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Rachel Luttrell/Teyla Emmagan WOW Thread

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    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
    GL, you're too much......

    I think Wreyla needs her own siggy....including a warning......

    Ok i'm off for awhile...
    Now THAT would rule. I'd use it.


      Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
      Top ten lists of people Teyla wants to train in stick fighting.

      1. Shep
      2. Ronon (He doesn't need much though)
      3. Weir (She needs it)
      4. Lorne
      5. Bates (Just so she could beat him up legally)
      6. Laura Cadman (Come on, why not?)
      7. Beckett (Same here, Beckett wants Laura in that kind of outfit)
      8. McKay (He would be hilarious)
      9. The Athosian dude in above picture, along with the rest of her people
      10. Insert yourself here.
      OMG I love these. Rodney V Teyla that would be the funniest thing ever but he does need the training.

      I love the idea of her training liz. And bates you know that would be great. Where is her btw Anyone know? Not that I've missed him or anything.

      Seriously though watching Teyla/Rachel fight is amazing. She is so graceful and amazing. It really makes me want to get back into martial arts.


      I keep meaning to pick up the yearbook. I gotta do it this weekend.


        Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis

        Love that pic. It just screams "Don't screw with Me"



          Camy just want to say I love ya hon and you are amazing for having all these celebrations. Rachel is one heck of woman and so are you.

          Sorry i'm not on more than I am but I promise to try and drop by whenever i can.



            Originally posted by nicole9514
            Camy just want to say I love ya hon and you are amazing for having all these celebrations. Rachel is one heck of woman and so are you.

            Sorry i'm not on more than I am but I promise to try and drop by whenever i can.

            You are the sweetest..thanks hon...Okay, I'm off to do my surprise for you guys..


              Camy has a surprise!!! What is it?!?!?!?!?!?!
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      's pic time...but your going to have to give me some time to put this together...Teyla WOW pics coming up shortly!


                  Teyla's Top Ten "I'm Going to Kick their Butt's" List....

                  This marine in the episode Suspicion...for panicking and letting John get shot...

                  Look at's pathetic! No one should let John drop like THAT!

                  9. This Elder or whatever his name Sanctuary..can you guess why he is on her I'm going to kick your Butt List...

                  YUP, you guessed it! For bringing up CHAYA!

                  See that! He ticked her OFF!

                  8. This guy from Childhood's End...for not standing up for himself and letting himself get injured...risking all of them in the process...

                  Remember this..

                  7. John...for making her sit through that creepy meeting with that old lady!

                  6. This girl from Hot Zone for Panicking and exposing her to the virus.

                  5. Beckett..For whining and complaining when asked to help out the Athosians pack up their stuff due to the storm that was coming...

                  Teyla: You are going to do this and that is final!

                  BECKETT: Ah, I have to listen to an alien too...

                  4. Teyla's Wraith Evil Twin...

                  For waking her up in the middle of the night and scaring the crap out of her!

                  3. Zelenka...for making funny faces when she's not looking

                  2. Kate..for not minding her own business..

                  And putting that DAMN flash light on her face...

                  Isn't it annoying!

                  1. Rodney...For lying to her and treating her like she was an IDIOT!

                  Hope you like it!


                    Very cute Camy. The pics really add alot to it.
                    Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                      Too cute, love the pics Camy. That light has got to be beyone annoying.

                      "Got a headache"

                      (light) "Now I do."

                      Love the pic of her and Zelenka.



                        BTW Cpt Ritter I posted your newest vid to my site. Sorry it took so long.



                          Ack awesome!

                          I love the marine and the elder one...hehehe...she would want to vent some frustration out!


                            Nice pics. She's a very expressive woman.
                            ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                              I'm surprised she keeps calm as often as she does, given the scenarios!
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Thanks Nicole.
                                Join the Ori War Today.Join Now

