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The John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Galleria Haven Thread (Picture & Artwork heavy)

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    Thanks..DM..believe it or's actually therapeutic for relaxes me..and I just have fun focusing on just one thing....making Teyla and John look even better together!..

    I do it for fun, too...LOL

    You know I was browsing and chatting with Trippy last night and I went over to the Convergence site...and there are some GORGEOUS wallpapers there..from AG...Bella...and many should all go and check them out!


      I will. Thanks for the head's up! I haven't done any art myself in a while. I suspect after the season starts I'll be inspired to do more JT art.



        Oh, yeah..there's like 84 wallpapers...all J/T..very nice...I"ve seen most of Bellas..but there's a lot of AG's that I had not seen and some others....

        and you've been very I understand...but I think I saw some of your icons in there as well...

        I just think it's awesome! all of it!

        we definetly have some talented J/T artists out there!

        here's the link to the wallpapers..but check out all of the graphics and entire website...I heard that soon there will be a new it should look even better in the future...although I think it's already great!


          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
          I'm back! *does a little dance*

          bella...I love your siggy where they are walking in the field...snatching!

          And Camy...I love the 'She knows' WP....everyone knows what's going on between these two...

          And Bob would like to take the credit for getting these two together...
          *Flies through the air obsevering the wonderful artwork and tackles AG*

          Now why aren't you and your cybertwin (Witchy) up to crazy ideas like before!!! I miss them!

          Yeah... Convergence... you need a WP... they've got it... Vids they've got it... fanfic... (I didn't know some of those writers wrote fanfic!!!!)
          Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


            *pops in*

            pressy... clicky for lg img



              OH, were you able to put all of those together and still make it look like one is beyond me...I have such a hard time layering...jeepers!

              So, I"m in love with the storm...I really like this scene where John is screaming off the top of his lungs at thing I noticed while capping and looking at some of the scenes is that when Teyla told John that they couldn't get there because of the storm..he didn't get upset at all at the fact that he would have to do this on his own...Love that! do you think his protective side was taking over him again..knowing that at least TEYLA..and the others of least were safe...? Hmmm..maybe I just have my shippy glasses on again...anywho....I took the cap of Teyla's expression when she heard John's voice and what was going on...and I just couldn't help but tie it in with this pic...enjoy!


              here are Camy's own caps for this artwork...

              Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 12 July 2006, 03:34 PM.


                [quote=Camy]OH, were you able to put all of those together and still make it look like one is beyond me...I have such a hard time layering...jeepers!

                I guess I just knew what I wanted... i played around with the backrounds til i found something i liked... i start with a basic black backround and then i start with what i want and i dont use Photo Shop or Paint Shop Pro (although i do had Paint Shop Pro) on my compy, i use Microsoft Picture It! Photo Premium 9, i guess i just know when my backround is complete (and use the full blend at 100 %... did play around with other settings, but at 100% blend works the best for me) then i move on to the other pics, and finally the txt ect


                  Yeah..I like to blend but most of the time when I'm layering, I like there to be a transparant look to it...but I want the colors in the background to match...

                  but I just love how we all have our different styles....

                  I want to do one of those collages type of wallpapers..but I"m scared of messing it up! YIKES! again...the layering.....I'm going to have to force myself and get out of the box! AH!


                    Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                    *Flies through the air obsevering the wonderful artwork and tackles AG*

                    Now why aren't you and your cybertwin (Witchy) up to crazy ideas like before!!! I miss them!
                    Now this is why I love this place so much! *Runs over to Ritter and gives him a bearhug!*

                    Watch out for up and coming craziness now that season three is finally here!

                    And love the new WP CKO! One of my favorite pics in the middle!

                    And Camy...very nice effects on your backgrounds! Very Cool!!!


                      The website has updated the gallery to include Season 3 Images



                        OH, I LOVE That PIc...

                        Okay...Wallpaper time everyone!
                        Challenge...Make a John and Teyla Wallpaper announcing Season 3...


                        thanks Warrior..I posted it everywhere else but here...*shrugs*

                        Thanks AG..I can't wait to see more new stuff...!


                          My inspiration has returned!


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          I found this pic and I just, again..couldn't resist! so, challenge...make a wallpaper in which someone else in or out of Atlantis has discovered John and Teyla's secret love for one another! Should be interesting what you guys come up with....
                          I will definitely have to try this one! The funny possibilities are endless.
                          Sig by Cazzblade


                            Yay for inspiration Spec!

                            And I must say very nice looking sig and icon! John in the background has almost a ghost like effect to him and leaves you to focus in on Teyla...great moment in Allies...GREAT JOB! Snatching...anybody know if random image works?


                              OH, SPEC!

                              Inspiration WOWSA!

                              Love it..I can almost feel John running to her! AMAZING!

                              Love it!

                              I"m so glad you wanna try that challenge..I'm telling you, there are numerous out there...

                              Okay, so my sis sent me this pic with a beautiful saying...but I never read the poem...I just focused on this...and it SCREAMED AH! John and, Challenge...make a John/Teyla Wallpaper..Under the Stars..or Under the Moon...or something similar to this...CAN'T wait!


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                OH, SPEC!

                                Inspiration WOWSA!

                                Love it..I can almost feel John running to her! AMAZING!

                                Love it!

                                I"m so glad you wanna try that challenge..I'm telling you, there are numerous out there...

                                Okay, so my sis sent me this pic with a beautiful saying...but I never read the poem...I just focused on this...and it SCREAMED AH! John and, Challenge...make a John/Teyla Wallpaper..Under the Stars..or Under the Moon...or something similar to this...CAN'T wait!

                                hehehe...funny you should challenge i just stole it from the discussion

                                that's neat Spec, AG is right...the out of focus effect and the black and white coloring gives it a nice look...

                                oh Camy can you see this icon now?...i know you asked for a banner, but i've got to upload it to photobucket, but i lightened and was wondering if you could see it now.

                                R.I.P Wraithlord

                                Awesome sig by SciFan

