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Elizabeth Weir/Torri Higginson WOW Thread - Part 2

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
    Snurch away! They're from a bonus feature which I'm pretty sure is on the S2 DVDs. It's called "Road to a Dream with Martin Gero." Very, very funny! That man should play the US version of David Brent, yo!

    Is PB being rediculously slow for anybody else?
    Thanks. *snurches*

    As for PB. We're taking a little time out from each other. After our little bust up this afternoon. *nods*

    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


      And the next batch...




        Originally posted by Major_Moomin
        As for PB. We're taking a little time out from each other. After our little bust up this afternoon. *nods*
        Well, there be some lovin' under the cut to make up for it



        I just wish the quality was better.


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
          Well, there be some lovin' under the cut to make up for it



          I just wish the quality was better.
          Aww, the pics are brill! Spread the love!

          And I'd give you green if I haden't just given it to you 2 seconds ago.


          Night folks!


          Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

          LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

          Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


            *giggles* That cap is lurve! Tried splatting you for it but GW says I have to be a skank and spread that love some more


              Good morning all!

              Love the pics SL!! I so need to get S2 when it comes out here.

              Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                Just a quick heads up, there are less then 75 tickets left for the Vancouver Creation Convention next year.

                Love the spamming! And Sally I'm going to snurch those BTW scenes caps as well

                Lovebar made by natz099
                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                  Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                  Just a quick heads up, there are less then 75 tickets left for the Vancouver Creation Convention next year.
                  I'm not going, don't wanna go taking the trip to Van I've wanted for years to have it last only six days anyway because of college, and there's always the possibility of cancellation. I'll wait and see if she makes LFCC next September.

                  I'd post stuff more relevant, but this migraine is kicking my butt.


                    Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                    Just a quick heads up, there are less then 75 tickets left for the Vancouver Creation Convention next year.

                    Love the spamming! And Sally I'm going to snurch those BTW scenes caps as well
                    Hehe, no probs! (Nearly wrote 'no probes'. Whoops!)

                    ZOMG, sod asking for time off! I need to get my ticket. Now! *feels like the kid from Willy Wonka*


                      LOL Sally I just hope they sort out my ticket before they sell out

                      And does anyone want to know what happens in The Return Part 1? Apparently Amazon accidently posted that instead of Phantoms Go HERE to read a full summary. Someone's going to get their arse kicked

                      Sounds excellent

                      Lovebar made by natz099
                      My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                        Oh, pic spams while I was gone!!! Awesome!!!

                        Hmmmm, pic spam from me too!


                        And some more


                        Okay, I'm done.

                        "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                        "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                        My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                          Because I am so incredibly bored at work atm I'm Pic!Spamming to keep myself amused...

                          All from Season 3!

                          Ha! And that song 'Sexy Back' just came on the radio *is amused*

                          Lovebar made by natz099
                          My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                            Hey Sapph! You should dance to taht song. I don't really like it... but *dances* anyway.

                   this pic kinda looks like someone I know... But I just can't place who(m?)...

                            I have a pic spam from Conversion:


                            They just in a random order

                            "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                            "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                            My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                              OMG! Thank you so much! That third pic from the end? I have the same one, but I didn't know which ep it was from!

                              *gets up and dances*

                              Lovebar made by natz099
                              My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                                Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                                Because I am so incredibly bored at work atm I'm Pic!Spamming to keep myself amused...

                                All from Season 3!

                                Ha! And that song 'Sexy Back' just came on the radio *is amused*
                                oO I haven't seen that third pic before. What ep is it from??

                                Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.

