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Atlantis Cast Support Thread

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    Originally posted by Easter Lily
    I've thought a lot about why I love this show and quite honestly, it's the characters and the men and women who have made them what they are. I hope they get to stay together for another 2 seasons at least.
    From your lips to tbtp's ears, I hope. And I think another 3-4 seasons would be nice, but I'll try not to be greedy.
    On fighting:
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    Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


      Originally posted by Easter Lily
      I've thought a lot about why I love this show and quite honestly, it's the characters and the men and women who have made them what they are.
      Definitely agree! They just all work wonderfully well together and I really think if they change this 'feel' to the show, by ditching a character and bringing a SG1 one in, it will change that completely. I don't want the SGA cast to change. Please leave it how it is!

      I'm loving how s3 is progressing and there have been some beautiful team and character moments.

      Yep..I support the SGA cast 100% as well!!


        Originally posted by Easter Lily
        I've thought a lot about why I love this show and quite honestly, it's the characters and the men and women who have made them what they are. I hope they get to stay together for another 2 seasons at least.

        Very well said. It's the interaction of these characters, the special chemistry between them that gives Atlantis it's distinct flavor that we love.
        Change one of these characters fot a SG1 one would be a crime and I don't see why TPTB would do it, unless they are having cooperation problems with one of the original cast members and want to get rid of him/her.
        A transplant seems more plausible, but still that would change the dynanics of the show a lot, with the danger of not being successful, so, why use a character of a cancelled show into another that still goes on?
        The problem with rumors is that usually there's some truth in them and we don't know what it could be. But I'd rather be optimistic and hope that we'll see the SG1 characters only in guest appearances and if they are well writen that can be interesting.


          I want to support Atlantis Cast... but I don't know how to do Can you help me, please ?

          The characters are great and actors too... we love them and I don't want that they leave the show. Leave them be.


            I've been hearing these nasty little rumors, and while I doubt the idea of having Sheppard, Weir or McKay (specially McKay because we all know he's the one tptb love the most) replaced has crossed their heads. They for sure must realize that those three are some of the favorites, and it'd would surely get the show canceled if they dared to mess with the dynamics from this terrific trio.
            Still there are other characters in danger, less used characters, supporting characters, like Zinka, Beckett, I don't like Caldwell, but I'm sure he has his share of fans, I know people who love Teyla and wouldn't be happy with a show without her. The thing with SGA, is that all the characters have their idiosyncrasies that endear them to all of us, of course there are favorites, but you choose a character, (even one who hasn't had much time on-screen like Cadman, or Heightmeyer) and you'll find they have a fan base.
            And it is insulting not only to said fan base, but also to the actors, to even suggest that they can be easily replaced with characters from other show.
            The characters from SG1 were loved by their fans because of what they went through on the SG1 universe, with the stories from the SG1 universe, their fellows from SG1, they had a different kind of chemistry.
            SGA has an already existing cast of characters, they're used to eachother, they have their bonds (which have evolved due to what they've been through *with each other*), their unique way of interacting. They're compatible, I think it'd be dumb to risk ruining something that's been working so well. There should be a better reason to bring new characters into a show than "oh, we have these actors left over from another show, let's do something with them".
            And also they shouldn't under estimate just how much we've all come to love the characters from SGA, it would be an awful mistake.


              Originally posted by alyssa
              Okay, I know there's an anti cast transplant thread, but my concerns about the Atlantis cast have increased, after a report from a GW member in the Shep/Weir thread that Paul McGillion said that the fate of some of the actors of the Atlantis cast is up in the air.

              This is most likely a case of them wanting to bring in SG1 people. Instead of just bringing them in, it sounds like they also want to cull some of the existing SGA cast, which, IMO is unjustifiable.

              The aim of this thread isn't to whinge and moan and say "I hate this character", "I don't want him to behave like that", "I don't like her wearing a red shirt" or any of that rubbish. It's to support the cast as a whole.

              We, as Atlantis fans, need to be seen to be throwing our support behind all the actors. The dynamic is good, the chemistry is good. Don't let them mess with that.

              Maybe TPTB need to be bombarded with support letters for the Atlantis people, in a similar form to the Save SG1 campaign.... Even contemplating getting rid of any of the existing actors is a slap in the face to all of them. It's like saying "Thanks for your hard work, now rack off". We can't let them get away with that!
              I'm not a big fan of crossover, I dont mind a little guest spot now and then but I've always said I dont want anyone from SG1 on SGA, nothing against the SG1 folk, I've watched the show since it first airred back when I was a kid. I grew up with it, practically my entire Uni course watched it, and a load of the techie guys I work with do. And neither would I want to see SGA characters on SG1. Foremost its an insult to the SGA fans, saying SG1 is more important. SGA is a seperate and independant show, it has its own unique cast and everyone of them has contributed to its success. Honestly tho, I watch it for Carson and Rodney, (without either of those two I wouldn't continue to watch, buy the DVD's, the OST, the companion books etc). I loved the addition of Ronon he balanced out the cast. Not to mention folks like Zelenka and Lorne really enrich the show. If they screw with the cast I wont watch it, for the same reason I stopped watching SG1 at the end of S7, it wasn't my show anymore.


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                I wonder if the cast members in jeopordy could be the guy who works the gate controls on Atlantis...can't think of his name but he has been in a couple of episodes...maybe he will be replaced by Walter, he does the same job on SG1?
                I highly doubt that it will be Chuck Campbell, as he surely doesn't get paid that much that it would make a big difference if he's there or not (and when he is replaced by Gary Jones they have to pay for GJ, so they don't save money). And CC is on the set anyway as he's David Hewlett's stand-in. He was so good that they offered him to be in front of the camera for a bit. But he doesn't really have a major role that is worth replacing with a more familiar face. If they'd really doesn't want to have him on the show anymore they surely wouldn't replace him or have him die, I guess they'd just not show him anymore. He's not a vital part of the show, so they could do that and many people wouldn't even notice.

                I so hope no-one will get replaced. Weir, McKay and Sheppard will stay anyway, they're the salt of the soup. Beckett - I think they simply need this character as they at least need a doc. Dex and Teyla, Zelenka, Lorne and Caldwell - well, I like all these characters and I don't want to miss one of them! But I fear there could be reasons for TPTB to think about replacing them. Not that I'd support that, I just say that I could see them getting replaced as they simply aren't such vital parts of the show.

                But I want SGA to stay the way it is! PM's comment worried me a lot.

                Bye, A.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Originally posted by alyssa
                  The comment from him in my first post is an exact quote from someone in the Sparky thraed.

                  We can hope that it means they're in jeopardy, not that they're going to be dumped from the show, but at the same time, given the fact that there has already been talk about tptb putting SG1 people in Atlantis, it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't such an innocent comment.

                  Either way, I think that by saying now that we don't want the cast to change, we're giving them notice that if they dump any of our regular lineup, we won't be watching.
                  Have you seen some kid's post in the 'Anti-transplant' thread???? Seriously, this week could not get any worse. I wait 9 months for a vacation and wish I was at work, its sucked and now I'm hiding in my apartment, bored.... *headdesk*

                  What I wonna know is, why would they dump ANY of the SGA characters? Its stupid, everyone character has been around long enough to have a good chunk of fans. Besides, they work, they're successful, SGA is rated above SG1 most of the time. We all love the characters, the cast work so well together. We dont need any SG1 characters (no disrespect to the SG1 folk but well, do you need Bambie in Cinderella? No!), but it seems to me they think, combine the favourites, get twice the viewers... So far nothing is confirmed, its all rumour, lets hope it stays that way!


                    Damn, I go away for most of the summer, and get back to this!

                    Please, nooooooooo!!! The SGA dynamics are getting to a really interesting stage as we get to know more about the characters. What the hell is the point of developing these relationships, only to blow them apart, either by killing someone (please don't let it be who the other thread says it is!) or by introducing an SG-1 character as a regular. That would totally destroy the entire ethos of Atlantis for me, and would seriously make me question whether or not I would continue watching.
                    Atlantis : Revolutions - an AU "Stargate: Atlantis" RPG


                      Originally posted by alyssa
                      I agree with you completely, and I'm hoping it's just a rumour.
                      A-bloody-men to that!

                      As for the viewer number thing -- I strongly suspect that Claudia Black and Ben Browder were cast in SG1 as a way of doubling the audience. You know, draw in the Farscape fans. We've all seen how that worked out. How can they think that bringing in SG1 people as permanent cast members on Atlantis would be any different?
                      While I understand Ben and Claudia are actors, and good ones, I never did understand the thinking behind them being brought in besides their obvious need for a 'name' to replace RDA. But it was pretty blatant (as with Connor Trinneer) that it was done to pimp off the popularity of Farscape, especially in light of hiring BOTH leads.

                      Personally, I want them to be cut off from Earth again. I think the series needs that to keep its freshness, and to prove that yes, these people are in it together, and there's nobody sitting there, planning a rescue from Earth should something go wrong.
                      I would love that too. The sense of jeapody and danger disappeared, and too many easy solutions became available, easy answers which have been taken a few too many times. Season 1 is still, IMHO, the best season of SGA as a whole with highlights since but nothing as continually strong.

                      You're the one with the McGillion website, right? It's very good!


                        Originally posted by alyssa
                        Personally, I want them to be cut off from Earth again. I think the series needs that to keep its freshness, and to prove that yes, these people are in it together, and there's nobody sitting there, planning a rescue from Earth should something go wrong.
                        Yep i want them cut off again too...i much prefer them cut off because then we dont get any crossovers at all then!! atlantis can stay as it is, its own show!



                          Count me in as another person to agree with most of the comments and add my support to the SGA cast! Even though Atlantis is a spin-off of SG-1 I view it as a separate entity that can do fine on its own. I'm not too keen on the idea of SG-1 characters going to Atlantis, especially if it means the fate of some of the SGA characters is up in the air! Please, leave them alone and let them continue their great work on the show!


                            Atlantis works because of the cast and crew we have now. To mess with the dynamics of the show would mean SGA as it is is gone and I don't want that. I love watching the show with the present characters and bringing in characters from SG-1 just would not work for me. I will only stay with SGA if the show remains developing as it has been.
                            "Embress your life, find what it is that you love, and pursue it with all your soul. For if you do not, when you come to die, you will find that you have not lived."

                            A character from the novel "Chindi" by Jack McDevitt

                            Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.
                            'Eleanor Roosevelt'
                            Individuality is freedom lived.
                            'Janis Joplin'


                              Wow- I had no idea when I posted in the Shep/Weir ship discusison thread that this thread would pop up. What happened at the FanExpo in Paul's talk was that someone asked what was going on with the rumors surrouding the transplant of Sg-1 characters. He said that while they would be honoured to have them on as guests, SGA (for the sake of their cast) didn't really want that to happen. He also said that things with some of the SGA cast were up in the air- meaning that there might be some people who are not coming back for season 4.

                              I here show my support for the Atlantis cast, and I hope that TPTB leave everything the way they are.
                              Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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                                Thanks for the update Anjirika.

                                It is apparent that alot of us really love the characters in SGA.

                                I hope if someone does not come back it is because of their choice or at least that they got another job so they are still working and not something forced on them because of what is happening with SG1.

                                SGA has a wonderful cast, including the secondary characters and SGA really deserves the right to stand on its own. I believe it is strong enough to do just that. I love SG1 but would only really want to see those characters as occasional crossovers.
                                Last edited by Rosehawk; 07 September 2006, 06:27 PM.


