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Ronon Dex/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation (Shex)

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    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    Aww those are so cute!! They really do only have eyes for each other!!

    RL is stopping me from reading much atm, but by golly am I gonna have a marathon reading session when I get chance! Thanks Stars! *squishiehuggles*

    Now here's a pic that's very close to my heart! Squeeeeeeee!!

    You're welcome. Something to escape to when the family is driving you up the walls over the holidays, I guess.

    As for that pic... more below.

    Originally posted by Cougarbelle View Post
    In Broken Ties when he's crying, he says you are not the man I once loved or something very similar to that. I'm going to go back and listen after I get through with some work.

    That whole "Sunday" episode up until, uh well you know what happens (d*#n exploding tumor), was a good day for a SHEX love connection.

    Queen, picture good. arms good. guns good. vest good. Thanks. Shep excites Ronon so much even his hair starts popping up.
    , hair popping up!

    BTW, there's a story to this picture. At the Cevron con in Bedford last February, Queen and I both bought this one for our autograph signings. I went to Joe Flanigan first, he signed his name over Shep, and I said something asinine like, "good thinking, you knew just where to sign", and he said "well, there was somebody here just now who had me sign over Ronon - go figure", and when I told Queen about this she said, "Yup, that was me." I should have known.

    Aaaaw, fond memories. Here's my photo op with the whole group. For the sake of this thread we can pretend our boys are holding hands out of sight....

    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


      well they are standing close to each other.


        Originally posted by Cougarbelle View Post
        Shep excites Ronon so much even his hair starts popping up.

        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
        BTW, there's a story to this picture. At the Cevron con in Bedford last February, Queen and I both bought this one for our autograph signings. I went to Joe Flanigan first, he signed his name over Shep, and I said something asinine like, "good thinking, you knew just where to sign", and he said "well, there was somebody here just now who had me sign over Ronon - go figure", and when I told Queen about this she said, "Yup, that was me." I should have known.
        That saved me some extra typing, thanks Stars!

        I tell you, it really confused the hell out of them both asking to sign on each other, but I have to say that Joe's face was the funniest. Bless him, he was jetlagged (and hungover lol) and we'd been having a chat about him drinking both Red Bull AND coffee and I said he was going to make himself ill! I asked him to sign on Jason and you'd think I'd sprouted 3 heads - I explained I would get Jason to sign over Joe... he said 'are you serious?' and I just grinned and said yes!

        Aaaaw, fond memories. Here's my photo op with the whole group. For the sake of this thread we can pretend our boys are holding hands out of sight....
        Aww fond memories indeed. I have lovely stories about every single person in that photo! *grabs Alexis and squishiehuggles him* *cough* sorry, he just has that effect on me now!

        Originally posted by CKO View Post
        well they are standing close to each other.



          Wicked pix gang!! Great story Stars and ya looked smashing with the boys all around ya. I've never wanted to be in the middle of a manwhich
          so badly. And I love the thought of Shep making Ronon's hair pop up.
          *cheeky grin* More hot Shex please!! Woohoo!! hehe }:O


            mmm loved the latest part of the fic.


              Mmmmm!! SHEX in the bathroom, and they're still dirty, dirty boys.


                very dirty...


                  OMG!! I had that exact same conversation in a fantasy once, but I was in Shep's place. Anybody else?

                  Oh yeah!! I feel one of my favorite kinks coming. I'm all atwitter with anticipation.


                    Mmmmm bring on the smutty... cant wait... erm.. well the whole thing has been smutty so yep tis been lovely


                      Originally posted by Cougarbelle View Post
                      OMG!! I had that exact same conversation in a fantasy once, but I was in Shep's place. Anybody else?

                      Oh yeah!! I feel one of my favorite kinks coming. I'm all atwitter with anticipation.
                      Gah, I haven't read any yet... coming on here is fatal as I get talking to people and then miss out on reading time... but I wanna talk too!!

                      I'm intruiged now!



                        Oohhhh you gotta catch up queen.... its lovely


                          I'm unfocusing my eyes when I'm copying & pasting into a Word document but I'm catching the odd word here and there ... I can't believe I'm being so restrained! But then I do have a lot of catching up to do on another LJ community I joined recently... not Shexy though!

                          This is... just look how pleased they look with themselves. Sparring accident... yeah, right!




                            yup.. sparrin accident... uhm.. yea right... they got too rough w/ each other more like... erm... im gonna conk out for a bit... im yawning like crazy and i didnt sleep too well last night


                              Night hon, hope you get some better sleep tonight! *hugs*



                                back again, and yea i hope i do as well

