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Ronon Dex/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation (Shex)

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    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    Hmmm, methinks this is a more likely possibility!

    Aww bless him!!

    LOL, ok I'll give it a go....and try not to get too distracted by Ronon shooting Shep!!
    you´ll love it! Also JF´s comment about
    the blue scales being Sheppard´s allergy from using viagra .. don´t really remember it in detail but there WAS a joke about that!!! gotta listen to it again, it was a riot!

    Got a Condemned one... finally!!


    Oh no, they're doing it again aren't they?
    I am afraid so
    We're not doing anything Rodney
    *thinking* I know he's looking at me like that again. I'm going to see if I can catch him doing it[/IMG]

    Damn it, too slow, but I can throw that look back at him
    *thinking* That was close, he almost caught me looking... and now he's looking at me like that[/IMG]

    *thinking* If this doesn't give him an idea of what I want, nothing will[/IMG]

    Oh you have got to be kidding me
    It's not my fault, it just happened. I'll put it away
    Not for long you won't!

    Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
    picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
      you´ll love it! Also JF´s comment about
      the blue scales being Sheppard´s allergy from using viagra .. don´t really remember it in detail but there WAS a joke about that!!! gotta listen to it again, it was a riot!
      This I have to see!!

      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
      I think I used all my brainpower yesterday, one's all I can do today!

      So tomorrow is Trinity, I'll drop in and post some caps tomorrow afternoon when I'm off work! We will find some Shexy moments!!

      If anyone else has any, please feel free to post!

      Off to bed, nighty night!



        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
        This I have to see!!

        I think I used all my brainpower yesterday, one's all I can do today!

        So tomorrow is Trinity, I'll drop in and post some caps tomorrow afternoon when I'm off work! We will find some Shexy moments!!

        If anyone else has any, please feel free to post!

        Off to bed, nighty night!
        well, it´s bedtime for me now too, one day left and then finally weekend

        Nighty! *huggles*

        Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
        picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


          have a good nite queen


            okay, here's the not-naughty part of my little ficlet.

            Uh.,. why are you looking at me like that..? *moves the first part of ficlet from one hand to another, noticing how everyones eyes follow it* uh oh.. I'm.. *tosses the fic towards you girls and ducks* goodbye, cruel world!!!


            John awakened slowly into cozy warmth and feeling of closeness. He noticed that Ronon had wrapped his arm around him during the night. He sighed softly, then noticed that atleast part of Ronon was awake as well. John groaned a bit, guessing what would happen when the former Sateedan Runner would wake up..

            Atlantis, The new Lantea, late in the morning

            John watched patiently, leaning on the wall as Ronon was packing his stuff for their own 'guys only'-holiday. Former Sateedan Runner was taking his sweet time, ignoring the annoyed glares from his best friend. He packed one thing, then remembered another one, but spotted third that had to be taken there instead of the two others.

            John groaned inwardly.”Ronon, if you had done this yesterday as I told you to, we would be there already. Just grab the essential must-haves and lets get on the way.” Ronon glanced him, lifting an eyebrow, then grinned slightly. ”This will take a while even then, John. Why don't you go to the jumper and prepare it for departure or whatever you flyboys do before lift-off?” John tried to explain that he had done that right after breakfast, but that didn't change Ronon's pace. He was ready to grab some essentials for Ronon before towing him to the Puddlejumper from the collar, when his radio crackled. John groaned out loud before answering.

            ”This is Sheppard.” He was expecting Woolseys matter-of-factly voice but it was McKay instead. Rodney had some good news for a change.”John, we've finished mapping the safe route through that asteroid field, and five remote satellite arrays have been deployed as early warning system. They should provide you big enough window to make out of there if you get snakes in your paradise. We're uploading the files to the Puddlejumper.” John smiled. Rodney was most of the time a major pain in the ass but the Canadian super genius was worth of it occasionally.
            ”Good to hear. Radek told me that you guys had some difficulties with communications between the arrays and Puddlejumper. What was all that about?” McKay sighed at the other end before responding. ”Look, some of those asteroids have enough metal to block the carrier waves. It's no big deal, Radek was just worried that it might hinder the detection of approaching ships. I.. we.. solved that problem rather neatly if you ask from me. Now, if you're finished, I have a dinner waiting with Dr.Keller.”
            John grinned as the line fell silent. McKay might be a super genius, but he couldn't see any clue of the fact that his friends had plotted together to get him and Jennifer together. He had actually arranged a bet, that McKay would propose Dr.Keller sooner rather than later, and Ronon's faked interest towards Keller had sealed McKay's destiny. John was certain that he would be wealthy soon.

            Finally Ronon had his packing done, and they headed to the jumper bay. The trip through the gate wouldn't be long, but then there would be the asteroid field, which most certainly appealed to Johns flyboy side more than enough. He was chuckling and rubbing his hands together eagerly, ready to face the challenge that any other human pilot was yet to face. Ronon looked at him suspiciously, knowing that John was up to no good, not after watching both Star Wars trilogies during the weekend.
            ”Okay, what are you up to, John?” He finally asked .
            ”Me? What makes you think that I'm up to anything? It will be just a boring flight through perfectly safe path McKay calculated for us. Trust me.” John said, looking at the taller man with that innocent puppy-face, which was bluntly deflected by Ronon's 'I-Know-you-better-than-that' expression. John laughed and kept walking.

            Soon they had loaded their things that were needed for about a 5 days trip. John and Ronon strapped themselves to the seats, and while the Puddlejumper was powering up, John requested permission for liftoff.
            ”Gateroom, this is Millennium Falcon, requesting permission to depart from docking bay 94.”
            Flight control officers reply was amused. ”Millennium Falcon, this isGateroom. Are you sure that your bucket of bolts has green fly-status?”
            ”Yes Sir, all lights show green. It might not look like much but she'll hold together.”
            ”Permission granted, Millenium Falcon.”
            John grinned to Ronon who had been holding back his laughter during the conversation as the Puddlejumper lifted up and headed to the Gateroom.

            THX-1138, asteroid field

            The Puddlejumper emerged from the event horizon, instantly opening the pylons. John kept the speed down while he checked the location and status of the satellite arrays, before looking at the path McKay had calculated. ”He can't be serious.. At the speed he recommends the trip through the field will take 5 hours. Look how it zig-zags and even goes backwards for crying out loud..” Ronon looked at the route and nodded. ”I think I'll take a shortcut. Basides, it's been far too long since I did get to fly properly.” John said and plotted a new course that was as straight as constantly changing asteroid field just allowed. Ronon looked at the churning cloud of spinning, scarred rocks. As he watched, two large asteroids collided, demolishing each other and sending shrapnels to all directions. ”You sure you're up to this?” John looked just a bit less enthusiastic. ”I'm pretty sure I can handle it, Ronon.. Just relax, I'm a professional.”
            The Puddlejumper leaped towards the boiling chaos of asteroid belt, heading to the inviting blue-green planet behind it. John grinned, starting to weave around bigger rocks, occasionally almost scraping the marred rock. Ronon did his best to appear relaxed while John manouvered the Puddlejumper through constantly changing obstacle course. John looked at him, flashing his cocky flyboy grin. ”See? Told you I could handle it.. Look, it's clearing up there already, it'll be over soon.” Ronon muttered something about show-off, grinning back. ”I guess The Force is strong in you after all.”
            John shrugged, heading through the opening in the asteroid belt. He began scanning the surface, choosing a long beach near the equator before starting the landing procedures. ”1½ hours instead of five.. Damn I'm good.” Ronon didn't bother replying to that.

            THX-1138, unknown beach near equator

            ”Ahhh.. Now this is a proper holiday resort if I ever saw one! Miles of beach, good for surfing and sun worshipping, some vegetation for shade, and look, there's a small waterfall coming down from that cliff. Hell, if Pegasus ever gets tourists, I'll open a place here for sure.” Ronon nodded, putting down his backpack.
            ”I'll go clear a path to that waterfall. Shouldn't take too long.” John nodded, still looking around. This place was perfect for his plan. He looked at the tall Sateedan who had started chopping his way through the undergrowth. John bit his lip slightly and sighed. If his plan would succeed, he would finally have the tall Sateedan warrior entirely for himself.

            After finishing the camp, John moved the jumper deeper in the forest. Sun was high up in the sky, and forest would keep the jumper somewhat cool in this tropical climate. Ronon had already ditched most of his clothing, walking around in comfortable bermuda shorts. Johns thoughts kept wandering, and he noticed that he was looking Ronon more and more, almost staring. He could had sworn that Ronon was doing some interesting movements on purpose, showing off his tanned and muscular body that was partially a jungle of scars from his years as Runner. John shook his head, trying to concentrate on his task of firing up the grill. He had brought it with him, as well as some barbeque stuff and CD-stereo player and other enterntainment, even a projector and large white sheet for movies. He finally got the fire going and got the BBQ ready, when he saw Ronon dashing through the shallow water and diving into a wave. He resurfaced soon, shaking his head and spraying water from his dreadlocks. For a moment, John literally had wobbly knees. He kept looking at Ronon, spacing out completely until Ronon poked him.
            ”You gonna cook those or not? I'm hungry.”
            ”Oh, right..!” John stammered, spreading the meat on grill. ”So, how was the water and bottom?”
            Ronon stretched. ”It was nice and warm, and the bottom is mostly sand, no sharp corals or anything. You were right, this is surfers paradise.”
            John nodded. ”And local meat selection is superb.” Ronon turned to John, smirking and raising an eyebrow. Suddenly John found himself to be very interested of turning the meat and pouring some marinade on it. John cursed in his mind, and was slightly surprised when he heard Ronon's answer.
            ”I have to agree. I don't see anything to complain about.” John's heart felt like skipping a beat, but he managed to burn his finger instead. He cursed, while Ronon snickered and headed off to the waterfall to wash the saltwater off his skin and shorts, leaving John to nurse his burnt finger.

            After finishing the barbeque meal, John and Ronon spent some time just laying on the sand, listening to the whispering of the ocean. Soft ocean breeze joined the symphony, but the thing that startled them from their blissful slumber was a wave that reached far enough to soak their feet.
            ”What the-” John yelled, startled by the water. He looked around for a moment before he realized what was going on. ”Oh.. High tide. Hey Ronon, wake up! It's time to dig out the boards and catch some waves.”
            Tall Sateedan got up, cleaning some of the sand off from his own and Johns back. Then he slapped Johns buttocs, making him yelp. ”I'll race ya to the jumper. Loser brings the boards!” Ronon taunted, sprinting off, followed by flustered John. John lost by a large margin, and once John arrived to the Jumper, Ronon had already gotten the boards out.
            ”N-no fair.. Y-you're a pro at running.. Cheater..” John managed to mutter between desperate gasps for air. Ronon just smirked at him in his oh-so-charming way, passed the surf boards to him and headed back to the shore.

            please, be gentle.. my first slash-fic.. if the result pleases, the rest will be pm'd after I wake up and finish cleaning this disaster zone.. and if the feedback is good enough, I might start writing moar fics.
            "You spent 7 years as MacGyver and you can't figure this one out? We got belt buckles and shoe laces and a piece of gum, build a nuclear reactor for crying out loud.."



              very good... now hows bout more


                right... those of ya headed towards the sleepy land... have a good nite


                  only CKO has read it this far? *hand hovers above "Drama Queen Panic - for authors only"-button*
                  "You spent 7 years as MacGyver and you can't figure this one out? We got belt buckles and shoe laces and a piece of gum, build a nuclear reactor for crying out loud.."



                    Originally posted by Galactic Hitchhiker View Post
                    only CKO has read it this far? *hand hovers above "Drama Queen Panic - for authors only"-button*
                    I'm going to settle down with a coffee and read it now hun, don't worry. I only just finished work!



                      Originally posted by Galactic Hitchhiker View Post
                      okay, here's the not-naughty part of my little ficlet.

                      Uh.,. why are you looking at me like that..? *moves the first part of ficlet from one hand to another, noticing how everyones eyes follow it* uh oh.. I'm.. *tosses the fic towards you girls and ducks* goodbye, cruel world!!!


                      John awakened slowly into cozy warmth and feeling of closeness. He noticed that Ronon had wrapped his arm around him during the night.He sighed softly, then noticed that atleast part of Ronon was awake as well. John groaned a bit, guessing what would happen when the former Sateedan Runner would wake up..

                      Atlantis, The new Lantea, late in the morning

                      John watched patiently, leaning on the wall as Ronon was packing his stuff for their own 'guys only'-holiday. Former Sateedan Runner was taking his sweet time, ignoring the annoyed glares from his best friend. He packed one thing, then remembered another one, but spotted third that had to be taken there instead of the two others.

                      John groaned inwardly.”Ronon, if you had done this yesterday as I told you to, we would be there already. Just grab the essential must-haves and lets get on the way.” Ronon glanced him, lifting an eyebrow, then grinned slightly. ”This will take a while even then, John. Why don't you go to the jumper and prepare it for departure or whatever you flyboys do before lift-off?” John tried to explain that he had done that right after breakfast, but that didn't change Ronon's pace. He was ready to grab some essentials for Ronon before towing him to the Puddlejumper from the collar, when his radio crackled. John groaned out loud before answering.

                      ”This is Sheppard.” He was expecting Woolseys matter-of-factly voice but it was McKay instead. Rodney had some good news for a change.”John, we've finished mapping the safe route through that asteroid field, and five remote satellite arrays have been deployed as early warning system. They should provide you big enough window to make out of there if you get snakes in your paradise. We're uploading the files to the Puddlejumper.” John smiled. Rodney was most of the time a major pain in the ass but the Canadian super genius was worth of it occasionally.
                      ”Good to hear. Radek told me that you guys had some difficulties with communications between the arrays and Puddlejumper. What was all that about?” McKay sighed at the other end before responding. ”Look, some of those asteroids have enough metal to block the carrier waves. It's no big deal, Radek was just worried that it might hinder the detection of approaching ships. I.. we.. solved that problem rather neatly if you ask from me. Now, if you're finished, I have a dinner waiting with Dr.Keller.”
                      John grinned as the line fell silent. McKay might be a super genius, but he couldn't see any clue of the fact that his friends had plotted together to get him and Jennifer together. He had actually arranged a bet, that McKay would propose Dr.Keller sooner rather than later, and Ronon's faked interest towards Keller had sealed McKay's destiny. John was certain that he would be wealthy soon.

                      Finally Ronon had his packing done, and they headed to the jumper bay. The trip through the gate wouldn't be long, but then there would be the asteroid field, which most certainly appealed to Johns flyboy side more than enough. He was chuckling and rubbing his hands together eagerly, ready to face the challenge that any other human pilot was yet to face. Ronon looked at him suspiciously, knowing that John was up to no good, not after watching both Star Wars trilogies during the weekend.
                      ”Okay, what are you up to, John?” He finally asked .
                      ”Me? What makes you think that I'm up to anything? It will be just a boring flight through perfectly safe path McKay calculated for us. Trust me.” John said, looking at the taller man with that innocent puppy-face, which was bluntly deflected by Ronon's 'I-Know-you-better-than-that' expression. John laughed and kept walking.

                      Soon they had loaded their things that were needed for about a 5 days trip. John and Ronon strapped themselves to the seats, and while the Puddlejumper was powering up, John requested permission for liftoff.
                      ”Gateroom, this is Millennium Falcon, requesting permission to depart from docking bay 94.”
                      Flight control officers reply was amused. ”Millennium Falcon, this isGateroom. Are you sure that your bucket of bolts has green fly-status?”
                      ”Yes Sir, all lights show green. It might not look like much but she'll hold together.”
                      ”Permission granted, Millenium Falcon.”
                      John grinned to Ronon who had been holding back his laughter during the conversation as the Puddlejumper lifted up and headed to the Gateroom.

                      THX-1138, asteroid field

                      The Puddlejumper emerged from the event horizon, instantly opening the pylons. John kept the speed down while he checked the location and status of the satellite arrays, before looking at the path McKay had calculated. ”He can't be serious.. At the speed he recommends the trip through the field will take 5 hours. Look how it zig-zags and even goes backwards for crying out loud..” Ronon looked at the route and nodded. ”I think I'll take a shortcut. Basides, it's been far too long since I did get to fly properly.” John said and plotted a new course that was as straight as constantly changing asteroid field just allowed. Ronon looked at the churning cloud of spinning, scarred rocks. As he watched, two large asteroids collided, demolishing each other and sending shrapnels to all directions. ”You sure you're up to this?” John looked just a bit less enthusiastic. ”I'm pretty sure I can handle it, Ronon.. Just relax, I'm a professional.”
                      The Puddlejumper leaped towards the boiling chaos of asteroid belt, heading to the inviting blue-green planet behind it. John grinned, starting to weave around bigger rocks, occasionally almost scraping the marred rock. Ronon did his best to appear relaxed while John manouvered the Puddlejumper through constantly changing obstacle course. John looked at him, flashing his cocky flyboy grin. ”See? Told you I could handle it.. Look, it's clearing up there already, it'll be over soon.” Ronon muttered something about show-off, grinning back. ”I guess The Force is strong in you after all.”
                      John shrugged, heading through the opening in the asteroid belt. He began scanning the surface, choosing a long beach near the equator before starting the landing procedures. ”1½ hours instead of five.. Damn I'm good.” Ronon didn't bother replying to that.

                      THX-1138, unknown beach near equator

                      ”Ahhh.. Now this is a proper holiday resort if I ever saw one! Miles of beach, good for surfing and sun worshipping, some vegetation for shade, and look, there's a small waterfall coming down from that cliff. Hell, if Pegasus ever gets tourists, I'll open a place here for sure.” Ronon nodded, putting down his backpack.
                      ”I'll go clear a path to that waterfall. Shouldn't take too long.” John nodded, still looking around. This place was perfect for his plan. He looked at the tall Sateedan who had started chopping his way through the undergrowth. John bit his lip slightly and sighed. If his plan would succeed, he would finally have the tall Sateedan warrior entirely for himself.

                      After finishing the camp, John moved the jumper deeper in the forest. Sun was high up in the sky, and forest would keep the jumper somewhat cool in this tropical climate. Ronon had already ditched most of his clothing, walking around in comfortable bermuda shorts. Johns thoughts kept wandering, and he noticed that he was looking Ronon more and more, almost staring. He could had sworn that Ronon was doing some interesting movements on purpose, showing off his tanned and muscular body that was partially a jungle of scars from his years as Runner. John shook his head, trying to concentrate on his task of firing up the grill. He had brought it with him, as well as some barbeque stuff and CD-stereo player and other enterntainment, even a projector and large white sheet for movies. He finally got the fire going and got the BBQ ready, when he saw Ronon dashing through the shallow water and diving into a wave. He resurfaced soon, shaking his head and spraying water from his dreadlocks. For a moment, John literally had wobbly knees. He kept looking at Ronon, spacing out completely until Ronon poked him.
                      ”You gonna cook those or not? I'm hungry.”
                      ”Oh, right..!” John stammered, spreading the meat on grill. ”So, how was the water and bottom?”
                      Ronon stretched. ”It was nice and warm, and the bottom is mostly sand, no sharp corals or anything. You were right, this is surfers paradise.”
                      John nodded. ”And local meat selection is superb.” Ronon turned to John, smirking and raising an eyebrow. Suddenly John found himself to be very interested of turning the meat and pouring some marinade on it. John cursed in his mind, and was slightly surprised when he heard Ronon's answer.
                      ”I have to agree. I don't see anything to complain about.” John's heart felt like skipping a beat, but he managed to burn his finger instead. He cursed, while Ronon snickered and headed off to the waterfall to wash the saltwater off his skin and shorts, leaving John to nurse his burnt finger.

                      After finishing the barbeque meal, John and Ronon spent some time just laying on the sand, listening to the whispering of the ocean. Soft ocean breeze joined the symphony, but the thing that startled them from their blissful slumber was a wave that reached far enough to soak their feet.
                      ”What the-” John yelled, startled by the water. He looked around for a moment before he realized what was going on. ”Oh.. High tide. Hey Ronon, wake up! It's time to dig out the boards and catch some waves.”
                      Tall Sateedan got up, cleaning some of the sand off from his own and Johns back. Then he slapped Johns buttocs, making him yelp. ”I'll race ya to the jumper. Loser brings the boards!” Ronon taunted, sprinting off, followed by flustered John. John lost by a large margin, and once John arrived to the Jumper, Ronon had already gotten the boards out.
                      ”N-no fair.. Y-you're a pro at running.. Cheater..” John managed to mutter between desperate gasps for air. Ronon just smirked at him in his oh-so-charming way, passed the surf boards to him and headed back to the shore.

                      please, be gentle.. my first slash-fic.. if the result pleases, the rest will be pm'd after I wake up and finish cleaning this disaster zone.. and if the feedback is good enough, I might start writing moar fics.
                      Me likes!!

                      Very descriptive which is always good in my mind, gives you a nice mental picture of what's going on! I love the way you've included Star Wars references - Teal'c would be very proud of you!!

                      Bits really made me giggle and that's always a good sign!! The local meat comment and thought of Ronon calling John a flyboy - love it!!

                      Originally posted by CKO View Post
                      very good... now hows bout more
                      ^^ What she said!!



                        Good. let me know if there's anything to fix, mmkay? And I'll deliver as soon as I've had feedback from everyone..
                        "You spent 7 years as MacGyver and you can't figure this one out? We got belt buckles and shoe laces and a piece of gum, build a nuclear reactor for crying out loud.."



                          *nods* Look forward to the rest!

                          Today is Instinct day, and I got some caps especially as I had very few of that ep

                          Some captions came to mind immediately when I saw these, so I'll spoiler them in case someone else wants to have a bash at it too! I'm only putting ones with both of them here, use your own to fill the gaps if needs be!


                          It looks a bit dark in there...
                          OK Sheppard, in you's looks safe enough
                          Ronon, is that really necessary?
                          I'm only guiding him in McKay
                          Yes but do you have to guide him by his bum?





                            *groans* Ronon, you realise that's so obviously Freudian don't you?
                            I do not understand John, he is merely preparing his gun

                            Damn right I am!
                            Ah, guys... we'll be back in a little while
                            Let's go!



                              And the rest I have before I do any more captions... keeps 'em out of order that way!



                                Now I've got the Freud theme in my head!!

                                Uh, Buddy? I'd much rather have a different sword in my face!!


