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Rachel Luttrell/Teyla Emmagan WOW Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy
    I am kind of the opposite..but hey, we do have this in common! and the roadtrip..babie...I am there...I will pick you up and Oh, and SP...remember what I asked you about in my last PM...? You know about your description..well I ask Witchy the same thing and guess what.. She DOES have three eyes, two heads and a MOLE! HA! What she didn't know is that I do too!.....This is going to be sooooo coooool!

    You so made my day with that...

    Ok i logged in my votes. And had to put Teyla first...

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Originally posted by helio9
      I did, but I was forced to put Carter first. But Teyla is second.
      I feel your pain.

      Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
      I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
      Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


        Another photo from United Fan Con.

        My kind of guy:
        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


          Originally posted by watcher652
          Another photo from United Fan Con.

          OMG... ...What a great smile. I know i always say that. But she looks so happy. Wonder what question was asked to get that smile. Thanks for sharing Watcher. Could I save the pic?...maybe use it in a sig?...I'll give credit.

          R.I.P Wraithlord

          Awesome sig by SciFan


            Ack We are on the second I'm posting the only pic I have of Teyla that can be found on the particular computer I'm using...


              Originally posted by Camy
              Is Rachel going to be there? Oh, she will probably think that I am stalking her...You know that in the Con, I kept overhearing the people around me...couldn't help it they were talking loud and right next to me...and some of these people have been doing this for like forever..and the actors already know them...when I gave Rachel the scrapbook she was so surprised and she just kept saying thank you..and yes, she is very sweet, very bubbly and very polite and respectful..I'm telling you she laughed the entire time she was speaking at the Con...and it look genuine, not fake or anything like that...
              I think it must be really nice for the actors when they see a few of their fans at several conventions (as long as they aren't stalker-ish). It must be wonderful to know that their work is so appreciated and loved that their audience takes every opportunity to visit with them. Oh, I wish I could have seen you give her the scrapbook! I bet she loved it! And everyone who has met her seems to say that she is just the nicest, sweetest person. Hope that I get the chance to say hi eventually!

     are a Trekkie? I'm going to have to get used to that cause I am sooo not a Trekkie! I am kind of the opposite..but hey, we do have this in common! and the roadtrip..babie...I am there...I will pick you up and Oh, and SP...remember what I asked you about in my last PM...? You know about your description..well I ask Witchy the same thing and guess what.. She DOES have three eyes, two heads and a MOLE! HA! What she didn't know is that I do too!.....This is going to be sooooo coooool!
              Oh yeah, Trekkie born and bred :;points to name::! And I KNEW that Witchy was hiding something! She's a sneaky girl! But wait, you're like that too?! Am I going to be the only normal one there?! Oh, never mind...I'm completely obsessed with Atlantis so that counts me out of normality! That, it makes me smile and it hasn't even happened yet!

              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                Originally posted by Whistler84
                I feel your pain.
                LOL! It's soooo hard to choose! I love them all so much!

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                  I think it must be really nice for the actors when they see a few of their fans at several conventions (as long as they aren't stalker-ish). It must be wonderful to know that their work is so appreciated and loved that their audience takes every opportunity to visit with them. Oh, I wish I could have seen you give her the scrapbook! I bet she loved it! And everyone who has met her seems to say that she is just the nicest, sweetest person. Hope that I get the chance to say hi eventually!

                  Oh yeah, Trekkie born and bred :;points to name::! And I KNEW that Witchy was hiding something! She's a sneaky girl! But wait, you're like that too?! Am I going to be the only normal one there?! Oh, never mind...I'm completely obsessed with Atlantis so that counts me out of normality! That, it makes me smile and it hasn't even happened yet!
         know I love ya! But Trekkies aren't normal either!


                    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                    OMG... ...What a great smile. I know i always say that. But she looks so happy. Wonder what question was asked to get that smile. Thanks for sharing Watcher. Could I save the pic?...maybe use it in a sig?...I'll give credit.
                    I could go back and listen to my tape recorder..but she was like that the entire hour and somewhat minutes that she spoke there...


                      When ya have nothing to a picture instead!


                        Originally posted by Camy
               know I love ya! But Trekkies aren't normal either!
                        Oh, believe me, I know and understand that completely!

                        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                          Hahahahh...Tag ya! Um...remember I am a little slow....


                            Originally posted by Camy
                   know I love ya! But Trekkies aren't normal either!
                            Speaking of Star Trek conventions, I went to my first one when I was like 10 in Oklahoma City, and people were dressed up like characters from the show. It was TOS, so there were Klingons (bad ones if I may say so myself), Vulcans, etc. Later, when I went to see the movie where the Borg were features (I forget the title, I'm cutting back of caffeine ) there were people dressed up like them- that was cool.

                            Oh, and I worked for an accountant once who- no joke- wore the StarFleet insignia pin on her blouse or lapel at all times and gave a speech in Klingon in a college class using that Klingon dictionary thing. *sighs* Madness.

                            Why don't they have any SG cons down where I am? *pouts* Why do they seem coastal things? *wishes she still lived in Maryland*

                            Oh, and for legal purposes:

                            Sig by Camy


                              Pretty picture! Yay! Trek conventions are fun times -- I usually dress up as Captain Janeway since I don't look anything like Picard. Snuggles to Jean-Luc!! But Camy and I are already planning on hitting the Gate convention at NYC next November, so if you're willing to make the long haul to the Northeast, we'd be willing to have you. We'll definitely have to take pics for you, regardless! Oh, and that movie is "First Contact". I pretty much know the whole thing by heart ::blushes::.

                              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                                Don't blush- that was a fab movie IMHO! No long treks for me, thanks though. It just seems that we have all this convention space here in Texas and we don't even get a StarGate con
                                Sig by Camy

