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Elizabeth Weir/Torri Higginson WOW Thread - Part 2

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    It's a campaign to save Weir. How else are you meant to name it? Also, as it was under the heading of Save Weir Campaign, and not SEW Campaign, I didn't think it did come from the SEW thread. Given how long the SEW thread has existed, I doubt anyone thought so either, especially as it wasn't signed by SEW Campaign, which all previous multi-thread posts have been.

    I wish Meditrina, her friend, and whoever else partakes, the best of luck! The playing card idea is really neat as it's synonomous with both Weir and Torri, but I'm not sure I would want a pack of cards that was one down. Whatever... the crackers worked for Farscape!

    Edit: BG beat me to it.


      Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
      Meditrina didn't make it look like it was part of the SEW Campaign at all bc she didn't mention :"SEW Campaign anywhere"! Just let people be and deal with their own idea of how to save Elizabeth as they want. You don't tell people outside your crew what to do. She doesn't have the authority to speak for SEW, fine! We knew that already but that doesn't mean she can't speak for herself and give ideas to the Weir fans.

      When I read her post I knew it wasn't part of the SEW Campaign and I really didn't need you to remind me that or to speak as if you own every right to be Elizabeth Weir's saviour. Sorry if I'm being less diplomatic but I'm not a very big fan of PMs since I believe everybody's allowed to read what's being said about Torri and her fans. In this case, I found it very insulting to her fans, which result in your statement being insulting to Torri.

      And for the record, this isn't OT.

      Now, I really hope people won't have to PM you, since we've cleared this up.

      Edit: and to quote Kales : "Seeing as this thread is all about appreciating Torri as an actress, it's important that we clear up that anyone can support saving Elizabeth Weir, whether it's part of the SEW campaign or not. "
      Ummm... it said right at the top: "Save Weir Campaign"
      I was just clearing up an issue regarding the SEW camaign. And as yes I did get PM's asking whether or not this was campaign related. I'm glad you knew but others didn't, so I thought the best way was to just clear it up where it was posted.

      And quite frankly, I can't thank you all enough for the red. Quite diplomatic of you all. And I find it funny that you think my post was rude to Torri when all you've done, is bully people. So that must be insulting to her fans, thus resulting in Torri being offended.


        The red is there to let people know that you disagree with their post. Just like green is there when you want to let someone know you agree with their post. Unless an accompanying comment broke forum rules, really, there's no harm done.

        Anyways (this isn't directed at any one person), the interwebs r big, yo! I'm sure there are many campaigns to bring Weir back, and if it comes to pass, I'm sure there will be more than just one campaign to thank for it. So, does it really matter WHAT campaign a person is part of?


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
          Anyways (this isn't directed at any one person), the interwebs r big, yo! I'm sure there are many campaigns to bring Weir back, and if it comes to pass, I'm sure there will be more than just one campaign to thank for it. So, does it really matter WHAT campaign a person is part of?
          No it doesn't matter what campaign a person belongs to. The ultimate goal is to get Weir back.

          All I was trying to do was to streamline ideas and suggestions. That is all. If people have ideas, I want to get them out on the website, lj, yahoogroups, etc to find as many Weir fans as we can. We should use our numbers as best we can.


            Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
            Ummm... it said right at the top: "Save Weir Campaign"
            I was just clearing up an issue regarding the SEW camaign. And as yes I did get PM's asking whether or not this was campaign related. I'm glad you knew but others didn't, so I thought the best way was to just clear it up where it was posted.

            And quite frankly, I can't thank you all enough for the red. Quite diplomatic of you all. And I find it funny that you think my post was rude to Torri when all you've done, is bully people. So that must be insulting to her fans, thus resulting in Torri being offended.
            First of all, I didn't red you but somehow I wish I did. But I'm trying to make a point here. How many times have I been dinged? huh? Get over it. None of us are saints but at least we don't think we own something, in this case free will regarding how to save Elizabeth Weir.

            Now there's a difference between Meditrina's post and SMS_BOOk's posts for example :

            SMS_BOOK :
            Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
            Hello Torri Fans!

            I want to thank everyone who has already gone to Joe's blog to share their support for Torri. Every post I've seen has been just wonderful - thank you.

            Of course, it didn't take long before we got a response from another poster about all of the Torri posts...

            Post on JM's Blog from "Anonymous"

            Anonymous said...
            I wondered why we were getting all these posts about “Tori” saying why she is so wonderful. So wonderful in fact that Joe should do a “Dallas” in season five with Atlantis waking up and finding Weir back in charge.

            So I went to Gateworld and looked for a “Tori” forum and found one second to last on the first page.

            Looking through the posts what do I find but one from SMB_BOOKs that says:

            “And, I'd like to ask that each Torri fan pop over to JM's blog today and add their own comment. Please keep it polite and professional, but don't be afraid to be direct and let him know what you want! And, please don't post as anonymous. Either use your GW name or come up with another one if you don't want to do that.
            I think it would be great if we had lots of positive Weir support on JM's blog today - Weir fans, en masse, showing their support for Torri!

            There may be others in the forum who made the same request but I looked no further.

            I would ask those of you Gateworld folks that feel compelled to voice your support of the Weir character to redirect your effort from this blog to one of Joe's posted email address or if you can't do that put a line in the top of your post asking Joe to delete the post after he reads it.

            That way Joe can see what you want and the rest of us can avoid all that fan fiction and get back to food, books and other more interesting things.


            I chose to reply. This probably hasn't been unscreened yet, since I just sent it.

            Joe - Pardon me while I respond to "anonymous", who posted...

            "I would ask those of you Gateworld folks that feel compelled to voice your support of the Weir character to redirect your effort from this blog to one of Joe's posted email address or if you can't do that put a line in the top of your post asking Joe to delete the post after he reads it."

            Lots of fans post here for lots of topics. Some post about the fabulous food adventures Joe has, or the latest books he's reading. A lot of fans post here about SGA topics. For some it's Shep whumping, for others it's how great Carter is in her new role, still others love Wraith humor, some post about liking Keller, some post about not liking Keller, etc.

            Weir fans are using a wide variety of ways to show their support for this character. We send letters, we send emails, we participate in online forums and we post on blogs.

            It was certainly not my intent to frustrate blog readers when I asked fellow Weir fans to show their support for this character by posting on this blog. My sole motivation was to help Joe see how much support Torri really does have out there and to make a polite plea for her safe return to the team.

            Our posts have been polite and respectful and I hope we are allowed to continue to use ALL avenues to express our support for Torri Higginson as Elizabeth Weir.

            Thank you, Joe, for unscreening our comments and for allowing me the opportunity to respond to "anonymous." Both are greatly appreciated.

            IMO our posts to JM's blog are appropriate and I plan on continuing. We have been polite and respectful and are simply showing our support for Torri and her character.

            Good work and keep it up!

            and Meditrina said :"Save Elizabeth Campaign" not "SEW Campaign or Save Elizabeth Weir Campaign" The lastname's missing.

            Anyway I have some CSI to watch, I can't be bothered explaining what's insulting and what isn't as we'll always agree to disagree. Just try to respect other people's opinion and btw we're not always interested in your SEW posts on this thread or on the S/W but still, we don't say it's OT or spam. We take the time to read them or to avoid them but we've never said they weren't welcome. Just try to respect other people's campaigns or whatever they are.


              To be fair to both parties and hopefully diffuse a tense situation, Suz is in charge of an organized campaign (ie. it has a website, has an official petition, has members, and sends out letters and emails in the campaign's name). Thus, she has a right to worry about what's being deemed officially part of the campaign that she set up and is running.

              If there was confusion, then the "save weir" part of the post could be deleted, or else a disclaimer could be added saying it's not officially related to the SEW campaign to help everyone know that it's a different entity.

              It all seems like small potatoes, since it's just a TV character, but a lot of time was put into setting up the website, I'm sure, and it's the right thing to do to differentiate between SEW and any other possible campaigns.

              Lizzie says: Politics sucks, but there ya go!


                If there are other SEW campaigns, let me know! I'd be happy to join forces with them or share info with them or whatever - if they're doing a campaign I'd be happy to pass along their information and post what they're doing on our website. The more we can get the word out the better.


                  Fair enough Rory, but still I stand by my opinion on that particular post.

                  Now back to CSI and the love that is Torri. She'll be back, at least I'm inclined to think so now.


                    Hello All -

                    I just wanted to come on to say that I think fans who want to support a cause to bring back Elizabeth Weir are great and I love to see more people being vocal about this cause.

                    The cause to Save Elizabeth can use all the members it can get. Now is a time for Torri fans who want to see her continue as Elizabeth to come together, not be driven apart.

                    There are other SGA fans out there who would not wish us success in our cause, which makes it VITAL that those of us out there who DO want Torri back as Elizabeth work together to get that done.

                    I think all Suz was trying to ask was that all these great ideas that are being discussed back in forth in a variety of threads be channeled through the SEW campaign so they could be coordinated and implemented in a way that would have maximum impact for all of us.

                    If there are a variety of movements out there who wish to save Elizabeth, wouldn't it make sense to band together as a bigger group with a bigger voice and hopefully have a bigger impact?? Wouldn't working together instead of struggling alone make sense?

                    I believe her motivation was born strictly out of a desire for us all to work TOGETHER to achieve our goal. I realize that for some folks here, it didn't come across that way and it's unfortunate this went as far as it did.

                    I'm not posting this to draw out any arguments or to further inflame the discussion, only to make a passionate plea for all of us to work together in supporting a Save Elizabeth Weir movement.

                    Can we all work together?
                    Signature by Erin87


                      Meditrina - just wanted to follow up to your post with something that made me chuckle...

                      Random postcards: Do a "Where's Dr. Weir?" as in a -Where's Waldo- reference.

                      A while back (early November, I think) - I sent an email to one of Joe Mallozzi's email addresses, [email protected] . He has several silly email addresses set up that he uses to filter all the spam emails he gets. He posted them on his blog and fans can email there too. He will respond when he has time.

                      ANYHOO - I sent an email to "Cookie Monster" from Waldo. Like I said, I sent this in early November. I'll share it here since you had a similar idea on your's in spoiler tags below:

                      My email to Joe as Cookie Monster:

                      Cookie Monster,

                      Waldo here. Of "Where in the World is Waldo?" fame, the short version being "Where's Waldo?"

                      I'm writing to you because I need your help. I think I may soon find myself in need of employment and I heard you had an "in" with the casting director for Sesame Street.

                      Apparently, in the last few months, an underground movement of scifi fans (what's scifi, anyway?) has brought to mainstream popularity a new character in the genre I formerly dominated. Something about "Where in the Pegasus Galaxy is Elizabeth Weir?" I wasn't worried when I first heard of this group, thinking they would soon lose their momentum when faced with roadblocks or lack of information about how to make inroads in the market.

                      BUT, over the past few weeks their numbers have grown as well as their popularity. I find the demand for my services to be dwindling and fear that I will soon be without a job. This group is passionate and committed who does not take attempts at derailment lightly. I know you are well connected in the entertainment industry - if you know who the people are who "lost" this Weir person, I sure wish you would send them the message that they need to find her and bring her back quick. We're heading into the holiday season, now is not the time for me to lose my only source of income.

                      In closing, thank you for any assistance you can provide. I am good with children and would enjoy a change of scenery. Those "sunny days, chasing the clouds away" sound like a lot of fun. It sure seems like these people out there who are trying to find this Weir person won't stop until they get what they want, so I look forward to your speedy reply.


                      And here was Joe's response:

                      Dere Waldo,

                      Come to Sesame Street and stay at Grover Bed and Breakfast. Is technikaly not Bed and Breakfast because you no get breakfast, but for $230 a nite, get t.v. (as long as you like watching what Grover watch), toilet that work most of time, and beautiful view of parking lot so you can keep eye on car.

                      Re: Atlantis. No room. Big Bird take command next season.


                      LOL - guess great minds think alike, eh?

                      I did post this exchange on the SEW thread here at GW just to show people how we could have fun "getting into character" when we sent emails to JM. Didn't share it here, since it would have been off topic. Felt with recent developments, that it would be good to share it here.

                      Thanks to all the other Torri WOW folks for indulging me on this post since it is a bit OT.
                      Signature by Erin87



                        Soooooooooo, where is the booze?

                        Last edited by Blower'sGate; 24 November 2007, 04:01 AM.


                          I just want to send my apologies to Meditrina.

                          I didn't mean to make her or ideas feel unwelcome.

                          I am extremely sorry and once again, my apologies.
                          Last edited by Suzotchka; 23 November 2007, 07:13 PM.


                            Ouch BG can you spoilerise that pic? It's a-streching ma page

                            More pics from season 3! This one is gong to be, um... The Real World


                            Lovebar made by natz099
                            My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                              ^^ that picture makes me so happy!


                                Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post
                                Ouch BG can you spoilerise that pic? It's a-streching ma page

                                More pics from season 3! This one is gong to be, um... The Real World


                                Gorgeous! TRW is my fave and Torri is just amazing in it.
                                Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                                at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                                R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)

