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Elizabeth Weir/Torri Higginson WOW Thread - Part 2

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
    Ooh, I could dig that.
    Maybe she'll find Ford and in their reduced-to-recurring status, they'll make Super!Ebil!Babiez
    *grins* That would just be weir'd in an evil!SoTPTB!Way

    I have literally flailed while watching an ep, lol. I've also been known to shout at the screen, haha. If certain people in certain white coats ever caught me, I'm sure I'd be locked up staight away.
    I have as well. Lucky for me my chair is stable But the filing cabinet behind my head has it in for me I swear

    I think being this upset over the news we've had over the past few days is a testiment to how fabulously talented and well loved Torri really is. I think she'd be really touched by how everyone is concerned for her, and for the character she helped bring to life.
    Too true! We all know she fabulously talented and the reaction of her fans and even people who are so-so has been so strong. I love the icon I have that says "Proud to be a Torri fan" Hope she knows that we love her!

    Originally posted by Billy
    *hugs tightly* I'm just too sensitive and sleep deprived and that's why I'm going to bed now. Good Night

    Pretty pics make it always better thankyou
    Not long till BSG returns is it? Go sleep so I can snark in your LJ without fear *giggles* *squishes*

    Lovebar made by natz099
    My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


      Night Billy! Sweet dreams.

      And First Strike should air in three weeks... Feb, 5th.

      Submersion next week, followed by Vengeance, finaled by First Strike.



        Someone make me feel better please? They think I have measles. I have to go to the doctor in the morning. And my feet are the only place I'm not itching. ACK! I thought it was just an allergic reaction and I've been treating it as such, but it's so much worse now.

        Yeah, I know this is OT, but this on TOP of what TPTB are planning for Lizzie? Aaaaaah! >_<


          Three weeks? *thinks* I can do that... Maybe

          *is excited*

          Lovebar made by natz099
          My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


            Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post
            Too true! We all know she fabulously talented and the reaction of her fans and even people who are so-so has been so strong. I love the icon I have that says "Proud to be a Torri fan" Hope she knows that we love her!
            I have to say I've been really surprised by some of the people, and the sheer ammount of people, that have come out and campaigned to keep Weir/Torri. Not that I didn't know she had a huge following, but some names here I wouldn't have guessed. Seeing the number of people rallying together... and I can't remember the last time the forum was so busy (well, could have been about a year ago on the 29th )... just WOW!


              Hey there. I like to pop in here cuz I love Torri so much, but I'm trying to remain unspoiled for the episodes I haven't seen yet. It's a tough thing to do!

              But I had to post about recent episodes I have seen.

              I really loved Elizabeth in this episode. Her interaction with Rodney and John (talking about ZPMs and then the whales) were a lot of fun. "No more e-mails!" And later when she passes out, I love how all the guys there - John, Radek and Rodney - rush to her. Awwww.

              Tao of Rodney:
              I love the dialogue Elizabeth had in this episode. Her talk with Rodney about releasing his burden. I just thought it was great. Oh, and when John keeps hassling her about the Ancients and she knows what it's all leading up to. "Yes, you can be next." Rodney wrote a 500-page book about Elizabeth! That is so cool.
              Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                I have to say I've been really surprised by some of the people, and the sheer ammount of people, that have come out and campaigned to keep Weir/Torri. Not that I didn't know she had a huge following, but some names here I wouldn't have guessed. Seeing the number of people rallying together... and I can't remember the last time the forum was so busy (well, could have been about a year ago on the 29th )... just WOW!
                I'm loving how many people have delurked here and elsewhere to show support. I think that's amazing and fantastic.

                Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                Hey there. I like to pop in here cuz I love Torri so much, but I'm trying to remain unspoiled for the episodes I haven't seen yet. It's a tough thing to do!
                *looks up* Yep it sure is

                I really loved Elizabeth in this episode. Her interaction with Rodney and John (talking about ZPMs and then the whales) were a lot of fun. "No more e-mails!" And later when she passes out, I love how all the guys there - John, Radek and Rodney - rush to her. Awwww.
                This is one of my favourite episodes of the entire season so far. It had a little of everyone and was a pretty decent plot. And one that hadn't been done before.

                Tao of Rodney:
                I love the dialogue Elizabeth had in this episode. Her talk with Rodney about releasing his burden. I just thought it was great. Oh, and when John keeps hassling her about the Ancients and she knows what it's all leading up to. "Yes, you can be next." Rodney wrote a 500-page book about Elizabeth! That is so cool.
                Loved Rodney in this ep, especially
                when he gives her the book. Her expression when she says "500 pages" is a classic

                Lovebar made by natz099
                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                  Welcome meredith! Props to you for tying to stay spoiler free. I know I couldn't do it, lol.

                  Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                  And later when she passes out, I love how all the guys there - John, Radek and Rodney - rush to her. Awwww.
                  Her milkshake brings all the boys to the ground...

                  Tao of Rodney:
                  I love the dialogue Elizabeth had in this episode. Her talk with Rodney about releasing his burden. I just thought it was great. Oh, and when John keeps hassling her about the Ancients and she knows what it's all leading up to. "Yes, you can be next." Rodney wrote a 500-page book about Elizabeth! That is so cool.
                  I think he started that way back in S1. He told her he'd done some research on her and I think that's how John found out her birthday in BIS; Rodney was likely rambling and realised in an off-hand way that Elizabeth's birthday was coming up. John decided to do something to mark the occasion.


                    Hello fellow lemmings!

                    I had to take some time off to hunt around for my Zen. It was lurking in the Lemming thread. It's good to go all snarky. Heehee!

                    Great picspams one and all!

                    re Sunday. I still haven't seen it yet but
                    Hot damn!!!!! Mike is seriously hot, hot, hot! Since it looks like my preferred pairing has been blasted out of the water (or has it? *clings tenuously to lifeline*) I'm quite glad I find it so easy to multi-ship Elizabeth with somebody else. Especially somebody as drop dead gorgeous as he is and very, very keen on Lizzie. At least that ship has got a chance of sailing. Not looking forward to poor Carson's demise either.

                    Maybe I should be just a non-shipper, it would save a lot of grief.

                    Sekrit fantasy coming out. Don't know if any of you watch "Numb3rs" but if TH does go to another show I wouldn't mind this one. I can totally ship her and the lead, Don, in that show. *Puts stop to reverie.*

                    Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                      RONNIIIIIII!!! *tackles*

                      I posted some cheery thoughts about Sparky on that thread. Go peak, might cheer you up some more.

                      You know, I never even thought about Torri going to another show. (Is that my purse having a heart attack? )


                        OK, I admit that Elizabeth's "date" was cute. Of course I've only seen the caps so I'm reserving final judgment until I see him in action, so to speak.

                        But this is all moot anyway because in Submersion she is finally going to get some alone time with John *says my little Sparky heart*.

                        The First Strike spoiler sounds interesting, but I'm nervous about where it's going to leave her. Whatever happens, I'm sure Torri will be great.
                        sig by SueKay

                        My Team:



                          Someone who knows HTML and CSS and maybe some PHP and who can put a layout and navigation together.

                          If you can help please email: [email protected]

                          Please forward this message to anyone you think can help us.

                          The person we have had helping has come down with the measles

                          Thank you!!


                            Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                            RONNIIIIIII!!! *tackles*

                            I posted some cheery thoughts about Sparky on that thread. Go peak, might cheer you up some more.

                            You know, I never even thought about Torri going to another show. (Is that my purse having a heart attack? )

                            Put on a few Christmas kilos perchance? Just kidding, no, seriously, just kidding.....Oh, oh....

                            I will now do as I'm bidden by my fellow lemming and take a look at that thread for I am an ill-informed lemming and need to better myself. Hee!
                            (Er, which thread? Sunday/Lemming/Sparky?)

                            I agree Irish Eyes, I hope we get to see a bit more Lizzie than what we've gotten in the last few episodes.

                            Oh no! Measles? Do people still get measles these days? Sorry I can't help.

                            Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                              Sparky thread, and it's pounds, not kilos.

                              Been digging around and found a pretty much all transcript of David Hewlett's MGM interview, by Prion. Thought I'd copy the bit about what David had to say about Torri.

                              “Torri is the most different from her character. Torri plays this very by the book leader, struggling to be taken seriously in a world of men, so that’s her character on Atlantis. She is the coolest individual in the world. Her dog is the most laidback thing I’ve ever seen. She’s so completely – a polar opposite of who she is on the show because she has this incredibly wicked sense of humor… and she’s the funniest person in the bar, basically. When we go out, Jason and her would probably tie for the bar clown. I’m never there because I’m never invited, but I hear stories of these things… It has become this kind of Atlantis family. And if we have to go this function together, we’ll try to gather beforehand – usually drink too much – and then attend whatever function it is we’re supposed to go to. There’s this kind of strength in numbers and it’s really nice; it’s a nice camaraderie.
                              Funniest person in the bar, huh? Drinking too much? Maybe that's why we all like to [strike]drink[strike] party so much.


                                Originally posted by Ronnikins View Post
                                Oh no! Measles? Do people still get measles these days? Sorry I can't help.
                                Apparently I do! *squirms and tries not to scratch the damn rash (which looks a lot like this)*

