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    Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
    I still have tons of points I never replied to due to lack of time, but this one is quick enough. My attitude towards wraith wouldn't change if they were real. I would defend my life savagely if it comes to that, but I would mostly try and convince them that I'm more useful alive than dead. If they accept my help, I would assist them in culling Earth, because I believe it's the best thing that could happen to our poor exhausted planet.
    I would be nothing like a worshipper, however; I'm just not good at worshipping anything or anybody. I have my own pride and wouldn't let them look down at me. (Er... except for the whole "wraith are all giants" thing: I think I'm shorter than Teyla, and I never wear huge heels! ) I would basically do the same things a worshipper would, except I would never call wraith "master" and I would learn their tech in secret. And if they treat me like crap, I'd blast their hive out of the sky and find another one with more compatible views on my position among them.

    There are times I think like that. It often feels to me like everything on this planet suffers due to mankind.
    Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


      Mac has put up screen caps for Infection.


        Originally posted by leksa View Post
        Yeah, the free-range does taste better. Let's face it. More active animal is more healthy is and more tasty. Of course that's same for us.
        What puzzles me here why the Wraith never invented something like portable food source which will allow them more mobility and open more possibilities for the research and exploration of the parts of the universe far away from their "farms".
        Well, Greg's ship in The Defiant One was a supply ship - meaning that it was just stocked full of tasty humans to feed the Wraith fighting on the front line.

        I would have loved to see exactly how Wraith go about feeding in groups - Do they just eat whenever they need to, or do they prefer to feed in groups, like humans and many different types of animals?

        And I'd love to hear Wraith dialogue when they are forced to be around humans, without being allowed to eat them. Let's just take Todd, Kenny, and the other one who boarded the Daedalus with them - let's call him Bullseye.

        I can just hear the telepathic communication now - in that scene when they first came on board...let's just tweak that scene a bit...

        WOOLSEY: Thank you for coming.

        TODD: Thank you for having us.

        (Richard clears his throat, while Kenny and Bullseye take deep breaths, inhaling the human scent.)

        BULLSEYE: many humans, it makes the entire ship smell quite delicious...

        KENNY: I'm hungry....

        WOOLSEY: Today is an historic day. Robert Grosseteste once said ...

        BULLSEYE: You're aways hungry.

        KENNY: Am not!

        BULLSEYE: Are too! You constantly think about food...

        TODD (interrupting Woolsey): I would like to get started as soon as possible.

        KENNY: I do not.

        TODD: Yes, you DO. Your next meal...your last meal...your 'fantasy' meal involving two human females and something called 'whipped cream'...I must ask John Sheppard about that one...

        BULLSEYE: You even woke me up once in the middle of a good hibernation to tell me about one of your sordid little feeding dreams...

        KENNY: What else was I to do? I woke up in a cold sweat, covered all over with enzyme and everything...

        WOOLSEY: Y-yes, of course. But I wanted to recognise ...

        TODD (to Jennifer): I have my doubts that your plan will be effective ... (it turns to Richard) ... so shall we drop these unfounded pleasantries and get to work? To Kenny and Bullseye: Will you two be silent! I cannot hear myself think! I think...I think I may have just told this human to bugger off...

        BULLSEYE & KENNY: Our apologies, Commander.

        WOOLSEY: Very well. Doctor Keller, lead the way.

        KELLER (to the Wraith): Please, come with me.

        KENNY (looking at Keller's behind): Wow. Nice glutes. Bet she'll make one tasty meal...

        TODD: I call dibs!

        Hey - what can I say? It's good to be commander!

        Last edited by dasNdanger; 17 January 2009, 06:28 AM.


          - great work as always, das



            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Well, Greg's ship in The Defiant One was a supply ship - meaning that it was just stocked full of tasty humans to feed the Wraith fighting on the front line.

            I would have loved to see exactly how Wraith go about feeding in groups - Do they just eat whenever they need to, or do they prefer to feed in groups, like humans and many different types of animals?

            And I'd love to hear Wraith dialogue when they are forced to be around humans, without being allowed to eat them. Let's just take Todd, Kenny, and the other one who boarded the Daedalus with them - let's call him Bullseye.

            I can just hear the telepathic communication now - in that scene when they first came on board...let's just tweak that scene a bit...

            WOOLSEY: Thank you for coming.

            TODD: Thank you for having us.

            (Richard clears his throat, while Kenny and Bullseye take deep breaths, inhaling the human scent.)

            BULLSEYE: many humans, it makes the entire ship smell quite delicious...

            KENNY: I'm hungry....

            WOOLSEY: Today is an historic day. Robert Grosseteste once said ...

            BULLSEYE: You're aways hungry.

            KENNY: Am not!

            BULLSEYE: Are too! You constantly think about food...

            TODD (interrupting Woolsey): I would like to get started as soon as possible.

            KENNY: I do not.

            TODD: Yes, you DO. Your next meal...your last meal...your 'fantasy' meal involving two human females and something called 'whipped cream'...I must ask John Sheppard about that one...

            BULLSEYE: You even woke me up once in the middle of a good hibernation to tell me about one of your sordid little feeding dreams...

            KENNY: What else was I to do? I woke up in a cold sweat, covered all over with enzyme and everything...

            WOOLSEY: Y-yes, of course. But I wanted to recognise ...

            TODD (to Jennifer): I have my doubts that your plan will be effective ... (it turns to Richard) ... so shall we drop these unfounded pleasantries and get to work? To Kenny and Bullseye: Will you two be silent! I cannot hear myself think! I think...I think I may have just told this human to bugger off...

            BULLSEYE & KENNY: Our apologies, Commander.

            WOOLSEY: Very well. Doctor Keller, lead the way.

            KELLER (to the Wraith): Please, come with me.

            KENNY (looking at Keller's behind): Wow. Nice glutes. Bet she'll make one tasty meal...

            TODD: I call dibs!

            Hey - what can I say? It's good to be commander!


            Ha! I needed some humor tonight. That was just perfect!!
            Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


              Originally posted by leksa View Post
              Thanks for info! ...
              Anyway, it is hard to make the political system which will be corruption free. I remember that I. Asimov had an idea that our rulers should be those people who do not wish the position in the first place, because those people would do the job not only enjoy the power.
              There might be some true in his idea....
              Interesting! I love Asimov, especially his "reading" of The Book of Revelation. Heinlein had similar views to this in Starship Troopers.

              Originally posted by leksa View Post
              OK. There is misunderstanding here. What I mean is that we cannot get out from our own heads. That our view of everything, even science is colored with our own nature. The famous Anthropological principe.
              Hence, we cannot be sure that real aliens will share our view. Because we are not sure how much of our view is influenced with us. (And by us I get everything, genetic, nurture, everything)
              Absolutely, it is very difficult being objective on the ground, when we don't have a bird's eye view. I imagine because we are so fascinated with our own existence, we have difficulty believing that we are only "a part" of existence.

              What I have always found particularly interesting is the definition of man. What does it mean to be human? For the most part, society is very VERY guarded on how it defines what is and is not human.

              Think of the implications for both--On one side of the pendulum, if a narrow definition of man is upheld there are crazed and "narrow" idealizations of humanity : only the blond haired, blued eye "Arian race" is truly human (fascism and eugenics). In other words, the definition of "what maketh a man" is so closely guarded it is almost worshipped.

              Swing in the other direction and you have those who believe that humanity is utterly unremarkable and it doesn't matter "what maketh a man". The definition of man doesn't matter, because mankind is worthless to begin with: he is putting the rest of the planet at risk. Stalin's coined phrase applies: "the death of one is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic" These would be the fanatics of society. Again, those with a fanatic "narrow" view, but a directly opposing one.

              For me, there must be a definition in the middle. Personally, I like the Torah's version of mankind (a religious perspective): "man was created in the image of God. In the image of God He created them. He created them male and female." Gen. 1.26

              So, if man is made in the image of God, does that mean the great apes (Chimpanzees that share 99.98% of our DNA and from whom we can obtain a blood transfusion) are human?
              Does this mean, that clones are human?
              Does this mean that sentient computers (like Data from Star Trek) are human?
              Does mean that the wraith are "human"?

              Hmmm interesting.

              Well, probably is cheaper that way. This way they just put a contact lenses into actors eyes and that's it. Other option would require CGI and that push up the cost.
              Again, wraith are not high on the priority scale. The pupils dilate when there is fear, anger or arousal. So, we could invariably see whether a wraith gets aroused--if his frikin' pupils dilated!!! For instance, does Todd get aroused by Tayla as a wraith queen? Hmmmm?

              Ahh, I come from very religious family. Getting into the science was sort of my rebellion, especially because I'm female. And sometimes I have an impression that I'm divided into two parts because of my family heritage and the stuff I learned in my job. Unfortunately, there is no arrogance here. It's just there is nothing here which might show existence of the absolutes of justice, mercy, love, good, evil and the consequences of action governing the universe. Nothing.
              Of course you are not arrogant! I was referring to the attitude certain disciplines (such as the philosophies and sciences) have toward specific ideologies such as a belief in God.
              And of course, are not most thoughtful people divided? I myself am a pragmatic person and am constantly trying to reconcile faith and science. I must admit though, that I really find it difficult dealing with people who are not "divided"--who do not seek to work out their mental conundrums, but simply believe they "know" the answers. I believe there are answers, I have to believe this, but there are no "easy" answers.

              As for there being no absolutes in the universe, is there not a state of "absolute zero"? However, in terms of concepts such as love, hate, God etc. I suppose it is all in how you "define" these.
              For instance, it is clear that love does exist and there are ways that it exists absolutely. Simply because we cannot point to it and say "Awwwh LOVE!" does not mean that we do not see its impact on the world at large, much like gravity. I couldn't point to it and say "Awwh GRAVITY!", nor could I touch it, taste it or smell it ( I might be able to smell it), but I see how it effects objects around me.
              The same could be said of having the expectation of only believing there is a God if one could lift up a rock on Mars and find God's signature "I AM was here".

              So at the end of the day, I have to believe there is a reconciliation between faith and reason. And this reconciliation can only come through the "reading" of available facts: an interpretation of the facts that has integrity, not a misinterpretation and misrepresentation of available facts to fit someone's fanatical vision of how the world "should" be.

              Not to worry about responding to my posts. I often just like to throw ideas out there to stir up the pot--I'm not always committed to a particular view. And this time of year is horrendously busy for everyone. I have to go make cookies right now (I don't have any energy for this), so that my 12s and 10s can have a holiday party. Ug! I also promised my 12s I have all their papers marked--what was I thinking??? I want to go to bed right now, not make cookies!!

              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Originally posted by leksa View Post
                Actually the second one. And to be more exact, extraterrestrial creatures, (there are scientific works that found urge for justice in some other higher primates too).
                How we can be sure that love, justice, mercy and equality are not something connected exclusively to us, humans?
                Neither of those things exist outside the humans or humans creations.
                Oh, leksa, that's simply not true. How it is used, meted out and exercised is different in every society of creation, but these concepts are NOT exclusively human.

                Consider it from this perspective, if a hominid creature is just another member of the planet, no more, no less than any other member, then by this perspective alone these creatures have commonalities with other similar creatures in varying degrees. For instance, our closest relatives, Chimpanzee's have cultural differences between each family group, and mete out love, justice, mercy etc. depending on how a particular group organises itself.

                Saying these concepts "don't exist" or they are merely a "human phenomenon" not only ignores the available facts/data on animal behaviour, it applies once again a human centric view. Do you understand what I mean? For instance, if language is not exclusively human, nor tool making who is to say love, hate, mercy ect. are either?

                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  And I'd love to hear Wraith dialogue when they are forced to be around humans, without being allowed to eat them. Let's just take Todd, Kenny, and the other one who boarded the Daedalus with them - let's call him Bullseye.

                  I can just hear the telepathic communication now - in that scene when they first came on board...let's just tweak that scene a bit...

                  WOOLSEY: Thank you for coming.

                  TODD: Thank you for having us.

                  (Richard clears his throat, while Kenny and Bullseye take deep breaths, inhaling the human scent.)

                  BULLSEYE: many humans, it makes the entire ship smell quite delicious...

                  KENNY: I'm hungry....

                  WOOLSEY: Today is an historic day. Robert Grosseteste once said ...

                  BULLSEYE: You're aways hungry.

                  KENNY: Am not!

                  BULLSEYE: Are too! You constantly think about food...

                  TODD (interrupting Woolsey): I would like to get started as soon as possible.

                  KENNY: I do not.

                  TODD: Yes, you DO. Your next meal...your last meal...your 'fantasy' meal involving two human females and something called 'whipped cream'...I must ask John Sheppard about that one...

                  BULLSEYE: You even woke me up once in the middle of a good hibernation to tell me about one of your sordid little feeding dreams...

                  KENNY: What else was I to do? I woke up in a cold sweat, covered all over with enzyme and everything...

                  WOOLSEY: Y-yes, of course. But I wanted to recognise ...

                  TODD (to Jennifer): I have my doubts that your plan will be effective ... (it turns to Richard) ... so shall we drop these unfounded pleasantries and get to work? To Kenny and Bullseye: Will you two be silent! I cannot hear myself think! I think...I think I may have just told this human to bugger off...

                  BULLSEYE & KENNY: Our apologies, Commander.

                  WOOLSEY: Very well. Doctor Keller, lead the way.

                  KELLER (to the Wraith): Please, come with me.

                  KENNY (looking at Keller's behind): Wow. Nice glutes. Bet she'll make one tasty meal...

                  TODD: I call dibs!

                  Hey - what can I say? It's good to be commander!

                  What would we do without you das?

                  I love the way your brain works
                  It fits into that scene so well because Todd did seem really distracted we know why

                  Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                  Thankyou so much for posting the link I love them, he even got some I couldn't get for the life of me...he must have a really good system.
                  Last edited by Todds worshipper; 17 December 2008, 01:36 AM.
                  Cass Todd -


                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Well, Greg's ship in The Defiant One was a supply ship - meaning that it was just stocked full of tasty humans to feed the Wraith fighting on the front line.

                    I would have loved to see exactly how Wraith go about feeding in groups - Do they just eat whenever they need to, or do they prefer to feed in groups, like humans and many different types of animals?

                    And I'd love to hear Wraith dialogue when they are forced to be around humans, without being allowed to eat them. Let's just take Todd, Kenny, and the other one who boarded the Daedalus with them - let's call him Bullseye.

                    I can just hear the telepathic communication now - in that scene when they first came on board...let's just tweak that scene a bit...

                    WOOLSEY: Thank you for coming.

                    TODD: Thank you for having us.

                    (Richard clears his throat, while Kenny and Bullseye take deep breaths, inhaling the human scent.)

                    BULLSEYE: many humans, it makes the entire ship smell quite delicious...

                    KENNY: I'm hungry....

                    WOOLSEY: Today is an historic day. Robert Grosseteste once said ...

                    BULLSEYE: You're aways hungry.

                    KENNY: Am not!

                    BULLSEYE: Are too! You constantly think about food...

                    TODD (interrupting Woolsey): I would like to get started as soon as possible.

                    KENNY: I do not.

                    TODD: Yes, you DO. Your next meal...your last meal...your 'fantasy' meal involving two human females and something called 'whipped cream'...I must ask John Sheppard about that one...

                    BULLSEYE: You even woke me up once in the middle of a good hibernation to tell me about one of your sordid little feeding dreams...

                    KENNY: What else was I to do? I woke up in a cold sweat, covered all over with enzyme and everything...

                    WOOLSEY: Y-yes, of course. But I wanted to recognise ...

                    TODD (to Jennifer): I have my doubts that your plan will be effective ... (it turns to Richard) ... so shall we drop these unfounded pleasantries and get to work? To Kenny and Bullseye: Will you two be silent! I cannot hear myself think! I think...I think I may have just told this human to bugger off...

                    BULLSEYE & KENNY: Our apologies, Commander.

                    WOOLSEY: Very well. Doctor Keller, lead the way.

                    KELLER (to the Wraith): Please, come with me.

                    KENNY (looking at Keller's behind): Wow. Nice glutes. Bet she'll make one tasty meal...

                    TODD: I call dibs!

                    Hey - what can I say? It's good to be commander!

                    love it! They should do their thoughts with screen caps, that would really make the show a lot more interesting and funny!

                    I came, I saw, I conquered!
                    We are unique! Created unique!


                      Glad you all enjoyed my bit of silliness! And hey - now we know - Kenny has icky 'enzyme dreams'! Ewwww!

                      god...I hope Tyler isn't lurking anymore...

                      But in all seriousness - Todd does seem distracted there. It could just be because Sheppard isn't there, and he's uncomfortable working with Woolsey (which would be the obvious assumption since Sheppard had argued that he should have gone on the mission).

                      But, what if Kenny and 'Bullseye' were talking to him, perhaps also questioning where Sheppard was, or concerned that it may be some sort of a trap, or just thinking it was a really bad idea. It may have unnerved Todd a bit, and made him cranky and irritable...forcing him to look 'strong', not just in front of the humans, but - more importantly - in front of his own men.



                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Glad you all enjoyed my bit of silliness! And hey - now we know - Kenny has icky 'enzyme dreams'! Ewwww!

                        god...I hope Tyler isn't lurking anymore...

                        But in all seriousness - Todd does seem distracted there. It could just be because Sheppard isn't there, and he's uncomfortable working with Woolsey (which would be the obvious assumption since Sheppard had argued that he should have gone on the mission).

                        But, what if Kenny and 'Bullseye' were talking to him, perhaps also questioning where Sheppard was, or concerned that it may be some sort of a trap, or just thinking it was a really bad idea. It may have unnerved Todd a bit, and made him cranky and irritable...forcing him to look 'strong', not just in front of the humans, but - more importantly - in front of his own men.

                        Love the dialogue, das! Now I won't be able to get those "enzyme dreams" out of my brain if Kenny is back in EatG!

                        And you have a good point about Todd's mood at the beginning of that scene, edgy and a bit distracted. It is funny to think that there might have been telepathic Wraith whispering going on and that's what was bothering him -- like someone talking to you while you are trying to carry on a conversation on the phone!

                        @Wraith Cake and leksa: interesting discussion!
                        Sparrow hawk



                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Well, Greg's ship in The Defiant One was a supply ship - meaning that it was just stocked full of tasty humans to feed the Wraith fighting on the front line.

                          I would have loved to see exactly how Wraith go about feeding in groups - Do they just eat whenever they need to, or do they prefer to feed in groups, like humans and many different types of animals?

                          And I'd love to hear Wraith dialogue when they are forced to be around humans, without being allowed to eat them. Let's just take Todd, Kenny, and the other one who boarded the Daedalus with them - let's call him Bullseye.

                          I can just hear the telepathic communication now - in that scene when they first came on board...let's just tweak that scene a bit...

                          WOOLSEY: Thank you for coming.

                          TODD: Thank you for having us.

                          (Richard clears his throat, while Kenny and Bullseye take deep breaths, inhaling the human scent.)

                          BULLSEYE: many humans, it makes the entire ship smell quite delicious...

                          KENNY: I'm hungry....

                          WOOLSEY: Today is an historic day. Robert Grosseteste once said ...

                          BULLSEYE: You're aways hungry.

                          KENNY: Am not!

                          BULLSEYE: Are too! You constantly think about food...

                          TODD (interrupting Woolsey): I would like to get started as soon as possible.

                          KENNY: I do not.

                          TODD: Yes, you DO. Your next meal...your last meal...your 'fantasy' meal involving two human females and something called 'whipped cream'...I must ask John Sheppard about that one...

                          BULLSEYE: You even woke me up once in the middle of a good hibernation to tell me about one of your sordid little feeding dreams...

                          KENNY: What else was I to do? I woke up in a cold sweat, covered all over with enzyme and everything...

                          WOOLSEY: Y-yes, of course. But I wanted to recognise ...

                          TODD (to Jennifer): I have my doubts that your plan will be effective ... (it turns to Richard) ... so shall we drop these unfounded pleasantries and get to work? To Kenny and Bullseye: Will you two be silent! I cannot hear myself think! I think...I think I may have just told this human to bugger off...

                          BULLSEYE & KENNY: Our apologies, Commander.

                          WOOLSEY: Very well. Doctor Keller, lead the way.

                          KELLER (to the Wraith): Please, come with me.

                          KENNY (looking at Keller's behind): Wow. Nice glutes. Bet she'll make one tasty meal...

                          TODD: I call dibs!

                          Hey - what can I say? It's good to be commander!


                          That put a smile on my face ALL day long (my colleagues are seriosly considering having me committed, but then, they don't know what's making me grin like this!
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            Great dialog!
                            You made my day!

                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            Well, Greg's ship in The Defiant One was a supply ship - meaning that it was just stocked full of tasty humans to feed the Wraith fighting on the front line.

                            I would have loved to see exactly how Wraith go about feeding in groups - Do they just eat whenever they need to, or do they prefer to feed in groups, like humans and many different types of animals?

                            And I'd love to hear Wraith dialogue when they are forced to be around humans, without being allowed to eat them. Let's just take Todd, Kenny, and the other one who boarded the Daedalus with them - let's call him Bullseye.

                            I can just hear the telepathic communication now - in that scene when they first came on board...let's just tweak that scene a bit...

                            WOOLSEY: Thank you for coming.

                            TODD: Thank you for having us.

                            (Richard clears his throat, while Kenny and Bullseye take deep breaths, inhaling the human scent.)

                            BULLSEYE: many humans, it makes the entire ship smell quite delicious...

                            KENNY: I'm hungry....

                            WOOLSEY: Today is an historic day. Robert Grosseteste once said ...

                            BULLSEYE: You're aways hungry.

                            KENNY: Am not!

                            BULLSEYE: Are too! You constantly think about food...

                            TODD (interrupting Woolsey): I would like to get started as soon as possible.

                            KENNY: I do not.

                            TODD: Yes, you DO. Your next meal...your last meal...your 'fantasy' meal involving two human females and something called 'whipped cream'...I must ask John Sheppard about that one...

                            BULLSEYE: You even woke me up once in the middle of a good hibernation to tell me about one of your sordid little feeding dreams...

                            KENNY: What else was I to do? I woke up in a cold sweat, covered all over with enzyme and everything...

                            WOOLSEY: Y-yes, of course. But I wanted to recognise ...

                            TODD (to Jennifer): I have my doubts that your plan will be effective ... (it turns to Richard) ... so shall we drop these unfounded pleasantries and get to work? To Kenny and Bullseye: Will you two be silent! I cannot hear myself think! I think...I think I may have just told this human to bugger off...

                            BULLSEYE & KENNY: Our apologies, Commander.

                            WOOLSEY: Very well. Doctor Keller, lead the way.

                            KELLER (to the Wraith): Please, come with me.

                            KENNY (looking at Keller's behind): Wow. Nice glutes. Bet she'll make one tasty meal...

                            TODD: I call dibs!

                            Hey - what can I say? It's good to be commander!



                              Enzyme... OMFG...

                              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                              I wish I got to know you better.


                                Male and Female evolution in spieces- we always seem to say man and woman- it seems that evolution did it around the other way-the oldest female human remains are actually 80 thousand years older than any human male- what did human women do for 80 thousand years- i know what the ladies from this thread would do er Wraith- and i do do mean do in that sense of the word do. Dna suggests humanity seems to evolved from one african female and all human babies are conceived as females for up to the 7th week of life

                                Insects evolved as females, with males as an after thought- it is strange that wraith have evolved the other way around, although many zoological orders below mammals seem to have reverse sex chromosomes, XX as the male gene and xy as female. i wonder if all the original wraith were the wraith queen females...but them why evolve so many males- perhapsthe insectoid xx genes translated over with the introduction of human or ancient genes with XY being female until the humans were fed upon, then that the female's descendants became male...i think somewhere i read that wraith queens provided dna from their own bodies but there was some male dna involved...mayb e the hive ship was once a wraith male, like Keller in the seed,or much to your disgust, wraith had physical sex as well to procreate- with the queen storing his dna for her life time or at least during that preproduction cycle much like a bee.

                                I wonder if that is why female wraith are immune to that arse ended retrovirus rubbish. if feeding on humans change iratus dna from female to male- it could explain why there are so few females in the future afte awhile- their insectoid femaleXY dna would not be changed so much unlike the mamalian xy male wraith with the R word- whose beauty and perfection were easy to strip with a jab of needle. all a theory of course
                                Well kick an ancient up the backside because the only good thing ever to come out of an ancient is Life Force- May the Life Force be with you

