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Ronon Dex/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation (Shex)

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    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    Really? Wow, might have to give that one a go then!
    at the end of chapter 6 though... more Rodney/Shep "friendship" ... well, it´s a slave fic where poor John has no memory of his past!
    hey.. what can I say.. Í´m a sucker for those!! Awesome Shep whump
    but he´s "home" now...

    that second one has more Rodney at first though..
    you should go to FFnet and search for Kristen999 stories, she´s written a bunch of John/Ronon ones!

    I just read this one which isn't really Shexy as such (it'd be wrong as it's a young John), but there are some lovely moments in it - I just pretend I didn't read the Lorne/Parrish bits!!
    he, will have a read then
    I love those too

    edit: just read it! Sweet
    Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 08 February 2009, 08:11 AM.

    Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
    picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
      Oh thank you
      I think so, yeah... we´re a selected little group here, but lovely one

      Glad you had a great party

      Great two parter!!!
      Very good description, and thanks * 2!!

      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
      Hehe, that we are!

      BTW, anyone know of any good Shexy and whumpy fics?
      Not off the top of my hat... That's a tricky one. I read one once (it was Shex friendship only, though) where Sheppard went blind and deaf, and Ronon rescued him and looked after him, knowing it was only temporary. I wish I had copied down the url somewhere, it was so sweet.

      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
      Hmmm, my question gave me an idea!!

      Did I hear that right? Queen want Shex whump?

      Yeah...this could be a toughie

      You think you're up to it?

      Pft, 4 times last night and you think a cut on the leg's gonna stop me?

      Well OK then... let's give her everything we've got!

      OK.... let's do it!

      I say we leave the whump til last though.... come on stud!
      Now you deserve not just one star but a whole cloud of for this one!

      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
        at the end of chapter 6 though... more Rodney/Shep "friendship" ... well, it´s a slave fic where poor John has no memory of his past!
        hey.. what can I say.. Í´m a sucker for those!! Awesome Shep whump
        but he´s "home" now...
        When you say "friendship" do you mean actual friendship, or are you trying to trick me into reading McShep??

        that second one has more Rodney at first though..
        you should go to FFnet and search for Kristen999 stories, she´s written a bunch of John/Ronon ones!
        Thanks, I'll have a look!

        he, will have a read then
        I love those too
        I got it from mel after a conversation about Shep-sitting.... very bizarre, but that's LorneLovers for you!!!

        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
        Not off the top of my hat... That's a tricky one. I read one once (it was Shex friendship only, though) where Sheppard went blind and deaf, and Ronon rescued him and looked after him, knowing it was only temporary. I wish I had copied down the url somewhere, it was so sweet.
        Aww that sounds lovely, I would imagine that'd be written by someone who "gets" Ronon, to show that side of him. If you find it can you let me know? I'd like to read that!
        Now you deserve not just one star but a whole cloud of for this one!
        LOL, thanks

        I'm flicking through my Photobucket and waiting for something to shout at me. What ep were we on btw? I think we did The Lost Boys but without going back through the pages I'm not sure!



          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          When you say "friendship" do you mean actual friendship, or are you trying to trick me into reading McShep??

          it´s an AU in which they never met before.. but Shep is a slave in Genii territory and given as a "gift" to Rodney for his services for the Genii

          more details....
          (he (Rodney) is actually just using them to find something important) and well, John doesn´t know who he truly is, but was kept in slavery for 3 years (of torture, at Kolya´s hand etc.). and comes with some very interesting device (collar) attached to him, which powers spark some interest!
          Rodney is .. well, not so much a "friend" yet, as more somebody who doesn´t know what to do with a servent but he ends up feeling sorry for the guy.. you should really read it, it´s awesome. Rodney snark as usual but he´s an alchemist here.. it´s a bit of a mystery/sorcery tale.

          though Ronon doesn´t show until after chapter 5

          And a great one at that

          I don´t read McShep slash!!

          and loved your picfic btw

          Thanks, I'll have a look!
          you won´t regret it.

          I got it from mel after a conversation about Shep-sitting.... very bizarre, but that's LorneLovers for you!!!
          I read another one of that, but it has a bunch of friendship with Teyla (I know you don´t like her ) .. it has lovely moments with Ronon and Lorne too! another kid fic

          Aww that sounds lovely, I would imagine that'd be written by someone who "gets" Ronon, to show that side of him. If you find it can you let me know? I'd like to read that!
          yeah, I second that, stars. I usually don´t like blind fic, but when it´s Shex

          LOL, thanks

          I'm flicking through my Photobucket and waiting for something to shout at me. What ep were we on btw? I think we did The Lost Boys but without going back through the pages I'm not sure!
          yeah. lost boys was last!
          Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 08 February 2009, 08:39 AM.

          Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
          picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

            it´s an AU in which they never met before.. but Shep is a slave in Genii territory and given as a "gift" to Rodney for his services for the Genii

            more details....
            (he (Rodney) is actually just using them to find something important) and well, John doesn´t know who he truly is, but was kept in slavery for 3 years (of torture, at Kolya´s hand etc.). and comes with some very interesting device (collar) attached to him, which powers spark some interest!
            Rodney is .. well, not so much a "friend" yet, as more somebody who doesn´t know what to do with a servent but he ends up feeling sorry for the guy.. you should really read it, it´s awesome. Rodney snark as usual but he´s an alchemist here.. it´s a bit of a mystery/sorcery tale.

            though Ronon doesn´t show until after chapter 5

            And a great one at that

            I don´t read McShep slash!!
            That's ok then!!

            I knew you wouldn't do it on purpose, but someone sent me a link to a Shex one and it turned out to be 2/3 McShep before it got to Shex.... I was nearly sick!!!

            and loved your picfic btw

            I read another one of that, but it has a bunch of friendship with Teyla (I know you don´t like her ) .. it has lovely moments with Ronon and Lorne too! another kid fic

            It's not that I don't like Teyla, I just don't like her involved with any of my boys!!! That's not really fair, I like her friendship with both of them, but I prefer it to be a background plot as opposed to the main bulk of the story. I'll give most things a try tough!

            ^^ Will check that one out later too!

            yeah, I second that, stars. I usually don´t like blind fic, but when it´s Shex
            This is a regular thing?? Oh dear, I'm newer to fic than I thought still!!

            yeah. lost boys was last!
            Okey doke... I shall check out my caps of The Hive and see what we come up with! In the middle of something atm, but will definitely get something up in a bit!



              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
              That's ok then!!

              I knew you wouldn't do it on purpose, but someone sent me a link to a Shex one and it turned out to be 2/3 McShep before it got to Shex.... I was nearly sick!!!

              I can imagine!

              It's not that I don't like Teyla, I just don't like her involved with any of my boys!!! That's not really fair, I like her friendship with both of them, but I prefer it to be a background plot as opposed to the main bulk of the story. I'll give most things a try tough!
              In that case, you´ll probably like it

              ^^ Will check that one out later too!

              This is a regular thing?? Oh dear, I'm newer to fic than I thought still!!
              Well, it´s a personal squick of mine
              Plus.. it usually involved a lot of puking, which I don´t care much for either.
              For some reason, poor John is made to puke a lot in fanfics though... could be cause I only read whump *shrugs*

              Well, almost only

              Okey doke... I shall check out my caps of The Hive and see what we come up with! In the middle of something atm, but will definitely get something up in a bit!

              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                If I remember correctly I promised you another picfic. Here it is. Hope you enjoy it. I'm off to bed now. Still living down last night's Prosecco... It'll have to go in two parts again, too many images for one post...


                : Well, that was certainly a novel experience. Conducting trade negotiations in the nude as a token of our... openness, and to ascertain we have nothing to hide.
                : Yes, it sure was - different.
                : So will you and Ronon join Rodney and me for movie night later?

                : Uh - actually, I still owe Ronon a re-match for the sparring we had this morning. I really kicked his butt this time.
                : I see... Alright, until tomorrow morning then. Good night.

                : Do you think she bought it?
                : She may have - if you hadn't told her you kicked my butt this morning.
                : Hey, I'm not really in a state where my brain is working at full capacity!
                : I know what you mean. I almost jumped you in the middle of the negotiations.

                : Tell me about it. I thought I was gonna come in my pants just watching you undress. Anyway, how about a nice hot shower - and I mean hot in every sense of the word. And then I'm gonna show you this new toy I found at the market in Belkaan. It's gonna take you places you never dreamed of.
                : Sounds good to me.

                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                  Aaaaaand Part 2...

                  : I can't believe we're still standing here. My quarters. Now.
                  : I'm right behind you. *grins*
                  : Actually, I'm in the mood tonight to be the one who's...

                  (voice over con): You do realize, John, that you are on an open channel?
                  : What the...
                  : Great. You just can't resist talking about it, can you?

                  Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                    I can imagine!

                    In that case, you´ll probably like it
                    I've done far too much reading today and not enough writing, can't get motivated to do much atm lol. That was a nice one, made me laugh!

                    Well, it´s a personal squick of mine
                    Plus.. it usually involved a lot of puking, which I don´t care much for either.
                    For some reason, poor John is made to puke a lot in fanfics though... could be cause I only read whump *shrugs*

                    Well, almost only
                    Oh nice!!! I've hardly read any whump stuff even though I have loads of links (mostly off you I think!! ) - I really should start. And Shexy whump is even better!!

                    Now then, in the meantime...

                    But there could be cameras or something. And it's... welll buddy, it's a bit... ya know... kinky!

                    Where's your sense of adventure? It'll be fine, and we won't be hurting anyone... we're clear, let's go!

                    I gotta hand it to ya buddy.... you make one hell of a Wraith

                    Told you a bit of roleplay wouldn't hurt... and you're very pretty when you're on your knees like that... very pretty...




                      Someone's gonna have pleasant dreams!!



                        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

                        Someone's gonna have pleasant dreams!!
                        Thanks, I hope so! My dreams may turn into something more kinky, though, involving Ronon-dressed-up-as-a-Wraith and John on his knees... That was a nice new twist there, Queen!

                        Anyway, off to bed for real this time. Good night!

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          Thanks, I hope so! My dreams may turn into something more kinky, though, involving Ronon-dressed-up-as-a-Wraith and John on his knees... That was a nice new twist there, Queen!

                          Anyway, off to bed for real this time. Good night!
                          LOL, thanks as well. He does end up on his knees an awful lot.... guess Ronon just wanted some of the fun instead of the Wraith!!

                          Off to bed myself soon, just finishing up a couple of things then you should have an e-mail tomorrow!



                            hmmm just gimme good shex smut and im happy... dont read mcshep... will read *gasps* tey/shep/ronon though... *blushes* that way they can all be happy and leave mckay to whomever.


                              Hello, my little friends.. tomorrow is the great day for shexy smuttyness..
                              "You spent 7 years as MacGyver and you can't figure this one out? We got belt buckles and shoe laces and a piece of gum, build a nuclear reactor for crying out loud.."





