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Keep The Lion Rampant - SAVE CARSON! Sunday Spoilers

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    For those of you who like fanfic and are upset with the direction the show has been going, if you're on LiveJournal, some of us have set up a new community:

    SGA AU where the powers that be didn't f*** up

    Come join us and fix the egregious errors of continuity. Our community completely supports the Save Carson campaign, and all the others who have lost characters or are losing them in some way with the changes to come.

    Your fellow "shrill lemmings" await.
    Slash Rodent from Heck


      That is one of my thoughts too - as far as we know, Rodney and his team are just scratching the surface of the ancient's database. And he already know that there are plans for the time machine Janus built into a puddlejumper (Before I sleep).

      A second thought was maybe he gets cloned in some way - but this would mean that the clone just looks like Carson, but wouldn't be like him - I think all what Carson was, his very soul, is gone.

      I still wonder why they didn't put his body into one of the stasis chambers - I think about some device that can resolve him from death. I mean the ancients built a ascending machine (Tao), so something that can heal you and bring you back from death would also be in their power. I mean Rodney had this ability during his ascencion process - he healed Radek and brought him back from death. Maybe Chaya would have had that ability.


        Time machine --> Beckett --> Finishing the solution to the Wraiths other than blowing them to thy kingdom come.


          i like the time machine idea. A Carson from the past is much better than a clone or parallel reality one. T_T


            Much as I would love it to be some other way, Carson is gone. It's unambiguous - they offed him in a big fiery ball.

            Yes, it sucks. However, we have to keep trying to persude TPTB to realise that thay HAVE made a mistake in getting rid of a character and an actor - with such a huge level of support, and also persuading them that they CAN backpedal and bring him back.
            Atlantis : Revolutions - an AU "Stargate: Atlantis" RPG


              In the End, he appears as a ghost form, so maybe he ascended. Later on he could descended, and be human again. Its happen before (several times) so i should say why not again.


                This is my first time or posting on this thread but there was something I mentioned yesterday on the Beckett thunk thread.

                Okay, I've seen shots of Beckett's final moments...

                Now who is to necessarily say that it was him that they

                Carried out in the coffin. The flames engulfed him, so anything could have happened. He could have been beamed out (Don't ask me who by, still working that out) and replaced with the burnt remains of someone else.

                I know that is a long shot but it could also help explain the whole

                McKay and Carson on the balcony thing at the end. He dissolves away. How do we know that isn't a communication hologram from the supposed ship (That I came up with) that Carson is using?

                Okay. Now I know that is a very long shot, but at least it would keep the options open...


                  The Carson who died was a clone made sometime in the past year or so but didn't know it and the real Carson is still out there and will be found.


                    We know he's gone. N. John Smith said he was no longer part of the main cast. It cant get more final then that. He also said that would MAYBE bring him back. NO GARENTEES. He's dead Jim. As someone put it. Denail should be a thing of the past. I can understand poeple grasping at straw in desperation but honestly, why would they make a big show of it, for the drama, if he was simply beamed up to a ship. What would the point be in the first place. BECKETT IS DEAD. He IS NOT in any more eps this season so unless we FIGHT to bring him back, thats it, no more Beckett.



                      Originally posted by andrewcool View Post
                      In the End, he appears as a ghost form, so maybe he ascended. Later on he could descended, and be human again. Its happen before (several times) so i should say why not again.
                      Nope, I think you got that wrong. This "ghost" scene at the end of the episode is a typical dramaturgical method in film to create a conclusion for a character (in this case, McKay). Rondey thought it was his fault, and this was only his silent commune with Beckett. Beckett fades out as the camera pans back - he didnt have the usually 'ascension' optic.

                      As for ascension, I think Carsons death was too quick and to unpredictable for him to ascend. As Daniel Jackson ascended first, he died in a long and painfull way, and he had to let go in a way of awareness.


                        Originally posted by Halessa View Post
                        Nope, I think you got that wrong. This "ghost" scene at the end of the episode is a typical dramaturgical method in film to create a conclusion for a character (in this case, McKay). Rondey thought it was his fault, and this was only his silent commune with Beckett. Beckett fades out as the camera pans back - he didnt have the usually 'ascension' optic.

                        As for ascension, I think Carsons death was too quick and to unpredictable for him to ascend. As Daniel Jackson ascended first, he died in a long and painfull way, and he had to let go in a way of awareness.
                        But remember when a whole planet was blown up (forgot the name), and they all ascended.(quickly). I would think that all that stargate alantis has gone through, that they will allow some of them to ascended.


                          What I think most of us can see happening is that they're getting rid of the SGA main cast and are replacing most of the characters with those from SG-1.

                          Which is why we're so irked.


                            The Save Carson Campaign is also running an "event" in a few weeks' time, so if you want to know more, and want to be a part of it, join the Yahoo Group!
                            Atlantis : Revolutions - an AU "Stargate: Atlantis" RPG


                              But when someone ascends, the body of that someones dissipates.
                              Carson's body didn't, they buried it, so ascension is out of the question.


                                Originally posted by Insaneboy View Post
                                But when someone ascends, the body of that someones dissipates.
                                Carson's body didn't, they buried it, so ascension is out of the question.
                                In the First Blast, the whole body was gone.
                                He was really close to the second blast, and his body could have been, completly destroyed.
                                They could say body when they mean remains of somebody. We never did actually see his body in there. For all we know it could been just parts of his clothes..ect...

