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Atlantis Cast Support Thread

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    Originally posted by alyssa
    Nicely said. What everyone fails to recognise is that 10 years ago, the big name stars they're so keen to give jobs to were unknowns. They became the stars they are because they were given strong support and backing. RDA was the only one with any real recognition.

    The same could happen with Atlantis in a few years time. These people who were fairly unknown internationally, except for Hewlett through his work on SG1, could become household names. They deserve to be given the same respect and support the SG1 people were given.
    yes well said! i agree with JOSIE and you ALYSSA! the atlantis crew deserve the respect and recognition for producing such a wonderful show these past 3 years...i believe if left to their own devices we will have many more wonderful stories told!



      Originally posted by Rootortoise
      i said on the anti thread that if they are offered atlantis they shud respectfully decline....its not fair.
      No actor is going to refuse a good paying job - that profession is difficult enough. Torri Higginson replaced Jessica Stern, Jason Momoa basically replaced Rainbow Sun Franks. They may feel bad replacing someone, but they have bills to pay as well, plus they may not even realize they are replacing someone when they accept the job. The acting profession is not for the faint of heart. It is a cold business, as you can see by the behavior of the Skiffy executives.

      Personally, I'm a greedy old bag. I want SG1 AND SGA.

      When all else fails, change channels.


        I don't understand how they can think it might be better...they would get more viewers...let's say they pull in Ben's Mitchell to take over the part as Lt Colonel for Joe... just because they might have had Ben in mind for I really like Ben,,,I loved him in Farscape... but Sheppard is my main favorite,, and even if I like Ben ,,him taking over for Joe wont do it for me... I'd be gone no matter if I like Ben.... which in the end would mean we are back to square one,,, Ben fans might join but Joe fans could very well leave the show cause he got pulled off...

        And the SGA cast could very well be just as well known around the world as SG1 cast if they have such a long time to be on the show... I'm wondering if they are not already starting to get in people's heart around the world... I didn't even know of Joe before I see a talented actor I'm truly enjoying seeing on screen and has started to go through the trouble to find his other work... I usually do that all the time when I see someone I enjoy watching,,I watch their other work ,,and support their career...
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          No actor is going to refuse a good paying job - that profession is difficult enough. Torri Higginson replaced Jessica Stern, Jason Momoa basically replaced Rainbow Sun Franks. They may feel bad replacing someone, but they have bills to pay as well, plus they may not even realize they are replacing someone when they accept the job. The acting profession is not for the faint of heart. It is a cold business, as you can see by the behavior of the Skiffy executives.

          Personally, I'm a greedy old bag. I want SG1 AND SGA.
          If an SG1 character did come in to SGA and replace a cast member I would in no way blame the actor for taking the job, as you say acting is a cut throat profession and I don't blame anyone for accepting a job when the alternative is potential unemployment. Even actors with 10 years of TV experience under their belt can find it incredibly difficult to get work.


            Originally posted by alyssa
            Greedy, maybe, but old bag?? Never!!!!!!!

            You'd think the cost fo the SG1 actors would put them off for a start. They'd have to command a higher fee than the Atlantis actors, based solely on their track record on SG1, and their higher profiles. What's that going to do for other aspects of the show, like special effects, etc?
            The older actors (ones who have been around the longest) would be more expensive. Browder, Black, maybe Bridges would be cheaper to move over.

            I don't see Browder replacing Flanigan. He "could" replace Caldwell, since I've heard Mitch Pileggi now has another series he is working on, but that would be recurring and I don't know if Browder would go for that.

            If they brought Claudia Black over, I can only see her replacing Teyla or Ronon. She isn't human, and a bit of a loose cannon, so she wouldn't replace Weir.

            Maybe Browder could replace Weir. Wow, Flanigan and Browder on the same show.

            *runs away*

            When all else fails, change channels.


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              No actor is going to refuse a good paying job - that profession is difficult enough. Torri Higginson replaced Jessica Stern, Jason Momoa basically replaced Rainbow Sun Franks. They may feel bad replacing someone, but they have bills to pay as well, plus they may not even realize they are replacing someone when they accept the job. The acting profession is not for the faint of heart. It is a cold business, as you can see by the behavior of the Skiffy executives.

              Personally, I'm a greedy old bag. I want SG1 AND SGA.
              you're right, they probably wont decline...but they should.
              surely they know their fanbase by now to realise they wouldnt be well received by a lot of the fans who do not want any sg1 characters replacing or joining the atlantis cast. plus its just insulting to the existing characters...people who they have suported and are suposidly friends with. now i love my best friend but id be p-----d if she came into my work one day and said oh by the way they fired u and im taking over ur job.

              jessica had only done 2 episodes so its not like torri was replacing say someone that had been in a role for 3 years. ford again was only in one season, u cud tell the writers were struggling with him, but at least RSF got the chance to actually act in an interesting arc for his character with the enzyme thing. ronon as definately improved as a character and probably did some good for atlantis.

              the thing is if u are on a show for 10 years i just think, like others here, that its disrespectful and rude to replace someone else who has only had 3 years in a show. they shud move on, spend time with their family...just accept that its most likely the end of sg1....after all as they know thats show business for you. leave atlantis be, and leave being respected as the characters who had a succesful run of 10 years on sg1 but knew when to call it a day. not be like some big brother contestant who is still hanging around years after the show still thinking they are famous.

              right enough negativity... this thread is for suporting the current sga cast...and i certainly do!!!

              and with u i wud stop watching if they got rid of shep...hes my fav character...just as i didnt watch season 6 of sg1 when daniel left...see i did used to be a fan but even i know when to call it a day.



                I'm not convinced there's enough money in the kitty for any of the big names to move over to SGA from SG1. The huge salaries were one of the reasons SG1 has been on dicey ground for several years. Several execs have stated that for a few years now.
                I support the SGA cast 100%. They all work well together. Let's leave them as they are, thank you very much, TPB at Skiffy.
                I think all the main characters are safe. Recurring? Who knows?
                I do think it's a good idea to voice our concerns here and by writing, just so SGA has our support and TPTB know how we feel,even if they choose to ignore our pleas.
                Last edited by Linzi; 05 September 2006, 01:32 PM.


                  I have to throw my support in for this thread and for the Atlantis cast as well.

                  I absolutely love the team dynamics on this show. The characters, both main and secondary, are a well cohesioned group that certainly play off each other remarkably well. I just couldn't accept one of these characters being shoved aside for the sake of bringing over an SG1 transplant.

                  Atlantis has three very good years so far with its already established cast. I would like to see it continue AS IS for several more. If I want SG1, I'll watch Stargate SG-1. But as it is, I want Stargate Atlantis with Joe, Torri, David, Jason, Rachel, Paul, and all the other secondary cast members!!

                  Change the show, I'll be changing my viewing preferences on Friday nights.


                    Wow! So much has been said since I've been gone...and sooooo many good points. Here's what I think on a more detailed level. I had to go have my physical (I finally got a job!) so I didn't have much time to respond like I wanted. Okay here we go!

                    For me, I could care less if SG1 lives or dies. I'm sorry, you can't convience me otherwise. It ended at S8. Its in it's 10th season? What 10th season?...don't try and convience me otherwise. I know that TBPT think that with SG1 gone it's gonna lose viewerd. But how many SG1 fans don't watch SGA? And how many non SGA watching SG1 fans are actually gonna watch SGA just because their SG1 characters are on it? SGA is its own show. Totally different, and in my opinion better and stronger than SG1. So happy for SG1 that they spent a decade doing something they loved. But they knew it wasn't gonna last forever. I know they didn't think it was gonna last ten years...they've said it.

                    Whoever said that they feared that Shep, Weir, and McKay would be axed. Probably not as most everyone else has said. Because they know if they axe Shep and McKay, it's just going to counter what they think they are trying to do by bringing in more fans. Every SGA fan would most likely stop watching. Then where would they be? It's your secondary characters like Beckett (yes, even though he's in the credits), Zelenka, Caldwell, etc. that will get axed. Now must of us know and believe that Caldwell will be gone since Mitch has another show. Which he is a very expendable character. If any of the SGA cast...down to our nameless Chuck gets axed, I will stop watching. I'd been holding off on saying that, but I absolutely adore every single person on that cast. Someone said Ronan replaced Ford. I agree and disagree. Because Ford's not dead, he can be brought back. I too thought they were struggling with his character, and I understand why they did what they did with him. But it's not like he can't ever be brought back to Atlantis.

                    I too also think they should be cut off from Earth again. I think they have gotten a little too comfortable in the fact that they can just call home when they need help. I think that's one of the things that was lacking in S2. Their sense of having to survive on their own in another galaxy. It's great that they have the ability to go home, but I think they just did it too soon in the series.

                    I agree with the fact that it is a slap in the face. It is also an insult to SGA. I too said that I hoped that the SG1 cast would respectfully decline the offer. But I also know what it's like to be unemployed and wouldn't blame them if they didn't. But if SG1's cast does come over...I will probably stop watching. I just hope that TPTB won't actually kill any of the characters they are thinking about replacing off. Do like what they did with Ford. That way when they find out that when the show completely sucks, they can try and fix it. That is if anyone is still watching it by then.

                    I have to leave again. Err! I'll probably have something more to add to this when I get back.
                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                      Add me to the chorus of support for the SGA cast. I love the core cast and think they have an excellent team dynamic and messing about with that would be disastrous - especially now that in season 3 we are getting to see more and more of that team dynamic and the close ties between these people. There simply isn't space for another main character in the mix and replacing someone with an SG1 character would just be horrible and screw up the successful dynamic.

                      I also can't agree that the only way not to have SG1 characters in SGA is to make sure SG1 continues. Don't get me wrong, I really like SG1 - but I can accept that it has come to an end. it's run for TEN SEASONS... that is unheard of in TV (other that soap operas etc). Every show has got to end sometime and 10 years is a damn fine run. Now please please give SGA a chance. Let it stand on it's own two feet.

                      To suggest that the only way to keep SGA going/the only reason for having it around, is to make it into a vehicle for some beloved remnant of the parent show to stay around is insulting to all the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in making SGA the awesome show it already is right now.


                        The Atlantis Cast has my full support. They're the reason why I Love Atlantis that much.
                        I love John. Can't think of Atlantis without him.
                        Weir is my favourite character. She is one of the main reasons I watched Atlantis. Torri is such a talented actress. One of the best I've ever seen.
                        Rodney is awesome. Great. So flawed, but great.

                        If any of these three go/die/get killed/is replaced, then it is the end of Atlantis for me. I'm not sure I will stop watching, I think I will keep watching (because of the ones that are still alive), but it won't be Stargate Atlantis anymore.
                        "Stargate Atlantis ended in season 3. Now it's a giant cross-over between SG1 and Atlantis". Yeah, that's what I'll say, actually.

                        Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Ronon, Teyla, Beckett (dear Carson...), but to me, Joe, Torri and David make the show.
                        But that's not why I don't care about them being replaced.
                        Ronon, Teyla and Carson can't be replaced. Please. Everything but this.

                        Stargate Atlantis is what it is now thanks to its great cast, Torri, Joe, David, Jason, Rachel, Paul and the others have done a terrific job so far. And for that, I thank them, and support them.


                          I love every single main character on Atlantis, and I love the actors behind those characters even more.

                          I don't think Michael Shanks would come over to Atlantis (since it was doubtful he was going to do s11, and also cos I think he must have the highest fee (apart from probably Beau's))

                          Amanda Tapping and Chris Judge also have high fees and with Atlantis's budget most likely being cut, I can't see them moving

                          But...Ben and Claudia, while big names in the world of Sci Fi have smaller fees...

                          I can see Vala replacing Teyla

                          But it doesn't matter who replaces who...I'll still be disgusted
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            I love every single main character on Atlantis, and I love the actors behind those characters even more.

                            I don't think Michael Shanks would come over to Atlantis (since it was doubtful he was going to do s11, and also cos I think he must have the highest fee (apart from probably Beau's))

                            Amanda Tapping and Chris Judge also have high fees and with Atlantis's budget most likely being cut, I can't see them moving

                            But...Ben and Claudia, while big names in the world of Sci Fi have smaller fees...

                            I can see Vala replacing Teyla

                            But it doesn't matter who replaces who...I'll still be disgusted
                            I agree they must have high fees...and if it was cut for being to expensive,,then pulling in one major cast from SG1 is going to cost to much,,,I don't want to see anyone on SGA pushed aside at all... I have my favorites and there are those that might be less but as a whole cast they work and I can't see them replaced...

                            Vala for Teyla...oh geez I hope not... I truly like Claudia,,but the way Vala is at times she's hardly my favorite..sometimes she just gets to much for me..sorry for the ones that love her,,we can't all feel the same... and I think Vala replacing Teyla in John's team..oh brother he will get double headache,,,handling both her and Rodney...nope it should be just as it is now...

                            SGA should stand on it's own,,,I'm sure they can very well pull it off...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              I totally don't mind little walk-on rolls from time to time to remind us that there is an SGC out there somewhere and that SG-1 hasn't just vanished off the face of the planet. But it would so undermine EVERYTHING if they suddenly transplanted a bunch of people, whether or not they replaced anyone. It would make me sick if they did--I love SG-1 to death, but it's been sort of falling apart since season 9 and I do not want it dragging down SGA in its final, if valiant, death throws. Leave it be! SG-1 will live on in some form or another. Let us Atlantis fans have our go for a while. And after ten or so years you decide to reunite the two on one show, fine. Then we'll probably be okay with it. Do it now, though, and you'll not be making one show "better" in order to save two, you'll be murdering two perfectly good shows in the hopes of saving one.
                              thankee toasteronfire


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                Maybe Browder could replace Weir. Wow, Flanigan and Browder on the same show.

                                *runs away*
                                That is not a show I'd want to watch!

                                **runs away too**

