, etc, are more... like in their mid 20's... If you get what I mean?
      Hey! 40-odd is NOT old, even in human terms!!!
      But I know what you mean - I've always liked older guys...
      Mind you those young bucks are soooo pretty...
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        Hey! 40-odd is NOT old, even in human terms!!!
        But I know what you mean - I've always liked older guys...
        Mind you those young bucks are soooo pretty...
        Sowwy! It is to me, but I've only just turned 20, so double the years seems such a long time away for me!


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          We all have something that makes us beautiful
          Perfectly said.
          Some find the personality more interesting than physical properties. I also tend to beautify people who I find interesting. I don't find strangers beautiful, they might be pretty, but it's the personality that makes them shine for me regardless how unattractive they might be on the outside.

          In regards to Todd & the other wraith: I honestly didn't pay much attention to the wraith before Todd came along. (I don't find pretty to be synonymous to attractive.) There wasn't that certain "shine" that attracted me to them. Of course, besides being the best dressed villains in the franchise to date. Have you all noticed how nice shoes they wear?


            Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
            I agree, although absence of chemistry between the actors annoys me a bit. I can watch a poorly acted good story, while a well acted bad story (such as recent SGA...) will anger me. However, it doesn't prevent us from complimenting actors when they play well even if the story itself sends a terrible message, does it?
            Fair enough. If they are really good, sure, they deserve praise.

            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post

            For me it depends on the source. For example, Mick Foley wrote two autobiographical books which mainly focussed on his wrestling career. Besides giving fascinating background information on professional wrestling they only included such personal information as he wanted the general public to know.

            When it comes to actors/actresses I enjoy reading about their experiences while working on a movie/TV show. I see it as background information to the movie/TV show along with set and costume designing etc.
            Those informations are useful, especially if you plan to pursue that career. I know, that I, myself, have a blog where I'm describing how it is to be a female scientist. Simply because several mothers said that would be beneficiary for their daughters.
            And I agree, that kind of stuff, sort of, opens the possibilities for the kids. But those stories about their private life, come on! What difference it makes with whom celebrity shares it's bed to his/her work?
            I will read such a biographies only if they are recommended to me by person who has similar literature tastes as I do, as any other book.

            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
            At the end of the day, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I will say for my part I didn't find C.H's Todd particularly attractive. His personality is fabulously attractive, but his features have taken time to grown on me. But so what, you know? There have been a few wraith that aren't that attractive, but again so what? Like any people, there ugly, average and beautiful.
            If they were all ugly, I would still find them incredibly fascinating.
            Hmm, isn't the fun how people, from the different motives, would end up defending the same thing?

            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
            Ya, it is very fascinating. In order to be considered a "celebrity" there are several areas that must be covered in your current career. I think it is longevity, wide spread distribution, international and language barriers crossed there are many, but essentially you have to be a household name.
            Many of my colleagues scientists, including me, fulfill all the requirements but that last, the household name....
            Gosh, I'm almost a celebrity and yet no one knows about me!

            Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
            I hear you. I loath celebrity culture. I primarily dislike it because it really does exploit the artist. The woman I was telling you about who had a leading role in a recent film, did quite a bit of nude shots for her role. I said to her, "isn't it frustrating that if you are the sort of person who does NOT WANT to do these sorts of roles that you really have no choice--you have no choice if you want to work? This is exploitative, wouldn't you say?". She agreed, but was resigned to it. I hate celebrity culture because of this.
            Did not know that part. It's really harsh one.
            Although, I should not say anything. I was watching "triple XXX" and similar "guy's movies" just to soak up those luuvly muscles some of the guys parade on the screen. And in the real life I would never even consider to start a conversation with a man who looks like that. (They aren't really the bright ones....)


              Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
              @das Make sure you read the Jason Momoa article in the SGA magazine. Turns out he's a huge rugby fan - NZ All Blacks is his team. They are connected with his dreads. That's all I'll say.
              Rubgy OT:
              I've been meaning to post this pic here for you forever. I frequent a perfume blog and I wasn't sure if you had seen these yet:

              Didn't want you to miss out!

              Chabal??!! CHABAL??!! You tempt me with CHABAL???!!!! *thud*

              Me loves some Sebastien Chabal!! He's like the Wolverine of rugby...and the hair just adds to his appeal. As passionate a player as there ever was...


              Oh, yeah, baby!

              I must read the Jason thing - I figured he liked rugby because he does a sort of 'haka' in Sateda...I thought it was a nod to the kiwis.



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                Oh, yeah, baby!

                Bom Chicka Wah Wah!
                That reminded me why I like to peek at the athletes!
                Last edited by leksa; 29 December 2008, 09:49 AM. Reason: spelling error, kindly pointed by Das...


                  Originally posted by leksa View Post
                  Bom Chicka Wah Wah!
                  That reminded me why I like to peak at the athletes!
                  You mean, PEEK, right?



                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Chabal??!! CHABAL??!! You tempt me with CHABAL???!!!! *thud*

                    Me loves some Sebastien Chabal!! He's like the Wolverine of rugby...and the hair just adds to his appeal. As passionate a player as there ever was...


                    Oh, yeah, baby!

                    I must read the Jason thing - I figured he liked rugby because he does a sort of 'haka' in Sateda...I thought it was a nod to the kiwis.

                    LOL - the Wolverine of rugby! Right on. And I love a guy who lets himself cry in front of millions of people. He's quite the perfect physical specimen.
                    I love his upper body
                    but it's his *legs* that get me.


                    Ok, to keep this on topic - I have to say for me Todd was definitely love at first sight. I hadn't been watching SGA regularly in Season 3 (was getting tired of the Genii, replicators, references to SG1, etc.) but I just happened to be home the night "Common Ground" aired and, even in poor Todd's starving and disheveled state I thought "That is one hawwwt Wraith!" lol But yes, I think the personality helped. Steve is, without a doubt, beautiful but in that cold, remote, snotty way. I adored Bob and Greg as well, for how blissfully psychotic they were. But, Todd...well, I too like the older guys. I can enjoy and appreciate a pretty young guy but they just don't quite do it for me like the more mature more masculine guys. And the "it was worth it to see the sky again" got me right in the heart. I was a goner after that.

                    Something else I've realized that I've loved about the Wraith overall is their remarkable intelligence and ingenuity. I am someone who loves science but hates math (partly because I am somewhat word-dyslexic, but even more so with numbers). The creative, intuitive side of my brain is much more used than the logical, practical side. So one of the things I admire most about the Wraith in general is how adept they are with science and technology. It's like every Wraith can do code, programming and number crunching, can fix their own car (dart) and do every kind of home (hive) repair. They are naturals at all these skills that I suck at! lol So I guess I envy them and, in a way, look up to them.



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      You mean, PEEK, right?

                      Weel, yes. Unless you can get additional meaning with that spelling mistake??
                      Actually, what kind of the additional meanings you can get???


                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Chabal??!! CHABAL??!! You tempt me with CHABAL???!!!! *thud*

                        Me loves some Sebastien Chabal!! He's like the Wolverine of rugby...and the hair just adds to his appeal. As passionate a player as there ever was...


                        Oh, yeah, baby!

                        I must read the Jason thing - I figured he liked rugby because he does a sort of 'haka' in Sateda...I thought it was a nod to the kiwis.

                        And he's not even a Wraith! Yeah, the long hair thing definitely plays a big part in the thunk factor!
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Originally posted by leksa View Post
                          Weel, yes. Unless you can get additional meaning with that spelling mistake??
                          Actually, what kind of the additional meanings you can get???

                          Uh, can...
                          Synonyms: acme, alp, apex, apogee, climax, cone, crag, crest, crown, culmination, maximum, meridian, mountain, perfection, pinnacle, point, roof, summit, tip, top, tor, ultimate, visor, zenith...



                            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                            And he's not even a Wraith! Yeah, the long hair thing definitely plays a big part in the thunk factor!

                            But if you notice, he has a very strong, Wraithy browline. Now, let's capture him, shave off his eyebrows, and bleach his hair white!



                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              Uh, can...
                              Synonyms: acme, alp, apex, apogee, climax, cone, crag, crest, crown, culmination, maximum, meridian, mountain, perfection, pinnacle, point, roof, summit, tip, top, tor, ultimate, visor, zenith...

                              oh, so true.


                                Originally posted by chocolate_muffin View Post
                                oh, so true.
                                I always mixed up the two spellings, often when I'm gushing over some hot guy. It's very Freudian.


