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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by leksa View Post
    NOOOO! Chocolate is wine killer! Better take some cheese.
    I don't like cheese unless it's cooked in something.

    Originally posted by leksa
    Therefore I made the point never, ever to read anything about the private life of the celebrities.
    For me it depends on the source. For example, Mick Foley wrote two autobiographical books which mainly focussed on his wrestling career. Besides giving fascinating background information on professional wrestling they only included such personal information as he wanted the general public to know.

    When it comes to actors/actresses I enjoy reading about their experiences while working on a movie/TV show. I see it as background information to the movie/TV show along with set and costume designing etc.

    Originally posted by dasNdanger
    And here - the devil made me do it (slightly manipped photo to get the right angle...):

    Am glad you're feeling better now.


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      And here - the devil made me do it (slightly manipped photo to get the right angle...):



      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

      Glad you enjoyed!

      In case anyone missed this in the Kenny thread - it's my new favorite picture of Kenny - he looks VERY Stevesque here:



      I do love that picture!

      Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
      You know, while there are some wraith I find physically attractive (the most attractive of them being the illusion wraith in "Phantoms", then Eric the "Allies" scientist, then Steve), the reason I love Todd so much is his personality more than his physical appearance. Okay, I admit, I find him more than a little good-looking on the promo pics for "First Contact" and sexy on the one of "The Lost Tribe", but really, it's his personality I'm in love with.
      I love a lot about the Wraith. Their behaviour, personality, mannerisms, and their looks. Also the fact that they can just so easily kill you and there'd be nothing you could do about it. It's like vampires. I adore vampires, not just because they've been shown on screen as "sexy", but that sense of... danger... that they possess.

      Those are some of my favourite pics!

      Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
      Lovely pic, thankyou! I didn't know Kenny had his own thread, did Tyler go there too? Maybe he wasn't gain enough?
      No, it wasn't around when he stopped by. It was only started a few days ago. The link in my sig if you want to take a look?

      Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
      That first pic gets a triple *thunk* from me every time I see it... hot or wot?
      Todd's personality is certainly what keeps us all talking about him IMHO, but for me personally it's the whole Wraith look physically that's outrageously attractive.
      But then, before I discovered Wraith I was into vampires and I have been told by several people that I have very weird taste in men...
      Just as well, really, or my hubby would be pretty lonely!
      Hee, I'm the same. I'm into vampires too.


        MGM just released "Vegas" promo pics, including several of
        Todd and the wraith in disguise.
        And there are some nice ones in the behind the scenes too!
        My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
        Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


          Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
          MGM just released "Vegas" promo pics, including several of
          Todd and the wraith in disguise.
          And there are some nice ones in the behind the scenes too!


          I mean yeah, I was a bad girl and downloaded the eps, and whatever, but Todd pics are Todd pics regardless.

          It looks like MGM is finally catching odd to us crazy fangirls and adding more Todd


            Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
            MGM just released "Vegas" promo pics, including several of
            Todd and the wraith in disguise.
            And there are some nice ones in the behind the scenes too!
            Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!
            He's so beautiful, even in a horrible cage ...I wish they were bigger
            Cass Todd -


              Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
              That is a really impressive analysis, MCH. And sensitive too. I didn't know all that backstory about Sheppard's character, and i do tend to judge him very harshly.

              A very Happy Holiday to you and yours, MCH, and your banner really made me laugh!

              An equally Merry Christmas to the very talented Shaniathia! And to everyone else who's here for that matter!

              (Never let it be said that we Wraith do not appreciate humans and their holidays! )
              I'm an ex nursery nurse,
              seen too much with the familys I dealt with. That why I left... I do admin now, which is funny as I'm dyslexic


              Just want to say abit early I know,

              Hope the 2009 is a happy, health and prosperous year to everyone on WDC.
              Thanks for sharing, making me laught, think and passing the gutter bucket around I have had a good 2008 here. Loooking forwrd to 2009.

              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                MGM just released "Vegas" promo pics, including several of
                Todd and the wraith in disguise.
                And there are some nice ones in the behind the scenes too!
                The blue lighting suits him...
                Oh, and a close up of the handgina, how... intimate...
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                  Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                  MGM just released "Vegas" promo pics, including several of
                  Todd and the wraith in disguise.
                  And there are some nice ones in the behind the scenes too!
                  Thank you for posting these. I seriously can not wait for the episode to air! *Refuses to watch the unsanctions* Only a few days left!


                    Thanks for the piccie links!

                    Just want to say some things about Wraith attractiveness. I have found all to be physically attractive, with the exception of the UberWraith in Sateda. His make-up is a bit different than most - very wide nose, and -'s like they purposely tried to make him ugly. It worked. And it worked especially because you couldn't see any of Dan's handsome features underneath - at all.

                    There are two other Wraith that I like, but don't necessarily find as attractive as the others. Granny Wraith from S4 is 'cute'...good-looking, but just too warm and fuzzy for my tastes (his make-up was a bit too soft for my liking). And Goggle Boy...he's got a scary-arse look that is a wonderful Wraithy look, but - to me - he looks like a teenager, and I do have to draw the line somewhere! My Wraith must be at least 5000 years old!

                    The rest are all quite beautiful and/or handsome to me. I liked the Primary's commander very much - he had a more masculine/handsome look, and the only reason I don't gush him more is because he was so short-lived. But he was a nice Wraith - he loved his queen, and he was totally screwed over by Todd and Teyla. Really, he was 'innocent'...not bad at all...and I have a little soft spot for him because of it.

                    As I've said before - Steve is the most beautiful of them all...just perfect in every way. But Tyler's Wraith have a great look and are quite beautiful, too - I'm especially fond of Rhys, even though Kenny has better hair. Penny's Wraith were very pretty, Bam Bam's Phantom Wraith was gorgeous, and just about any that Jeff Robinson has portrayed (as well as all of James Lafazanos' other Wraith) were as hot as can be. These 'young' Wraith - portrayed by very handsome actors - are great eye candy, and some - like Steve, Erik, Shawn, Rhys and Kenny - have even had enough screen time to develop personality (unlike so many others who are shot five seconds after they pop their pretty white heads into the camera's view).

                    Which brings me to Todd. Do I find him attractive? Hell yeah! Todd is not a 'pretty' Wraith - he's a handsome Wraith. How do I define the difference? Johnny Depp = Pretty. Cary Grant = Handsome. But there is an actor who better compares to Todd - a handsome man who has the same 'earthiness' as Todd - the same masculine grit - and that's Gary Cooper:


                    Yup - if Gary Cooper was a Wraith, he'd be Todd. And if Todd was a cowboy, he'd be Gary Cooper.



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      Which brings me to Todd. Do I find him attractive? Hell yeah! Todd is not a 'pretty' Wraith - he's a handsome Wraith. How do I define the difference? Johnny Depp = Pretty. Cary Grant = Handsome. But there is an actor who better compares to Todd - a handsome man who has the same 'earthiness' as Todd, and that's Gary Cooper:


                      Yup - if Gary Cooper was a Wraith, he'd be Todd. And if Todd was a cowboy, he'd be Gary Cooper.

                      *Trys to put what she thought into words*

                      I agree, Todd is handsome. There's a difference between pretty and handsome. He's like one of those older men that women love. He's mature. The others are sort of like... Say Todd if he was human, would be a mature, handsome, wonderful 40-odd year old (It sounds really old that way! ), whereas the others, like Kenny, etc, are more... like in their mid 20's... If you get what I mean?


                        Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
                        *Trys to put what she thought into words*

                        I agree, Todd is handsome. There's a difference between pretty and handsome. He's like one of those older men that women love. He's mature. The others are sort of like... Say Todd if he was human, would be a mature, handsome, wonderful 40-odd year old (It sounds really old that way! ), whereas the others, like Kenny, etc, are more... like in their mid 20's... If you get what I mean?

                        Exactly. Todd is like Clint Eastwood in his Dirty Harry days, while Kenny/Steve/Rhys/Erik...are like that hot little vampy number from Twilight.

                        Last edited by dasNdanger; 29 December 2008, 07:10 AM.


                          Originally posted by leksa View Post

                          You wish to say that there is actual classification process as celebrity?
                          I never heard about that.
                          Ya, it is very fascinating. In order to be considered a "celebrity" there are several areas that must be covered in your current career. I think it is longevity, wide spread distribution, international and language barriers crossed there are many, but essentially you have to be a household name. Otherwise you are considered very limited in your status and unable to obtain the protection the law affords. Apparently, there are only about five percent of people on the globe presently that would fall into this category, but this also includes politicians, sports players etc. I spent an afternoon a few months back reading both the Canadian and American law statues regarding this.

                          I really agree with you on this. Acting is just a job. Perhaps I have this opinion because one of my friends is actress so I heard loads and loads of her complains about the hardships of the job. One really must to like it to stick with it. I admire the ones who actually build the carrier in it (even if it is just in the local theatre...)
                          What I find the most annoying about this all celebrity culture is that people tend to pay more attention to what dress some celebrity had or which celebrity couple done what instead of really important stuff, the stuff which shapes and influence our life. Therefore I made the point never, ever to read anything about the private life of the celebrities.

                          Anyway, I personally hate when someone in social situation start to bug me with the question about the space and things, so I have a personal rule not to ask anyone about their job unless we're in the official job environment.
                          I hear you. I loath celebrity culture. I primarily dislike it because it really does exploit the artist. The woman I was telling you about who had a leading role in a recent film, did quite a bit of nude shots for her role. I said to her, "isn't it frustrating that if you are the sort of person who does NOT WANT to do these sorts of roles that you really have no choice--you have no choice if you want to work? This is exploitative, wouldn't you say?". She agreed, but was resigned to it. I hate celebrity culture because of this.

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            @das Make sure you read the Jason Momoa article in the SGA magazine. Turns out he's a huge rugby fan - NZ All Blacks is his team. They are connected with his dreads. That's all I'll say.
                            Rubgy OT:
                            I've been meaning to post this pic here for you forever. I frequent a perfume blog and I wasn't sure if you had seen these yet:

                            Didn't want you to miss out!

                            Yep, you guys all pretty much summed up why I'm so enamoured with the Wraith. No wonder I like to hang out here! }}}}hugs{{{{

                            THANKYOU Laura Dove for posting about those MGM pics! Those pics absolutely make my heart ache.

                            Re: celebrity culture
                            The only reason I like to look at the "celebrities" themselves is to see what they're wearing. I'm a fashion junkie.
                            OT annecdote
                            I think my attitude toward celebrity was shaped by my youth. My uncle was a defensive coach for the Denver Broncos (pro football team for you non-Yanks) for twenty years and I used to go to the games with my fam all the time. I even went to one Superbowl (where they lost ). But I got to meet all the players on many occassions, including John Elway who was a big sports celebrity back in the 80s. But I saw these guys in ways that most of the public don't. I had a huge crush on one of the players, a safety. But when I saw his behavior and antics in the locker room, I quickly lost the crush. He used to yell at his agent on the phone before a game, among other things. He's turned out to be a really decent guy and coach now, but when he was a "star" in his 20s, he was a nut! And he wasn't the worst of them! Ugh. So I got the veil peeled back away from that illusion when I was quite young.

                            Ok, I'm off to go drool over those new Todd pics!



                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              Thanks for the piccie links!

                              Just want to say some things about Wraith attractiveness.

                              At the end of the day, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I will say for my part I didn't find C.H's Todd particularly attractive. His personality is fabulously attractive, but his features have taken time to grow on me. But so what, you know? There have been a few wraith that aren't that attractive, but again so what? Like any people, there ugly, average and beautiful.
                              If they were all ugly, I would still find them incredibly fascinating.

                              Last edited by Wraith Cake; 29 December 2008, 09:48 AM.
                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
                                *Trys to put what she thought into words*

                                I agree, Todd is handsome. There's a difference between pretty and handsome. He's like one of those older men that women love. He's mature. The others are sort of like... Say Todd if he was human, would be a mature, handsome, wonderful 40-odd year old (It sounds really old that way! ), whereas the others, like Kenny, etc, are more... like in their mid 20's... If you get what I mean?
                                That's a great explanation. I can't see someone playing mouth hockey with him, I could see this with the scientist from Allies II; however I could see "romantic" stuff happening with Todd--you know romance versus lust?

                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

